10/02/2025 -> Version 10.6.3 Client Portal -> Termination -> Trunk -> Needs to be shifted slightly down IP/Host --> CLAS6-27591 Configuration -> Users -> Create New User -> UI showing "per_page:9999" parameter twice in payload --> CLAS6-27431 DID -> Customers -> Action column -> Deactivated ->UI Unable to Deactivated Customer, Deactivated button is not working --> CLAS6-27200 UI Client Portal-> Reports -> Termination ->Report -> UI showing Total row "NaN"and "Blank" --> CLAS6-27564 Client Portal -> Reports -> Termination ->Report -> Export -> Export Button is not working --> CLAS6-27566 Configuration ->Code Deck -> Delete All -> Need to change Delete Popup text --> CLAS6-27621 UI -> Routing ->Rate Table -> View Rates ->Search By Code -> Need to change search box text --> CLAS6-27620 UI ->Routing -> Rate Table -> Edit Rates -> Need to remove search box --> CLAS6-27618 UI -> Termination -> Vendor -> Edit -> Basic Info -> outbound -> Edit -> When we click on back button the page takes us to client list page instead of vendor list page --> CLAS6-27612 UI Client Portal ->Termination -> Trunk -> My Trunk ->Action Column -> Allignment issue --> CLAS6-27567 UI -> Routing ->Rate Table -> View Rates -> Action -> Delete -> Need to add "?" in delete pop-up --> CLAS6-27619 Routing -> Trunk ->Inbound ->Edit Trunk -> Trunk Info -> Allignment issue --> CLAS6-27623 UI -> Configuration ->Invoice Setting -> Action -> Delete -> when we delete only one invoice the popup should be Are you sure you want to delete Invoice Setting [sacesdrtyu]? --> CLAS6-27625 UI -> Statistics -> Profitability Analysis -> Origination and Termination -> Ingress Trunk column and Ingress Trunk name are not Allign --> CLAS6-27626 Statistics -> Summary Report -> Inbound -> UI showing Console Error --> CLAS6-27666 UI -> DID -> Vendor -> Edit Vendor -> Add DID -> Add by Range ->Vendor Billing Rule Name ->Add ->All mandatory fields are not filled, the Submit button is showing enable . --> CLAS6-27630 Template -> Ingress Trunk Template -> Create New -> Fail-over Rule -> "Delete" popup showing different to other pages --> CLAS6-27635 UI Issue -> Monitoring -> Media IP Blocking -> Delete All ->Need to change Delete Popup --> CLAS6-27656 UI -> Monitoring -> Media IP Blocking -> Import -> Need to change Next button --> CLAS6-27659 Client Portal -> Reports ->CDR -> CDR Search -> The "DNIS" and "Duration" tab should be slightly down. --> CLAS6-27741 DID -> DID Repository -> Show/Hide Columns -> The next and previous go to page option is shown even unselecting all the fields in the drop down --> CLAS6-27742 Agent -> Agent Management ->Customer Assignment -> Create New and Edit -> Need to remove search box in "Commission Method" --> CLAS6-27729 Statistics -> Origination -> DID CDRs List -> CDR Search -> Fields -> UI showing duplicate fields in "Show Fields" --> CLAS6-27661 UI ->Statistics -> Code Based Report -> The " Group by : Code " should be adjusted in Center --> CLAS6-27726 Tools ->CDR Archival ->CDR Search ->Fields name should be in alphabetical order A-Z --> CLAS6-27609 Routing -> Block List -> Import -> Complete Field Upload -> Need to show "Show Example" text and "Upload" button in center --> CLAS6-27662 UI -> Statistics -> Profitability Analysis -> Ingress Cost and Egress Cost -> Need to show the 6 -digit decimal egress_call_cost and ingress_call_cost --> CLAS6-27709 UI Issue -> Termination -> Vendor -> Create New -> Need to add text "Enter Main Email" and "Enter NOC Email" in "Main Email" and "NOC Email" --> CLAS6-27758 UI -> Statistics -> QoS Summary -> Origination and Termination -> Ingress Trunk column and Ingress Trunk name should be left adjusted. --> CLAS6-27759 UI -> DID -> Customers -> New Customer -> "Reset" button is not working. --> CLAS6-27760 Statistics -> Disconnect Causes ->Orig. Disc. Cause by Ingress Trunk and Term. Disc. Cause by Egress Trunk -> UI showing " Ingress IP" and "Egress IP" column blank --> CLAS6-27762 Client Portal ->Reports ->Termination ->Report -> The "Export" button should be slightly down. --> CLAS6-27657 Routing -> Block List -> Import -> Complete Field Upload -> The "Show Example " text should be slightly down. --> CLAS6-27751 Origination Wizard -> Customer Billing Rule Name -> Rate Table -> Add -> Enter Rates ->Delete ->When we delete rates , the create button is enable and create rates and showing create successfully popup --> CLAS6-27766 UI -> Statistics -> QoS Summary -> Origination and Termination -> "Ingress IP" and "Egress IP" is missing in Export file --> CLAS6-27779 Statistics -> Disconnect Causes -> and Orig. Disc. Cause by Ingress Trunk -> "Ingress Trunk", "Ingress Country", "Ingress Code Name" columns and name are not Allign --> CLAS6-27780 UI Agent Portal -> Menu -> Statistics -> CDR -> CDR Search -> Output: Email when done -> Need to remove blank space in CC: Email field --> CLAS6-27784 Client Portal -> Tickets -> Tickets -> Delete -> First letter should be capital in delete popup --> CLAS6-27783 UI -> Finance ->Invoice -> Manual Invoice -> Create New -> Need to add " +" in GMT 00:00 --> CLAS6-27828 UI -> Configuration -> Time Profile -> UI showing Unnecessary blank row --> CLAS6-27826 DID -> DID Product -> Pricing -> Edit -> Add New Rate Table -> Need to add text in "Rate Table Name" box --> CLAS6-27893 UI -> DID -> DID Product -> Pricing -> Edit ->Add New Rate Table -> Billing method dropdown missing --> CLAS6-27892 Client Portal -> Termination -> Rate Export Log -> Page row -> Need to set default Page row: 100 --> CLAS6-27891 UI -> Statistics -> Usage Report -> Termination ->Need to show shorting arrow aline --> CLAS6-27681 Termination ->Termination Wizard ->Vendor Trunk And Customer Trunk -> Add Rate Table -> Billing method dropdown missing --> CLAS6-27710 Staging Issue -> DID -> DID Repository -> Search DID -> Assign -> When we click on Assign button .The "Save" & "Delete" button is showing in Client Billing Rule Column --> CLAS6-27975 UI -> Routing -> Static Routing -> Delete All -> Need to change Delete Popup text --> CLAS6-27788 Configuration -> Stir Shaken -> ANI Group -> Upload -> The Box is showing overlap --> CLAS6-27797 UI Client Portal-> Reports -> Termination ->Report -> UI showing Total row "NaN"and "Blank" --> CLAS6-27564 10/02/2025 -> Version 10.6.2 UI -> Routing ->Rate Table -> Edit Rates -> When we click on edit button, Country name is disappears --> CLAS6-27518 UI -> Routing -> Trunk -> Ingress Trunk Edit -> Digit Manipulation -> Add button showing disable ,but Add button is working --> CLAS6-27548 DID -> Customer -> Edit -> Egress Trunk -> SIP Profile -> Need to change Delete popup text --> CLAS6-27549 Vendor Portal ->Dashbord -> Accounts -> Routing and Tech Prefix -> Action column -> download Rate Without Prefix button is missing --> CLAS6-27516 UI -> Routing ->Block List -> Upload just ANI/DNIS -> Paste -> When we select paste and enter ANI/DNIS number still the upload button is not enabled and remains disabled --> CLAS6-27798 UI ->Statistics -> Origination ->DID CDRs List -> CDR Export Log ->Action -> Send Email -> If the "CDR Delivery Email" is not filled the Submit Button Should be disable --> CLAS6-27803 UI ->Routing -> Trunk -> Inbound ->Edit Trunk -> Routing Plan -> Add -> " Rate Table Name: " box text is missing and submit button showing enable --> CLAS6-27866 UI -> Statistics -> QoS Summary -> Origination -> After sorting "Ingress Trunk" UI showing sorting arrow on "Ingress Ip" and "Egress Ip" --> CLAS6-27682 Termination -> Customer -> Create New ->"Main Email" and "NOC Email" box text is missing --> CLAS6-27685 Routing -> Trunk -> Outbound -> Edit Trunk ->Static Routing ->"Save" and "Cancel" icon needs to be shifted slightly Down --> CLAS6-27687 UI -> Finance -> Invoice -> Manual Invoice -> If there are no data the "Export" button should be grey out and not clickable. --> CLAS6-27690 Termination -> Termination Wizard -> Customer Trunk -> Rate Table > Add -> "Delete" popup showing different to other pages --> CLAS6-27721 Statistics -> Termination -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> Sorting the Code Name field, then change the "Group by" field and submit --> CLAS6-27723 UI -> Termination -> Vendor -> Create New ->The billing email does not get reset and the reset button gets disabled --> CLAS6-27740 UI ->Routing ->Dynamic Routing -> Mass Edit ->when add more than 2 vendors the "Mass Edit" page unable to scroll down and go to "Submit" and "Cancel" button --> CLAS6-27802 Agent Portal -> Statistics ->CDR ->CDR Export Log -> Send Email -> Send Email format is showing different --> CLAS6-27805 Routing -> Block List -> Upload just ANI/DNIS -> The Box is showing overlap --> CLAS6-27810 Agent Portal -> Menu -> Statistics ->CDR ->CDR Search -> UI showing Console Error --> CLAS6-27817 07/02/2025 -> Version 10.6.1 UI Issue -> Termination Customer -> Create New -> UI is not Calling API --> CLAS6-27415 DID Vendor -> Edit -> Add DID -> Submit button should disable --> CLAS6-27565 Client Portal -> Online Payment -> UI is showing unnecessary error --> CLAS6-27586 Invoice -> Auto & Manual Invoice -> Credit Note -> Edit -> Save button should hide when invoice is fully paid --> CLAS6-27585 Rate Table -> View Rates -> Import -> Need to remove blank row --> CLAS6-27613 UI Issue -> Termination Vendor -> Regenerate Selected Balance -> Balance is not reflecting for vendor --> CLAS6-27583 DID Vendor -> Create New & Edit -> Digit Replacement & Digit Manipulation -> Add button is working even after being disabled --> CLAS6-27628 Host Based Report -> Origination -> PDD is showing NaN --> CLAS6-27781 Termination -> Customer -> Create New -> Auto invoice page is missing --> CLAS6-27412 Configuration -> Invoice Setting -> Default Invoice Settings -> Submit button is disabled --> CLAS6-27748 landing page redirection via the top left button --> CLAS6-27890 Cascade CDR Search -> UI is not calling many "field" parameter --> CLAS6-27568 Termination -> Vendor -> Host -> UI no need to call "resource_active:" blank parameter --> CLAS6-27749 Summary Report -> Ingress IP & Egress IP -> Need to remove sorting arrow --> CLAS6-27761 Termination Vendor -> Vendor Limit & Host -> "Active" should be set by default in "Status" dropdown --> CLAS6-27753 Termination -> Customer -> Create New & Edit -> Main Email, NOC Email, Billing Email & Rates Email --> CLAS6-27763 Log -> Email Log -> Status -> Status box text needs changing --> CLAS6-27764 Stir Shaken -> ANI Group -> Upload -> Paste -> Unable to import specify DID with paste --> CLAS6-27765 DID Customer -> Create New & Edit -> Need to fix text name in "NOC Email & Billing Email" box --> CLAS6-27767 Disconnect Causes -> Origination & termination -> Ingress & Egress -> Sorting button is not working on UI --> CLAS6-27833 Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Connect Call, Ingress CPS & Ingress Channel graph is not showing data --> CLAS6-27834 Termination Client Portal -> My Trunk -> UI auto-populates the trunk list multiple times --> CLAS6-27338 SMS Issue -> Statistics -> Summary Report / All report pages -> UI calls the wrong API parameter for the "Ingress IP and Egress IP" --> CLAS6-27122 UI Issue -> DID Import task -> If the header is missing from the file, the UI creates wrong "Origin File" and Due to this we get Wrong Values under the Import Log --> CLAS6-25817 Termination Wizard -> Step 2 to Step 3 -> The UI needs to use the Optimized API for the Egress trunk --> CLAS6-27314 Termination Client Portal -> Accounts -> Routing and Tech Prefix -> UI is not showing the correct Prefix details of the trunk, However, the data is available in the API response --> CLAS6-27319 Termination Client Portal ->My Trunk -> We need to remove the "duplicate button" from the UI for "Rate Download", No need to show 2 buttons for 1 option. --> CLAS6-27339 Statistics -> Profitability Analysis -> Origination / Termination Tab -> The Egress IP and Ingres IP data are showing blank on UI, However, the data is available on the API response --> CLAS6-27360 Tools -> Need a New Submenu -> Stir Shaken Test -> For GET and Verify the Token Header. --> CLAS6-25204 Termination Client Portal -> Routing and Tech Prefix -> Unable to download Rates-> The UI needs to call the "rate table ID" to download the rates --> CLAS6-27320 Termination Client -> Auto Invoice -> UI is calling wrong parameters while enable the "Auto Invocie" and It causes the configuration not getting saved. --> CLAS6-27438 DID Client portal -> Toll Free / Local -> Needs to remove the "The Fee per Port" column from the UI, We already removed it --> CLAS6-26837 Term CDR -> Full Details -> The UI should show the Name of the Rate type instead of showing blank field, There is data available in the API response --> CLAS6-27054 04/02/2025 -> Version 10.6.0 UI Issue:- Termination > Product > Edit Product > Add new Rate table > Dropdown header wrong --> CLAS6-27916 UI Issue:- Termination > Product > Edit Product > Add new Rate table >Need to remove define by --> CLAS6-27917 UI Issue:- Agent Portal > Dashboard > Duration and cost graph > The Horizontal line for the graph is wrong --> CLAS6-27903 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Inbound > Trunk Info > Digit manipulation > Need to add time profile --> CLAS6-27949 UI Issue:- Termination > Wizard > Vendor Trunk > Rate Table > Create new --> CLAS6-27790 UI Issue:- Configuration > Stir Shaken > ANI Group > View > Upload > Path header showing wrong --> CLAS6-27246 UI issue:- Client Portal > Dashboard > Duration and cost graph > The Horizontal line for the graph is wrong. The 0 Should be marked below instead of in the Middle of the X-axis. --> CLAS6-27900 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Create new > Rate table > Create new > Enter Name Text is missing under box --> CLAS6-27904 UI Issue:- Termination > Product > Edit Product > Add new Rate table --> CLAS6-27671 UI Issue:- Termination > Product > Create New / Edit > Add new Rate table > UI not send biiling rule in request payload --> CLAS6-27670 UI Issue:- Staging issue:- Tools > Rate Generation > Rate Generation History > Rate generation Result > UI Showing only rate column > Inter rate and intra rate column is missing --> CLAS6-27757 UI Issue:- Mobile view > Statistics > Term CDR > --> CLAS6-27596 UI Issue:- Termination > Wizard > Customer Trunk > Routing Plan > Create new --> CLAS6-27791 UI Issue:- Termination > Product > Create new > Rate Table > Create new --> CLAS6-27792 UI Issue:- Routing >Trunk > Outbound > Trunk info > Rate Table > Create new --> CLAS6-27668 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Outbound > Trunk Info --> CLAS6-27667 UI Issue:- Configuration > Invoice setting > Add new --> CLAS6-27577 UI Issue:- Configuration > Invoice setting > Add new > path header showing wrong --> CLAS6-27578 UI Issue:- DID > Customer > Edit > Egress Trunk --> CLAS6-27597 UI issue:- Tools > Rate generation > Create New/Edit > Add Margin > Default margin by = Percentage > Mark up value unable to enter value after decimal --> CLAS6-27595 UI Issue:- Configuration > Time Profile > Create new > Save icon should be hide until mandatory field is fill --> CLAS6-27580 UI Issue:- Routing > Routing Plan > view > edit > create new Dynamic route --> CLAS6-27514 31/01/2025 -> Version 10.5.9 Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Add Routing and Teach Prefix -> Rate Table -> Click on (+) -> Unable to display rate table name on UI. --> CLAS6-27282 Termination -> Product -> Edit -> Rate Table -> Click on (+) -> Need to change Validation text --> CLAS6-27288 Termination -> Product -> Create New & Edit -> Page loading issue --> CLAS6-27291 Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Accounts -> Routing and Tech Prefix -> Download Rate Without Prefix -> UI is showing error --> CLAS6-27394 UI Issue -> Term Wizard -> Add Route -> Add Static Route Only -> UI is showing error popup --> CLAS6-27408 Customer -> Edit -> Basic Info -> Inbound -> Edit -> Back button is not working according to steps --> CLAS6-27515 DID Vendor -> Edit -> Add DID -> Add by Range -> Add button should not clickable --> CLAS6-27562 Routing -> Block List -> Import -> Upload just ANI/DNIS -> Paste -> Need to enable upload button --> CLAS6-27683 Usage Report -> Termination -> Sorting arrow is not alignment --> CLAS6-27744 Server Admin -> Action Column -> Switch info button popup name needs to be changed --> CLAS6-27745 UI -> Menu Bar -> Need to remove unnecessary button --> CLAS6-27804 DID Invoice -> Auto & Manual Invoice -> Send -> "Send & Cancel' button should be like other page --> CLAS6-27808 Rate Table -> Assign Rate Deck -> UI is calling same API multiple time --> CLAS6-27722 UI Issue -> DID Customer -> Edit -> Next button is disabled --> CLAS6-27864 Agent Portal -> Change Password -> Need to correction current password popup --> CLAS6-27847 Routing -> Trunk -> Egress Trunk -> Usage Count -> Static Routing -> Need to add back button --> CLAS6-27868 15/01/2025 -> Version 10.5.8 DID Repository -> Import -> when we import the DID for "Remove DIDs from any Customer" then console is showing error --> CLAS6-26328 DID Product -> Pricing -> Edit -> Rate Type "Variable" -> Rate Table (+) -> UI issue --> CLAS6-26233 Inbound/Outbound Report -> UI needs to be shows in PDD (mini seconds) --> CLAS6-26223 UI Issue -> DID Customer -> Edit -> UI keeps loading only --> CLAS6-26186 term>customer>create using template - data should be auto filled when template is selected --> CLAS6-25589 15/01/2025 -> Version 10.5.7 CLAS6:: Need to add "?" after the text named Forgot password & ":" colon needs to be removed from Login page --> CLAS6-26871 CLAS6:: Company logo height needs to be increased so that it looks circular in Login page --> CLAS6-26872 CLAS6:: Need to add password visibility icon in Password textfield of login page --> CLAS6-26874 CLAS6:: When login is done with empty username webpage is keep on loading in Login page --> CLAS6-26875 CLAS6:: Need to add "Back" button in Forgot password page that back button would lead to login page --> CLAS6-26877 CLAS6:: Need to disable the button named "Request reset link" unless the textbox is filled --> CLAS6-26878 CLAS6:: Some textbox of sign up page must not accept only spacebar in Sign Up page --> CLAS6-26888 CLAS6:: ZIP code & phone number text field must accept only number in Sign up page --> CLAS6-26894 CLAS6:: In error message "ip" named text needs to be in uppercase "IP" in Trunk IPs section of SIGN UP page --> CLAS6-26897 CLAS6:: Multiple blank Trunk IPs must not allowed to be opened unless previous one is filled --> CLAS6-26918 CLAS6:: Add button needs to be adjacent to delete button or bottom of IP address textbox in Sign Up page --> CLAS6-26919 CLAS6: Gap needs to be increased at upper portion of text named "IP Address" in Sign Up page --> CLAS6-26920 CLAS6:: Gap needs to be increased at upper portion of Dates-time texts in Dashboard page --> CLAS6-26927 CLAS6:: Text name hour needs to be in uppercase in Dashboard page --> CLAS6-26954 CLAS6:: Text named "QOS report" needs to be aligned in straight line like others in Dashboard page --> CLAS6-26957 CLAS6:: Dropdown text needs to be aligned to base of icon in Admin dropdown contents in Dashboard page --> CLAS6-26958 CLAS6:: Blank textbox needs to be removed from every dropdown like Show, Switch, Filter by etc. in Dashboard page --> CLAS6-26960 CLAS6:: Font family of chart text needs to be same like other text in dashboard page --> CLAS6-26986 CLAS6:: Empty dropdown box needs to be removed & Button named "Next & Reset"needs to be moved bit right in Create New Customer page --> CLAS6-26987 CLAS6:: Next button need to to be disabled unless every mandatory field is filled in Create Customer page --> CLAS6-26989 CLAS6:: Longer names of email must not touch close icon Create new custome page --> CLAS6-26990 CLAS6:: Multiple same mail ID must not allowed to be used in Main & NOC email textbox in Create new customer page --> CLAS6-27002 CLAS6:: Close icon needs to be shifted bit down so it looks aligned to mail ID in Create new customer page --> CLAS6-27003 CLAS6:: Text name "At" needs to be in smaller case & all dropdown contents empty box needs to be removed in Automatic report page --> CLAS6-27010 CLAS6:: Need to add validation for Rate text field in Enter rates pop-up page --> CLAS6-27043 CLAS6:: Close icon overlapping the dates in Effective & End date text field in Enter rates pop-up page --> CLAS6-27044 CLAS6:: Multiple blank Interval & time must allowed to be opened unless first one is filled in Import file page --> CLAS6-27045 CLAS6:: Need to add validation for Interval & Min Time text field in Import file page --> CLAS6-27050 CLAS6:: Add icon needs to be disabled unless First IP address is filled in Self-Service Portal section of Create Vendor page --> CLAS6-27058 CLAS6:: Some icons needs to be shifted bit down so the looks Middle in Vendor list page --> CLAS6-27059 CLAS6:: Need to add "?" while Deactivating/Activating vendor in Deactivate/Activate pop-up page --> CLAS6-27060 CLAS6:: Save icon needs to be shifted bit upwards in edit vendor limit page --> CLAS6-27062 CLAS6:: Up down arrow icon must not change it's position while selecting it in Host page --> CLAS6-27063 CLAS6:: Password textbox needs to aligned same like other when it's error message appears in Email sender page --> CLAS6-27095 CLAS6:: Overlapping of text in "Secure" named textbox when every box shows error message in Email senders page --> CLAS6-27096 CLAS6:: Need to add "?" in delete pop-up page when any listed ANI group is deleted via checkbox selection Random ANI Group page --> CLAS6-27098 CLAS6:: When any listed ANI group is selected some features needs to be disabled in Random ANI group page --> CLAS6-27099 CLAS6:: Some contents needs to be aligned in Stir shaken Upload page --> CLAS6-27135 CLAS6:: Need to add mandatory symbol in Send At & Time Zone if we click on "Enable Automatic Report" checkbox in Automatic report page --> CLAS6-27143 CLAS6:: Need to add mandatory symbol i.e. asterisk in name section of Roles page --> CLAS6-27152 CLAS6:: Multiple blank textbox not allowed to be opened in Income tax section of Billing Info page --> CLAS6-27202 CLAS6:: Table named "Total" must be at first or last in Record section of DID import log page --> CLAS6-27237 CLAS6:: Need to add "?" when egress trunk is activated via checkbox in list of inactive egress trunk --> CLAS6-27337 CLAS6:: Upper & bottom side of text named "Fetched 4 days from 348" gap needs to be increased in CDR Search list page --> CLAS6-27358 CLAS6:: Textual error in Delete pop-up page of Random ANI Group --> CLAS6-27445 CLAS6:: Text named "IB M. Port" named text used twice in Carrier Portal CDR Fields page --> CLAS6-27491 CLAS6:: Textual error in Finance permissions section of Add Role page --> CLAS6-27502 CLAS6:: Punctuation mistake in delete pop-up page of Users Section --> CLAS6-27503 error does not stop report --> CLAS6-26797 DID Customer -> Edit -> Customer name missing in path header --> CLAS6-26748 need to line up the fields --> CLAS6-26662 14/01/2025 -> Version 10.5.6 CLAS6:: Text & number needs to be aligned in same plane line in Dashboard page --> CLAS6-26979 CLAS6:: Loading picture needs to be shifted bit right side so it looks in middle of page --> CLAS6-26980 CLAS6:: Hyphen needs to be removed from Interval dropdown contents in dashboard page --> CLAS6-26985 CLAS6:: Outer box last entered email must be same like others in Create new customer page --> CLAS6-27004 CLAS6:: Next button need to be disabled unless every mandatory field is filled in Contact info page --> CLAS6-27009 CLAS6:: Gap needed in between the time & time zone in Inbound/Outbound Qos page --> CLAS6-27064 CLAS6:: Up down arrow icon needs to be shifted bit down in Inbound & Outbound Qos page --> CLAS6-27073 CLAS6:: Watermark named "Drag & drop to upload" needs to be shifted bit upwards so it looks in middle in First time Wizard page --> CLAS6-27075 CLAS6:: Need to add "?" in delete pop-up page of listed VOIP gateway page --> CLAS6-27077 CLAS6:: Disk info icon & play icon needs to be shifted bit down so it looks in middle in Servers page --> CLAS6-27078 CLAS6:: Need to add validation to textboxes of frequency section of Archive Setting --> CLAS6-27080 CLAS6:: Need to add "?" to delete pop-up page of FTP Storage/Google Cloud Storage section --> CLAS6-27090 CLAS6:: Horizontal sliding bar can be removed from Default Fail-over Rule page --> CLAS6-27091 CLAS6:: Button named "Upload" needs to be aligned to center in Import page of Random ANI Group section --> CLAS6-27111 CLAS6:: Text needs "ips" needs to be in uppercase i.e. IPs in Create new user page --> CLAS6-27112 CLAS6:: Multiple blank IPs must not allowed to be opened in Create New Users page --> CLAS6-27113 CLAS6:: Need to add validation for entering same IP address in Create New User page --> CLAS6-27114 CLAS6:: End date named textbox needs to be shifted bit left in Import page --> CLAS6-27116 CLAS6:: Only spacebar must not allowed to be saved while creating new payment term --> CLAS6-27118 CLAS6:: Dropdown list named "1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd......" must be replaced by "1st, 2nd, 3rd......" in Invoicing cycle textbox of Create new Payment term page --> CLAS6-27119 CLAS6:: Actions icon needs to be shifted bit down so it comes in middle in Code deck page --> CLAS6-27131 CLAS6:: Width of textbox needs to be same & it must not touch outer box in Notification section of Payment setting page --> CLAS6-27133 CLAS6:: Text named "ani" needs to be in uppercase while listed ANI group is deleted via checkbox in Stir shaken page --> CLAS6-27134 CLAS6:: Width of textbox must not touch outer box in Stir Shaken Upload page --> CLAS6-27137 CLAS6:: Some text need to be moved up while some down in Carrier Portal CDR Fields --> CLAS6-27144 CLAS6:: Text named "id" needs to be in uppercase i.e. "ID" in Carrier Portal CDR Fields --> CLAS6-27145 CLAS6:: Some text needs to be in smallercase/uppercase in Mail template page --> CLAS6-27146 CLAS6:: Double-line texts needs to be shifted a bit upwards so it looks in the middle in Mail template page --> CLAS6-27147 CLAS6:: Only single asterisk is enough in some textfield in Create new user page --> CLAS6-27165 CLAS6:: Dropdown icon design needs to be same like others in Create new user page --> CLAS6-27166 CLAS6:: Textual change needs in error messages of Create new user page --> CLAS6-27167 CLAS6:: Dropdown contents of status textbox needs to be in uppercase in Create new user page --> CLAS6-27168 CLAS6:: Spelling error in confirmation pop-up of Auto stop invoice in Auto Invoice Management page --> CLAS6-27169 CLAS6:: Some actions icon needs to be shifted bit down in Manual invoice page --> CLAS6-27171 CLAS6:: Gap needed at bottom of the error message & only single asterisk needed in mandatory fields in Wizard page --> CLAS6-27182 CLAS6:: Multiple blank Vendor trunk must not allowed to be opened in Wizard Vendor trunk page --> CLAS6-27184 CLAS6:: Sliding bar must not touch "+Add" button in Enter rates pop-up page --> CLAS6-27185 CLAS6:: Multiple blank Vendor trunk must not allowed to be opened in Wizard Add route step 3 page --> CLAS6-27187 CLAS6:: Gap needed in between both the icons of actions in Wizard customer trunk page --> CLAS6-27189 CLAS6:: Default value 0 needs to be removed & validation of numeral value in Price/min named textbox in Create new Billing rule section --> CLAS6-27194 CLAS6:: Position of error message needs change & Next button needs to be disabled unless mandatory field is filled in Create New customer of DID section --> CLAS6-27196 CLAS6:: Email boxes must not touch the outer boxes in DID new customer page --> CLAS6-27198 CLAS6:: Text named "By" must be in lowercase in DID Billing info page --> CLAS6-27199 CLAS6:: Some contents needs to be shifted slightly down so it looks in middle in Billing info page --> CLAS6-27203 CLAS6:: Multiple blank Allowed IPs must not allowed to be opened in Self-Service Portal page of DID section --> CLAS6-27212 CLAS6:: After getting the error message of same email ID it is still allowed to enter the same ID in DID invoice page --> CLAS6-27213 CLAS6:: Text name "100tn" can be replaced by "100th" in Add manual invoice page of DID section --> CLAS6-27216 CLAS6:: Need to disable "Save" icon while creating new DID product in DID section --> CLAS6-27217 CLAS6:: Need to change the error message when product name is entered more than 40 character in Create New DID product --> CLAS6-27219 CLAS6:: Play icon needs to be shifted bit down so it looks in middle in DID repository page --> CLAS6-27228 CLAS6:: Grammatical error in Delete pop-up page when Multiple DID is deleted via Checkbox in DID repository page --> CLAS6-27231 CLAS6:: Gap needed in between the text & radio button in Import/DID repository page --> CLAS6-27235 CLAS6:: Submit button needs to be disabled unless entries are filled in Customer DID Assignment pop-up page --> CLAS6-27238 CLAS6:: Grammatical error in pop-up page of releasing numbers via checkbox in DID Repository page --> CLAS6-27252 CLAS6:: Design of Release all pop-up page needs to be same like others pop-up pages in DID repository page --> CLAS6-27253 CLAS6:: Grammatical error delete pop-up page of DID vendors page --> CLAS6-27254 Configuration -> Roles -> UI no need to show next page option, If the Api have less than 10 data than --> CLAS6-27255 CLAS6:: Only single asterisk can be used in Wizard page --> CLAS6-27256 CLAS6:: Gap needs in between the add icon & textbox in Wizard page --> CLAS6-27257 CLAS6:: Text name "Of" needs to be in lowercase in Origination Wizard/Digit manipulation page --> CLAS6-27260 CLAS6:: Textual mistake in delete pop-up page of Block list section --> CLAS6-27265 CLAS6:: Multiple blank Egress not allowed to be opened unless first one is filled in Create Dynamic Routing page in --> CLAS6-27266 CLAS6:: Need to set the character limit of Name textbox in Create Dynamic Routing --> CLAS6-27268 CLAS6:: Only spacebar not allowed to be saved in name textfield when Copying Dynamic Routing is done --> CLAS6-27269 CLAS6:: Need to disable "+Add" button unless first entry is filled in Mass edit pop-up page --> CLAS6-27271 CLAS6:: Need to change the error message of Prefix textbox in QoS Parameters page --> CLAS6-27285 CLAS6:: Need to change the error message of Max ASR/ACD textboxes in QoS Parameters page --> CLAS6-27286 CLAS6:: Textual error in delete pop-up page of QoS Parameters section --> CLAS6-27287 CLAS6:: Percentage textbox needs to be aligned when error message occurred in Override page --> CLAS6-27290 CLAS6:: Need to set the character limit of Rate Table Name textbox in Create Rate Table page --> CLAS6-27293 CLAS6:: Punctuation error in delete pop up page Rate Table Section --> CLAS6-27302 CLAS6:: Button named "+ Add Interval and Min Time" needs to be disabled & default value "0" also needs to be removed in Rate Generation page --> CLAS6-27307 CLAS6:: Gap needs in between textbox & add icon when new routing plan is created in Routing section --> CLAS6-27308 CLAS6:: Text named "At & By" needs to be in smaller case in Static Routing page --> CLAS6-27329 CLAS6:: Some icons needs to be shifted bit down in Trunks page --> CLAS6-27331 CLAS6:: Need to set the character limit of Egress Name textbox in Add New Outbound Trunk --> CLAS6-27335 CLAS6:: When any Interop is send wrong pop-up appears in Egress Trunk Page --> CLAS6-27336 CLAS6:: Gap needs to be reduced in between the Text named "Group by" & textboxes in Termination section of Disconnect Causes page --> CLAS6-27348 CLAS6:: Dot needs to be added after the text named "Orig" in Disconnect causes page --> CLAS6-27349 CLAS6:: Numerals & % needs to be in one line in Traffic Analytics page --> CLAS6-27357 CLAS6:: Gap needs to be increased at upper portion of Dates in DID dashboard Page --> CLAS6-27359 CLAS6:: Need to disable "Finish" button in New Vendors page --> CLAS6-27364 CLAS6:: Need to add mandatory mark "*" in Vendor name textfield in New Vendor page --> CLAS6-27366 CLAS6:: Need to remove "0" default value & Submit button needs to be disabled in Create New Billing Rule pop-up page --> CLAS6-27367 CLAS6:: Watermark named "TIme" needs to be in smallercase in Statistics origination sections --> CLAS6-27371 CLAS6:: Text named "Group by #1:" needs to be left side aligned in DID Report page --> CLAS6-27377 CLAS6:: Gap needs to be increased at upper portion of text named "Show" in DID Usage Report page --> CLAS6-27378 CLAS6:: Need to add "." after the text named "dur" in DID Usage Report page --> CLAS6-27379 CLAS6:: Need to add "-" in text named "Show Non Zero Only" in Profitability Report page --> CLAS6-27382 CLAS6:: Some text needs to be arranged & Error message must not touch the box in Carrier Template page --> CLAS6-27384 CLAS6:: Punctuation error in delete pop up page of Egress Trunk Template --> CLAS6-27395 CLAS6:: Some text needs to be in smallercase in Template dropdown pages --> CLAS6-27396 CLAS6:: Need to fix the limit of character in Tamplate named textbox in New Rate Upload Template page --> CLAS6-27401 CLAS6:: Missing of "?" in delete pop-up page of Agent Management page --> CLAS6-27402 CLAS6:: Gap needs to be increased at upper portion ANI, DNIS & Duration named text in CDR Search Page --> CLAS6-27416 CLAS6:: Text named "Current Logo" & "Change Logo" needs to be aligned in same plane in Edit Agent page --> CLAS6-27418 CLAS6:: Double outer box needs to removed in email textbox in New Agent page --> CLAS6-27422 CLAS6:: Grammatical error in dropdown contents of Invoicing cycle in Payment Term page --> CLAS6-27446 CLAS6:: Text named "Public Logo file" needs to be shifted bit right & upperside more gap needs in System Setting page --> CLAS6-27467 CLAS6:: Need to add "?" mark in delete all pop-up page of Code Deck section --> CLAS6-27478 CLAS6:: Upperside gap needs to be increased of text named Invoice logo in Edit Invoice Setting page --> CLAS6-27479 CLAS6::Text named "Paypal" must be replaced by "PayPal" in payment setting page --> CLAS6-27484 CLAS6:: View history icon needs to be shifted bit down in Auto Invoice Management page --> CLAS6-27509 CLAS6:: Text named "Payments" needs to be in one line in Edit Invoice page --> CLAS6-27510 10/01/2025 -> Version 10.5.5 UI issue:- Origination > Wizard > Rate type = Variable >Add new rate table > UI send wrong payload in request --> CLAS6-27018 UI Issue:- Termination > Product > Create New / Edit > Add new Rate table --> CLAS6-27016 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate Table > Send Rate > Submit button is clickable while there is empty mandatory fields --> CLAS6-27013 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Egress Trunk > Status > need to add cancel icon --> CLAS6-27011 UI Issue:- Origination > CDRs List > CDR Search > Right click on cdr > Ingress pcap > Ui send wrong payload in request --> CLAS6-27086 UI Issue:- Origination > CDRs List > CDR Search > Right click on cdr > Egress pcap/Ingress Pcap > Click on View goes to pcap list instant of open shipshark url --> CLAS6-27088 UI Issue:- Origination > Wizard > Rate type = Variable >Add new rate table > Need to remove extra space --> CLAS6-27057 UI Issue:- Origination > Wizard > Rate type = Variable >Add new rate table > Enter rate button missing --> CLAS6-27056 UI issue:- Statistics > Origination > Dashboard --> CLAS6-27055 UI issue:- Tools > Rate Generation > Create New/edit > Submit button is not clickable when we not select code deck > api working fine without code deck --> CLAS6-26868 UI issue:- Rate Generation > Create New/edit -> Need to Remove validation for code deck field > api working fine without code deck --> CLAS6-26856 UI Issue :- Termination > Product > Create New / Edit --> CLAS6-26992 UI Issue:- Termination > Product > Create New / Edit > Add new Rate table > Enter rate button missing --> CLAS6-26993 Cosmetic issue :- Statistics > Dashboard > Report --> CLAS6-26997 UI issue:- Origination > Wizard > Rate type = Variable >Add new rate table > Need to Remove validation for code deck field > api working fine without code deck --> CLAS6-26994 UI Issue:- Origination > Wizard > Rate type = Variable >Add new rate table > Need to add Red Star on Rate Table Name Field --> CLAS6-26995 UI should catch the backend error --> CLAS6-26858 UI issue:- Termination > Customer > Create new > Main Email/Noc email/billing email/rates email > Should not accept spacebar --> CLAS6-26911 UI Issue:- Tools > Rate Generation > Create New Rate Generation > Need to add Red Star on Auto Ij fields --> CLAS6-26857 UI Issue:- Statistics > termination > Cascade cdr search > output = excel CSV > Redirect to cdr export log > UI sending wrong date in payload > default date should follow the system one --> CLAS6-26839 Statistics > termination > cdr > output - excel CSV > Redirect to cdr export log > UI sending wrong date in payload > default date should follow the system one --> CLAS6-26823 UI issue:- Routing > trunk > Ingress > edit Ingress > stir shaken tab --> CLAS6-26777 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate Table > Export > default effective on should follow the system one --> CLAS6-26778 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate Table > import > default effective on should follow the system one --> CLAS6-26788 UI Issue:- DID Client Portal:- Origination > Buy DID > Order new number > Local tab > Filter > Country >Need to add cancel icon in country filter --> CLAS6-26808 UI Issue:- DID Client Portal:- Origination > Buy DID > Order new number > Local tab > Filter > Country > Ui send wrong payload in request --> CLAS6-26807 UI Issue:- Statistics > Daily usage detail report > More option > Group by allow to select Ingress ip and egress ip multiple time --> CLAS6-27262 UI Issue:- Termination > Customer > Action column > Change password --> CLAS6-27440 UI Issue:- Termination > Client > Edit > Inbound > Save as template --> CLAS6-27447 UI Issue:- Configuration > Archive Setting > PCAP > Google cloud storage > UI Send wrong request payload --> CLAS6-27498 UI Issue:- Configuration > Archive Setting > PCAP > Showing error :- Cannot set properties of undefined (Setting 'keep cdr') --> CLAS6-27499 UI Issue:- Termination > Client > Edit > Inbound --> CLAS6-27449 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate Table > View Rates > Click on edit and click on save UI Showing error --> CLAS6-27450 Termination > Product --> CLAS6-27490 UI Issue:- Routing > Routing Plan > view > edit > create new static route --> CLAS6-27488 UI Issue:- Routing > Static Routing --> CLAS6-27404 UI Issue:- Statistics > termination > Cascade cdr search > More option > Show Fields > Missing fields --> CLAS6-26840 Version information showing twice programm name for same parameter --> CLAS6-27083 RED ISSUE:- UI Issue:- Statistics >Inbound/outbound Report > Time Zone Issue --> CLAS6-26687 UI Issue:- Monitoring > Media IP Blocking > Import --> CLAS6-27039 07/01/2025 -> Version 10.5.4 | CLAS6-27210 | UI > Customer > edit > autofill should work for selected field not for all | Actions | | --- | --- | --- | | CLAS6-27259 | UI > Routing > Trunk > edit /Loop Detection > without select check box submit and reset button should not visible | Actions | | CLAS6-26879 | UI > Routing > Trunk > edit /Enforce CID Block > without select check box submit and reset button should not visible | Actions | | CLAS6-26880 | UI > Termination> Products >add new > when we click on reset button , validation is not hiding | Actions | | CLAS6-26988 | client portal > Billing > Payment history > getting error on DEVTOOL "error_type": "forbidden_error", | Actions | | CLAS6-27061 | UI > Tickets > Cross icon should be move bit right side from the TO and From field | Actions | | CLAS6-27048 | Cosmetic Issue >Origination > Wizard > customer > Unlimited text should be in one line | Actions | | CLAS6-27046 | UI > Version information >list showing out of the box | Actions | | CLAS6-26901 | UI > Routing >static routing > go to routing plan through usage count > Delete icon is missing from action column | Actions | | CLAS6-26961 | UI > Registration Page > Need to add "Back" button in registration page that back button would lead to login page | Actions | | CLAS6-26831 | TEST UI > Trunk / Ingress > STI-OCN Block List > Getting error while adding | Actions | | CLAS6-26929 | UI > termination /Wizard > Vendor trunk > Add Rate Table > Need to add * icon on mandatory field and create button should be disable untill mandatory field blank | Actions | | CLAS6-26928 | UI > Termination> Products >add new > need to modify sub menu create heading name | Actions | | CLAS6-26930 | UI > Termination /wizard > Vendor trunk > after adding rate validation should be remove | Actions | | CLAS6-26955 | UI > termination /Wizard >Customer Trunk | Actions | | CLAS6-26956 | UI > termination /Wizard >Customer Trunk > after enter rate , add rate rable page is reset again | Actions | | CLAS6-26900 | UI > Static routing Detail > Need to modify Delete all confirmation message | Actions | | CLAS6-26903 | UI > Routing >static routing > go to routing plan through usage count > need to add back button same like as a all pages | Actions | | CLAS6-26848 | UI > Termination >Customer /Create New > Red line is enough | Actions | | CLAS6-26847 | UI > Tools > Registration > Cross icon should be move bit right side from the TO and From field | Actions | | CLAS6-26849 | UI > Termination > add Product > Add routing plan > need to add * icon on mandatotary field same as all pages | Actions | | CLAS6-26779 | UI > Daily Archive Report > Cross icon should be move bit right side from the TO and From field | Actions | | CLAS6-26789 | UI > Dynamic Routing > Qos Parameter / Create new > After cancel creating all field should be reset and blank | Actions | | CLAS6-26800 | Cosmetic Issue > DID Portal > Origination > Buy DID > No Data text should be in center | Actions | | CLAS6-26799 | UI > DID portal > Origination > Buy DID > Country Drop down showing no data found | Actions | | CLAS6-26780 | UI > Customer List > Delete selected > Need to modify Delete confirmation POP | | CLAS6-27270 | Staging Issue > Login page > showing unwanted number below password field | | --- | --- | DialZilla Issue -> Term CDR -> Egress Trace -> The UI needs to show the correct egress trace name Instead of showing blank values, However, the data is available in the API Response --> CLAS6-27437 Dashboard is showing wrong X-axis --> CLAS6-27022 improvement on dashboard --> CLAS6-27024 UI Issue -> Routing Plan -> Delete -> We need to modified some --> CLAS6-26998 Profitability Analysis & QoS Summary -> "Egress Media IP" is missing in group by field --> CLAS6-26657 Expand and collapse of Component does not work --> CLAS6-26921 UI -> Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Stir Shaken -> STI-OCN to Block -> UI need to show ocn alphabet sorted --> CLAS6-26827 UI Issue -> Termination -> Product -> Edit -> Rate Table (+) -> Code Deck -> UI is showing no result found --> CLAS6-27026 Termination Vendor -> Create New -> UI is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-27034 UI Issue -> Summary Report -> UI is showing "Invalid date" in Time column --> CLAS6-27218 UI Issue -> Termination -> Dashboard -> Connect Call -> UI Need to call only one api --> CLAS6-27035 Stir Shaken -> Create -> UI is showing error "400 Bad Request" --> CLAS6-27251 API Issue -> Staging -> GET ​/config​/export​/public​/{id} -> API is showing error --> CLAS6-26962 UI Issue -> Mail Sender -> Delete -> Unable to delete mail sender --> CLAS6-27350 Statistics -> Termination -> Daily Archive Report -> Header path is showing wrong --> CLAS6-27417 the prefix should not be empty --> CLAS6-26925 UI -> Login Page Content -> Unable to upload image --> CLAS6-27136 remove unnecessary api in did repo page --> CLAS6-27452 UI -> Trunk -> Egress / Ingress -> Edit -> Loop Detection -> UI is calling wrong API --> CLAS6-27047 UI Issue -> Termination Customer -> Create New -> Company Info -> Company Name disappears when entering Billing Email --> CLAS6-27500 Termination -> Customer -> Create New -> Auto invoice page is missing --> CLAS6-27412 Client Portal -> Termination -> Trunks -> Need to remove "Product" icon --> CLAS6-27342 UI Issue -> Statistics -> Termination -> Term Dashboard -> Report -> UI should not be allowed to select future date --> CLAS6-27392 Termination Customer -> Create New -> UI is showing error --> CLAS6-27442 03/01/2025 -> Version 10.5.3 UI > Termination >Customer /Edit > Comapny Info > Need to remove validation text under billing email Red line is enough --> CLAS6-27482 UI > Dynamic routing > edit > if there is no data , UI should not show table and headers name , should only show No data found text --> CLAS6-27469 UI > Origination > DID Invoice > Send > Seprator email should be showing same as others --> CLAS6-27476 UI > Dynamic routing > edit > Delete all and delete selected button should not showing until succeffully added egress --> CLAS6-27470 UI > Version information > Ok button is misplace --> CLAS6-26999 UI > Termination >Customer / Edit > Auto Invoice > Reset button is not working in invoice setting field --> CLAS6-27410 UI > Termination >Customer /Edit >after submit page should go on customer list page --> CLAS6-27411 UI > Origination > customer / edit > Next button should be enable when all required field is filled --> CLAS6-27407 UI > Agent > Agent Management > share > Ok button should disable when email field is null --> CLAS6-27346 UI > Agent > Agent Management > New Agent > we only need validation under required field --> CLAS6-27345 UI > Termination >Customer > Need to correct delete confirmation PopUp --> CLAS6-27347 UI > Termination > dashboard /Chart > future dates should be disable in start date --> CLAS6-27385 UI > Roting > trunk > Outbound / Billing > Reset button should be same as other buttons --> CLAS6-27369 UI > Routing > Trunk > edit /Allowed Send - To IP > both field showing red boarder after adding needed detail --> CLAS6-27414 UI > Configuration > Users / Create New User > without entering full confirm password UI should showing validation --> CLAS6-27148 UI > Configuration > Users > Create New User >Role is also important for creating User --> CLAS6-27149 UI > Configuration > Users > Online user > we need confirmation Pop for Activate user and Deactivate user --> CLAS6-27150 UI > Configuration > Users / online user > if all user is active than deactivate all button should be enable --> CLAS6-27170 UI > Customer > Edit > need to remove extra line from email section , this line should not show autometically --> CLAS6-27234 UI > Agent > Customer Assignment > Need to Add "?" on delete confirmation Pop --> CLAS6-27151 UI > Customer > Edit > Company Info > Issue ->When we add third email," Email " Separators should be showing same as other page --> CLAS6-27209 UI > Administration >Tickets > Need to modify Delete all confirmation message --> CLAS6-27079 UI > Configuration > Stir Shaken > ANI Group [1 ] > View > Click on Delete Button > Delete confirmation pop should be close when we performing Back --> CLAS6-27201 UI > Routing Plan > Need to correct delete confirmation Popup --> CLAS6-27195 UI > Version Information > Need to remove slider from bottom of the box --> CLAS6-27000 03/01/2025 -> Version 10.5.2 Statistic -> Daily Archive Report -> Console is showing error --> CLAS6-27129 UI Issue -> DID Customer & Vendor -> Delete -> Need to add error popup --> CLAS6-27005 Termination Customer -> Create New & Edit -> Need to fix email box --> CLAS6-27190 UI Issue -> Archive Setting -> FTP & Google Cloud -> Add button is not working --> CLAS6-26978 CDR Full Detail field name change --> CLAS6-27236 Configuration -> Payment Setting -> Notification -> Email Addresses & CC Email -> "Separators: Enter" is not working on UI --> CLAS6-27074 UI Issue -> Tools -> SIP Packet Search -> UI is showing "no data found" & "error popup" --> CLAS6-27183 Payment Setting -> Notification -> Email Addresses & CC Email -> Cosmetic change --> CLAS6-27076 DID Customer -> Edit -> UI is calling unnecessary api --> CLAS6-27081 remove the unnecessary part --> CLAS6-27309 UI Issue -> Archive Setting -> CDR & PCAP -> Storage Target: FTP -> UI is calling wrong API --> CLAS6-27109 UI Issue -> Statistics -> Term CDR -> Full Detail -> Rate Type is missing on UI --> CLAS6-27299 UI -> Archive Setting -> CDR & PCAP -> Google Cloud Storage -> Submit button is disable --> CLAS6-27110 UI -> Statistics -> Termination -> Reports-> Need to fix sorting arrow button --> CLAS6-27128 Summary Report -> Ingress media IP -> Sorting -> Need to Remove sorting button --> CLAS6-27153 Daily Usage Detail Report -> Need to add "Egress media IP & Ingress IP" in group by dropdown --> CLAS6-27130 UI -> Daily Usage Detail Report -> Group by -> When we select any field in "group by" selected field should be gray --> CLAS6-27191 UI -> Cascade CDR Search -> Ingress Rate Table -> UI is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-27180 UI Issue -> Summary Report -> "Group by" dropdown should hide automatically when we remove the item --> CLAS6-27192 UI -> Profitability Analysis / Inbound/Outbound Report / Summary Report -> Console is showing error --> CLAS6-27205 UI -> Daily Archive Report -> Need to remove some field from UI --> CLAS6-27094 UI Issue -> Termination -> Product -> Create New & Edit -> Rate Table -> Click on (+) -> Need to remove unnecessary validation --> CLAS6-27281 UI Issue -> Termination -> Product -> Create New & Edit -> Rate Table -> Console error --> CLAS6-27284 Termination -> Customer -> Edit -> Auto Invoice -> Enable Auto Invoice -> Invoice settings should not be set by default --> CLAS6-27413 delete routing page --> CLAS6-27434 pls change "Fee Per DID" to "MRC" --> CLAS6-27451 API Issue -> POST ​/config​/time_profile​/create -> Issue with end time --> CLAS6-27227 Termination Wizard -> Vendor & Customer Trunk -> Rate Table -> Click on (+ ) -> Need to remove extra space --> CLAS6-27280 Commission Report -> Remove next button --> CLAS6-27430 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Need to remove unnecessary API --> CLAS6-27393 UI Issue -> Finance -> Invoice -> Auto & Manual -> UI is showing wrong Popup --> CLAS6-27317 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Trunk name and Rate table name is disappear --> CLAS6-27480 UI -> Termination Wizard -> Add Route -> Static Route -> Create New -> Next button should be enable --> CLAS6-27409 UI Issue -> Rate Table -> View Rate -> Search By Code -> UI is showing no data found --> CLAS6-27352 UI -> Dynamic Routing -> Action Column -> QoS Parameters -> Prefix disappears when the click on edit button --> CLAS6-27353 UI issue:- Configuration > Archive Setting > PCAP > Console Showing error --> CLAS6-27507 UI Issue:- Termination > Wizard > Vendor trunk > Rate table > Create new > Enter rates > submit works without enter code or rate --> CLAS6-27327 UI Issue:- Routing > Static Routing > Static Routing Detail --> CLAS6-27325 UI Issue:- Signup page > Billing information > Billing phone accept alphabets --> CLAS6-27363 Cosmetic Issue:- Configuration > User > Edit --> CLAS6-27405 UI Issue:- Routing > Static Routing --> CLAS6-27390 UI Issue:- Routing > Static Routing > Static Routing Detail > Crreate new > Need to remove extra space --> CLAS6-27326 UI Issue:- DID > DID Repository > Click on Delete all --> CLAS6-27324 UI Issue:- Client Portal > Termination > Trunk > Line showing wrong --> CLAS6-27361 UI Issue:- Statistics > Daily usage detail report >Console showing error --> CLAS6-27296 UI Issue:- Routing > Routing plan > View > Click on Delete all --> CLAS6-27225 UI Issue:- Configuration > Stir Shaken > ANI Pool [Denovolab] > View > Click on delete icon > Warning popup --> CLAS6-27247 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Ingress > Digit Replacement --> CLAS6-27248 UI Issue:- DID > DID Product > View > Click on delete --> CLAS6-27261 Statistics > Disconnect causes > Console showing error --> CLAS6-27263 UI Issue:- Statistics > CDRs List > PCAP Search Log > UI send wrong time in request payload --> CLAS6-27087 UI Issue:- Termination > Wizard > Customer Trunk > Add Rate Table > select rate type=USJD > Enter rate Page > Inter intre column missing --> CLAS6-27102 UI Issue:- clickable button should be blue and non clickable button should grey with text > now text is missing --> CLAS6-27123 UI Issue:- Routing > Routing Plan >Create new > Save icon should be hide until mandatory field is fill --> CLAS6-27226 UI Issue:- Termination > Wizard > Cuustomer trunk > Submit button is clickable while there is empty mandatory fields --> CLAS6-27224 UI Issue:- Termination > Wizard > Vendor option > New Vendor --> CLAS6-27223 UI Issue:- Routing > Static Routing > Action > Symbol should be in centre of circle --> CLAS6-27208 UI Issue:- Agent Portal > Menu > Product > Product list > Send rate > Submit should unclickable until mendatory field selection --> CLAS6-27127 UI Issue:- DID > Origination Wizard > Customer STEP 4 > validation is showing on validation should be auto removed after enter customer name and Company --> CLAS6-27084 UI Issue:- Tools > Call Simulation > DID > Submit is clickable without select DID vendor name --> CLAS6-27104 UI Issue:- Termination > Wizard > Customer Trunk > Add Rate Table > Enter rate Page > rate field not allow more than 2 digit after decimal point --> CLAS6-26967 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate Table > View rates > Import page --> CLAS6-27012 UI Issue:- Trmination > Wizard > Customer Trunk > Add Routing plan > Need to add Red Star on Routing Plan Name Field --> CLAS6-26968 UI Issue:- termination > Wizard > Customer Trunk > Add Rate Table > after enter rate > Rate table created succesfully > Still Showing Add rate table popup --> CLAS6-26964 UI Issue:- Trmination > Wizard > Customer Trunk > Add Rate Table > Enter rate Page --> CLAS6-26965 UI Issue:- Termination > Wizard > Customer Trunk > Add Rate Table --> CLAS6-26966 26/12/2024 -> Version 10.5.1 Termination CDR -> Outbound IP -> The UI needs to call the "termination_source_host_name" parameter for the "Outbound IP --> CLAS6-26609 Business Issue -> Stir Shaken -> The "shaken_sign_policy=3 (Sing All Number From the Pool) option is not working, Switch not signed the calls for the number available in Stir Shaken Pool --> CLAS6-26730 DID Import Log ->UI needs to redirect the user to the respective tab based on the "op_method". If there is "op_method= delete", then it needs to redirect to the "Delete" tab after Import. --> CLAS6-26188 DID Client Edit -> UI is showing a Strange Error on Final Submission of Client edit Page, However, the API is works fine --> CLAS6-26422 API Issue -> PATCH​/ingress_trunk​/{resource_id} -> The API does not allow the valid "shaken_ani_group_list_id" Even if the ID Is correct but API still shows "id is invalid (not exists)" --> CLAS6-26735 Admin -> Server admin -> Server Listing View History -> The Bottom box should removed make the table same as we have other tables --> CLAS6-26759 DID Repository -> DID Export -> UI needs to call the correct API to export the DIDs based on the DID available in Repo --> CLAS6-25371 Term CDR -> Cascade CDR Search -> The Release cause is missing from the UI, Needs to call the "release_cause_name" parameter instead of "release_cause". --> CLAS6-26817 Statistics - Daily Archive Report -> The UI needs to enable an "Export" button to get the UI data in CSV File --> CLAS6-26670 Term Dashboard -> CPS Graph -> UI is showing wrong name for the "CPS" Graphs, --> CLAS6-27053 Term CDR -> Cascade CDR Search -> The UI is not showing the human readable name for the Release Cause --> CLAS6-26585 Ingress trunk -> Call Rejection Error -> After submission the UI change the Default Code and Release Cause, It should show the default code and Release Cause --> CLAS6-26734 Admin -> Server -> The "Free CPU" should not be showing blank --> CLAS6-26794 UI Modification -> Tools Pcap Archival -> We need to add the the date picker name "To" to call the "end_time" parmeter --> CLAS6-26308 Configuration -> Stir Shaken -> STI Config -> The Submit button should be centered instead on side way --> CLAS6-26760 Tools -> CDR Archival -> CDR Fields -> UI needs to add the New Stir Shaken CDR fields under the list. --> CLAS6-25437 Configuration -> Stir Shaken -> STI Config -> The UI needs to call the "Priv_file" option too under the Payload Request, However the API works fine Now --> CLAS6-26719 Termination CDR -> Full Details -> UI needs to show the name of the Rate type instead of "Rate_type Code" --> CLAS6-26570 Configuration -> Stir Shaken -> The Submit Button is Not Responding. Showing Error in Console --> CLAS6-26057 Term CDR -> Release Cause -> The UI needs to calls the "release_cause_name" parameter instead of "release_cause", Currently, the release cause is missing from UI --> CLAS6-26758 Configuration -> Mail Template -> We need to add the tag "Password" on the Welcome template, The API is now working fine --> CLAS6-26859 Call Simulation -> Host -> If the Host is Unavailable, the ANI and DNIS are not filled in and the Submit button should not be clickable --> CLAS6-26907 API Issue -> POST ​/did​/billing_rule​/create -> The "fee_per_port" is not getting saved in the API response and the DB table too --> CLAS6-26677 DID Repository -> DID Export for a Particular Vendor -> The UI needs to Call the correct parameter while export DIDs, However, the API is works fine --> CLAS6-26822 Term CDR -> View Full Details -> Unable to get the full details, Gets an error on UI and the Data is available in the API response --> CLAS6-26915 Term CDR -> Inbound / Outbound Rate Table -> The UI needs to show the name of the "Rate Deck" instead of showing IDs --> CLAS6-26584 Term CDR -> Release cause -> The UI needs to call the "release_cause_name" parameters to get the name of the Release cause instead of IDs --> CLAS6-26715 DID Repository -> DID Export Log -> If the ""job_start_time" is showing "null" then UI needs to show the blank filed instead of showing wrong date --> CLAS6-26642 Term CDR -> CDR Cascade -> The CDR Fields selection design should be fixed the same as we have on the main term CDR page --> CLAS6-26970 Term CDR -> View Pcap -> If "cloud_shark_open_url" is empty, the UI should make the "View" button non clickable --> CLAS6-26653 Rate Generation -> POST/PATCH -> The "Code Deck" should not be a Mandatory Field --> CLAS6-26514 SMS Issue :- Term CDR -> The UI is showing Wrong Values for the "Inbound Stir/Shaken Status" --> CLAS6-26886 Telehood Issue -> API Issue -> The Disc's full and Free Size should be shown accurately. --> CLAS6-26795 RED Issue -> Dashboard Graph Issue -> All 3 Graphs -> If User requested for last hour then UI need to show the last 1hour time frame instead of 2 hours --> CLAS6-26904 Term Client -> Auto Invoice -> We need to remove the "Show Detail By Code Name" option from UI, we have multiple options for a single parameter and need to remove one --> CLAS6-27125 Term Client -> Auto Invoice -> Need to remove the option "Include CDR Link In Email" from the UI, the same is not working --> CLAS6-27124 Egress Trunk -> Stir Shaken -> P-header setting -> The values are not saved on the UI, However, the data is available in the API response --> CLAS6-27139 Egress / Ingress Trunk -> Rate Table -> The Rate table list shows the DID Billing Rules too, UI needs to call the correct API --> CLAS6-27141 Ingress / Egress Trunk -> Stir Shaken -> We need to modify the UI configuration for the "STI" and the "OCN" blocking --> CLAS6-27313 Term CDR -> Full Details -> The "Egress rate type" and the "Ingress rate type" Fields missing from the UI, However, the data is available in the API response --> CLAS6-26816 Termination Client Portal -> Trunks -> If the "auth_type=Authorized by SIP Registration" then we need to show the username on the UI instead of the IP Host --> CLAS6-27207 Termination Trunk -> Stir Shaken -> OCN - > Unable to add OCNs , Need to enable a "Add" button on UI --> CLAS6-26838 Tools -> Pcap Archive -> We need to add a "Queue" tab to get and download the PCAP file, After Post the user is unable to download the PCAP using the UUID --> CLAS6-27297 Term Statistics -> Summary Report / All report pages -> We needs to remove the "Egress Media IP" and the "Ingress Media IP" option from UI, until the API supports both the Parameters --> CLAS6-27160 SMS Issue / CoreTelex -> Ingress Trunk -> Stir Shaken -> The Verification policy = "Pass all Calls" is not getting saved on UI --> CLAS6-26883 Telehood Issue -> Term CDR -> Need to set the "Authorized IP only" as a default selection for the "Show" parameter --> CLAS6-26882 Teleinx Issue -> Term CDR / DID CDR -> The Default CDR fields are not getting saved on Term CDR page, If user change the CDR fields on DID CDR page and Vice Versa --> CLAS6-27295 02/12/2024 -> Version 10.5.0 Statistics > Dashboard > graph line showing wrong > CLAS6-26398 UI Issue:- Create new egress> create new rate table > enter rate > rate field not allow more than 4 digit -> CLAS6-26682 create rate table > enter rate > default effective rate should follow the system one -> CLAS6-26681 UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > Daily Archive Report > more option -> CLAS6-26689 Dashboard graph issue:- interval = 30days/60 days > UI should query one day at a time and show that one day of data in graph day-by-day -> CLAS6-26724 UI Issue:- Configuration > Archive Setting > Google cloud storage > Click on edit > Bucket name and jsaon key box showing strange view -> CLAS6-26588 UI Issue:- Configuration > Archive Setting > Google cloud storage > Click on edit > directory name is not editable -> CLAS6-26589 UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > Daily Archive Report > more option > Client/vendor/ingress/egress dropdown showing wrong data -> CLAS6-26688 Cosmetic issue:- Routing > Trunk > Inbound > Trunk Info > Auto call block -> CLAS6-26515 DID Client Portal > Origination > BUY DID > Order new number click on Seach > UI Not call any api -> CLAS6-26675 UI Issue:- Statistics >Inbound/outbound Report > Time Zone Issue -> CLAS6-24709 UI Issue:- Configuration > Archive Setting > Pcap > directory should replace with Google cloud storage -> CLAS6-26587 UI Issue:- Configuration > Archive Setting > CDR > directory should replace with Google cloud storage -> CLAS6-26586 UI Issue:- Origination(DID) > Customer > Edit Customer > Outbound Tab > click on egress name >Path header showing wrong -> CLAS6-26565 UI Issue:- Configuration > Archive Setting > FTP Storage > Create button missing -> CLAS6-26590 DID Dashboard -> Show "QoS" -> Filter By "Vendor & Customer" -> ASR, ACD & PDD showing wrong -> CLAS6-25774 DID -> DID Client Trunk -> New Modification -> CLAS6-25680 API Issue -> DID Import Log -> Upload -> Status & Fail -> API is not showing data -> CLAS6-26017 Inbound Outbound Report -> Ingress Carrier & Egress Carrier -> Sorting button not working -> CLAS6-26202 Staging -> Statistics -> Term Dashboard & DID Dashboard -> Devtool showing error on console side -> CLAS6-26237 UI Issue -> Archive Setting -> FTP Storage -> Edit -> UI is calling wrong API -> CLAS6-26646 Termination -> Vendor -> UI need to show submit button on last tab -> CLAS6-26727 Beltalk Issue -> API Issue -> DELETE ​/did​/repository​/{id} -> Delete DID not working -> CLAS6-26120 Termination -> Customer -> Edit -> Inbound Tab is missing on UI -> CLAS6-26552 Termination -> Customer -> Trunk Count -> Basic Info -> Back -> UI issue -> CLAS6-26362 UI -> DID Trunk -> Create New -> Need to remove "Rate Table" field -> CLAS6-26583 Egress / Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Rate Override -> UI is showing popup "Attention please make any change" -> CLAS6-26334 UI Issue -> Cascade CDR Search -> Search data with "Internal Release Cause" filter -> CLAS6-26420 UI Issue -> DID Customer -> Trunk Count -> Basic Info -> Need to add back button -> CLAS6-26429 DID Customer -> Trunk Count -> Basic Info -> UI showing blank page -> CLAS6-26428 DID Customer -> Trunk Count -> Path header is showing wrong -> CLAS6-26361 DID Customer -> Trunk Count -> Need to remove unnecessary API -> CLAS6-26364 DID Trunk -> Need to remove "Usage Count & Rate Table" Column -> CLAS6-26372 Summary Report -> Outbound -> Total SDP calculation wrong -> CLAS6-26435 Termination -> Customer -> Edit -> Inbound -> Create New -> Need to show some space between header -> CLAS6-26373 UI Issue -> Stir Shaken -> ANI Group & ANI Pool -> View -> Back -> UI should not call unnecessary API -> CLAS6-26478 Termination -> Vendor -> Edit -> Console showing error -> CLAS6-26510 UI Issue -> Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Ingress Capacity -> UI is not showing "Add" button -> CLAS6-26376 UI Issue -> Client Portal -> Report -> PDD value should show 2 digit after decimal -> CLAS6-26455 Rate Generation -> View History -> Apply to Rate Table -> Need to hide "Apply Rate only & Apply Rate and Send" button -> CLAS6-26239 Termination -> Customer -> Edit -> Submit button is not working -> CLAS6-26382 UI Issue -> DID Customer -> Create New & Edit -> Billing Info -> Auto Invoice -> "Next" button issue -> CLAS6-26389 API Issue -> GET ​/did​/available​/npa​/list -> API showing error -> CLAS6-26436 Client Portal -> Report -> Report -> UI is calling "group: ingress_id" parameter when we don't select "group by" field -> CLAS6-26456 Termination Customer -> Trunk Count -> Inbound -> UI need to show some space between all button -> CLAS6-26390 UI Issue -> DID Customer -> Trunk Count -> "Delete All & Delete Selected" button is not working -> CLAS6-26393 UI Issue -> DID Customer -> Trunk Count -> "Delete Selected" button should not enable after delete selected row data -> CLAS6-26414 UI Issue -> DID Repository -> Export Log -> UI is showing blank page -> CLAS6-26381 Configuration -> Stir Shaken -> Edit -> UI is not calling API -> CLAS6-26757 UI Issue -> Client Portal -> Report -> Loading page issue -> CLAS6-26481 Client Portal -> Report -> PDD -> UI needs to be shows in Total PDD (mini seconds) -> CLAS6-26457 DID Client -> Edit -> Page is loading, however data available in response -> CLAS6-26749 Termination Vendor -> Edit -> We need to correction in vendor edit page -> CLAS6-26509 DID Customer -> Trunk Count -> Outbound Tab -> Create New -> Need to some correction in DID Trunk -> CLAS6-26459 UI Issue -> Client Portal / DID Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Messages -> Unpaid Invoices -> Need to add page number button -> CLAS6-26527 UI -> Agent Portal -> Summary Report -> Total PDD calculation is wrong on UI -> CLAS6-26521 Termination Vendor -> Create New -> UI showing wrong path header -> CLAS6-26511 UI Issue -> DID Customer -> Create New & Edit -> Need to remove "Media Type" field -> CLAS6-26526 UI Issue -> Daily Channel Usage Report -> Report Type: Vendor Trunk Report, Customer Trunk Report, Vendor Report & Customer Report -> CLAS6-26531 UI Issue -> DID Customer -> Trunk Count -> Basic Info -> UI is showing 2 "Back" button -> CLAS6-26548 Termination -> Vendor -> Create New -> Type: -> Need to change Customer to Vendor -> CLAS6-26551 UI -> Termination Vendor -> Edit -> Next button is not working -> CLAS6-26726 PATCH ​/trunk​/ocn​/{id} -> API is not showing data -> CLAS6-26581 UI Issue -> Configuration -> Stir Shaken -> "Submit & Reset" button disappear -> CLAS6-26592 Inbound / Outbound Report -> Need to add "Egress media IP & Ingress IP" in group by dropdown -> CLAS6-26656 UI Issue -> Disconnect Causes -> Need to add "Egress Media IP" in group by dropdown -> CLAS6-26654 UI Issue -> Routing -> Egress Trunk -> Edit -> SIP Profile -> UI is showing unwanted error popup -> CLAS6-26649 UI Issue -> Disconnect Causes -> "Group By" field is missing -> CLAS6-26655 Profitability Analysis & QoS Summary -> "Egress Media IP" is missing in group by field -> CLAS6-26657 configuration>Archive setting>cloud storage>UI modification -> CLAS6-25193 API Issue -> DID Dashboard -> GET ​/report​/qos_route​/{field} -> API is showing "0" Egress Cost & Ingress Cost in the Response -> CLAS6-25978 DID Dashboard -> Revenue and Profitability Graph -> UI needs to use the correct Formula for the Profitability Graph. -> CLAS6-25979 API Issue -> DELETE ​/did​/repository​/all -> API is loading and showing error -> CLAS6-26178 UI Issue -> Stir Shaken -> STI Config -> Passphrase is missing on UI -> CLAS6-26610 Summary Report -> Missing "Ingress IP & Egress Media IP" in group by dropdown -> CLAS6-26658 DID Archive Report -> UI is calling wrong API parameter -> CLAS6-26728 UI -> Summary Report -> Inbound & Outbound -> UI is calling unnecessary field parameter -> CLAS6-26666 Archive Setting -> Google Cloud Storage -> Need to add "Add & Delete" button -> CLAS6-26713 Term CDR List -> UI is calling wrong API parameter for "ingress rate table" -> CLAS6-26801 API Issue -> POST ​/did​/repository​/{id}​/assign -> The assign DID option is not working -> CLAS6-26347 Daily Archive Report -> PP Min is showing wrong -> CLAS6-26664 Daily Archive Report -> Need to add "Ingress IP, Egress Media IP & Egress Code" in group by dropdown -> CLAS6-26659 Daily Archive Report -> "SDR-6 & SDR-30" value are not showing on UI -> CLAS6-26668 Daily Archive Report -> Page design doesn't match other pages -> CLAS6-26746 UI -> DID Repository -> Import -> Need API optimization -> CLAS6-26561 UI Issue -> Archive Setting -> FTP Storage -> Header name is missing in the table -> CLAS6-26598 did_number_upload_task - Click on log getting empty data error -> CLAS6-26636 UI Issue -> Archive Setting -> FTP Storage -> Add -> UI is calling wrong API -> CLAS6-26637 DID Repository -> Import -> Paste -> Assign DIDs to a Customer -> UI is calling wrong API -> CLAS6-26363 API Issue -> PATCH ​/did​/repository​/mass_assign -> TypeError: Failed to fetch -> CLAS6-26535 UI -> Archive Setting -> Google Cloud Storage -> Edit -> UI is calling "null" API instead of "uuid" -> CLAS6-26648 Daily Archive Report -> IJ Calls is not showing data on UI -> CLAS6-26669 DID Repository -> Export Log -> All header name is wrong -> CLAS6-26660 UI Issue -> Code Based Report -> ASR value should show 2 digit after decimal -> CLAS6-26818 Daily Archive Report -> "Inter Calls & Intra Call" Column is showing blank -> CLAS6-26667 Daily Archive Report -> PDD calculation is wrong on UI -> CLAS6-26661 UI Issue -> Term Dashboard -> Revenue & Profitability -> UI is showing blank graph we have data in api response -> CLAS6-26812 UI -> Term Dashboard -> Connect Calls, CPS & Channel -> UI is not showing data -> CLAS6-26813 UI -> Archive Setting -> FTP Storage -> Need to add delete button -> CLAS6-26712 did redesign - uploaded DID's are not showing in the repository -> CLAS6-23442 CDR/PCAP Archive Setting page -> CLAS6-25931 small improvement on stir shaken config page -> CLAS6-26623 Need a Code Based report -> CLAS6-26702 DID Client Portal -> Dashboard -> UI is not calling API -> CLAS6-26862 API Issue -> GET ​/trunk​/{trunk_id}​/ocn​/list -> Need to add "ocn" in order_by parameter -> CLAS6-26826 Egress / Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Stir Shaken -> STI-OCN to Block -> Need to show some space between new code box -> CLAS6-26870 UI Issue -> Termination -> Vendor -> Create New -> UI showing wrong path header -> CLAS6-27021 02/12/2024 -> Version 10.4.9 UI Issue:- Agent Portal > Menu > Product > Product list > Send rate > Submit should unclickable until mendatory field selection --> CLAS6-27127 DID Dashboard -> Show "Revenue & Profitability" -> Filter By "Customer & Vendor" -> Revenue & Profitability showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-25775 UI Issue -> Stir Shaken -> STI Config -> The submit button is disable --> CLAS6-26316 DID -> Origination Wizard -> Billing Rule Options -> UI is showing "No results found" --> CLAS6-26568 Termination -> Customer & Vendor -> Unable to edit --> CLAS6-26276 UI Issue -> Configuration -> Random ANI Group -> View Detail -> Import -> UI is calling unnecessary parameter --> CLAS6-26313 Rate Generation -> View History -> Detail -> If there no data refresh button should not visible --> CLAS6-26184 Disconnect Causes -> Orig SIP Reason & Term SIP Reason -> UI need to show PDD (ms) --> CLAS6-26274 Tools -> PCAP Archival -> Devtool showing "error": "Unrecognized parameter 'date'" --> CLAS6-26305 UI Issue -> Term CDR -> Right Click -> Number Analytic -> UI is calling undefined instead of number --> CLAS6-26825 Term CDR List -> Outbound Rate Table column is showing blank --> CLAS6-26764 unable to create new FTP and google cloud --> CLAS6-26977 Google Cloud storage dropdown is wrong --> CLAS6-26983 FTP dropdwon is wrong --> CLAS6-26982 30/11/2024 -> Version 10.4.8 Statistics > Dashboard > graph line showing wrong --> CLAS6-26398 UI Issue:- Create new egress> create new rate table > enter rate > rate field not allow more than 4 digit --> CLAS6-26682 create rate table > enter rate > default effective rate should follow the system one --> CLAS6-26681 UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > Daily Archive Report > more option --> CLAS6-26689 Dashboard graph issue:- interval = 30days/60 days > UI should query one day at a time and show that one day of data in graph day-by-day --> CLAS6-26724 UI Issue:- Configuration > Archive Setting > Google cloud storage > Click on edit > Bucket name and jsaon key box showing strange view --> CLAS6-26588 UI Issue:- Configuration > Archive Setting > Google cloud storage > Click on edit > directory name is not editable --> CLAS6-26589 UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > Daily Archive Report > more option > Client/vendor/ingress/egress dropdown showing wrong data --> CLAS6-26688 Cosmetic issue:- Routing > Trunk > Inbound > Trunk Info > Auto call block --> CLAS6-26515 DID Client Portal > Origination > BUY DID > Order new number click on Seach > UI Not call any api --> CLAS6-26675 UI Issue:- Statistics >Inbound/outbound Report > Time Zone Issue --> CLAS6-24709 UI Issue:- Configuration > Archive Setting > Pcap > directory should replace with Google cloud storage --> CLAS6-26587 UI Issue:- Configuration > Archive Setting > CDR > directory should replace with Google cloud storage --> CLAS6-26586 UI Issue:- Origination(DID) > Customer > Edit Customer > Outbound Tab > click on egress name >Path header showing wrong --> CLAS6-26565 UI Issue:- Configuration > Archive Setting > FTP Storage > Create button missing --> CLAS6-26590 19/11/2024 -> Version 10.4.7 Termination Client Portal -> Reports -> UI needs to use the correct formula for the PDD calculation --> CLAS6-26385 DID Client POST/PATCH -> We need to remove the "Timeout Settings" tab from the Client page, Hence we already have the "Timeout Setting" tab on the trunk page --> CLAS6-26483 Log -> Rate Delivery Log -> UI needs to enable a Dialogue box to send Mail to a Specified Mail, when user click on the Resend Button --> CLAS6-26171 DID Client Edit -> Add Host -> Needs to remove the Unnecessary Text from the action column --> CLAS6-26336 Client Create -> Auto Invoice -> The "client_invoice_settings_id" value is not getting saved at the time of Post. --> CLAS6-26367 SMS Issue :- Calls simulation shows "Egress invalid ANI block" block release cause but the Egress Trace showing "Egress DNC block", It should be show the same Release cause --> CLAS6-26522 Termination Vendor Portal -> Reports -> The UI keeps loading for an endless time, Even the data is available in the API response. --> CLAS6-26472 Statistics -> Termination -> We need to add "Group By" Filters for All the Mentioned Fields, API is already works fine --> CLAS6-25184 Ingress Trunk Modification -> Need to Modify the Ingress trunk Stir shaken Page --> CLAS6-26487 Trunk -> Egress / Ingress -> Stir Shaken -> OCN List -> The Delete OCN option is not working, UI needs to call the ID instead of OCN to delete the Items --> CLAS6-26619 Agent Portal -> Dashboard -> UI needs to call the Optimized API for the Client Balance Section --> CLAS6-25158 DID -> Billing Rule -> UI needs to hide the "Fee Per Port" column, we don't need to support fee_per_port in UI. --> CLAS6-26692 Active Call Report -> UI needs to remove the "Rate Type" filed from the default selection. --> CLAS6-26278 Ingress Trunk -> PATCH -> Stir Shaken -> The UI is mal-functioning with the radio button, and due to this we can't enable/disable the "Show STI info in CDR" and Re-sign calls on ANI/DNIS replacement" options simultaneously --> CLAS6-26722 DID Repository -> The DID Vendor name filter is not working, UI is calling wrong parameter for search the DIDs --> CLAS6-26205 Rate sent -> Send as an attachment -> If the user selects the attachment option then UI doesn't need to show the "download link' tag in template box --> CLAS6-26519 Ingress trunk -> Stir Shaken -> Verification Policy -> The "Pass all Calls" option is not getting saved on UI --> CLAS6-26471 Active Call Report -> Rate Type -> UI needs to Rectify the Rate Type name, It should be "OCN/LATA" --> CLAS6-26281 SMS Issue -> Client Creation -> UI needs to allow the Special Character "&" under the name Field --> CLAS6-26211 01/11/2024 -> Version 10.4.6 Change header from "Duration" to "Duration (s)" --> CLAS6-26107 UI -> DID Vendor -> View DID -> UI is showing no data found --> CLAS6-26121 DID Dashboard -> Revenue, Minutes, & Attempt -> UI showing empty space with value --> CLAS6-25312 Routing Plan -> Delete -> UI showing error popup --> CLAS6-25955 Dynamic Routing -> Edit -> UI need to show some space between all button --> CLAS6-26146 Client / Vendor / DID Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Invoice -> UI need to show "page row" --> CLAS6-26147 DID CDR page missing fields --> CLAS6-26558 View and Download PCAP button should not be shown for failed attempt --> CLAS6-26595 configuration>invoice setting>need to add validtaion if user inputs the content more than 500 characters --> CLAS6-25322 DID Vendor -> View DID -> UI no need to call same API in twice --> CLAS6-26122 API Issue -> GET ​/did​/client​/list -> Need to add "egress_count" parameter under the "DID Client List" detail --> CLAS6-26153 UI -> DID Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Duration -> Graph is showing data with the empty space --> CLAS6-26087 UI -> Agent Portal -> Commission Report -> UI calling wrong start time & end time --> CLAS6-25364 Termination Vendor -> Create New -> Console showing error --> CLAS6-26480 UI Issue -> DID Customer -> Create New & Edit -> DID Product field not aligned on the page --> CLAS6-26200 Display of SIP Profile in the Egress sip profile setting --> CLAS6-26624 Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Console showing error --> CLAS6-26219 DID -> Customer -> Edit -> Need to remove "trunk/egress/list" API --> CLAS6-26220 UI Issue -> Archive Setting -> FTP Storage -> Edit button flashing and not showing popup text --> CLAS6-26603 DID Dashboard -> DID Vendor ( Add More ) -> Back button redirecting to wrong page --> CLAS6-26166 Finance -> Payment -> Received -> Show Note -> Popup box overlap issue --> CLAS6-26311 UI Issue -> Call Simulation -> UI keeps loading --> CLAS6-26346 DID Customer -> Trunk Column -> Need to remove "sort" button --> CLAS6-26348 DID Customer -> Create New -> UI is showing "Error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'submitAction')" --> CLAS6-26345 UI Issue -> DID Customer -> Edit -> Add Host -> UI is showing Unnecessary number in action column --> CLAS6-26344 Routing -> Trunk -> Egress Trunk -> Edit -> When we enable "T.38" Then UI is calling "t38 : false: in payload --> CLAS6-26218 Summary Report -> Inbound & Outbound -> Total PDD calculation is showing wrong --> CLAS6-26262 Commission Report -> Need to remove sort button --> CLAS6-26162 Summary Report -> Inbound -> When we do not select "pdd" field even then UI is showing "pdd" column --> CLAS6-26263 Client / Vendor / DID Client Portal -> CDR -> Export -> Export button export whole data instant of current page print --> CLAS6-26185 stir shaken config page is wrong --> CLAS6-26613 UI should set the default port to boe 5060 --> CLAS6-26203 add start-time and end-time for Disconnection report --> CLAS6-26634 Block number header match is wrong --> CLAS6-26294 UI used wrong api to save stir shaken --> CLAS6-26498 When i do sorting in report, the "ignore null" is not working --> CLAS6-26700 Need to add new fields to CDr search --> CLAS6-26699 add ftc_days to Auto call block --> CLAS6-26503 29/10/2024 -> Version 10.4.5 UI issue:- Tool > Call simulation > DID > not showing result uder tabel while release cause showing normal --> CLAS6-25567 UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Cost Report > UI call unused api call --> CLAS6-26466 UI Issue:- Statistics> Inbound/Outbound Report > AVG rate --> CLAS6-26468 UI Issue:- Statistics > termination > cdrs list > cdr search > Outbound local ip showing blank > while api give response --> CLAS6-26490 UI Issue:- Statistics > Termination > Dashboard > Max cap and max cps showing wrong on dashboard --> CLAS6-26473 Client Portal > Billing > Invoice > Pay with stripe - "Payment Amount" field is filled with the wrong amount --> CLAS6-26458 UI Issue:- Log > DID Import Log > Double click on Assign > Console showing error --> CLAS6-26424 UI Issue:- Origination > CDRs List > CDR Search > UI call wrong api call --> CLAS6-26425 UI issue:- Client Portal :- Billing > Invoice > Pay with stripe > Amount and submit is missing on UI --> CLAS6-26446 UI Issue:- Origination(DID) > Customer > Edit Customer > Outbound Tab > Edit >Trunk info page >Need to remove unwanted tabs --> CLAS6-26370 UI Issue:- Origination(DID) > Customer > Edit Customer > Outbound Tab > Edit >Path header showing wrong --> CLAS6-26368 09/10/2024 -> Version 10.4.4 UI Issue:- Finance > Payment > Deatails -> CLAS6-26307 finance>payment>action>show Note>UI change required -> CLAS6-26283 term>wizard>step 5> add new product>grey out the submit button unless mandatory fields are added -> CLAS6-26177 Configuration -> Code Deck -> UI is calling same api twice time -> CLAS6-25362 SMS -> Rate Table -> Import -> header name inter should be 1st option not that intra -> CLAS6-26275 DID Vendor -> Edit -> Add DID -> Showing error on console when we click on Add DID button -> CLAS6-26224 Cosmetic Issue:- Finance > Payment > Deatails > Button size should be same as other popup window -> CLAS6-26324 08/10/2024 -> Version 10.4.3 Statistics -> Summary Report -> Inbound /Outbound Cascade Report -> We need to add the "Customers/Vendors and Ingress/Egress" Filters on Cascade Tabs too --> CLAS6-26170 All the Repots Pages -> UI needs to correct the PDD calculation formula -> zero duration call has no PDD, It should be "total pdd/ non zero call" --> CLAS6-26150 Term Dashboard -> Revenue and Profitability Graph -> UI needs to use the correct Formula for the Profitability Graph. --> CLAS6-25331 DID Repo -> Create New DID -> UI needs to call the "POST ​/tool​/did_number_upload_task" API for Add DIDs --> CLAS6-26279 Routing -> Block List -> While using DNIS and ANIs search box -> UI Needs to show the data in ASC order based on the "Digits" --> CLAS6-24853 DID Client -> Post/Patch -> We need to add New Tabs for "Digit Manipulation" and " Digit Replacement" As same as working tabs we have on the termination trunk page --> CLAS6-25660 DID Vendor -> Post / Patch -> We need to add New Tabs for "Digit Manipulation" and " Digit Replacement" there too. --> CLAS6-25661 SMS Issue:- Summary Report -> Inbound Cascade Report/ Outbound Cascade Reprot -> UI is showing wrong ACD, Need to Calculate the Correct ACD --> CLAS6-26169 Tools -> Call simulation -> The UI keeps loading for an endless time if the "The route_type_flg is "Static Routing". However the data is available in the API response --> CLAS6-26352 VTI & ATI Issue -> GET ​/watchdog​/server​/{server_ip}​/status -> Unable to show the Status of the Installed Components, The API is showing Error --> CLAS6-26226 Termination Client -> Edit -> Unable to edit the Client accounts, the console showing some error due to "Time_Zone" field disappear from the Auto Invoice tab --> CLAS6-26353 Termination Client POST/PATCH -> The unnecessary text "true/false" must be removed from the "Automatic Report" tab --> CLAS6-26395 DID Client -> Edit -> We need to remove the "Digit Manipulation" and "Digit Replacement" tab from the Client page, we already having the same option on Resource Page Now --> CLAS6-26369 Dialworld Issue -> Term CDR/DID -> UI should indicate the info about the "Orig/Term Release", whenever the user moves the cursor over the text. --> CLAS6-26413 Termination Clint Patch -> UI calling the wrong parameter for "non_zero_invoice_only", It causes the values are not getting saved, However the API is works fine --> CLAS6-26409 RED/DialWorld Issue:- The route_type_flg is "Static Routing - Dynamic routing", but even after that the Call simulation follow the LCR routing rule --> CLAS6-25908 Tools -> PCAP Archival -> PCAP Search -> UI is calling wrong API, we need to use the "POST ​/cloud​/search​/pcap" API to get the Pcap --> CLAS6-26209 Termination Client -> Create New -> Basic Info tab -> The UI is showing blank and the Input Fields are missing there --> CLAS6-26474 Statistics -> Summary Report -> Group By options -> UI needs to change the Text for "origination source host name" , It should be "Ingress media IP" --> CLAS6-26430 API Issue -> Auto Invoice -> API needs to enable the "CDR_URL" under the auto_invoice mail if the "inlcude_cdr_in_email" parameter is true --> CLAS6-24119 Trunk -> Ingress /Egress -> Digit Manipulation -> UI should enable the "Digits" column for "Plus Suffix" for "ANI" instead of "Num Of Char", However, the API is works fine --> CLAS6-26419 Ingress Trunk Configuration -> Stir Shaken -> Verification Policy ->The UI needs to use the "shaken_vfy_policy" parameter for verification of calls, instead of using "vfy_policy" --> CLAS6-26442 Term CDR -> Static Route Name Field -> The UI needs to show the name of the "Static Routing" instead of the ID. --> CLAS6-26486 Trunks -> Egress / Ingress -> UI needs to add a New tab name "Rate Override" on both the Trunk Page --> CLAS6-24625 Rate Generation Result -> The "inter_rate" and "intra_rate" rates are missing from UI for the USJD rate template, However there is data available in the API response --> CLAS6-26111 API Issue -> PATCH ​/tool​/rate_generation​/{id} -> The "ignore_zero_rates" parameter is not working, It does not get enabled in the API response --> CLAS6-26272 Perfect Network -> Statistics-> Daily Channel Usage Report -> We Needs to show the Vendor and Client Name on the UI too. --> CLAS6-26174 Perfect Network Issue:- Ingress Trunk -> The UI needs to allow 25 characters in the password field for the SIP registration, The API works fine --> CLAS6-26310 Achllo Issue -> Agent Portal -> The Agents should not be allowed to active/deactivate the client account --> CLAS6-26386 01/10/2024 -> Version 10.4.2 Summary Report -> Inbound -> "PP K Calls & PPKA" showing blank --> CLAS6-25368 Agent Portal -> Statistics -> CDR -> Output: Email when done -> Content box showing error box --> CLAS6-25818 Term Dashboard -> Profitability -> Profitability Graph showing wrong profitability --> CLAS6-25820 term>dashboard>statistics> Ui should show the headers in human readable format only --> CLAS6-25314 Stir Shaken -> All menu not showing on top --> CLAS6-25949 Term Dashboard -> QoS -> PDD -> Not all value are being represented in the pdd graph --> CLAS6-25822 DID Customer -> Create New -> Digit Replacement & Digit Manipulation -> UI is calling unnecessary API --> CLAS6-25886 Term Dashboard -> Show: Revenue and Profitability -> Revenue -> In the graph is not showing all data for revenue --> CLAS6-25825 DID Import Log -> Delete -> Unable to search data --> CLAS6-25890 Product -> Send Rate -> Need to show some space --> CLAS6-25904 UI -> Rate Generation -> Create New & Edit -> Need to add "Ignore Zero Rate" checkbox --> CLAS6-25851 Origination -> Profitability Report -> Total profitability calculation is wrong --> CLAS6-25881 Profitability Analysis -> Origination & Termination -> UI showing blank box --> CLAS6-25905 Configuration -> Stir Shaken -> Console error --> CLAS6-25944 Term Dashboard -> Profitability -> Profitability graph is showing blank --> CLAS6-25938 UI -> Configuration -> Stir Shaken -> STI Config -> Need to fix reset button --> CLAS6-25947 Statistics -> Origination -> Profitability Report -> Need to remove "Group by" dropdown --> CLAS6-25956 UI -> Default Fail-over Rule -> Code column is showing blank on UI --> CLAS6-26013 UI -> Profitability Analysis -> Origination & Termination -> UI should not call sort parameter --> CLAS6-26015 Statistics -> Origination -> Profitability Report -> UI is calling wrong API --> CLAS6-25957 Log -> Email Log -> Need to remove Vertical Scroll bar --> CLAS6-26016 Origination -> Profitability Report -> UI is not calling report API --> CLAS6-25963 Block Import Log -> Upload & Delete -> Download file URL showing wrong and getting error on UI --> CLAS6-26019 UI Issue -> Configuration -> Invoice Setting -> UI showing error box --> CLAS6-26025 Statistics -> Summary Report -> Outbound -> Total "PP K Calls & PPKA" calculation is wrong --> CLAS6-25384 Termination -> Vendor -> Show / Hide Column -> Dropdown showing "No data" & console showing error --> CLAS6-26030 Inbound / Outbound Report -> UI is showing "Invalid date" in Time column --> CLAS6-26264 UI -> Statistics -> Origination -> Profitability Report -> UI is showing unnecessary error popup --> CLAS6-26031 Statistics -> Origination -> Profitability Report -> Need to shift "Customer" dropdown --> CLAS6-26032 UI -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> When the user selects a specific date in the "From" date box, it showing wrong --> CLAS6-26063 Term Dashboard -> Qos Report -> UI keeps loading --> CLAS6-26103 DID Vendor -> Edit -> ADD DID -> Add by Range -> DID Vendor Name -> Need to remove dropdown icon --> CLAS6-26104 UI ->Invoice -> Auto Invoice -> Need to fix popup --> CLAS6-26105 Outbound Cascade Report -> Current Week -> ACD calculation is wrong on UI --> CLAS6-26235 DID CDR List -> CDR Search -> Page row not working on UI --> CLAS6-26325 API > GET ​/log​/regenerate_balance > The Re-Generation History showing Double entry in Log for Single Regenerartion, Issue is only with the current date selection --> CLAS6-25730 UI > DID > Client >Edit > Billing Info > select auto invoicing > Payment term >click on next without adding payment term > and if we add again payment term still showing validation --> CLAS6-26090 UI > Static Routing > Details > Add New Route > showing unwanted icon on page , need to remove marked icon --> CLAS6-26123 Configuration > Random ANI Group > Import is not working without header file --> CLAS6-26213 UI Issue:- Routing > Block List > Create new/edit > ANI min and DNIS min not accept same value as ANI max and DNIS max --> CLAS6-26068 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Status should be set active as default selection --> CLAS6-25919 UI Issue:- Statistics >Inbound/outbound Report > Time Zone Issue --> CLAS6-24709 03/09/2024 -> Version 10.4.1 Term Dashboard -> Connected Calls -> The Horizontal Line for the connected calls graph is wrong, the 0 Should be marked below instead of the Middle of X-Axsis. --> CLAS6-25740 UI Issue -> GET ​/rt​/cdr_get -> Need to add all the "egress_erro_string" Codes on the switch -> Some of the Codes like "79" is Missing --> CLAS6-25568 Term Dashboard -> Connected calls Graphs -> The "Hide Total Line" check box is not working properly --> CLAS6-25623 Monitoring -> Media IP Blocking -> UI needs to enable the Netmask Values from "0" to "30" under the dropdown. --> CLAS6-25481 DID Billing Rule :- Needs to Remove the Client and Vendor Dropdown requirements from UI --> CLAS6-25514 UI Issue -> GET ​/rt​/cdr_get -> Unable to get the CDR using the "term_code_name", however, there is data available in DB. --> CLAS6-24681 Rate Generation -> History -> Details -> UI needs to show the Rate Generation template Name under the Navigation Header instead of showing blank. --> CLAS6-25789 Statistics -> Summary Report -> Group By options -> UI needs to change the Text for "origination source host name" , It should be "Ingress media IP" --> CLAS6-25984 DID / Term Client Portal -> All the 3 Graphs ->We need to fix the "0" on the X-Axis line, It should not be set in Middle of the line. --> CLAS6-25786 DID Import -> Assign DIDs to a Customer -> UI is wrongly calling the "did/repository/list" API while hitting the submit button to Import DIDs, and It unnecessarily increases the Import loading time. --> CLAS6-25664 DID Import Log ->Assign -> DID Assign data is not showing on UI, We needs to call the correct "op_method=Assign" parameter for "Assign" tab --> CLAS6-25800 Origination CDRs List -> CDR Export Log -> The Requested Job IDs are not showing on UI, However we have data in the API Response --> CLAS6-26114 DID Import Log -> UI needs to add one more tab name "Upload" on Log page for "op_mthod=upload". --> CLAS6-25801 Term Dashboard -> Profitability -> UI needs to show the profitability After multiplying it by 100. --> CLAS6-25860 Origination -> DID Report -> UI should not need to call the "show_non_zero_only: true" parameter , we need full DID Report --> CLAS6-25687 Origination-> DID CDRs List -> CDR Search Fields -> The UI Needs to add the New Stir Shaken CDR fields under the list. --> CLAS6-25812 Statistics -> Disconnect Causes -> Orig SIP Reason and Term SIP Reason -> We dont need to Show (+) button on UI if we have blank Calls or Trunk ID is Null --> CLAS6-25837 Term CDR -> PCAP Search Log -> Need to show the correct time on UI, The API is showing Correct time in the Response --> CLAS6-25658 DID Repository -> DID Release -> When user click on the "Release Button" UI should call the Release API , No need to show the deselect option for client and billing rule --> CLAS6-25914 Disconnected Causes -> Origination / Termination / Orig SIP Reason / Term SIP Reason -> Unable to Sort the list using trunk name, Sorting should be Controlled by UI instead of wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-25939 DID Repository -> We need to enable the "Mass Assign" option again on the UI, The API works fine and DIDs are Assigned to the client in Mass. --> CLAS6-25425 DID Import Log -> Delete Tab -> UI needs to show the list having "op_method=delete" --> CLAS6-25916 Ingress Trunk -> Stir Shaken -> We need to add "Sign US and CA numbers" option under the "Signing Policy" list, API is works fine --> CLAS6-26058 Statistics -> Origination -> Profitability Report -> If Profitability is "0" then UI needs to show "0" instead of showing "NAN". --> CLAS6-26092 DID CDR Export Task -> Needs to show the "Start time" and "End Time" on UI, the Data is available in API response --> CLAS6-26093 CDR Archival -> The 'Egress Trunk" and "Ingress Trunk" filters are not working properly, UI is calling Associated Carrier ID instead of Trunk ID --> CLAS6-26116 Origination -> DID Product -> UI need to show the name of the user who created did_product, Data is available in the API response --> CLAS6-26204 Term and DID CDR -> Inbound / Outbound Stir/Shaken Status -> UI needs to show the name of the Status, Instead of showing the Values --> CLAS6-26094 Statistics -> Origination -> Profitability Report -> Statistics -> Origination -> Profitability Report -> The "Ignore Null" check box should be controlled by UI, Instead of using the "show_non_zero_only" API Parameter --> CLAS6-26091 DID Vendor -> New / Edit -> Add DID -> The Path Navigation header needs to be added to the UI. --> CLAS6-26151 Perfect Network Issue -> Termination Client Portal -> CDR -> UI needs to rectify the CDR header name as same as we have on the Admin Portal --> CLAS6-26227 Perfect Network Issue -> Term Dashboard Issue -> The Real time data is wrong, UI needs to call the correct API "system_call_stats". --> CLAS6-26236 DID Redesign -> DID Repository -> Edit -> When we click on edit button then UI is calling same API multiple time --> CLAS6-25163 Product -> Create New & Edit -> Need to remove Vertical Scroll bar --> CLAS6-25486 DID Dashboard -> ACD calculation is wrong on UI --> CLAS6-25306 DID Client -> Edit -> Submit button is not working --> CLAS6-25488 UI -> QoS Summary -> Origination & Termination -> ASR & ACD sorting, UI showing error --> CLAS6-25495 Rate Generation -> Edit -> Path header showing wrong --> CLAS6-25519 Ingress Trunk Template -> Create New -> UI showing error --> CLAS6-25541 Termination -> Vendor -> Edit -> Console showing error --> CLAS6-25546 Term Dashboard -> Statistics -> ACD & Profitability % showing "0" --> CLAS6-25550 Usage Report -> Origination -> Total Percentage of Calls (%) showing wrong --> CLAS6-25554 Agent Management -> When there is no data, it should not show this search box --> CLAS6-25616 DID Cost Report -> When we do not select any field in dropdown then UI is calling blank parameter --> CLAS6-25618 didv7 -> DID Import Log -> Delete -> UI is calling wrong api --> CLAS6-25619 didv7 -> DID Repository -> Import -> UI is calling wrong API --> CLAS6-25620 Invoice -> Manual Invoice -> Remove API Request that is not needed --> CLAS6-25643 UI -> Configuration -> Archive Setting -> UI is not calling API for server name --> CLAS6-25652 Invoice Setting -> Create New & Edit -> UI is calling wrong API --> CLAS6-25653 responsive issue in the dashabord --> CLAS6-26097 Trunk -> Egress/Ingress -> Create New -> Trunk Template Name -> UI calling wrong api --> CLAS6-25669 DID CDR List -> CDR Export Log -> It should not triggered the end time until it is complete. --> CLAS6-25676 DID CDRs List -> CDR Export Log -> "Triggered Start Time & Triggered End Time" showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-25681 Termination -> Vendor -> Trunk Count -> Basic Info -> UI showing wrong path header --> CLAS6-25714 The file download links don't work --> CLAS6-25991 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Static Routing -> Need api optimization for static list in egress trunk page --> CLAS6-25717 Statistics -> Origination -> DID Report -> Total PDD Calculation is wrong --> CLAS6-25735 Log -> DID Import Log -> Delete -> Fail -> Showing error on devtool --> CLAS6-25737 Rate Table -> Send Rate -> Rate Email Template -> When we select "DO Not Select Template" in dropdown showing error --> CLAS6-25755 Summary Report -> Inbound -> Margin -> Total margin calculation is showing wrong --> CLAS6-25759 Tools -> Rate Generation -> The table should be sort by last created on desc --> CLAS6-25767 DID Dashboard -> Last 24 Hours -> Statistics Graph -> When we click on profitability then graph is showing blank --> CLAS6-25776 Origination -> Profitability Report -> Profit calculation is wrong --> CLAS6-25779 Rate Table -> Send Rate -> Need to show some space --> CLAS6-25805 Product -> Send Rate -> Need to correction path header --> CLAS6-25806 UI -> Code Deck -> View -> Edit -> Country name missing after click on edit button --> CLAS6-25823 UI -> Admin -> Switch Capacity -> Need to fix cancel button --> CLAS6-25852 UI -> DID Repository -> UI showing create new box without clicking on create new button --> CLAS6-25856 Term Dashboard -> Revenue -> Graph is not showing correct line --> CLAS6-25858 UI Issue -> Termination -> Customer -> Create New -> Path on customer page is changing automatically --> CLAS6-25870 DID Import Log -> Upload -> Showing error on console --> CLAS6-25889 UI -> Term Dashboard -> Revenue -> UI Is showing blank graph --> CLAS6-25910 DID Dashboard -> Revenue -> The revenue graph are showing blank for last 7days data --> CLAS6-25941 Stir Shaken -> ANI Pool & ANI Group -> Unable to access "Ani Pool & Ani Group" tab --> CLAS6-25945 UI -> Default Fail Over Rule -> Default Origination Failover Rule -> Loading page issue --> CLAS6-25967 DID Dashboard -> UI is calling undefined API instead of switch id --> CLAS6-25974 Disconnect Causes -> Orig SIP Reason & Term SIP Reason -> Field -> Sorting should be in alphabetical order A-Z --> CLAS6-26062 DID Vendor -> Create New & Edit -> Default Vendor Billing Rule (+) -> No need to Vertical Scroll bar on this box --> CLAS6-26095 remove ingress_name from report api --> CLAS6-25847 UI issue -> Usage Report -> Percentage of Calls (%) & Percent of Duration (%) -> sort not working --> CLAS6-25524 Term Dashboard -> Inbound QoS & Outbound QoS -> API showing error "ingress_name:no such field to select." --> CLAS6-25711 DID Dashboard -> Connected Calls -> Egress CPS -> Graph showing wrong data --> CLAS6-25768 Term & DID Dashboard -> Statistics Graph -> Need to correction for name --> CLAS6-25804 rate sending "error" display --> CLAS6-26126 UI -> Admin -> VOIP Gateway -> Edit -> Cancel button is working as Save button --> CLAS6-25809 DID Customer -> Create New & Edit -> UI should show submit button instead of next button --> CLAS6-25888 DID Product UI --> CLAS6-25928 Watch dog UI is not showing correct status of each component --> CLAS6-25603 UI Issue -> Beltalk -> Term Dashboard -> Last Hour -> Devtool side shwing error --> CLAS6-26088 statistics>trafic analytics>inbound and outbound PDD calculation is wrong --> CLAS6-26191 Red Issue -> DID Vendor -> Edit -> Add DID -> Vendor Billing Rule Name: (+) -> UI is not allow "Fee Per Port & Price per Minute" value in decimal --> CLAS6-26221 block number import page matching is mising --> CLAS6-26292 29/08/2024 -> Version 10.4.0 CLAS6-25819 routing>trunk list>egress / ingress - action save as template - disable submit button CLAS6-25645 DID>vendor>create>create new pricing rule>showing wrong error CLAS6-25646 DID>vendor>create new>UI modification required CLAS6-25672 routing>trunk>create new egress>UI is showing validation "egress trunk template field is required" CLAS6-25552 rate table>send rate>save as template button>button should not be clickable unless all mandatory fields are added CLAS6-25588 term>customer>create new> carrier template text should show in a single row CLAS6-25637 configuration>mail sender>status is showing wrong text CLAS6-25545 template - egress and ingress trunk template>create/edit> Multi host routing strategy - Hide CLAS6-25551 Template>rate email template>create new>Download method>UI issue CLAS6-25453 origination>wizard>create new billing rule>cosmetic issue CLAS6-25507 configuration>time profile>edit>showing error in console CLAS6-25784 vendor portal - block list page>remove unwanted API CLAS6-25783 vendor portal- block list>list should show egress list in dropdown and outbound trunk CLAS6-25778 statistics>origination>profitability report>calculation issue-profitability is showing wrong CLAS6-25763 configuration>code deck>export>un select header and export>showing error CLAS6-26040 finance>manual invoice>action>void - modify popup text CLAS6-25780 statistics>origination>time bucket>by hours>Adding blank row causing UI overlap CLAS6-26023 admin>first time wiard>step 4>email setting>UI changes CLAS6-26024 admin>first time wiard>step 5>notification setting>UI is accepting wrong email format CLAS6-26181 DID>customer>edit>UI modification>digit replacement and digit manipulation tab CLAS6-26061 stir shaken>ani pool view>delete popup box stays on the page even user moves to other pages CLAS6-26060 configuration>stir shaken>AN pool list - delete poup modification CLAS6-26133 termination>wizard>create new product>add * mandatory for Rate table field CLAS6-26164 termination>wizard>step 5 >customer trunk>autorised by - register to gateway - UI validation required CLAS6-26041 finance- auto and manual invoice > action>Sent>error in console CLAS6-26183 DID>statistics>cdr export log>progress info - header change required CLAS6-26179 DID >DID product>created DID product is showing multiple row to add billing rule CLAS6-26182 did >customer>edit>digit replacement and digit manipulation>remove extra buttons CLAS6-25961 origination>profitability tab>page keeps loading and showing error in console CLAS6-25977 did>client>create/edit >need to add DID product dropdown list - UI CLAS6-26180 DID produt>Action>Edit>delete product item>modify the delete popup text CLAS6-26214 routing>rate table>edit>console showing error CLAS6-26059 configuration>stir shaken>ANI pool view tab - UI issue CLAS6-26022 configuration>mail sender>create / edit - need validation for Port limit CLAS6-26026 term>vendor>UI is showing blank on v6 CLAS6-25902 RPM - fresh install - term>vendor>create new page should open when there is no vendor on switch CLAS6-25959 origination>profitability tab>cosmetic issue CLAS6-25960 statistics>origination>profitability report>wrong API called - need to remove CLAS6-25943 statistics>origination>DID cost report>export>DID customer and vendor name is showing in different text format - UI CLAS6-25574 statistics>active call report>add a new header "Action" - UI issue CLAS6-25885 admin>ticket page>UI issue>when there is no data on the page - it should show "no data found" CLAS6-25855 configuration>stir shaken>ANI group and ANI pool>create new>make Submit grey out once name is not filled CLAS6-25882 vendor portal>report>UI is blank and console showing error in dev tool CLAS6-25854 configuration>stir shaken>ANI pool>view>create new>UI issue CLAS6-25670 did repository>export>not working>instead lead to dashboard page CLAS6-25884 admin>tickets>UI calling un necessary api for this page-need to remove CLAS6-25138 statistics>trafic analytics>inbound and outbound PDD calculation is wrong CLAS6-26099 Red - term>vendor>edit>UI is not calling the parameters correctly CLAS6-26045 origination>profitability report>total row>value should be upto 4 decimal place CLAS6-25803 rate table>send rate page>error message appears CLAS6-25756 rate table>action>Assign rate deck>popup>remove vertical scroll bar - UI CLAS6-25757 configuration>code deck>UI calling multiple api for same CLAS6-25792 tools>live call>console error CLAS6-25174 dialworld - statistics>inbound/outbound report - showing less result than expected CLAS6-25468 template>egress trunk template>unable to create new template - Ui asking to add Pass field as mandatory CLAS6-25469 template>ingress trunk template - create/edit min and max duration field is showing wrong - Ui issue CLAS6-25470 template - ingress trunk template - create/edit>after last Step - button should be Submit button CLAS6-25730 API > GET ​/log​/regenerate_balance > The Re-Generation History showing Double entry in Log for Single Regenerartion, Issue is only with the current date selection RED ISSUE: "321231" number is added in "Rate Template Name" field --> CLAS6-25503 SMS ISSUE : CDR Export not working --> CLAS6-25324 UI ISSUE: we don't need time_profile API list in dev tool --> CLAS6-25394 DUP - Client Portal: Getting duplicate fields for filling paypal amount --> CLAS6-25829 Retrieve Password Page --> CLAS6-26002 UI ISSUE: Ui not sending "origination_destination_number" field in Request --> CLAS6-25830 Teleinx ISSUE: UI takes time to execute Block list API in dev tool --> CLAS6-25479 22/08/2024 -> Version 10.3.9 UI Issue:- Statistics > CDRs List > CDR Search > more option > Internal release cause --> CLAS6-25894 UI issue:- regenerate balance > UI send wrong in request payload --> CLAS6-25657 Statistics > Termination Dashboard >Inbound channel, inbound cps, outbound cps, connected call, Total call, total minute, total profit and total profitability box missing on UI --> CLAS6-26037 Statistics > Cascade CDR search > More option > Release code dropdown should have all sip codes --> CLAS6-25879 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Ingress/Inbound > edit > Stir shaken > UI send wrong payload for shaken_sign_policy --> CLAS6-25802 Statistics > Origination Dashboard >Ingres Channel --> CLAS6-25751 UI issue:- email box issue --> CLAS6-25816 UI Issue:- Termination > Customer > create new / Edit > company info >Billing email box size issue --> CLAS6-25815 Statistics > Origination Dashboard > Graph > Ingres CPS > UI Calling wrong payload for ingress cps graph --> CLAS6-25750 Teleinx issue:- UI Issue:- Statistiscs >Termination Dashboard > Connected call graph > Select inbound trunk > click on refresh >graph showing blank while api response have data --> CLAS6-25836 UI Issue:- Need to change text from "All egress no confirmed" to "All Egress failing" in release cause --> CLAS6-25876 UI Issue:- Termination > Customer > Edit > Main Email have 2 mail but UI Still showing Error popup --> CLAS6-25498 UI Issue:- Termination > Customer > Create New > basic info page showing blank --> CLAS6-25739 v6 - login page - when user log out -dev tool is responding with error --> CLAS6-25491 statistics>cdr>show fields>wrong field added --> CLAS6-25190 termination>Credit management>add sort option for name , term , balance and updated at --> CLAS6-25444 did redesign - call stats by hour is blank on dashboard UI --> CLAS6-24327 did redesign - system call stats is not showing data on dashboard --> CLAS6-24326 did redesign - dashboard - top 10 client and vendor showing no data found --> CLAS6-24325 agent portal - summary report - UI modification --> CLAS6-25381 agent portal>statistics>commission report>need to change the path --> CLAS6-25382 did >did import log>remove Sort button from Operation header --> CLAS6-25406 did>did repository>export>showing error in console after succcessfull export --> CLAS6-25405 template>carrier template>create new>make short call charges as Radio button - ui issue --> CLAS6-25396 log>DID import log>console error --> CLAS6-25298 statistics>cdr>show fields>it should be Response From Egress instead of response to egress --> CLAS6-25343 agent portal>top 10 customers / balance - refreshing the balance is refreshing top 10 client box --> CLAS6-25439 agent portal>cdr export log>action>progress info popup>header change - UI --> CLAS6-25442 routing>ingress>edit>STI-OCN block>data is not getting saved on ui --> CLAS6-24903 tools>sip packet search list>changing the page row is showing error in console --> CLAS6-25344 routing>rate table list>console error --> CLAS6-25339 client portal/vendor portal - cdr>result - time zone is showing "480" instead of +00 --> CLAS6-25521 did>customer>create/edit>cosmetic issue - need to add seconds "S" for multiple fields --> CLAS6-25493 DID>customers>customer dropdown list>showing term clients instead of DID clients --> CLAS6-25482 origination>dashboard>cps and channel graph is showing data in decimals --> CLAS6-25483 dial world - rate>edit>UI getting stuck --> CLAS6-25461 template>ingress trunk template>created template list is not showing - API issue --> CLAS6-25472 agent portal>dashboard>last hour / last 24 hours stats boxes should be same like other portals --> CLAS6-25440 termination>credit management>list>remove the horiontal line when headers are unchecked --> CLAS6-25443 staging/wavecall - system admin>restrat the service is showing error popup --> CLAS6-25600 term>customer>create new>Basic info page section is missing on UI --> CLAS6-25540 Routing>egress trunk >>create>remove unwanted API call --> CLAS6-25543 RED - egress/ingress>edit>unable to add failover 608 under egress trunk --> CLAS6-25072 template>ingress template>create>shift the field to adjust the blank space --> CLAS6-25544 configuration>stir shaken>import>UI boxes are overlaped --> CLAS6-25508 Create Resource/Customer by Template - UI modification --> CLAS6-25542 finance>auto invoice>select and Send invoice - popup modification --> CLAS6-25611 finance>invoice>manual invoice>action send>no response in dev tool --> CLAS6-25612 cdr>pcap query>pcap export log>remove Progress and add Action Header - UI mod --> CLAS6-25627 configuration>system setting>advanced>we can remove some of the options --> CLAS6-25674 https://v6dev.denovolab.com/#/tools/live_call - error " apitest.denovolab.com’s server IP address could not be found." --> CLAS6-25713 clarity - tools>rate generation>create new>min.time and interval>need to remove validation --> CLAS6-25722 client portal>cdr request log>action>download cdr file- showing failed --> CLAS6-22905 term>customer>create new>welcome letter confirmation popup box - UI issue --> CLAS6-25727 vendor portal -Block list submenu is missing from the UI --> CLAS6-23811 statistics>DID dashboard>not changing the data on UI when chnging the time period --> CLAS6-25309 dialworld - statistics>inbound/outbound report - showing less result than expected --> CLAS6-25174 Term CDR -> Orig/Term Release -> UI is showing ID instead of Release cause Name --> CLAS6-25608 UI Issue -> Term CDR -> Cascade CDR Search -> UI does not needs to call "final_call=1" parameter only if user try to cascade the report --> CLAS6-25566 DID -> Customers -> UI needs to use the Minimized API for the Customer dropdown list. --> CLAS6-25426 Statistics -> Summary Report -> Report is not showing on UI while Group by , However the Data is available in API Response --> CLAS6-25235 Tools -> CDR Archival -> UI is calling the wrong API parameter for the "Non_Zero" Calls, It should be "non_zero=1" instead of "0". --> CLAS6-25375 Trunks -> Ingress Trunks -> Unable to view the Trunk Details by clicking on the Trunk name -> Getting Console Error --> CLAS6-25726 Statistics -> Summary Report - >Needs to hide the "Local Cost" field from UI, till the API will get fix --> CLAS6-25605 DID Repository -> DID Edit -> Need to remove the ANI and DNIS section from the UI --> CLAS6-25659 WaveCall Issue :- Statistics -> Summary Report -> UI is showing Wrong PP Mins, Need to show the correct values based on the Calculation --> CLAS6-25798 Log -> DID Import Log -> We needs to add 3 Tabs for the "Assign", "Release" and "Delete" --> CLAS6-25305 Trunk -> Create new -> Ingress / Egress -> UI needs to remove the Template validation while Trunk creation --> CLAS6-25632 UI Issue -> PATCH ​/cloud​/storage​/{uuid} -> The API response is showing Strange Error --> CLAS6-25156 Regenerate Balance History -> The New Balance is showing Blank on UI, However, the API is showing the response. --> CLAS6-25745 Teleinx Issue :- Termination CDR -> UI is calling wrong parameter while using the "Egress Call Duration" filter, It should be "egress_non_zero=1/0" instead of "non_zero" --> CLAS6-26036 Disconnected report -> The UI needs to allow Sorting by using "Ingress / Egress" trunk name, Currently, API is showing Validation Error --> CLAS6-25951 Term Dashboard -> Reports -> UI should use 6 decimal point for the Cost field. --> CLAS6-25971 UI dialworld - statistics>inbound/outbound report - showing less result than expected --> CLAS6-25797 Teleinx Issue:- Term CDR -> UI needs to add Return Code 200 too under the dropdown list --> CLAS6-25606 Teleinx Issue -> UI Issue:- Response to Ingress -> Switch should not respond to the Ingress trunk until the last carrier --> CLAS6-25610 RED Issue -> API Issue:- POST/did/repository/create -> The API response is showing "vendor_trunk_id": "client_id 149 is invalid (not exists)" --> CLAS6-25476 SMS Issue -> Disconnected Causes -> Orig/ Term Causes -> We needs to shows all the SIP Codes on UI, Currently the 428 SIP code is missing From UI --> CLAS6-25862 DialWorld Issue -> Dynamic Routing -> Unable to Modify the Vendor from the dropdown list. --> CLAS6-25863 CallsysNetwork Issue:- Random ANI Group -> ANI List Page -> We must add a search box to get the ANI from the list. API is already working fine --> CLAS6-26035 01/08/2024 -> Version 10.3.8 did new design>vendor>action>view DID> showing wrong data - UI ISSUE --> CLAS6-23264 POST ​/config​/export - export block list issue -UI is showing status = failed everytime --> CLAS6-24892 configuration>login page content>user is able to upload background picture of more than 2 mb --> CLAS6-25000 configuration>login page content - cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-25038 configuration>carrier portal CDR fields>need to show the field name in HUman readable format --> CLAS6-24999 routing>block list>create>type is inactive under show/hide column --> CLAS6-25088 client portal>my trunks>hide Action header --> CLAS6-25087 statistics>cdr>release cause dropdown is showing "no data found" --> CLAS6-25113 RED - statistics>CDR / cascade CDR>inbound section>config/failover/origination/list - missing --> CLAS6-25073 statistics>CDR>export PCAP>UI keeps loading for infinite time --> CLAS6-25062 configuration>login page content > console error --> CLAS6-25110 routing>trunks>egress/ingress - export>when there is just CSV format - no need of dropdown --> CLAS6-25069 termination>client>Trunks>calling un necessary payment setting API --> CLAS6-25107 tools>rate generation>action>history>need to adjust the back button position --> CLAS6-25134 rate generation>apply to rate table page showing console error --> CLAS6-25135 statistics>profitability analysis>origination/termination>export data>header modification required --> CLAS6-25132 statistics>traffic analytics>distribution report>headers change --> CLAS6-25141 statistics>cdr>result is showing ID instead of name in response --> CLAS6-25191 statistics>cdr>fields>cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-25189 configuration>archive setting>please remove "SFTP" from Storage Target option - UI --> CLAS6-25195 v6>first page>sip IP and LAN IP > both ports are changing if we are changing anyone of them --> CLAS6-25226 statistics>cdr>show fields>field name change - UI --> CLAS6-25308 staging - cdr>Internal release cause is showing duplicate cause --> CLAS6-25009 teleinx - login as user>rate import page>not showing the rate table name in path secction - ui issue --> CLAS6-25334 routing>block list page>UI showing error - API working only UI issue only --> CLAS6-25355 dashboard- data is not getting displayed correctly for Termination --> CLAS6-25311 report>summary report>UI calling unselected field parameters --> CLAS6-25225 statistics>daily usage detail report>dev tool showing error for trunk/list api --> CLAS6-25292 statistics>CDR>output>email when done>cdr export via link>downloaded file has extra headers with respect to UI --> CLAS6-25091 finance>payment>new payment>received on time should be same as switch time always --> CLAS6-25093 statistics>trafic analytic>inbound / outbound >cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-25139 staging>statistics>cdr page>console error --> CLAS6-25210 statistics>CDR>headers are missing after CDR search --> CLAS6-25188 dialworld - statistics>inbound/outbound report - showing less result than expected --> CLAS6-25174 31/07/2024 -> Version 10.3.7 DID Dashboard -> Total Profit, & Total Profitability box showing wrong value --> CLAS6-25307 Agent Portal -> Commission Report -> Time Bucket -> UI change the data without clicking Submit button. --> CLAS6-25361 DID Redesign -> DID Dashboard -> Statistics -> Need to change "Profit percent" to "Profit Margin" --> CLAS6-25365 Termination Wizard -> Showing error on devtool for "/carrier//egress_trunk/list" --> CLAS6-25380 UI dialworld - statistics>inbound/outbound report - showing less result than expected --> CLAS6-25797 Termination Wizard -> Console showing error --> CLAS6-25385 Term Dashboard -> Statistics Graph -> ACD -> ACD is showing NAN for "last hour" --> CLAS6-25383 Invoice -> Auto & Manual -> Credit Note -> Cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-25403 QoS Summary -> Need to remove trunk list api --> CLAS6-25413 UI -> Term Dashboard -> Period -> Last Hour, LAST 24 Hour, Today -> Minutes & Attempt showing blank --> CLAS6-25402 UI -> Server Admin -> View Components -> Restart -> UI is showing no data found after restart the switch --> CLAS6-25414 Block Import Log -> Upload & Delete -> Need to remove sorting button --> CLAS6-25420 Summary Report -> Inbound -> Total PP Min calculation is wrong --> CLAS6-25423 Rate Email Template -> Edit -> Need to show correct path header --> CLAS6-25432 Inbound/Outbound Report & Summary Report -> Need to remove "config/system" api --> CLAS6-25431 Credit Management -> UI is calling "active" parameter when don't selected status in dropdown --> CLAS6-25441 Profitability Analysis -> Termination -> Total call duration (%) showing wrong --> CLAS6-25445 API Issue -> GET ​/config​/time_profile​/list -> "order_dir" parameter is not working correctly --> CLAS6-25446 DID Client Portal -> Origination -> Buy DID -> Toll Free -> UI is calling (pattern: ) blank parameter --> CLAS6-25454 Agent Portal -> Dashboard -> Duration & Cost -> Period -> Need to removed "year" in period dropdown --> CLAS6-25456 Agent Portal -> Dashboard -> Duration & Cost -> UI is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-25457 UI -> Agent Portal -> Dashboard -> "Volume Min, Spending USD, Non-Zero Calls" showing wrong for last hour --> CLAS6-25458 Product -> Edit -> Need to correction validation --> CLAS6-25485 UI -> QoS Summary -> Origination & Termination -> Export -> Export data is showing "ingress/egress trunk" id instead of trunk name --> CLAS6-25494 Inbound/Outbound Report -> "$" symbol is missing in profit column --> CLAS6-25520 Inbound / Outbound Report -> Page is loading and error appear on devtool --> CLAS6-25547 Call Simulation -> DID -> DID Client, Egress Host, ANI, DNIS, Rate, Release Cause result is not showing --> CLAS6-25571 UI Issue -> DID Client -> Edit -> UI showing unnecessary error popup --> CLAS6-25577 Random ANI Group -> View Detail -> UI needs to show some space between path header with name --> CLAS6-25587 DID Dashboard -> We need to Hide the "Current Month" options from UI. --> CLAS6-25590 DID Vendor -> Edit -> All detail box showing blank --> CLAS6-25597 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Dynamic Routing -> Need api optimization for dynamic list --> CLAS6-25575 wrong data mapping for DID origination --> CLAS6-25553 Egress Trunk is showing wrong result --> CLAS6-25561 Termination -> Customer & Vendor -> Create New & Edit -> Need to remove dropdown icon --> CLAS6-25598 no data text --> CLAS6-25531 Customer & Vendor -> Create New & Edit -> Company Info -> Billing Email / Rates Email -> Cosmetic change --> CLAS6-25599 Routing Plan -> Detail -> UI needs to show some space between header and name --> CLAS6-25617 click on "repository" text does not do anything --> CLAS6-25592 Egress & Ingress Trunk -> Create New -> Need to hide template name dropdown --> CLAS6-25642 Regenerate Balance - if there is no balance value --> CLAS6-25927 DID Customer -> Create New -> UI showing error "did_product_id: "Not a valid integer." --> CLAS6-25644 DID Report -> PDD showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-25649 API Issue -> GET ​/cloud​/dbman_cfg​/{server_name} --> CLAS6-25650 DID Repository -> UI is calling same API multiple time --> CLAS6-25654 stir shaken icon issue --> CLAS6-26056 Staging Issue -> Mail Template -> Showing error on devtool side --> CLAS6-25655 UI -> Termination -> Customer & Vendor -> Main Email -> Need to add validation --> CLAS6-25673 wrong dashboard real time data --> CLAS6-26080 Termination -> Customer -> Trunk Count -> Basic Info -> UI showing blank page --> CLAS6-25675 Term & Origination CDR -> Field -> Sorting should be in alphabetical order A-Z --> CLAS6-25677 Invoice -> Send -> UI showing wrong validation popup --> CLAS6-25678 UI -> Code Deck -> View -> The page is loading and spinning --> CLAS6-25764 UI Issue -> Termination -> Customer -> Create New -> UI calling wrong auto send zone --> CLAS6-25690 Termination -> Customer -> Host -> UI is calling same API multiple time --> CLAS6-25691 dashbarod supports for multiple switches --> CLAS6-25932 Termination -> Customer -> Host -> Need to remove "resource_active:" parameter --> CLAS6-25692 Rate Table -> Origination -> Usage Count -> Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Remove Multi-Host Routing Strategy --> CLAS6-25693 Term Dashboard -> Report -> Console showing error --> CLAS6-25694 UI -> Rate Generation -> Create New -> Showing unnecessary validation for code deck --> CLAS6-25695 Routing Plan -> Detail -> Create New & Edit -> Dynamic Route & Static Routing -> Click on + --> CLAS6-25696 UI -> Staging -> Dynamic Routing -> Edit -> Delete Selected -> Showing error --> CLAS6-25709 IJ call duration is calculated wrong --> CLAS6-26003 23/07/2024 -> Version 10.3.6 Cosmetic issue:- termination > Vendor > Create new --> CLAS6-25578 UI Issue:- Termination > vendor > Status should be set active as default selection --> CLAS6-25685 UI Issue:- Termination > Customer > Create New --> CLAS6-25595 UI issue:- termination > customer > Create new > Create new by template> click on path landing on wrong page --> CLAS6-25518 UI Issue:- Termination > Customer > create new / Edit > email box size issue --> CLAS6-25499 Red issue:- Statistics > Term CDR > More option > Release code dropdown should have all sip codes --> CLAS6-25626 UI Issue:- Template > Carrier Template > edit carrier template > 4 th tab short call charge --> CLAS6-25607 UI Issue:- Termination > Customer > Status should be set active as default selection --> CLAS6-25666 UI Issue:- Termination > Customer > Create new > Create new by template > both tab showing on same page --> CLAS6-25517 UI Issue:- Termination > Customer > Create new > Create new by template --> CLAS6-25516 UI issue:- termination > Vendor > Create new > Create new by template> click on path header = vendor landing on wrong page --> CLAS6-25532 Template > Egress Trunk Template > create New > by default Max duration(s) is se to 30 --> CLAS6-25452 Template > Ingress trunk template > create new/ edit > We need to remove or hide the "Pass" Tab from the Ingress trunk template Page --> CLAS6-25451 17/07/2024 -> Version 10.3.5 log>rate mass edit log>remove "Delete found rates" from Action Type header --> CLAS6-24869 configuration>Payment Term -> Usage Count -> Termination Customer ->sorting option is missing on UI --> CLAS6-24858 configuration>Payment Term -> Usage Count -> Termination Customer -> multiple change on UI required as per new modification on customer page --> CLAS6-24857 routing>trunks>ingress>detail>STI-OCN block> grey out the Delete button until filed is blank - UI issue --> CLAS6-24921 routing>trunk>ingress>>create new>Re-Invite Interval(s): > remove second --> CLAS6-24937 routing>ingress>edit>digit manipulation>Ui is allowing to submit without any input - UI --> CLAS6-24646 configuration>trunk group -> egress / ingress ->create/edit - UI issue --> CLAS6-24635 routing>block list>list page>cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-24632 statistics>cascade cdr - api is showing error --> CLAS6-25162 TBS - admin>server admin>watch dog components are not visible on UI --> CLAS6-24909 finance>regenarate balance>unable to select todays date for regeneration of client balance --> CLAS6-24867 Configuration>Payment term>create new>Invoicing cycle>Some day of month is allowing to select just 1 day using UI - UI change --> CLAS6-24915 SMS - dashboard>graph> CALLS , CPS and CHANNEL graphs are showing decimal values --> CLAS6-24672 statistics>cdr search>cdr export log>showing error in console --> CLAS6-24758 admin>server admin>action>change View Element to View Components - UI --> CLAS6-24910 trunk>egress/ingress>edit>no need of Vertical Scroll section on UI --> CLAS6-24904 template ->egress trunk template / ingress trunk template -> need to modify T38 field --> CLAS6-24798 admin>License>cosmetic change --> CLAS6-24792 routing>trunks>egress/ingress>create and edit> time box should have values in MS or S --> CLAS6-24763 configuration>Payment Term -> Usage Count -> Termination Customer -> Ingress Host ->need to integrate correct api --> CLAS6-24856 template>egress trunk template/ingress trunk template>wrong path --> CLAS6-24800 template>egress trunk template>edit>fields are not alligned --> CLAS6-24799 admin>server admin>components>last started on time should be in Human Readable format --> CLAS6-24931 configuration>user>Edit>UI is reflecting Customer boxes and vanishes - need to fix --> CLAS6-24975 configuration>users>edit>cosmetic change --> CLAS6-24974 configuration>user>system user>Action header missing under show/hide coulmns - UI issue --> CLAS6-24973 rate generation>apply to rate deck is showing operation error --> CLAS6-24990 staging>dashboard>call stats is showing wrong protiability --> CLAS6-25398 configuration>user>edit>UI is not showing the filled data --> CLAS6-25025 configuration>carrier portal CDR fields- Egress Trunk Trace is repeated twice , remove one --> CLAS6-24998 statistics>CDR>need to add additional fields for stir shaken resposne - UI --> CLAS6-24458 statistics>trafic analytics>inbound and outbound PDD calculation is wrong --> CLAS6-25138 10/07/2024 -> Version 10.3.4 UI Issue:- Template > Carrier Template > New Carrier template --> CLAS6-25410 Cometic issue:- Origination > Wizard --> CLAS6-25407 UI issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Report > sorting not working for billable time --> CLAS6-25282 UI Improvement:- Statistics > Origination > DID Report > Need to add total billable time column in report page --> CLAS6-25271 UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Report > Need to add total billable time column in DID Cost report page --> CLAS6-25284 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Inbound > STI-OCN Block > Click on create new > click on save > UI Not call Post api for OCN data and console showing error --> CLAS6-24986 UI Issue:- Routing > trunk > ingress trunk > add ingress trunk > submit btton not working --> CLAS6-25123 UI issue:- Statistics > termination > Usage Report --> CLAS6-25159 UI Issue:- Termination > vendor > name list > UI call wrong api for name list --> CLAS6-25103 UI issue:- termination > customer > click on path landing on wrong page --> CLAS6-25104 UI Issue:- Termination > Customer > Host > UI Call unused API --> CLAS6-25090 02/07/2024 -> Version 10.3.3 UI -> Termination -> Vendor -> Vendor List -> Need api optimization for vendor list --> CLAS6-25075 UI -> Client Portal -> Termination -> Trunk -> Download Rate button is missing --> CLAS6-25077 UI Issue -> Tools -> Rate Generation -> UI calling duplicate parameter --> CLAS6-25078 UI -> Tools -> Rate Generation -> Need api optimization for rate generation list --> CLAS6-25079 UI Issue -> Profitability Analysis -> Origination & Termination -> Header column name appearing wrong in export file --> CLAS6-25083 UI -> Finance -> Payment -> New Payment Received -> UI is calling same API twice time --> CLAS6-25094 UI -> Profitability Analysis -> Origination & Termination -> UI is not calling "order: asc" parameter --> CLAS6-25096 UI -> Profitability Analysis -> Termination -> Time Bucket -> UI change the data without clicking Submit button. --> CLAS6-25097 Agent Portal -> Products -> Send Rate -> Change "Headers" to "Rate File Headers" --> CLAS6-25106 Agent Portal -> Products -> Send Rate -> Need to add "red star" for mandatory field --> CLAS6-25108 Agent Portal -> Products -> View Rate -> Showing error on console --> CLAS6-25109 UI -> Commission Report -> ASR, ACD and Net Profit sorting, UI showing error --> CLAS6-25111 DID import page issue --> CLAS6-25016 Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Fail-over Rule -> UI is calling wrong API --> CLAS6-25115 UI -> Daily Usage Detail Report -> UI is showing trunk id instead of trunk name --> CLAS6-25116 Routing -> Block List -> Console showing error --> CLAS6-25133 Trunk -> Ingress Trunk -> UI is calling unnecessary API in ingress trunk page --> CLAS6-25136 Profitability Analysis -> Origination & Termination -> Margin -> UI is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-25140 DID Redesign -> DID Repository -> Edit -> UI is calling undefined api --> CLAS6-25143 Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Fail-over Rule -> The code list sort by numeric 1 to 100 --> CLAS6-25146 UI -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> Export -> Column name should be change --> CLAS6-25161 UI -> DID Redesign -> DID Repository -> The UI should refresh the page when we Assign/Unassign the DID. --> CLAS6-25164 UI -> Term CDR List -> CDR Search -> Fields -> There should be name instead of id --> CLAS6-25198 Term CDRs List -> Fields -> "Term Media IP & Term Media Port" showing twice in field box --> CLAS6-25227 Cascade CDR Search -> Fields -> Some field names in the field box need to be improved. --> CLAS6-25228 Comparative Report -> Outbound -> Revenue is showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-25229 Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Messages -> UI is calling unnecessary API for client portal invoice --> CLAS6-25238 Mail template --> CLAS6-25527 DID Redesign -> DID Usage Report -> When we do not select any field in dropdown "show" then UI is calling "show_non_zero_only:" --> CLAS6-25241 DID Redesign -> DID Cost Report -> UI no need to call "sort:" parameter --> CLAS6-25242 DID Redesign -> DID Dashboard -> Total Calls, Total Minutes, Total Profit, & Total Profitability box are showing "0" value --> CLAS6-25245 DID Redesign -> DID Dashboard -> Statistics Graph -> Graph is showing blank --> CLAS6-25246 UI Issue -> Invoice -> Auto Invoice -> Credit Note -> Unable to paid full invoice amount --> CLAS6-25255 UI Issue -> Host Based Report -> Origination & Termination -> When the user selects a specific date in the "From & To" date box, it showing wrong-->CLAS6-25256 Staging -> Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> STI-OCN Block List -> UI is not calling API -->CLAS6-25258 Term Dashboard -> ACD calculation is wrong on UI -->CLAS6-25224 UI -> Block List -> Delete -> UI is not calling the block id -->CLAS6-25272 UI -> Block List -> Delete All, Delete Selected & Export Button -->CLAS6-25273 UI -> Block List -> Edit -> UI is calling null instead of id -->CLAS6-25274 Term CDRs List -> CDR Search -> UI is calling wrong API parameter -->CLAS6-25291 DID Client -> Edit -> Showing error on console -->CLAS6-25293 DID Redesign -> DID Cost Report -> UI is calling report API even when we are not pressing submit button -->CLAS6-25299 Term Dashboard -> Revenue, Minutes, & Attempt -> Some value are showing in the graph with space -->CLAS6-25300 Term Dashboard -> Total Calls, Total Minutes, Total Profit, & Total Profitability box are showing "0" value -->CLAS6-25301 DID Dashboard -> Current Month -> Statistics Graph -> When we click on profitability then graph is showing blank -->CLAS6-25310 Routing -> Block List -> "company_type" parameter showing blank -->CLAS6-25320 Block List -> UI showing two fields in "order_by & order_dir" parameter -->CLAS6-25321 Statistics -> Usage Report -> trunk list showing error on devtool side -->CLAS6-25323 SMS Issue -> Term CDRs List -> Right Click -> Ingress PCAP, Egress PCAP, Full PCAP -> Close button needs to be more dark -->CLAS6-25342 Statistics -> Term Dashboard -> Charts & Outbound Qos -> Showing error -->CLAS6-25356 API Issue -> Agent Portal -> Customer List -> Deactivate -> showing error -->CLAS6-25357 UI -> Agent Portal -> Commission Report -> After showing data the "From & To" date box date appears wrong -->CLAS6-25359 Clarity -> Term Dashboard -> Inbound Channels, CPS and Connected calls are showing Wrong -->CLAS6-25638 UI -> Code Deck -> View -> Edit -> Country name disappears -->CLAS6-25363 Tools -> CDR Archival -> Duration Dropdown -> UI Needs to change the Text from "Zero" to "All" --> CLAS6-24997 Term Dashboard -> Report -> UI needs to call the "rt/report" API instead of "report" --> CLAS6-25030 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Holastic Report -> UI needs to call the "rt/report" API instead of "report" --> CLAS6-25031 Rate Generation -> POST and PATCH -> Need to make changes for the Code Deck Usage based on different Rate Type --> CLAS6-25035 Rate Generation -> History -> View Rates -> Filters are Removed from UI after search any Code and if the Same Code is not Available in the List. --> CLAS6-25036 Log -> Rate Delivery log -> UI needs to show the "Status" value instead of showing "Error" Msg --> CLAS6-25037 Routing -> Ingress Trunk -> Create New -> The Client dropdown showing DID Client in the List, UI needs to use correct and minimized API --> CLAS6-25068 Routing -> Egress Trunk -> Create New -> The Vendor dropdown showing DID Vendor in the List, UI needs to use correct and minimized API --> CLAS6-25067 Configuration -> Archive Setting -> CDR -> UI needs to call the correct Server name "V6dev" instead of "Class4" --> CLAS6-25064 Term CDR -> Release Cause dropdown showing Failover Error String, UI needs to call the correct API to get the Full Release cause List --> CLAS6-25183 DID Repository -> We need to change the Text of Button from "Unassigned" to "Release". --> CLAS6-25280 Term CDR -> Release cause -> UI needs to show the Release Cause Name instead of showing IDs --> CLAS6-25181 Routing -> Block list -> UI needs to call the correct API parameter to get the block list based on the ANI and DNIS Prefixes, API is fixed now --> CLAS6-25066 Ingress Trunk -> Stir/Shaken -> We need to enable the "Verification Policy" options on UI. API is working fine. --> CLAS6-25408 Term CDR Statistics -> CDR Fields -> Needs to change the UI Filed name for the "binary_value_of_release_cause_from_protocol_stack" header from "Response From Ingress" to "Response to Ingress" --> CLAS6-25373 Term CDR ->Search with Internal Release Cause Showing Error-> UI Needs to call the correct API parameter while using the "Internal Release Cause". --> CLAS6-25222 Statistics -> DID Report -> Need to add the PDD Column too on UI, Value for the PDD available in the API Response.--> CLAS6-25369 Term Dashboard / DID Dashboard -> We need to Hide the "Current Week" and "Current Month" options from UI. --> CLAS6-25328 Configuration -> Archive Setting -> Storage type = Google Cloud -> UI is calling the FTP UUID for Google Cloud instead of calling Gloud Type UUID --> CLAS6-25185 DID Redesign -> DID Repository -> UI needs to call the Correct API to get the ANI and DNIS replacement Data --> CLAS6-24485 DID Redesign -> DID Repository PATCH -> Try to add the Prefix details but UI not allow to add the Digits --> CLAS6-23633 Ingress / Egress Trunk -> STI-OCN Block List -> UI is Calling the wrong Parameter in Payload while creating OCN Blocklist, No Need to call "Id=0". It set the "Id =0" under the DB too. --> CLAS6-25411 shaken shaken ani log --> CLAS6-25548 callysnetwork - cascade CDR is showing wrongly --> CLAS6-25560 no customer permission handling --> CLAS6-24981 SMS Issue :- The Dashboard and the Reports showing Different values for the Profit, Total Call, and Duration --> CLAS6-25327 RED Issue -> Term CDR -> UI Needs to add the "LRN Number" field too under the CDR Field selection List --> CLAS6-25505 WaveCall Issue -> Configuration -> Mail Sender -> We need to allow "-" under the Mail Server on UI, API works fine. --> CLAS6-25530 InteNext Issue -> Termination Client portal -> CDRs -> UI needs to call the "Sort=time" and "Order=desc" parameter to get the Latest CDRs on Every click --> CLAS6-25502 SMS Issue -> Ingress Trunk -> UI is calling the wrong value for "Min. Profitability", It only happens when we modify the IPs. --> CLAS6-25583 WaveCall Issue:- Rate Import -> After Drop the file UI does not preview the rates if there is a single row of rate in CSV File --> CLAS6-25581 WaveCall Issue:- Payment Configuration -> Stripe Keys -> UI does not set the "Secret key" and "Publishable Key" in the API response It shows "Null" Values, However, the API works fine. --> CLAS6-25633 SMS Issue :- Term Dashboard -> First Four Circles -> UI needs to call the correct API "system_call_stats". --> CLAS6-25732 21/06/2024 -> Version 10.3.2 configuration>Payment Term -> Usage Count -> Termination Customer -> Ingress Host ->calling duplicate api --> CLAS6-24855 ingress trunk>edit>limit>showing error when user submits NULL data for CPS and CALL limit field --> CLAS6-24470 vendor portal>cdr export log>action>Export>console error --> CLAS6-24571 routing>trunks>egress export>UI should use ajax to refresh the page --> CLAS6-24579 egress trunk>edit>dynamic routing>search with dynamic name is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-24666 trunk group>edit>cosmetic change>remove dropdown icon --> CLAS6-24637 UI - add a submenu to ingress/egress resource called “Stir/Shaken OCN Blocklist” --> CLAS6-24472 finance>auto invoice management>payment term>header data must show term name not cycle --> CLAS6-24274 red - rate send is sending less number of rates than it is in rate deck actually --> CLAS6-24879 SmartBiz : CDR Export not working in client portal only --> CLAS6-24946 egress>detail>dynamic routing>search by name is showing error in console --> CLAS6-24665 log>modification log>action>view is showing "no data found" - API issue --> CLAS6-24670 term>vendor>balance>regenerate balance>UI should allow to select the current day --> CLAS6-24476 Log>modification log>action>need a reverse Button under action header - UI requirement --> CLAS6-24669 egress>edit>static routing>add new>UI getting stuck while selecting static routing from dropdown - UI --> CLAS6-24700 statistics>cdr>cascade CDR search detail>if there is no egress data associated with that ONE last line , then there is no need to fetch --> CLAS6-24306 termination>client>edit>main email is accepting blank data as email field without any error - api issue --> CLAS6-24736 log>reset balance log>uncheck all headers>UI showing unwanted Horizontal line on UI --> CLAS6-24868 Log>reset balance log>showing page rows when all headers are already hidden on UI --> CLAS6-24882 template>egress trunk template -> error in console with search option --> CLAS6-24595 statistics>cdr>cdr export log>action>progress info popup box - header change --> CLAS6-24570 egress trunk template>search >UI is calling wrong search parameter --> CLAS6-24596 routing>block list>please remove the duplicate api UI is calling --> CLAS6-24631 UI ISSUE: search option in template menu --> CLAS6-24848 Intenext issue:- UI Issue:- Rate import showing wrong error duplicate codes instant of special character presence in country column --> CLAS6-25007 UI Issue:- Statistics > term dashboard > dashboard showing 0 calls in live --> CLAS6-24538 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Inbound > STI-OCN Block > ADD button Missing on UI --> CLAS6-24996 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Inbound > STI-OCN Block >for edit UI Calling wrong API --> CLAS6-24935 Cosmetic Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Inbound > STI-OCN Block > UI Showing wrong popup for modify data --> CLAS6-24936 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate Table > under Action column click on send rate > UI Should show validation for Field selection of rate headers --> CLAS6-24987 UI Issue:- Statistics >Inbound/outbound Report > Time Zone Issue --> CLAS6-24709 UI Issue:- Statistics > Usage Report --> CLAS6-24775 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Inbound > STI-OCN Block > UI Not call any api for OCN data --> CLAS6-24934 UI Issue:- Routing > Routing plan > Edit Routing Plan > Click on create new > Add new dynamic route not working --> CLAS6-24945 Client Portal > Billing > Online payment >Pay with Paypal > Console showing error --> CLAS6-24834 UI Issue:- Statistics > Profitability Analysis > UI Optimization --> CLAS6-24902 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Inbound > STI-OCN Block > Add new --> CLAS6-24919 UI Issue:- Administration > Ticket > --> CLAS6-24907 DID import log > UI Calling unwanted and multiple api same time --> CLAS6-24888 Client Portal > Billing > Online payment >Pay with Paypal > Checkout button is missing from UI --> CLAS6-24833 Statistics > Termination Dashboard > Need to remove unwanted api call --> CLAS6-24846 11/06/2024 -> Version 10.3.1 UI -> Routing -> Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Static Routing -> Need to remove page number and next page icon --> CLAS6-24785 API Issue -> GET ​/trunk​/ingress​/list -> Need to add "group_id:" parameter for ingress trunk group --> CLAS6-24801 UI Issue -> Egress Trunk Group -> Trunks Count -> UI is calling "is_active" parameter when don't selected status in dropdown --> CLAS6-24802 Rate Send issue - US is converting wrongly the effective date to api --> CLAS6-24726 API Issue -> GET ​/trunk​/egress​/list -> Need to add "group_id:" parameter for egress trunk group --> CLAS6-24803 Rate Email Template -> Create New & Edit -> Change "Headers" to "Rate File Headers" --> CLAS6-24804 Code Deck -> View -> Code Name -> When there no code name the dropdown should showing only " No Result Found" --> CLAS6-24832 archive setting config - server name --> CLAS6-25080 Invoice Setting -> Create New & Edit -> UI is calling wrong API after "successfully create & modified" the invoice --> CLAS6-24835 Agent Management -> Manage Customers -> Origination -> Create New -> UI is calling wrong API for origination tab --> CLAS6-24836 DID Redesign -> DID -> Billing Rule -> Carrier Type -> Sorting -> Getting error "attribute_not_exists" --> CLAS6-24819 DID Redesign -> DID -> Page is not getting refresh when we delete DID --> CLAS6-24837 V6 -> User -> DNL_NOC -> All menu not showing on top --> CLAS6-24838 Payment Term -> Usage Count -> Termination Customer -> Customer Limit -> Customer name dropdown also showing "origination customer" name --> CLAS6-24841 UI Issue -> Payment Term -> Usage Count -> Termination Customer -> Ingress Host -> Need to remove "resource_active:" parameter --> CLAS6-24842 Payment Term -> Usage Count -> Termination Customer -> Customer Limit -> UI is calling "is_client:" parameter instead of "client_type" --> CLAS6-24843 Finance -> Regenerate Balance -> UI is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-24849 Carrier Template & Rate Upload Template -> Path header showing wrong --> CLAS6-24850 Payment -> New Payment Received -> UI calling duplicate parameter in "New Payment Received" tab --> CLAS6-24851 Ingress Trunk Template -> Create New & Edit -> Need to remove validation "The Media Timeout field must be 720000 or more" --> CLAS6-24852 UI -> Regenerate Balance -> UI is calling same API multiple time after created client balance --> CLAS6-24863 Regenerate Balance -> Regenerate Balance History -> Change "Client" to "Customer" --> CLAS6-24864 API -> GET ​/log​/regenerate_balance -> Need to add "client_name" under "order_by:" parameter --> CLAS6-24865 UI -> Client Portal -> Report -> UI is calling "group:" ingress_id twice in payload --> CLAS6-24870 Term Dashboard -> Show: QoS -> ACD -> ACD graph showing "0" ACD while we have data in response --> CLAS6-24880 Traffic Analytics -> Distribution Report -> UI is not calling API ang page keeps loading --> CLAS6-24889 UI -> Traffic Analytics -> Holastic Report & Comparative Report -> % (percentage) missing in some column --> CLAS6-24890 QoS Summary -> Termination -> Export -> Header column name appearing wrong in export file --> CLAS6-24891 Profitability Analysis -> Origination & Termination -> UI is showing "trunk id & Unknown" instead of trunk name --> CLAS6-24922 Term Dashboard -> Profitability % showing wrong --> CLAS6-24923 Static Routing -> Detail -> Edit -> Edit button not working --> CLAS6-24925 modification to the first page --> CLAS6-25221 Trunk -> Egress / Ingress -> Edit -> STI-OCN Block -> Data should be in center of the table --> CLAS6-24964 UI -> Trunk -> Egress / Ingress -> Edit -> STI-OCN Block -> UI is not calling list api --> CLAS6-24965 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Static Routing -> "Add" button should be replaced to the top of the right of the table --> CLAS6-24967 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Dynamic Routing -> Cosmetic change on appearance --> CLAS6-24968 UI Issue -> Statistics -> CDR Search -> UI Showing No data found, while we have data --> CLAS6-24977 Inbound/Outbound Report -> Profit % calculation wrong on UI --> CLAS6-24989 Profitability Analysis & Inbound/Outbound Report -> Need to change "%" to "Margin" --> CLAS6-24991 Term Dashboard -> Graph -> Profit % calculation showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-24992 UI is putting wrong data in the import task listing --> CLAS6-25260 UI -> Termination -> Vendor -> UI need to call "carrier/list" API for vendor list page --> CLAS6-25027 Configuration -> Archive Setting -> Showing error on console --> CLAS6-25071 Egress & Ingress Trunk -> UI need to call "company_type: termination" parameter --> CLAS6-25074 need to add fields to CDR reprot --> CLAS6-25177 Static Routing -> Detail -> UI is showing "code_deck_id:" parameter blank --> CLAS6-25231 UI -> Trunk -> Egress / Ingress -> Edit -> UI is calling wrong api for edit --> CLAS6-24966 API Issue -> POST ​/config​/egress_trunk_template​/create --> CLAS6-24978 Termination Wizard -> Customer -> UI showing company_type parameter as blank --> CLAS6-25070 10/06/2024 -> Version 10.3.0 Routing -> Block List -> Export -> The "ANI_Prefix" header is missing from the File, UI Needs to call the correct API to get the ANI Digits in CSV File --> CLAS6-25048 Rate Table -> Send Rate -> We needs to remove the "XLS" format option from UI --> CLAS6-24995 EveryOne Tele Issue -> Configuration -> Code Deck -> Filters are Removed from UI after search any Code and if the Same is Code is not Available in the List. --> CLAS6-24773 API Issue -> GET ​/log​/regenerate_balance -> The Old balance of the Client and the Vendor is showing 0 in API Response and the Log DB Table too. --> CLAS6-24722 Term CDR list -> UI should not call the Unnecessary API while getting CDRs, currently, UI unnecessarily calls the Dynamic Routing API. --> CLAS6-24682 Configuration -> Invoice Setting -> Default Invoice Settings -> UI Needs to change the Text for the Overlap Protection check box --> CLAS6-24680 Configuration -> Code Deck -> Export -> Each Header should appear once on the UI. --> CLAS6-24679 Configuration -> Users -> Create New -> The Username is Vanished from the UI automatically --> CLAS6-24780 Agent -> Commission Report -> We need some more space between the Filter --> CLAS6-24794 Statistics -> Term CDR SubMenu -> UI is not open the TERM CDR page, Getting Error in Console --> CLAS6-24774 Term CDR -> CDR Fields -> UI Needs to show all the Fields which are available in the Attached Doc, under the "UI Fields" Columns --> CLAS6-25118 API Issue:- DID Redesign -> GET ​/home​/client​/orig_invoice​/list -> API is not showing the Invoice list on the client portal --> CLAS6-23917 DID Redesign -> The DID Export button is also not working , UI Needs to use the correct URL Link too --> CLAS6-24271 API Issue -> Term CDR -> Email when Done -> The mail body contains the wrong download link, once the user click on the link it redirects to the Switch login page --> CLAS6-24017 UI Improvement -> Finance -> Regenerate Balance History -> We can Enable the Client Dropdown to get the Log History based on the particular Client ID --> CLAS6-24723 Admin -> First time Wizard -> Step 4 System Email Setting -> While hit Submit button on Step 4 It showing Error, UI is not added the "Password" parameters in payload. --> CLAS6-24779 SMS Issue:- Statistics -> Profitability Analysis -> Export report -> The export CSV file Should be showing the Trunk name instead of the Trunk ID --> CLAS6-25039 RED Issue:- Routing -> Block List -> While export the list, UI needs to indicate the user about the exporting the file --> CLAS6-25044 Itel Issue -> Ingress / Egress Trunk -> UI not allow to add CAP and CPS limit for the Host IP without selecting Time Profile, Need to remove Validation from UI --> CLAS6-24743 TBN Issue -> Tools -> Rate Generation -> Need to remove the Validation from the Name Field for "%" symbol. --> CLAS6-25236 TBN Issue :- Statistics -> QoS Summary -> UI needs to show the Trunk Name Instead of Trunk ID --> CLAS6-25266 SMS Issue:- CDR Search -> The UI needs to show some value for the Final Call result Instead of showing parameter code (1 and 0) --> CLAS6-25043 28/05/2024 -> Version 10.2.9 Clarity Networks: Upload just ANI/DNIS by paste -> CLAS6-23431 carrier one: Pcap failed reason is not correct on pcap log page -> CLAS6-23314 Teleinx Issue: Digit replacement does not work -> CLAS6-24098 22/05/2024 -> Version 10.2.8 pls don't show this no CDR box -> CLAS6-24275 DID>vendor>create and edit - min and max duration field - number limit validation error - UI issue -> CLAS6-24232 term>customer>action>save as Template button>successfully saved - few parameters are not saved -> CLAS6-24172 routing>egress>edir - unable to edit min profit value from UI - UI issue -> CLAS6-24262 template>create new /edit - auto invoice - cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-24176 egress>edit>limit tab -> error to be displayed in human readable format - UI -> CLAS6-24280 routing>egress>detail>timeout setting>media timeout showing error -> CLAS6-24279 finance>auto invoice management>payment term>header data must show term name not cycle -> CLAS6-24274 log>retrieve password log>no need of sorting option for Status and Modify time -> CLAS6-24243 statistics>summary report>outbound cascade report>busy calls >calls can't be in decimal -> CLAS6-24324 finance>actual transaction>customer dropdown list should show only client list -> CLAS6-24272 vendor portal>dashboard>accounts and trunks>prefix is missing from info table -> CLAS6-24087 client portal>block list>need to fix the UI design same like admin page - UI issue -> CLAS6-24315 routing>ingress>Edit>limit tab>when reset button is clicked validation text should be removed too - UI issue -> CLAS6-24469 routing>ingress>detail>enforce cid block - need to show validation text -> CLAS6-24468 termination>product>Edit>need to add * for mandatory selections -> CLAS6-24375 Term>>Cleint and Vendor - cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-24500 statistics>cdr>cascade CDR>field selction box - remove blank space -> CLAS6-24390 rate table>create new rate - showing un conditional error - UI issue -> CLAS6-24402 UI - DID>client and vendor - need to add Regenerate Selected Balance button on UI -> CLAS6-24499 client portal / vendor portal / DID portal -> messages>unpaid invoice list - need to show only date -> CLAS6-24491 rate generation>apply to rate deck> UI is not calling parameter for min time and interval - UI issue -> CLAS6-24503 client portal/did portal -> sort option from UI is calling empty parameter -> CLAS6-24493 admin>customer>action>login to client portal>showing blank page - UI issue -> CLAS6-24497 vendor portal>messages>invoice>showing multiple "no data found" text -> CLAS6-24539 did portal - dashboard > graph is not working -> CLAS6-24441 routing>ingress>>create new>>unable to create new ingress - showing "message": "IngressTrunk error Key (username)=(1001) already exists.", -> CLAS6-23021 admin>server>showing less number of servers with respect to voip gateway data -> CLAS6-24587 admin>sever>list>action>View element and Disk info button is not showing data on UI -> CLAS6-24591 egress>trunk>edit>dynamic routing>create new>dropdown should show the unassigned dynamic list only -> CLAS6-24519 ingress trunk - dynamic tab - enfore uniqueness -> CLAS6-24553 configuration>mail sender>search by name>error -> CLAS6-24580 17/05/2024 -> Version 10.2.7 UI Issue:- Client Portal > Client > Ticket > Create ticket > console showing error -> CLAS6-24684 Template > Rate Email Template > Action column > Edit > Console showing error -> CLAS6-24811 UI Issue:- Template > Rate Email Template > Action column > Edit > template name missing -> CLAS6-24745 UI Issue:- Template > Rate Email Template > Action column > Edit > Header path showing wrong -> CLAS6-24744 DID Redesign :- cosmetic Issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Cost Report -> CLAS6-24583 UI Issue :- Tool > Rate generation > Need to remove "view history" Icon/button when there is no history/last rate generation -> CLAS6-24630 UI Issue:- Statistics >Term Dashboard > UI Calling unwanted api in every 2-3 minute -> CLAS6-24629 UI Issue :- Agent > Agent Management > Customer Assignment > Need to remove unwanted api calling -> CLAS6-24697 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Inbound > Trunk Info > Allowed Send - To IP > add button misplace -> CLAS6-24446 Client Portal > Billing > Online payment >Pay with Paypal/Stripe > enter amount and click on Checkout -> CLAS6-24686 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal > Cosmetic issue > client > Change password > need to change "Old Password" to "Current Password" -> CLAS6-24710 Client Portal > Billing > Online payment >Pay with Stripe > Checkout is clikable while there is no payment in amount box -> CLAS6-24685 UI Issue:- Client Portal Cosmetic issue > client > Change password -> CLAS6-24683 UI Issue:- Statistics > summary report > ACD and ASR should show only 2 digit after decimal -> CLAS6-24664 UI issue:- Tools > Rate generation > Create New/Edit > Add Margin/Add interval and Min time -> CLAS6-24524 Console showing error on devtool -> CLAS6-24561 UI Issue:- Statistics > Daily Channel Usage Report > UI showing loading while api response have data -> CLAS6-24560 UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Cost Report -> CLAS6-24545 UI Issue:- Template > Carrier Template > Edit Carrier Template -> CLAS6-24511 UI Issue:- Statistics >Term Dashboard > Connected call/CPS/Channel graph showing only one trunk data after auto refresh with 5min interval -> CLAS6-24537 06/05/2024 -> Version 10.2.6 Routing -> Trunks -> Inbound / Outbound -> Ingress Export -> When selecting the XLS format, the file should be downloaded in XLS format. -> CLAS6-25057 Statistics -> Summary Report -> Outbound -> The Export file data shows wrong -> CLAS6-25056 Agent -> Agent Management -> The Back button is misplaced -> CLAS6-25052 Configuration -> Stir Shaken -> ANI Group [123445] / ANI Pool [ANI pool] -> View -> The back button is not on the place -> CLAS6-25023 Configuration -> Invoice Setting -> Need to add a "None" option in the (Send Invoice As) -> CLAS6-25008 Routing -> Routing Plan[Testing Routing plan] -> Instead of "static routing and then dynamic routing," it should be "static routing - dynamic routing. -> CLAS6-24948 Termination -> Vendor [Dharavi_V] -> Edit -> Console showing error -> CLAS6-24932 UI Issue -> Routing -> Trunk -> Egress Trunk -> Add Egress Trunk / Add Inbound Trunk -> The ( ms ) is missing after the media timeout -> CLAS6-24912 Origination -> Wizard -> Customer STEP 4 -> After "Port," the colon [ : ] is missing -> CLAS6-24911 Client Portal -> Billing -> Payment History -> There is a need to remove the sorting option from the "Method" column. -> CLAS6-24908 UI Issue -> Finance -> Invoice -> Credit Note -> UI showing the wrong path -> CLAS6-24899 Agent -> Customer Assignment -> When searching in the Name field on the Orgination side, the name of the Termination client is appearing -> CLAS6-24886 Configuration -> Roles -> Add Role -> The validation should be presented in a human-readable format. -> CLAS6-24847 Routing -> Trunk -> Inbound -> Trunk Info [Testing Client] -> STI-OCN Block -> The Save button should be disabled if data is not filled. -> CLAS6-24895 Routing -> Trunk -> Inbound -> Trunk Info [Testing Client] -> Allowed Send - To IP -> If 11 data points are being displayed on the UI then the page number is not appearing. -> CLAS6-24954 Routing ->Trunks -> Outbound -> In the export file, it is necessary to display "unlimited" in place of blank. -> CLAS6-24961 Routing -> Trunks -> Inbound -> Export file should be same as UI -> CLAS6-24962 Statistics -> Dashboard -> Charts -> Outbound -> When we select the Outbound in Report Type, the API showing an (empty) parameter -> CLAS6-25049 Client Portal -> Message -> Console showing error -> CLAS6-25055 03/05/2024 -> Version 10.2.5 Egress trunk -> Edit -> Static Routing -> console showing error --> CLAS6-24528 Routing -> Dynamic Routing -> QoS Parameters, Trunk Priority & Override --> CLAS6-24530 UI -> DID Customer & Vendor -> Delete Selected & Regenerate Selected Balance button is enable when not select any row --> CLAS6-24541 UI -> Summary Report -> Time Bucket & Group by -> UI change the data without clicking Submit button. --> CLAS6-24552 Cascade CDR Search -> Right Click -> Egress Trace -> If there result is more than 1 then UI needs to show the "Trunk & Result" details in box. --> CLAS6-24554 Client Portal -> Report -> ACD -> ACD showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-24557 UI -> Agent Portal -> Summary Report -> When the user selects a specific date in the "From" date box, it showing wrong --> CLAS6-24569 Agent Portal -> Dashboard -> Page keeps loading --> CLAS6-24572 Term Dashboard -> Inbound Channels, CPS and Connected calls are showing Wrong --> CLAS6-24574 Agent Portal -> Commission Report -> Minutes is showing wrong --> CLAS6-24576 Agent Portal -> Commission Report -> ACD showing wrong --> CLAS6-24577 Term Dashboard -> Statistics ASR -> Graph showing blank instead of 0 --> CLAS6-24588 UI -> Administration -> VOIP Gateway -> UI should not show the "No Data Found" text until the UI has completely loaded the data. --> CLAS6-24594 Static Routing -> Create New & Edit -> Routed By -> Need to add "None" value in routed by dropdown --> CLAS6-24599 Term Dashboard -> Chart, Report, Qos Report & Inbound Qos -> showing error --> CLAS6-24610 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Static Routing -> Create New -> Static Route list by A-Z --> CLAS6-24611 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Dynamic Routing & Static Routing -> Need to remove blank row --> CLAS6-24612 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Dynamic Routing & Static Routing -> Sorting should be in alphabetical order A-Z --> CLAS6-24613 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Need to add page number button --> CLAS6-24614 Termination Vendor -> Click on "any" column sorting option --> CLAS6-24638 Termination -> Customer -> Click on Trunk -> UI is calling "Order dir" desc twice in payload --> CLAS6-24639 UI -> DID -> Customer -> UI is calling unnecessary parameter --> CLAS6-24640 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Static Routing -> UI is showing blank box --> CLAS6-24641 Random ANI Group -> View Detail -> Cosmetic change on appearance --> CLAS6-24657 Routing -> Rate Table -> View Rate -> Back button is misplace --> CLAS6-24658 UI Issue -> All Report Page -> Group by dropdown code name and country change --> CLAS6-24663 DID Client Portal -> Billing -> Invoice -> UI is calling unnecessary parameter --> CLAS6-24601 Rate Table -> Type Origination -> Usage Count -> Ingress List -> UI is calling wrong api in "response" --> CLAS6-24668 Rate Table -> Usage Count -> Ingress List -> Customer dropdown filter is showing all customer name --> CLAS6-24671 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Static Routing -> Unable to search specific static route name --> CLAS6-24675 Inbound / Outbound Report -> Ingress Country & Ingress Code Name Column -> On UI Sorting option is not Working --> CLAS6-24689 Trunk Group -> Egress Trunk Group & Ingress Trunk Group -> Edit -> In the "type" filter showing wrong name --> CLAS6-24690 Commission Report -> No need for "show/hide columns" dropdown here --> CLAS6-24707 Termination Wizard -> Vendor Trunk & Customer Trunk -> Rate Table -> Click on + --> CLAS6-24730 unnecessary api call in UI --> CLAS6-24957 QoS Summary -> Origination & Termination -> UI is showing trunk id instead oh trunk name --> CLAS6-24751 Summary Report -> If we change period from previous month to current month or current week, it is giving more data. --> CLAS6-24551 Rate Generation -> View History -> Apply to Rate Table -> No data found Text is missing --> CLAS6-24731 Trunk -> Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Static Routing -> Delete -> Showing error on console --> CLAS6-24735 DID Redesign -> DID Customer -> Edit -> Console showing error --> CLAS6-24752 Regenerate Balance -> Remove API Request that is not needed --> CLAS6-24750 Commission Report -> Group by #1: -> Need to remove dropdown icon --> CLAS6-24793 DID Redesign -> DID Customer -> Edit -> Devtool showing error in did product list --> CLAS6-24753 Call Simulation -> DID -> When we select "DID Vendor Name" devtool showing error --> CLAS6-24755 Profitability Analysis -> Origination & Termination -> Remove API Request that is not needed --> CLAS6-24764 Vendor Portal -> Dashboard -> Need to remove unnecessary API in the vendor portal --> CLAS6-24765 DID Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Cost -> Need to remove egress id parameter --> CLAS6-24769 UI -> Routing Plan -> Detail -> Route Type Dynamic Routing -> Dynamic Click on + icon -> Title name is showing wrong --> CLAS6-24772 Rate Email Template -> Edit -> UI needs to show some space between path header with name --> CLAS6-24777 UI -> Rate Email Template -> Edit -> Template Name, From Email, Subject & Content field are missing on UI --> CLAS6-24782 UI -> Client Portal -> Report -> UI is calling "ingress_id & group" parameter when we remove both field --> CLAS6-24784 Termination -> Customer -> Create New & Edit -> Main Email field accept "Separators: ;," without email --> CLAS6-24831 01/05/2024 -> Version 10.2.4 Routing -> Dynamic Routing -> If API return the Pop Msg about the Duplicate Name Error -> UI should not redirects the user to the error form page. --> CLAS6-24787 Routing -> Ingress trunk -> We need to remove or hide the "Pass" Tab from the Ingress trunk Page --> CLAS6-24805 UI Issue -> GET ​/report​/system_call_stats​/{type}​/{period} -> The API response shows the wrong profitability, It should be calculated from Ingress Cost --> CLAS6-24929 RED Issue -> Blocking List-> UI need to add the Export Button to export the resource block, API is works fine --> CLAS6-24825 Client Portal -> Online Payment -> UI Needs to call the correct URL ,If the user has Production Key Instead of Standbox --> CLAS6-24926 Routing -> Egress trunk -> Pass -> The RPID "Screen", "Party", "ID Type" and "Privacy", Should only on UI if user Selects RPID = "PassThrough and Always" --> CLAS6-24806 Term Dashboard -> Profitability -> UI is showing 0% Profitability, Even the graph is showing the Profit % --> CLAS6-24878 Statistics -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> UI needs to use the Inbound Cost instead of the Outbound Cost to Calculate the Profitability --> CLAS6-24930 Egress Trunk -> Pass -> Please update the Item Name based on the Attached Doc --> CLAS6-24807 InteNext Issue -> Static Routing -> List of Trunks Page -> We needs to use Drag and Drop option on UI to change the Sequence of list of trunks --> CLAS6-24454 Itel Issue -> Ingress / Egress Trunk -> UI not allow to add CAP and CPS limit for the Host IP without selecting Time Profile, Need to remove Validation from UI --> CLAS6-24743 RED Issue -> Term CDR list -> Release code and Internal Release cause -> UI needs to call the correct API to get the Code List for the Outbound section --> CLAS6-25032 Term DashBoard -> Need to hide the "Today" Time Interval from the dropdown --> CLAS6-24795 wrong dropdown in limit page --> CLAS6-25015 no need to show pop up for permission issue --> CLAS6-24983 rate send log should update status in case of error --> CLAS6-25013 unnecessary api is being called --> CLAS6-24845 RED Issue -> Routing -> Block List -> UI needs to remove the Validation from the ANI Digit and DNIS Digit --> CLAS6-24829 RED Issue -> Term Dashboard -> The Connected Call, CPS, and Channel Graph should show the values in Integer form Instead of Decimal --> CLAS6-24917 RED Issue -> Term CDR -> Release Code -> UI is not showing the Full list of Release Code, Data is available in API Response --> CLAS6-24896 red - total call is showing 0 but API has data --> CLAS6-24873 05/04/2024 -> Version 10.2.3 Ingress Trunk -> Enforce CID Block -> Unable to add more than 100 Sec under the ACD, UI needs to remove the validation. --> CLAS6-24532 Configuration -> System Setting -> +1 Countries Rate Type -> The Country list for the US and Canada should be single, Up and Down list creates duplicate Countries --> CLAS6-24486 Routing Plan -> Create New and Delete Button -> UI needs to show some space between both Buttons --> CLAS6-24547 Rate Generation History Details -> UI needs to show the Email template name instead of showing ID --> CLAS6-24338 Termination -> Credit Management -> The UI needs to use the correct parameter "Total_charges" to show the correct last invoice amount instead of total outstanding amount --> CLAS6-24512 Term Dashboard -> Charts ->If there is no data available for a trunk -> then UI needs to show the single X-axis line showing 0 values instead of showing a blank page on the graph. --> CLAS6-24582 Credit Management -> Last Invoice Amount -> If the "last_invoice_total_charge" is 0, then UI needs to show "0" Instead of showing blank. --> CLAS6-24604 Routing -> Dynamic Routing -> We need to Hide the "Trunk Priority" option from UI --> CLAS6-24546 Disconnection Causes -> Termination Tab -> UI calling the wrong API parameter for the Egress Disconnection report. --> CLAS6-24693 Termination -> Credit Management -> UI Needs to shows Balance value "0" instead of showing Blank, if the clients have 0 Balance --> CLAS6-24677 Teleinx Issue -> Trunks -> Ingress Trunk -> UI needs to show the "0" instead of showing "null%", if the Margin is Null for a Trunk --> CLAS6-24535 Callsys Networks Issue -> Term DashBoard -> After Auto Refresh -> All the 3 Graphs showing data for a single trunk even there are traffic available for multiple Trunks --> CLAS6-24578 Teleinx Issue -> Termination Client Portal -> Online Payment -> Paypal -> The Paypal pay button is not working, UI showing Console Error, we did not get the payment detail page on UI --> CLAS6-24742 04/04/2024 -> Version 10.2.2 RPM ISSUE: "LRN server not specified" getting this error with new RPM --> CLAS6-23333 01/04/2024 -> Version 10.2.1 API Issue -> GET ​/finance​/auto_invoice​/list -> "Order_dir" parameters are not Working correctly --> CLAS6-24347 UI -> Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Account -> Routing and Tech Prefix -> UI needs to show the "Tech Prefix" details in box --> CLAS6-24349 Termination -> Customer -> Click on "any" column sorting option --> CLAS6-24350 Credit Management -> Term:- Prepay & Postpay -> UI calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-24363 Disconnect Causes -> Orig SIP Reason & Term SIP Reason -> NRF Count -> Sorting -> UI is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-24369 UI -> Invoice -> Auto Invoice & Manual -> Export -> Unable to download file --> CLAS6-24474 Server - View Disk Info - Data is not showing --> CLAS6-24653 View Element in Server is not showing --> CLAS6-24652 Termination>Wizard>Step 2>Create Rate table "+" icon error --> CLAS6-22631 Summary Report -> Outbound & Outbound Cascade Report -> Need to remove NPR & NPR % column from egress side --> CLAS6-24376 Agent Portal -> Customer List -> "Terms" Dropdown name should be change --> CLAS6-24377 Agent Portal -> Customer Invoice -> Need to change status column Text from "Send" to "Sent" --> CLAS6-24380 Client Portal -> Statistics -> Summary Report -> ASR calculation showing wrong in export file --> CLAS6-24381 Statistics -> Summary Report -> Outbound -> Profit column is showing blank and NaN --> CLAS6-24385 Summary Report -> Outbound -> Export -> Busy Call column showing blank in the export file --> CLAS6-24387 Term CDRs List -> Output -> Email when done -> console showing error --> CLAS6-24393 UI -> Cascade CDR Search -> Output -> Email when done -> "Email & Subject Field" still shows the data in the box after submitting --> CLAS6-24394 Dynamic Routing -> Edit -> UI is not calling the dynamic route ID --> CLAS6-24409 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Ingress Capacity -> When there is no data , pls remove search box and submit button --> CLAS6-24488 Administration -> Server Admin -> View Elements -> showing error --> CLAS6-24586 UI Issue -> Termination -> Customer -> Edit -> Unable to save some field --> CLAS6-24415 UI Issue -> Statistics -> Summary Report -> UI is showing unnecessary error popup --> CLAS6-24416 UI -> Summary Report -> When we remove the date in the "To" date box, it selects the dates of previous years. --> CLAS6-24417 Finance -> Invoice -> Auto Invoice & Manual -> Export -> The data in the export file must be same to the UI --> CLAS6-24424 UI -> Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Allowed Send - To IP -> Save icon not a change after save or edit the data --> CLAS6-24449 Red Issue -> Term Dashboard -> Connected call, Ingress CPS and Inbound Channels graph are showing unnecessary black line --> CLAS6-24692 Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Allowed Send - To IP -> Popup should be "Modified Successfully" not "Saved Successfully" --> CLAS6-24450 Trunk -> Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Allowed Send - To IP -> Delete not working --> CLAS6-24452 Trunk -> Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Allowed Send - To IP -> If there no data on page, UI should not show submit & reset button --> CLAS6-24462 Agent Portal -> Customer Invoice -> Export -> Export file data must be same to the UI --> CLAS6-24487 Static Routing -> Detail -> When there is no data, it should not show this search box --> CLAS6-24489 DID Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Messages -> Tickets -> Remove API Request that is not needed --> CLAS6-24490 Agent Portal -> Dashboard -> Top 10 Customer Trunks -> "No data found" style should match the other pages --> CLAS6-24492 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Static Routing -> Add -> Static Route Name dropdown showing no results found --> CLAS6-24504 report template. - view report button --> CLAS6-24729 egress trunk > stir shaken dropdown change --> CLAS6-24703 hide submit if call id is not entered. --> CLAS6-24705 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Ingress Capacity -> In the ingress capacity, the Ingress Trunk dropdown filter should show only the trunks that are assigned. --> CLAS6-24505 Client Portal -> Billing -> Invoice -> "to" text missing in Invoice Period column --> CLAS6-24517 Client Portal -> Billing -> Invoice -> Export -> Need to remove time in the export file --> CLAS6-24520 Finance -> Payment -> New Payment Received -> Type- invoice payment received -> Showing error --> CLAS6-24688 UI -> CDR Search -> Fields -> UI showing Column without clicking "Save CDR Fields" button. --> CLAS6-24525 Agent Management -> Manage Customers -> We don't need search box, If no data is available there. --> CLAS6-24526 Product -> Send Rate -> Need to add "red star" for mandatory field --> CLAS6-24527 29/03/2024 -> Version 10.2.0 statistics>CDR and cascade CDR - need to call correct parameter for answer and end time of the call --> CLAS6-24304 agent portal>change password>submit and cancel button appeared out of box --> CLAS6-24412 client portal - support ticket > create a new ticket - UI issue --> CLAS6-24125 statistics>summary report>view report using template>showing wrong data and selected template got vanished --> CLAS6-22124 v6 - dashboard - UI should ajax to query in backend --> CLAS6-24307 talk asia - dashboard - after refresh Inbound Channel and Inboubd CPS is showing wrong info --> CLAS6-24221 rate table>export page>need to show XLS format under export dropdown or remove the dropdoen icon only --> CLAS6-24218 ingress - edit>allowed to send IP - need to show validation to select voip gateway too - UI --> CLAS6-24281 statistics>cascade CDR >when searching for other CDR page should be normally viewable --> CLAS6-24305 agent portal>customer invoice list- no need of sort option for all headers --> CLAS6-24411 agent portal>statistics>cdr>call records should be CDR --> CLAS6-24414 agent portal>path>need to modify the defined path --> CLAS6-24413 staging - agent portal>cdr export log tab is missing from UI --> CLAS6-24453 configuration>login page content>error in console --> CLAS6-24475 egress>detail page>dynamic routing>cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-24514 statistics>cdr>cascade cdr>export excel csv>must lead to CDR export log page - UI issue --> CLAS6-24391 termination>client>regebarate balance>unable to select current day --> CLAS6-24384 statistics>dashboard>report>Atts should be -> Attempts or Total calls --> CLAS6-24451 client portal/vendor portal - my profile>user>daily usage notification is not calling any parameter - api issue --> CLAS6-24423 routing>trunk>egress>dynamic routing tab>console error --> CLAS6-24513 agent portal - cdr search page > cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-24428 agent portal>cdr export log>header change and action modification --> CLAS6-24430 19/03/2024 -> Version 10.1.9 Inactivity timeout not working proper --> CLAS6-23725 UI Issue:- Statistics > Daily Channel Usage Report > Time Zone Issue --> CLAS6-24228 Agent Portal:- UI Issue :- Statistics > CDR > CDR search --> CLAS6-24427 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Outbound > Trunk Info > Digit Replacement --> CLAS6-24482 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Outbound > Trunk Info >Fail-over Rule --> CLAS6-24479 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Outbound > Trunk Info > Digit manipulation --> CLAS6-24481 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Outbound > Trunk Info >Sip profile --> CLAS6-24480 UI Issue:- CLient Portal > Billing > Invoice > Need to add export button --> CLAS6-24448 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Outbound > Trunk Info > Ingress Capacity --> CLAS6-24443 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Inbound > Trunk Info > Call Rejection Error > add button misplace --> CLAS6-24447 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Inbound > Trunk Info > Allowed Send - To IP > No need to show table if there is no data --> CLAS6-24445 UI Issue:- Statistics > Term CDRs search > More option > Need to Remove unwanted API Calling --> CLAS6-24301 DID Redesign:- UI Issue:- DID > DID Repository > Create new > UI Sending ids instant of name --> CLAS6-23398 DID New Design :- UI Issue:-DID> DID Repository > Edit > Client name missing after click on edit --> CLAS6-23452 DID Redesign:- Origination > Customer > Edit >Submit showing error in devtool --> CLAS6-23627 DID Redesign:- UI Issue:- Log > DID Import Log > Time column > Uploaded on and finished on time showing wrong time --> CLAS6-23400 DID Redesign:- UI Issue:- DID > DID Repository > Search with filter vendor not working --> CLAS6-23772 DID Redesign:- UI Issue :- DID > DID Repository > Action column > popup showing wrong text --> CLAS6-23914 RED Issue:- Statistics >Term Dashboard > Connected call/CPS/Channel graph showing double/wrong data after auto refresh with 5min interval --> CLAS6-24355 UI Issue:- Statistics > Term CDRs search > More option > Need API Optimization --> CLAS6-24302 UI Issue:- Tools > Rate generation > Rate generation History > Detail > Need to add refresh button/icon --> CLAS6-24400 UI Issue:- Statistics > Term CDRs List > CDR Search > Right click on cdr and select egrace trace showing error --> CLAS6-24294 Agent Portal:- UI Issue :- Summary report > Calculation Wrong --> CLAS6-24249 UI Issue:- Finance > Invoice > Auto Invoice > Resend Invoice > UI Should Send invoice to clients mail --> CLAS6-24230 UI Issue:- Statistics > QOS summary --> CLAS6-24353 05/03/2024 -> Version 10.1.8 API -> DID Redesign -> GET ​/did​/repository​/list -> Need to add the "is_effective:" parameter --> CLAS6-23637 DID Redesign -> DID Dashboard -> Devtool showing error in did product list --> CLAS6-24085 DID Redesign : did repository>import> calling wrong delete api after successful import --> CLAS6-22786 DID Redesign -> DID Repository -> Import -> Devtool showing error in did repository list --> CLAS6-24263 DID Redesign -> DID Repository -> Import -> Remove DIDs from a specific vendor -> UI is not calling api and page keeps loading --> CLAS6-24264 Random ANI Group -> View Detail -> Need to add export button --> CLAS6-24238 UI -> Live Monitoring -> Active Call Server -> "Active Call Server" dropdown Showing no results found --> CLAS6-23640 UI -> Term CDRs List -> CDRs Search -> DNIS text should be in left aligned --> CLAS6-23991 Callsysnetwork Issue -> Summary Report -> Inbound -> Total Avg rate showing "0" --> CLAS6-24239 Summary Report -> Inbound & Outbound -> PP Min calculation is wrong --> CLAS6-24091 UI -> Cascade CDR Search -> Fields -> UI showing Column without clicking "Save CDR Fields" button. --> CLAS6-24093 UI Issue -> Term Dashboard -> Report -> UI is showing unnecessary error popup --> CLAS6-24171 Egress Trunk & Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Fail-over Rule -> Delete is not working --> CLAS6-24224 Cascade CDR Search -> Full Details -> Need to change "Billed Duration" to "Billed Time" for inbound column --> CLAS6-24225 Agent Portal -> Summary Report -> Total Billable Time -> "total of total billable time" showing wrong --> CLAS6-24236 Host Based Report -> Origination -> UI is calling unnecessary parameter --> CLAS6-24237 API Issue -> GET ​/route​/static​/{static_route_id}​/item​/list -> Showing error "attribute_not_exists" --> CLAS6-24259 Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Account -> UI is showing error --> CLAS6-24205 API -> GET ​/report​/host -> tz parameter is missing in API --> CLAS6-24226 Agent Portal -> Statistics -> Summary Report -> Total billable time should be shown in 2 Digit Decimal Value --> CLAS6-24260 Agent Portal -> Statistics -> Summary Report -> Total PP Min calculation is wrong --> CLAS6-24261 Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Account -> Tech Prefix column showing blank while we have data in response --> CLAS6-24265 Inbound / Outbound Report -> Export -> header column name showing wrong --> CLAS6-24266 Vendor Portal -> Report -> Total row should not appear as NaN when row is 0 --> CLAS6-24395 Summary Report -> Outbound -> Total PP Min calculation is wrong --> CLAS6-24273 UI -> Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Static Routing -> Edit -> The "static routing" disappears when the click on edit button --> CLAS6-24278 Random ANI Group -> View Detail -> if there is no data in this page, then the "Export" button should be disable. --> CLAS6-24284 UI -> Agent Portal -> Dashboard -> Interval -> UI need to add "Today" in interval dropdown --> CLAS6-24285 Disconnect Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> Total cost value wrong on UI --> CLAS6-24231 UI -> Invoice -> Credit Note -> Add New -> When invoice fully are paid UI should disabled Add New button. --> CLAS6-24295 UI -> Actual Transaction -> Export -> File is showing unnecessary column --> CLAS6-24318 Payment Term -> Usage Count -> Termination -> Customer Limit ->Terms Dropdown --> CLAS6-24320 Summary Report -> Outbound -> showing error on console --> CLAS6-24321 Rate Table -> View Rates -> Need to remove unwanted API in the view rate page --> CLAS6-24322 Client Portal -> Billing -> Account -> Routing and Tech Prefix -> Download Rate Without Prefix -> Getting error --> CLAS6-24330 Client Portal -> Login -> Dashboard -> Getting error on console side --> CLAS6-24331 UI Issue -> Client Portal -> Support Ticket -> Text & Search Box Text -> Need to fix "text" --> CLAS6-24332 Vendor Portal -> Dashboard -> Invoices -> "No data found" style should match the other pages --> CLAS6-24431 Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Messages -> Open Tickets -> Delete ticket not working --> CLAS6-24333 UI -> Ticket -> Action Column -> View Button -> Remove API Request that is not needed --> CLAS6-24334 API Issue -> GET ​/finance​/auto_invoice​/list -> "Order_dir" parameters are not Working correctly --> CLAS6-24347 API Issue -> Auto Invoice Management -> when we click on "Payment Term Name" column sorting button getting error --> CLAS6-24348 resource direction UI --> CLAS6-24550 04/03/2024 -> Version 10.1.7 UI ISSUE: integrate new API for view pcap --> CLAS6-23443 TalkAsiaVoip: Min profitablity set in carrier not working --> CLAS6-24253 API ISSUE: "cloud_shark_open_url" need to modified --> CLAS6-23468 ICX ISSUE: Client portal- > Getting false download button in action --> CLAS6-23824 Intenext ,Telorca : Unable to regenerate balance for vendor --> CLAS6-23710 DNL_PCAP: Integrate this new API in PCAP Search page --> CLAS6-23927 Agent Portal -> Customer List -> If Credit limit is "Null" then UI needs to show "0" instead of showing Blank Field --> CLAS6-24242 Rate Generation -> The generated rates should not be rounded off , API needs to create the rates in Exact Value --> CLAS6-24328 Ingress trunk -> UI needs to hide the "Loop Detection" Tab from the Ingress Trunk page --> CLAS6-24366 Configuration -> Payment Term -> UI needs to use the ajax to update the Payment Term Name dropdown list --> CLAS6-24398 V6dev Old DID -> We needs to hide the "Reserved For" option from UI, It created the duplicate product id --> CLAS6-24455 Egress Trunk Page -> Dynamic Routing tab -> UI needs to enable some space between the "Add Button" and the Table --> CLAS6-24437 Egress Trunk -> Static Routing/ Dynamic Routing/ Ingress Capacity -> We dont need filters on UI, If No data is available there. --> CLAS6-24438 Instacall Issue -> Client / Vendor Portal -> CDR -> UI needs to enable the trunk dropdown to get the CDR based on the trunks --> CLAS6-24270 DialWorld Issue :- Invoice -> Auto / Manual -> UI Needs to remove the Mail Box Field, UI only needs to call the SEND API --> CLAS6-24212 Dial World Issue -> API Issue -> POST ​/registration​/create -> API is showing Character Validation Msg for the Address , Need to remove the Validation --> CLAS6-24288 Rate Import -> UI Needs to enable the Time picker again on the page to select the effective date along with time, Now API is works fine --> CLAS6-24382 DialWorld Issue -> Routing -> Dynamic Routing -> The Dynamic Routing List is not showing on UI, Console showing Error --> CLAS6-24467 DID Redesign -> We need to modify the Release All button design , and UI needs to call the correct API also to release all DIDs --> CLAS6-24268 DID Redesign -> Buy DID -> The Step Fee, Fee Port, Monthly Charges and Price Per Minute showing Null, UI needs to call the Associated Billing Rule API to get the Data --> CLAS6-23900 DID Redesign -> DID Dashboard -> The DID Customer is showing 0, UI needs to call the correct API to get the DID Client Count --> CLAS6-24079 DID Redesign -> DID Client Portal -> Release DID -> UI Needs to enable the Pop-up Notification once the API show the Success Response --> CLAS6-24233 DID Redesign -> DID Repo -> The "Release Selected" button is not working , UI Needs to call the correct API, API works fine --> CLAS6-24267 DID Redesign -> DID import -> Release DID, Delete DID and Assigned DID to specific client and vendor option is not working on UI, Needs to call the correct API to import DIDs --> CLAS6-24269 DID Redesign -> Import DID -> Remove DIDs from a specific Customer -> UI needs to enable a Billing rule dropdown there , To use the billing ID for import task --> CLAS6-24343 DID Redesign -> DID Repo -> Release All button -> UI needs to Show correct and complete Confirmation before Release All Items --> CLAS6-24344 DID Redesign -> DID Repository -> Need to make some UI modification on the DID Repo page for Assigned and Unassigned the DID, API part is working now --> CLAS6-24134 DID Redesign -> Add DID -> UI calling the wrong API while add DID, UI needs to call the correct API to insert the DIDs using upload task method --> CLAS6-24163 DID Redesign -> UI Issue -> DID Client portal -> UI is not allow to buy the DIDs --> CLAS6-23919 DID Redesign -> DID Repository -> We need to make some UI modification for DIDs --> CLAS6-24483 20/02/2024 -> Version 10.1.6 quality - rate table>detail>page keeps loading or not showing --> CLAS6-24192 Log>Email Log> In "Type" dropdown "Hour 48 suspension warning" is must be replaced by "48 Hours suspension warning" --> CLAS6-23572 vendor portal>cdr export log>send email>need validation error for recipient box --> CLAS6-24090 vendor portal>cdr>cdr export log>need to modify the path name --> CLAS6-24089 vendor portal - switch IP - UI modification --> CLAS6-24124 client portal - ticket list -> no need of sorting option for each fields --> CLAS6-24127 staging - vendor portal> report > cdr >showing only CDR export log tab --> CLAS6-24149 Log>User Sign-In History> "Status" title dropdown must be replaced by "Result" --> CLAS6-23574 DID>Origination Wizard>IN "Vendor Billing Rule Name"without entering any detail UI shows only one notification"Price field is required" not "Name "field --> CLAS6-23586 admin > server admin > UI is not calling any API when View / Disk Info is clicked --> CLAS6-24113 termination>cutomer>list>Action>Send low balance alert - tag not working properly --> CLAS6-23777 cutomer>send low balance>remaining credit limit should show upto 4 decimal value --> CLAS6-23778 template>carrier>create new>shortcall charges - match value must me 0 by default - UI issue --> CLAS6-24175 voip gateway - self defined CAP limit and self defined CPS limit data mismatch with switch capacity page --> CLAS6-24020 routing>rate table>edit / detail page - calling unwanted API for rate upload template list --> CLAS6-24216 carrier template - create new/edit>auto incoice tax box showing wrong validation --> CLAS6-24177 template - carrier template - create/edit - UI should show validation message in human readable format - UI issue --> CLAS6-24173 routing > trunks>egress/ingress - edit ->api and UI allowing to add duplicate HOST name under trunk --> CLAS6-24219 template - carrier template - create/edit - UI should show validation message in human readable format - UI issue --> CLAS6-24173 did redesign - did reporsitory>export data is not working --> CLAS6-24317 15/02/2024 -> Version 10.1.5 UI Issue:- Statistics > summary report --> CLAS6-24354 UI Issue:- Agent > Commission Report --> CLAS6-24351 DID New Design :- UI Issue:-DID> DID Repository >Need to remove FIlter Country and State --> CLAS6-23062 DID New Design :- UI Issue:-DID> DID Repository -> DID Customer name empty while api response have data --> CLAS6-22969 UI Issue :- Statistics > Disconect Causes > Orig sip reason/term sip reason > margin sorting showing error --> CLAS6-24345 UI Issue:- Agent Portal >Menu >Commission report > Submenu showing wrong --> CLAS6-24287 UI Issue:- Agent Portal > Summary report > Submenu showing wrong --> CLAS6-24248 DID Redesign:- UI Issue :- DID > DID Repository > Need to Remove filter parameter > Status -Active only / inactive only --> CLAS6-23771 DID Redesign:- UI Issue:- DID Client Portal> Origination > My DID > Release DID > Showing Success popup while api response have error --> CLAS6-24029 DID Redesign:- UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Dashboard > DID Customer Showing 0 --> CLAS6-24072 DID Redesign:- UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Dashboard > DID Showing 0 --> CLAS6-24073 DID Redesign :- UI Issue:- DID > DID Repository > Remove unneeded column --> CLAS6-22968 UI Issue:- Agent Portal >Menu > Statistics > Commission Report --> CLAS6-24179 Agent Portal:- UI Issue :- Summary report > Wrong Calculate --> CLAS6-24227 UI Issue:- Statistics > CDRs List > CDR Search > More Option --> CLAS6-24197 UI Issue :- Statistics > Disconect Causes > Origination/Termination > showing did vendor --> CLAS6-24196 UI Issue:- Statistics > Termination > Term CDRs List > Right click on any cdr > full details > UI Showing wrong --> CLAS6-24190 UI Issue :- Statistics > Disconect Causes > Orig sip reason/term sip reason --> CLAS6-24167 Finance > Payment > Payment gateway > console showing error --> CLAS6-24160 UI Issue:- UI Optimization:- Agent>Commission Report>UI Call wrong payload in request --> CLAS6-24122 UI Issue :-Statistics >Termination>Summary Report> --> CLAS6-24133 UI Issue:- Statistics>Summary Report>Outbound>Table Header Missing --> CLAS6-24132 13/02/2024 -> Version 10.1.4 Termination Vendor / Client Portal -> UI needs to show the Host details in box --> CLAS6-24096 Term CDR -> Cascade CDR Search -> Need to remove the Filter "Final Call" , for cascade, it is "always" showing "final call" = true in the ingress side --> CLAS6-24012 Termination Client Portal -> Reports -> Block List -> The ANI and DNIS Filter is not working, UI needs to call the correct API to get the data using filters --> CLAS6-24006 Agent Commission -> The Commission should be showing in 2-Digit Decimal Value --> CLAS6-24117 Agent Commission Report -> The Minute column shows the wrong duration, currently it shows bill time instead of duration --> CLAS6-24120 Trunks -> Ingress / Egress -> Digit Replacements -> Needs to show the full list of Items on the UI , currently UI is calling the wrong API parameters --> CLAS6-24165 Inbound / Outbound Report -> UI is not showing the Ingress and Egress trunk name, However there is data available in API Response --> CLAS6-23785 RED Telecom Issue -> Egress Trunk -> Dynamic Routing Tab -> UI is calling the wrong parameters to get the List of assigned routing --> CLAS6-24193 Egress Trunk -> Dynamic Routing tab -> The "Dynamic Route Name" shows the name of all dynamic routings, instead of assigning one --> CLAS6-24194 Trunks -> Ingress / Egress -> Failover Rule -> Unable to Edit or Delete the Existing Items, UI Needs to call the correct API --> CLAS6-24182 Egress Trunk -> Static Routing -> The "Static Route Name" dropdown should needs to show the name of the assigned routing only --> CLAS6-24195 Egress Trunk -> Statis Routing -> Create New Routing -> UI Needs to call the correct API to add the egress under the New Static Route --> CLAS6-24241 Rate Import :- Rate Import with the Time Interval Effective date is Not working , API is not sent the correct Effective Date with the Time Interval --> CLAS6-23950 Instacall Issue -> Agent Portal -> Commission -> UI is showing the wrong commission while requested for the whole year, UI calls multiple API and mismatch the calculation --> CLAS6-24121 DialWorld Issue -> Auto / Manual Invoices -> We need to change the Invoices Status Text from "Send" to "Sent" --> CLAS6-24183 Symbo Issue :- Trunk -> Digit Manipulation -> UI need to show the full list instead of showing only 10 Items --> CLAS6-24164 DID New Design -> DID Repository -> The UI is not showing the Client and Client billing rule details , There is data available in API --> CLAS6-23179 DID Redesign -> DID Client portal -> My DID -> UI calling wrong API parameter for getting the DID list --> CLAS6-23327 DID New Design -> Need to remove the "DID Product" Submenu and Other DID Product options from the UI. --> CLAS6-23122 DID New Design -> DID Repository -> UI is calling the wrong API for getting the DIDs under the Repo --> CLAS6-22967 DID Redesign -> DID Client portal -> Need to remove the "client_did_product" API from the UI, Since we already removed the "DID Product Items" from the DID Redesign. --> CLAS6-23328 DID Redesign -> DID Client -> UI should no longer need to call the "client_did_product" API --> CLAS6-23210 UI Modification-> PATCH ​/did​/repository​/mass_assign -> The "assigned_date" is not set under the DB table while using Mass_Assign Option --> CLAS6-22591 DID New Design -> Need to modify the DID Billing Rule Page to set the relation of the Bill to the "Client_id" --> CLAS6-23118 01/02/2024 -> Version 10.1.3 Summary Report -> Outbound -> ASR column showing blank --> CLAS6-24185 Disconnect Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> Average Rate calculation showing wrong --> CLAS6-24028 Summary Report -> Inbound & Outbound -> Total SDR-6 % calculation wrong --> CLAS6-24046 UI -> Summary Report -> Inbound -> Remove unwanted API Request that is not needed --> CLAS6-24047 Rate Table -> Send Rate -> From Email -> UI should show only connect email --> CLAS6-24048 Term CDRs List-> CDRs Search -> Egress Trace -> Need to remove the extra space --> CLAS6-24063 Agent Portal -> Statistics -> Summary Report -> PP Min calculation is wrong --> CLAS6-24070 Vendor Portal -> Dashboard -> Current Day Traffic -> Volume value overlap issue --> CLAS6-24074 Term CDRs List -> CDRs Search -> Right Click -> Full Details -> Need to change Change "Billed Duration" to "Billed Time" --> CLAS6-24078 Disconnect Causes -> Orig SIP Reason & Term SIP Reason -> PP Min calculation is wrong --> CLAS6-24082 Summary Report -> PP Min -> Sorting -> UI is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-24092 UI -> Change Password -> "New Password & Confirm Password" showing data even on "submit or cancel" --> CLAS6-24099 Usage Report -> Termination -> Total Percentage of Calls (%) is showing wrong --> CLAS6-24100 Summary Report -> Inbound Cascade Report & Outbound Cascade Report -> SDP calculation is wrong --> CLAS6-24111 UI -> Disconnect Causes -> Orig SIP Reason & Term SIP Reason -> Need to remove sorting icons --> CLAS6-24112 UI -> Traffic Analytics -> Comparative Report -> % (percentage) missing in Margin column --> CLAS6-24114 Term Dashboard -> Report -> UI is still showing data when we don't select any "start & end time" --> CLAS6-24128 Rate Table -> View Rates -> UI Showing No data found, while we have data --> CLAS6-24129 Summary Report -> Inbound & Outbound -> Click on "IJ Calls" option sorting ->Showing Error --> CLAS6-24144 UI -> Rate Table -> View Rates -> Edit -> Loading page issue --> CLAS6-24148 Commission Report -> ASR -> UI is calling wrong API parammeter --> CLAS6-24150 Commission Report -> Minutes is showing wrong --> CLAS6-24151 Finance -> Invoice -> Manual Invoice -> Create New -> Need to fix search result text --> CLAS6-24152 UI -> Commission Report -> UI is showing the same data twice --> CLAS6-24161 Disconnect Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> Total Billable Time is wrong --> CLAS6-24162 Term Dashboard -> Chart -> showing error on console --> CLAS6-24168 Disconnect Causes -> Orig SIP Reason & Term SIP Reason -> No data found text is missing --> CLAS6-24169 UI -> Commission Report -> UI should not calling "sort & order" API parameter --> CLAS6-24170 DID Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Messages -> Invoices -> Showing no data found, UI is calling wrong API --> CLAS6-24174 User -> System Users -> Edit -> Sub module dropdown showing no results found --> CLAS6-24217 Configuration > Trunk Group> Click on Create New button "Selected Selection" check box selected without options --> CLAS6-23923 in ther termination report we don't need NPR and NPR % --> CLAS6-23797 DID Redesign -> PATCH/did/repository/{id} --> CLAS6-23138 UI -> DID Redesign -> DID Repository -> Edit -> The "Vendor" name disappears when the click on edit button --> CLAS6-23403 table column name changes --> CLAS6-23025 DID Redesign -> DID CDRs List -> Devtool showing error in did repository list --> CLAS6-23897 29/01/2024 -> Version 10.1.2 disconnected causes> term sip reason> total duration is showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-23989 disconnected causes> term sip reason>data vanishes when submit button is clicked --> CLAS6-23990 UI > Rate table > create new rate > we need country drop down while creating second rate on table --> CLAS6-24101 25/01/2024 -> Version 10.1.1 DID>Origination Wizard>Alignment Issue in STEP 5 "Upload DID File" --> CLAS6-23606 client portal>report>end date with time should be always 23:59:59 - UI issue --> CLAS6-23951 statistics>disconnect cause> Orig. Disc. Cause by Ingress Trunk>export>fix the file name --> CLAS6-23954 Template>Ingress Trunk Template>In Create New if we click on "Trunk Info" ,Min Duration(s): field take alphabets & proceed to next page --> CLAS6-23769 Pcap listing --> CLAS6-23678 Finance-> Invoice-> Manual Invoice-> Drop down & Submit button is not Required so hide it --> CLAS6-23809 Configuration->Role->Click on "Create New" and go on "Log" Page "All Write" Check box not available --> CLAS6-23887 vendor portal>trunk list page>calling unwanted API for DID product list page --> CLAS6-24088 vendor portal - dashboard>volume(min) >data is showing inappropiately - UI issue --> CLAS6-24086 teleinx> digit manipulation>plus suffix and minus suffix is not showing the "num of char" box --> CLAS6-24009 rate generation>apply to new rate table UI showing operation error --> CLAS6-23846 statistics>traffic analytics>distribution report>total attempt is showing wrong in API response --> CLAS6-23907 configuration>invoice setting>used by customer>list must show order by name in ascending order --> CLAS6-23946 statistics>disconnect cause> Term sip reason is showing NAN for SDP and SD count --> CLAS6-23969 statistics>disconnect cause>Orig Sip Reason / Term Sip reason - header change --> CLAS6-23955 block list -> match header page> need Ignore option in all drop down - UI --> CLAS6-24065 Configuration->Role->Click on "Create New" and go on "Configuration "Click on "All Write" check box All Check box are selected --> CLAS6-23904 Agent>Agent Management>Click on Create New, without entering any field on "Page Info" page proceed on next page --> CLAS6-23924 UI Issue:- Statistics > Termination > Usage Report > Total calls Showing wrong --> CLAS6-24043 UI Issue:- Admin > Capacity --> CLAS6-24049 UI issue:- Statistics > Term CDRs list > CDRs Export log > Path and page header Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-24016 cosmetic issue:- Statistics > Termination > Term Cdrs List > Cascade CDRs Search --> CLAS6-24071 UI issue:- Statistics > Term CDRs list > Cascade CDR Search > Path and page header Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-24025 UI Issue:- Statistics > Term CDRs list > CDRs search > Output- Excel csv > Click on submit > After succesfull popup > UI Redirect go to wrong Tab --> CLAS6-24013 UI Issue:- Statistics > Traffic Analystic > Holastic Report > ASR Calculation Wrong --> CLAS6-24018 UI Issue:- Monitoring > Live Monitoring --> CLAS6-22931 Cosmetic issue:- Tools > PCAP Archival > PCAP Search > Responsive issue --> CLAS6-24104 Administration > VOIP Gateway > Self-Defined CPS Limit cant be larger than CPS Limit --> CLAS6-24050 UI issue:- Registration page error popup should change to Registration can't be processed now. Please contact Admin for support --> CLAS6-23929 UI Issue:- Statistics >Termination Dashboard > Report > UI Calling unwanted API --> CLAS6-23979 UI Issue:- Tools > Rate generation > Rate generation History > Apply to rate table >Effective date selection is Showing past date --> CLAS6-23973 Agent Portal:- UI Issue :- Summary report > PPKA Calls Total is Wrong Calculate --> CLAS6-24081 UI Issue:- Tools > PCAP Archival > PCAP Search > UI Should show Result popup for success/Not Found --> CLAS6-24042 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>CDR List>Full PCAP - UI workflow is wrong --> CLAS6-24033 UI Issue:- Statistics > Termination > Term Cdrs List > Cascade CDRs Search > More option > Field Selection --> CLAS6-24039 Configuration > Roles > Rate admin > Under Action Column click on edit > console showing error --> CLAS6-24044 UI Issue:- Statistics > Termination > Term Cdrs List > Cascade CDRs Search --> CLAS6-24037 Agent Portal:- UI Issue :- Statistics > Summary Report > PPK Calls Total is Wrong Calculate --> CLAS6-24080 Need to add Cascade CDR Report --> CLAS6-23918 UI Issue:- Statistics > Termination > Term CDRs List > Right click on any cdr > Egress Trace > UI Showing wrong --> CLAS6-23987 Cosmetic issue:- Tools > PCAP Archival > PCAP Search --> CLAS6-24040 Dial world issue:- UI Issue:- Agent > Agent Management > Click on referal link > Refferal link using wrong url --> CLAS6-23968 UI Issue:- Statistics > Daily Channel Usage Report> Need to Remove unwanted API Calling --> CLAS6-23901 09/01/2024 -> Version 10.1.0 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Distribution Report -> UI is not showing the data for the Outbound Tab, However there is data available in API response --> CLAS6-23948 Ingress Trunk -> Need to add the new tab named "Loop Detection" --> CLAS6-23882 Term CDR -> Egress Trace -> UI is showing an Incomplete Result Name, However the correct Name is showing in API response --> CLAS6-23949 Statistics -> Dashboard -> Qos Report -> UI is showing the same result for all the Switches --> CLAS6-23872 Term Dashboard -> QoS -> The "ASR" "ACD" and the "PDD" graph is not correct. Its Mismatch the report --> CLAS6-23361 Tools -> Rate Generation -> Apply to rate table -> UI needs to call the "rate_table_id" parameter too, So UI can use both "rate_table_name" and "rate_table_id" parameter --> CLAS6-23839 Rate Generation -> Apply to the Rate Deck -> History -> Need to add a column for the "Finished Time" next to the "Created on" Column. --> CLAS6-23761 Term Dashboard:- Chart -> UI calling the wrong parameter for the "CPS" Chart, it should be calling "Step=Hour" --> CLAS6-23336 RED Issue:- Admin -> Server Admin -> For CPU usage the Values are showing wrong --> CLAS6-23972 Term Dashboard -> All the 3 Graphs -> UI needs to show the correct date on X-Axis, while selecting the 7 Days Interval --> CLAS6-23959 Termination -> Client / Vendor Portal -> Need to add a Menu name "Reports on both the portals --> CLAS6-23611 Termination -> Client -> Self-Service Portal -> Need to enable the "Block List" check box again on UI, API is works fine now --> CLAS6-24023 Agent Portal -> Need to remove the decimal from the Connected Call Graph. --> CLAS6-23249 Termination Client Portal -> Termination -> Needs to add a submenu Name 'Block List" for the Clients trunk blocking list --> CLAS6-23788 Term Dashboard -> Revenue and Profitability -> The "Revenue and Profitability" graph is not correct. Its Mismatch the report --> CLAS6-23362 Configuration -> Payment term ID -> UI needs to call the ID parameter instead of name to get the Payment term List --> CLAS6-24024 Call Simulation:- Calls failed with the "Egress DNO Block", but the CDR and Disconnected report shows "Egress trunk not found" Release cause. --> CLAS6-23101 InteNext Issue :- Termination Client -> Enabling the self-service portal is not working fine, the UI is not calling the correct API Parameters --> CLAS6-23902 SMS Issue :- Term CDR -> Export -> UI is unnecessary added the "release_cause & egress_erro_string" fields, While Export the CDR, API works fine --> CLAS6-23890 Carrier 1 Issue -> Statistics -> Disconnected Causes Report -> The UI shows the wrong Release Cause, It shows "Ingress DNC Block" Instead of "Invalid ANI Block", However, the API shows the correct response --> CLAS6-23685 DialWorld Issue:- Termination Client / Vendor -> UI needs to allow the Sign Languages under the Address Fields --> CLAS6-23970 SMS Telecom -> Term Statistics -> Profitability Analysis -> UI Calling the wrong API parameter while getting the Report from the Termination tab --> CLAS6-24030 DialWorld Issue -> We need to remove the CAPTCH verification option from the Registration page --> CLAS6-24095 SMS Issue -> Term CDR -> Egress Trace -> UI needs to set the Margin of the Dialogue Box, Currently Unable to view the Full Details --> CLAS6-24005 03/01/2024 -> Version 10.0.9 UI Issue -> Disconnect Causes -> % (percentage) missing in NPR column --> CLAS6-23708 Disconnect Causes -> Orig SIP Reason -> Traffic Column click on (+) icon UI is showing "Infinity%" in Percentage column --> CLAS6-23834 DID Usage Report -> Export button need to be added after the search result --> CLAS6-23519 Email Log -> UI has some type dropdown, on try to search showing error --> CLAS6-23548 UI -> DID Client -> Edit -> Unable to edit "Allowed Port Per DID" --> CLAS6-23622 UI Issue -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> UI Showing No data found while API give data in response --> CLAS6-23716 Rate Table -> View Rates -> Loading page issue --> CLAS6-23827 Summary Report -> Outbound -> Total Avg rate showing wrong --> CLAS6-23856 Agent Portal -> Statistics -> Summary Report -> Error on console --> CLAS6-23857 UI -> Traffic Analytics -> The "Ignore Null" button should be enable by default. --> CLAS6-23858 Profitability Analysis -> Termination -> Duration is showing wrong --> CLAS6-23868 Traffic Analytics -> Distribution Report -> Graph profit% showing wrong --> CLAS6-23869 Statistics -> Daily Usage Detail Report -> Origination & Termination -> Total ACD is showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-23884 Term Dashboard -> Charts -> Report Type: Outbound -> CPS graph is blank. --> CLAS6-23885 Disconnect Causes -> Orig SIP Reason -> PP Min is showing NaN --> CLAS6-23896 SMS Issue :- Term CDR -> Egress Trace not working on UI --> CLAS6-23898 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Distribution Report -> "Profit" is calculated wrong by UI --> CLAS6-23899 Profitability Analysis -> Termination -> Shorting -> Sort by "Call Duration (min) & (%)" column getting error --> CLAS6-23895 UI -> Egress Trunk -> Edit -> "Re-invite interval:" the field is in two places need to remove one. --> CLAS6-23908 UI -> Term Dashboard -> QoS -> PDD Graph "PDD" value show with spacing on UI --> CLAS6-23925 Inbound/Outbound Report -> Total AVG rate showing wrong --> CLAS6-23926 UI -> Disconnect Causes -> Orig SIP Reason & Term SIP Reason -> % (percentage) missing in SDP column --> CLAS6-23934 Daily Usage Detail Report -> Origination & Termination -> Total Calls < 6s % showing wrong --> CLAS6-23935 Disconnect Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> Total cost value showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-23947 Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Add Host -> Host name -> Save button is not working --> CLAS6-23953 UI -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> Ingress trunk column showing blank --> CLAS6-23976 Usage Report -> Group by -> Code Name -> Shorting the Code Name field, then change the "Group by" field and submit --> CLAS6-23992 UI -> Retrieve Password Log -> Change Modify failure to failure in status dropdown --> CLAS6-23994 UI -> Payment Setting -> Notification -> Need to remove unnecessary validation --> CLAS6-24001 Traffic Analytics -> Inbound & Outbound Tab -> "Ignore null" is not working correctly --> CLAS6-24004 UI -> Inbound / Outbound Report -> UI showing Column without clicking Submit button. --> CLAS6-24011 Disconnect Causes -> Orig SIP Reason -> Sorting -> Sort by "SD Count & SDP " column getting error --> CLAS6-24021 Summary Report -> Inbound -> Total SDP calculation wrong --> CLAS6-24022 Rate Email Template -> Create New & Edit -> CC Email -> When we enter correct email in CC Email then it is giving validation. --> CLAS6-24026 Disconnect Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> IJ cost value showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-24027 UI -> DID Redesign -> DID Repository -> The "Vendor Billing Rule" name disappears when the click on edit button --> CLAS6-23140 27/12/2023 -> Version 10.0.8 UI Issue:- Statistics > Daily Usage Detail Report --> CLAS6-23806 UI Issue:- Statistics > Termination > Summary Report Showing NAN --> CLAS6-23805 UI Issue:- Configuration > Mail Template > Send Pcap > Need to remove not working tags --> CLAS6-23883 UI Issue:- Statistics > Termination >Profitability Analysis --> CLAS6-23821 UI Issue:- Statistics > Disconnect Causes > Term SIP Reason >Click on + > ASR/ACD/PDD/NPR/NPR Count Showing blank --> CLAS6-23700 UI Issue:- Termination > Product > need to remove unused api --> CLAS6-23893 UI Issue:- Routing >Dynamic Routing > UI Should not allow delete any Dynamic routing have usage count --> CLAS6-23744 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate table > View Rates > Create new > Showing error 1201205 are duplicate --> CLAS6-23762 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate table > View Rates >Country Dropdown Showing No result Found --> CLAS6-23802 UI Issue:- Client Portal > Dashboard > Current Day Traffic > Volume > Showing Wrong Data --> CLAS6-23474 Routing > Trunk > Edit > Digit manipulation > add new > Action = Minus prefix > Column Num of charac should enable and digit box should be disable --> CLAS6-23559 UI Issue:- Termination > Vendor > Need to Remove unwanted API Calling --> CLAS6-23875 SMS Telecom Issue:- UI Issue:- Tool > Rate Generation > Edit Rate Generation > Add margin > Mark up value --> CLAS6-23880 UI Issue:- Routing > Static Routing > Need to remove unneeded API --> CLAS6-23786 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Egress trunk > Create New > Enter mandatory data > Copy ip and paste in host --> CLAS6-23732 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate table > View Rates > Need to Remove unnneded API Calling --> CLAS6-23804 SMS Telecom issue:-API Issue:- Rate import with middle time effective is not working --> CLAS6-23664 SMS Telecom issue:- Client Portal:-Termination > Trunk >Need to add CPS and Call limit --> CLAS6-23773 Teleinx issue:- Statistics > Termination > CDRs Search > Release cause showing Wrong --> CLAS6-23712 VTI Issue:- UI Issue:- Statistics > Termination > Inbound Outbound Report > From time change after click on submit/less button --> CLAS6-23673 VTI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>Term Dashboard - Graph showing zig-zag pattern when selecting Specific inbound trunk --> CLAS6-23674 UI Issue:- Template > Rate Email Template > Create new/ Edit Rate email > Rate header missing --> CLAS6-23473 Red Issue :-UI Issue :- Routing > Trunk > Ingress/Egress > Edit > Auto Call Block > Number is on the US Telecom DNO list Check box showing uncheck --> CLAS6-23703 UI Issue:- Routing >Static Routing > UI Should not allow delete any Static routing have usage count --> CLAS6-23745 SMS Telecom:- UI Issue:- Routing >Routing Plan > UI Should not allow delete any Routing Paln Which is assigned to any client --> CLAS6-23662 22/12/2023 -> Version 10.0.7 UI > Log Block Import Log > From /TO field > cancel button not working --> CLAS6-23728 Cosmetic issue ->Monitoring / Live Monitor > need to change "COPLETED" as a "Completed" --> CLAS6-22893 UI > DID Transection > Showing Console error --> CLAS6-23910 Term Client Portal > Support Ticket > showing error. --> CLAS6-23845 Term Client Portal > Support Ticket > Need to add next page option . --> CLAS6-23844 SMS TELECOME > API > POST ​/switch​/rate_table​/create > Need to increase rate table name lenght --> CLAS6-23679 did new design - import log> import getting failed with reason - file was cleaned or not generated on the server --> CLAS6-23139 teleinx - dashboard>outbound Qos > showing ACD = 0 for some trunks --> CLAS6-23690 routing>dynamic routing list>+ button > showing no data found for all dynamic names --> CLAS6-23705 statistics>qos summary page is showing blank on test UI --> CLAS6-23781 SMS - rate import>change header page - user want to select specific time with effective date --> CLAS6-23831 configuration>stir shaken>ani pool>view>console error --> CLAS6-23853 statistics>DID report>show non zero = no , total row is showing NAN --> CLAS6-23864 template - rate email template - create and edit - need to remove 1 tag --> CLAS6-23751 rate table>import>UI is not auto detecting the correct effective date format --> CLAS6-23754 statistics>profitability analysis>export data>header is wrong in downloaded file --> CLAS6-23878 template - ingress trunk template - edit - media type = proxy must call media_timeout parameter too --> CLAS6-23877 routing>trunks>ingress>edit>digit manipulation>error on UI --> CLAS6-23704 clarity - rate generation - after generation - generated rate is showing empty --> CLAS6-22823 12/12/2023 -> Version 10.0.6 Agent Portal -> Dashboard -> UI need to call the "ingress_call_duration" instead of "duration" for the duration Graph --> CLAS6-23423 RED Issue :- Need to Set the V6 Dashboad Graph -> The Connected call, CPS and The Channel graph should show the Trunk name according to the number of the connected calls in descending order --> CLAS6-23689 Finance -> Auto Invoice Management -> Last Invoice Date -> UI needs to show the "NA" instead of showing Blank Field, If there is a Null value for the last Invoice Date --> CLAS6-23625 InteNext Issue:- Rate Table -> Send Rate -> The button is not working , Showing Error in Console --> CLAS6-23650 DID Call Simulation -> UI is showing the wrong "Origination DNIS", Needs to use the "Origination_Digit_Mapped_DNIS" parameter instead of the "Final DNIS" --> CLAS6-23631 Termination -> Create New Client creation page -> Need to remove the option "Enable Origination Traffic" from the UI --> CLAS6-23174 RED Issue -> Term Dashboard -> Need to use the comma (,) for the Connected Calls, Total Calls, and the Total Minutes on UI --> CLAS6-23722 Configuration -> Code deck -> UI is not showing the complete name of the "Code_Name", It Should be showing complete name --> CLAS6-23658 Rate Send -> Rates Effective on Date Picker -> The Date Picker should not let user to select old effective date --> CLAS6-23763 SMS Telecom Issue :- Termination Client Portal -> CDR -> UI needs to show the name of the "Ingress Rate Type" and "Egress Rate Type" instead of ID --> CLAS6-23776 Term Dashboard -> The Call , CPS and Channel value should not be shown in Decimal Value, It should be Integers --> CLAS6-23829 Rate Table -> Export Future Dated Rates -> UI needs to call the "effective_at" Parameter, API Works fine now --> CLAS6-23800 Termination -> Client / Vendor -> Edit -> Self Service Portal -> Need to hide the option "Block List" till the linked API part is fix --> CLAS6-23791 RED Issue :- Inbound/ Outbound Report -> Need to add the "Ingress Carrier" and the "Egress Carrier" parameters for group the report --> CLAS6-23648 Ytel Issue -> Statistics -> Inbound / Outbound Report -> The date picker does not work fine ,It automatically fetches the current date instead of a pre-selected date there. --> CLAS6-23659 RED Issue -> Term Dashboard -> All the 3 Graphs on the UI -> Need to add a "Hide Total Line" check box on the UI , to remove the line of total connected calls over the Graphs --> CLAS6-23721 VTI Issue :- Routing -> Dynamic Routing List -> UI Keeps loading and take so long time to open the list, However the API showing the result --> CLAS6-23599 VTI Issue ->Statistics -> CDR -> The Egress trace should show the result too, It should not be empty --> CLAS6-23576 RED Issue -> Statistics -> Inbound / Outbound report -> UI needs to show the "Cost" in 2 Digit decimal, and Average Rate Should be 6 Digit Decimal --> CLAS6-23723 UI -> Ticket -> Action -> Column -> View Button -> Remove API Request that is not needed --> CLAS6-23244 UI -> DID Dashboard -> QoS Report -> Interval (Last Hour) -> UI showing wrong data --> CLAS6-23386 Vendor Portal -> Dashboard -> Cost Graph -> UI calling the wrong parameter for the "Cost" Graph, it should be calling "egress_call_cost" --> CLAS6-23418 DID Client -> Edit -> Next button is not working and showing error on console --> CLAS6-23421 Agent -> Commission Report -> On UI Sorting option is not Working --> CLAS6-23424 UI -> Rate Table -> Edit -> Country dropdown showing no results found --> CLAS6-23434 Term Dashboard -> Report -> Outbound -> ACD is showing wrong --> CLAS6-23437 DID Dashboard -> Revenue Graph -> Revenue Graph "Revenue" value showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-23439 UI -> DID Dashboard -> Profitability -> Showing error on devtool --> CLAS6-23440 Term Dashboard -> Charts -> Report Type: Outbound -> ACD is showing wrong --> CLAS6-23455 DID Cost Report -> UI is calling wrong API for the DID Cost Report, it should only use group = ingress_client_id --> CLAS6-23665 UI -> DID Cost Report -> DID Customer & Vendor Name Column -> On UI Sorting option is not Working --> CLAS6-23667 UI Issue -> Code Deck -> Code Deck List -> Export -> Loading Page issue --> CLAS6-23668 QoS Summary -> Termination -> ACD is showing wrong , UI is not calling the API Parameter --> CLAS6-23692 Summary Report -> Outbound Cascade Report -> PDD Showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-23694 Term Dashboard -> Report -> Inbound -> Mins column value showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-23706 Disconnect Causes -> Orig SIP Reason & Term SIP Reason -> Percentage showing wrong --> CLAS6-23713 Disconnect Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> Total Billable Time -> Sorting -> UI is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-23717 Term Dashboard -> Report -> Report Type -> Outbound -> UI using wrong API parameter for minutes --> CLAS6-23742 UI -> Invoice -> Auto Invoice -> UI calling duplicate parameter --> CLAS6-23743 UI -> Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Static Routing -> Edit -> The "static routing" disappears when the click on edit button --> CLAS6-23752 Summary Report -> Outbound & Outbound Cost -> ACD is showing wrong --> CLAS6-23753 UI -> Static Routing -> List -> Need api optimization for static list --> CLAS6-23779 UI -> Traffic Analytics -> Holastic Report & Comparative Report -> % (percentage) missing in Margin column --> CLAS6-23784 DID Dashboard -> PDD Graph "PDD" value show with spacing on UI --> CLAS6-23795 UI ->Statistics -> Summary Report -> Inbound -> Total ACD is showing wrong --> CLAS6-23796 Vendor Portal -> Dashboard -> ACD is showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-23810 DID Report -> "Non Zero Only" field is not working correctly --> CLAS6-23825 UI -> Invoice -> Manual Invoice -> Page button should be right side aligned --> CLAS6-23830 Usage Report -> Origination & Termination Tab -> Duration (min), Percent of Duration (%) -> Sorting -> UI is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-23832 Daily Usage Detail Report -> Termination -> ACD is showing wrong, UI is not calling the API parameter. --> CLAS6-23854 SMS Issue :- Term CDR -> Egress Trace not working on UI --> CLAS6-23898 DID Redesign -> DID Import Log -> Delete -> UI is calling wrong api --> CLAS6-22982 UI -> DID Redesign -> DID Repository -> Create New -> Showing Internal server error --> CLAS6-23124 28/11/2023 -> Version 10.0.5 statistics>DID cdr>submit button position is misplaced --> CLAS6-23518 did invoice list> list must be in descending order with respect to ID --> CLAS6-23537 statistics>DID cdr>remove the Output field as we already have the export button at the top --> CLAS6-23496 statistics>DID cdr>export button is downloading only the current page data --> CLAS6-23497 RED - trunks>egress / ingress - need to enable the submit button --> CLAS6-23484 routing>block list > UI modification text change --> CLAS6-23634 routing>block list>import>complete field upload>example file headers are not working --> CLAS6-23636 DID>vendor>edit>Re-Invite Timeout: -> UI issue --> CLAS6-23376 routing>block list>change header page>showing wrong data - import file has only 1 row --> CLAS6-23638 routing>block list page>create new > don't enter any value - still save button is active --> CLAS6-23635 17/11/2023 -> Version 10.0.4 UI Issue:- Client Portal > Dashboard > Current Day Traffic > --> CLAS6-23646 UI Issue:- Routing > Routing Plan > Create new > Add New Dynamic route --> CLAS6-23567 UI Issue:- Termination > Product > Create New / Edit > Add new Routing Plan > Egress trunk List showing Wrong --> CLAS6-23541 UI Issue:- Routing > Dynamic routing > Edit > unable to delete blank row --> CLAS6-23542 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate table > Create new > Remove Min Time and Interval --> CLAS6-23651 UI Issue:- Configuration > System setting > submit showing error > Operating Company field may not be null --> CLAS6-23629 UI Issue:- Routing > Routing Plan --> CLAS6-23602 UI Issue:- Routing > Routing Plan >List > need API optimization --> CLAS6-23601 UI Issue:- Routing > Dynamic routing > Need to remove unneeded API Call --> CLAS6-23613 UI Issue:- Routing > Dynamic routing > Create Dynamic Routing/edit --> CLAS6-23612 UI Issue:- Routing > Routing Plan > Create new > Add New Dynamic route > Add icon missing --> CLAS6-23562 UI Issue:- Routing > Static routing > Static Routing Detail > Add new route / Edit > Trunk List showing with Null carrier id --> CLAS6-23553 UI Issue:- Tool > Rate Generation > Edit Rate Generation/create new > Egress trunks list showing wrong --> CLAS6-23549 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal > Dashboard > Current Day Traffic > Volume/Spending/Total/Non Zero Calls > Showing Wrong Data --> CLAS6-23458 UI Issue:- Vendor portal >Termination > Report > Total Duration Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-23460 UI Issue :- Routing > rate table > View rate > create new > Enter code and rate > Click on save --> CLAS6-23523 UI Issue:- Termination > Customer > Host > Customer and Trunk name should clickable --> CLAS6-23522 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate Table > Send Rate > Rate File Heaader --> CLAS6-23517 Red Issue:- UI Issue:- DID > DID Repository > Edit Repository > Action > Add Prefix > Unable to enter # --> CLAS6-23579 UI Issue:- Tool >Sip Packet Search > Queue > Need to add refresh button --> CLAS6-23516 UI Issue:- Statistics >Termination Dashboard >Report --> CLAS6-23489 UI Issue:- Statistics >Termination Dashboard >Chart > Statistical Information > CPS > UI Showing Wrong Graph --> CLAS6-23490 clarity - Rate import issue :- Routing > Rate Table > Import >Import fail due to empty row in file --> CLAS6-23445 UI issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Usage Report > Total Actual duration wrong calculate --> CLAS6-23472 UI issue:- Statistics >Termination Dashboard >Charts > atistical information dropdown > Need to remove ports option from dropdown --> CLAS6-23491 UI Issue:- Vendor portal >Termination > Report > ACD > Calculation Wrong --> CLAS6-23459 UI issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Usage Report > Minutes field Showing wrong --> CLAS6-23384 14/11/2023 -> Version 10.0.3 Agent Portal -> Dashboard -> UI need to call the "ingress_call_duration" instead of "duration" for the duration Graph --> CLAS6-23423 Agent Portal -> Dashboard -> The Cost value over the graph should be shown in 2-digit decimal. --> CLAS6-23248 Routing -> Rate Table -> The Submit button is not working and Even not clickable --> CLAS6-23470 Termiantion Vendor Portal -> ACD calculation is wrong -> UI is calling the wrong API parameter for calculating the ACD --> CLAS6-23456 Routing -> Rate Table -> Need to remove the "ANI" options from Billing Method Dropdown --> CLAS6-23512 RED Issue -> Routing -> Block list Import -> UI does not handle the import file if the file size is up to 4 MB. --> CLAS6-23475 DID -> Billing Rule -> Search the Billing rule -> UI is calling billing rule name instead of ID --> CLAS6-23117 Routing -> Static Routing -> Create New or Edit -> The Vendor dropdown is showing empty , UI failed to load the data in the list --> CLAS6-23235 Log -> Email log -> UI keeps loading for an Endless time, Unable to get the email log List. --> CLAS6-23257 InteNext Telecom Issue:- Routing -> The List of the Carrier and the Egress is shown in a Random Order, It should show in a particular Manner --> CLAS6-23515 Trunk -> Create new Trunk -> Egress / Ingress -> If user selects the "Proxy Media" then UI needs to enable a media time out filed on UI. --> CLAS6-23543 Rate Table -> Need to Reset the "Billing Method" Dropdown values for the Origination Rate table --> CLAS6-23528 Trunk -> Edit Trunk -> Egress / Ingress -> UI need to enable the "Media Timeout" field box, If user modify media type from Bypass to Proxy --> CLAS6-23544 Termination -> Client / Vendor -> Create or Edit -> Need to hide the "Edit" check box under the "Self Service Portal" tab. --> CLAS6-23552 Routing -> Ingress Trunk -> Call Rejection Error -> Default response should not be showing blank --> CLAS6-23561 Tools -> SIP Packet Search -> Queue -> Sent Mail -> The Sent PACP Mail is showing Incomplete Details, UI needs to call the correct API for Sent PCAP Mail --> CLAS6-23256 InteNext Telecom -> Configuration -> Mail Template -> Need to add the Tags on UI for the "Send Product Rates" Template --> CLAS6-23426 RED Issue -> Routing -> Static Routing -> Create New Route -> UI is not allow to create a route with empty code if there is a already 2 codes are available in the Route --> CLAS6-23428 Configuration -> Default Fail-over Rule -> Default Termination Failover Rule -> UI is keep loading for an Endless time , There is data available in the API response --> CLAS6-23575 Regenerate Balance -> History -> UI is using the wrong parameters for the New amount filed, It should use "New Amount" instead of "New Balance" --> CLAS6-23588 Routing -> Dynamic Routing -> UI deletes the wrong Egress trunk from the list if there is more than 2 Egress trunk available there --> CLAS6-23577 Clarity Issue :- Regenerate Balance is not working, UI is calling the wrong parameter --> CLAS6-23507 VTI Issue -> Ingress Trunk -> Call Rejection Error -> UI Changed the "Error Description" after hitting Submit Button. Need to call the correct API --> CLAS6-23560 02/11/2023 -> Version 10.0.2 UI -> DID Repository -> View Historical Usage -> Page keep loading and spinning --> CLAS6-23204 Disconnect Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> ASR, ACD & PDD -> Shorting -> UI is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-23297 DID Dashboard -> ACD Graph "ACD" value showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-23349 Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Cost -> UI showing "0" cost, we have data --> CLAS6-23438 Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Messages -> Invoices -> Showing no data found, UI calling wrong API --> CLAS6-23252 Rate Table -> Origination -> Usage Count -> Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> The "Rate Table" name disappears when the click on edit button --> CLAS6-23253 Dynamic Routing -> Usage Count -> UI, same API calling multiple times --> CLAS6-23262 User -> System User -> Create New & Edit -> When we enter 3 character name, UI showing error --> CLAS6-23269 Disconnect Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> ASR, ACD & PDD -> Shorting -> UI is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-23297 Traffic Analytics -> Holastic Report -> Inbound & Outbound -> "Margin" is calculated wrong by UI --> CLAS6-23299 Profitability Analysis -> Origination & Termination -> Total Profit % showing wrong --> CLAS6-23332 Daily Usage Detail Report -> Termination -> Total ASR Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-23341 Usage Report -> Termination -> Shorting -> Short by "Duration (min) & Percent of Duration (%)" column getting error --> CLAS6-23454 Agent Portal -> Dashboard -> Total Duration Box -> Duration is showing wrong --> CLAS6-23461 Agent Portal -> Dashboard -> Last Hour & Last 24 Hours -> UI calling duplicate parameter --> CLAS6-23464 UI -> Rate Table -> View Rates -> Edit -> Unable to change code field --> CLAS6-23486 UI -> DID Usage Report -> Total Actual Duration is showing wrong --> CLAS6-23487 UI -> Static Routing -> Edit -> Showing two popup --> CLAS6-23494 UI -> Agent Portal -> Customer Invoice -> Submit button is not working --> CLAS6-23492 API Issue -> PATCH ​/switch​/code​/{code_id} -> Showing error "Name:String does not match expected pattern." --> CLAS6-23513 Static Routing -> Detail -> Code column -> On UI Sorting option is not Working --> CLAS6-23520 SIP Packet Search -> Search -> Need to remove Previous button --> CLAS6-23533 Code Deck -> View -> Edit -> The "country name" showing different when the click on edit button --> CLAS6-23545 Daily Usage Detail Report -> Origination & Termination -> Total Calls < 30s % showing wrong --> CLAS6-23554 Summary Report -> Inbound Cascade Report -> NPR % showing wrong --> CLAS6-23557 UI -> DID -> Billing Rule -> Create New & Edit -> Giving wrong popup --> CLAS6-23568 UI Issue -> Egress & Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Digit Manipulation -> Action column selection disappear --> CLAS6-23582 UI Issue -> Trunk -> Edit -> Fail-over Rule -> Submit button is not working --> CLAS6-23584 UI -> Trunk -> Edit -> Digit Manipulation -> Create New -> UI is Calling Wrong API --> CLAS6-23593 Code Deck -> View -> Edit -> The "country name" disappears when the click on edit button --> CLAS6-23595 API Issue -> PATCH ​/config​/carrier_template​/{id} -> Getting error "tax": ["Field may not be null."] --> CLAS6-23607 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Static Routing -> Edit -> Unable to change prefix --> CLAS6-23628 Disconnect Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> Total duration is showing wrong --> CLAS6-23642 Vendor Portal -> Dashboard -> ACD is showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-23652 18/10/2023 -> Version 10.0.1 UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Dashboard > Show = Revenue and Profitability > Missing filters in interval dropdowns --> CLAS6-23382 UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Cost Report > # off Min calculation Wrong --> CLAS6-23385 UI Issue:- Routing >Trunk > Outbound > Edit >Click on create rate table > Showing error - The rate table field is required --> CLAS6-23417 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate table > View Rates > Import rates > Rate import page > Reminder showing wrong effective date date --> CLAS6-23270 UI issue:- Tools > Rate generation > Create New/Edit > Add Margin and Add interval and Min time --> CLAS6-23450 UI issue:- Tools>Rate generation>Rate generation History --> CLAS6-23451 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Term Dashboard>Show-QoS>ACD --> CLAS6-23427 UI Issue > Statistics > Termination > Dashboard > Outbound Qos > ACD Calculation Wrong --> CLAS6-23430 Cosmetic Issue:- Log > Rate Import log --> CLAS6-23288 UI issue:- Routing > Dynamic Routing > Action Column > Trunk Priority > Create New > Enter prefix, trunk and priority > Getting Error "Prefix already exists" when trying to save with different Priority --> CLAS6-23271 UI issue:- Routing > Dynamic Routing > Action Column > Trunk Priority > Create New > Enter prefix, trunk and priority > create button missing after create 2 priority when we have only 2 trunk --> CLAS6-23334 UI Issue:- Tool > Rate Generation > Edit Rate Generation > Min Time Field Accept Special Characters --> CLAS6-23291 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Daily usage detail report >Total NPR% Calculation Wrong --> CLAS6-23338 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Summary report >TotalSDR-30% Calculation Wrong --> CLAS6-23363 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk> Ingress Trunk > Add Ingress Trunk > Missing - Authorized dropdown --> CLAS6-23345 UI Issue:- Configuration > User > Edit User > Role Administration = DID > Landing page module = DID > Sub module dropdown missing --> CLAS6-23381 UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Dashboard > Show = QOS > Missing filters in interval dropdowns --> CLAS6-23367 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Summary report >Total NPR% Calculation Wrong --> CLAS6-23348 UI Issue :- Termination > Vendor > Edit > Outbound --> CLAS6-23293 UI issue:- Routing > Dynamic Routing > Action Column > Trunk Priority > Create New > Enter prefix, trunk and priority > unable to select same priority for different prefix --> CLAS6-23312 carrierone - archive setting - server is missing from dropdown --> |CLAS6-23278| log>email log> type dropdown>text should be in human readable format only --> |CLAS6-23308| Template>Egress Trunk Template>"Template Name" is mandatory but without Template Name "Egress Trunk Template" created successfully --> |CLAS6-23163| routing>egress>edit>enforce CID block>when check box is clicked - any of the 4 field should be filled --> |CLAS6-23352| log>email log>remove "monitored rule" type from dropdown --> |CLAS6-23307| log>email log>UI has some new type dropdown that don't exist under mail templates --> |CLAS6-23306| Agent Portal -> Commission Report -> Total ASR must show upto 2 decimal digit --> |CLAS6-23370| agent portal>commission report>commission is showing wrong --> |CLAS6-23371| agent portal> customer list>credit limit should show "unlimited" if it is set for Postpay client - UI issue --> |CLAS6-23323| rpm - fresh installed>create new term customer- auto invoice > UI issue --> |CLAS6-23331| agent portal>commission report>current month>total ASR is showing NAN --> |CLAS6-23392| agent portal>alignment issue in commission report section --> |CLAS6-23389| log>email log>list>Type is showing backend name instead of the human readable format from type drop down --> |CLAS6-22870| routing>trunks>ingress trunk list>showing no data found --> |CLAS6-23024| statistics > Daily Usage Detail Report > group by>select all options - showing no data found --> |CLAS6-22838| DID API - delete all did repository --> |CLAS6-22693| log>email log>page keeps loading - Ui issue --> |CLAS6-22903| statistics>summary report>Ij calls>duration field > data should be in minutes not seconds --> |CLAS6-23406| did>vendor>edit>>The vendor_tech_prefix field format is invalid>should be in human readable format --> |CLAS6-23377| agent portal - commission report - total cost is showing 0 --> |CLAS6-23387| 05/10/2023 -> Version 10.0.0 UI using wrong api to import rates --> CLAS6-23109 ISSUE: To understand the error, message should be more clear --> CLAS6-23155 Cosmetic ISSUE: Change both codec table name --> CLAS6-23071 Agent Portal -> Statistics -> Report -> The Row "Total" is showing wrong values due to Margin Mismatch --> CLAS6-23250 Tools -> SIP Packet Search -> Queue -> Send Email -> Need to add the Client dropdown List on UI, So the Sent PCAP mail can show full details. --> CLAS6-23255 Configuration -> Mail Templates -> Send PCAP -> Need to add the Template Tags on UI. --> CLAS6-23258 Rate Generation -> Rate Generation History details -> UI is calling the wrong API parameter while sorting report by "Send Email" --> CLAS6-23273 Log -> Email Log -> UI is showing Blank instead of showing "Send PCAP" type in the List --> CLAS6-23301 Log -> Email Log -> The "Send PCAP" type is missing from the "Type" Dropdown, UI needs to add "Send PCAP" type in the List. --> CLAS6-23302 ATI Issue :- Term CDR -> Need to remove the by default selection of "Non_Zero_Only" from the Duration dropdown. --> CLAS6-23303 Routing -> Trunk -> Ingress / Egress -> Need to remove the "Proxy Media" From the Media Type dropdown while Create or Edit trunk --> CLAS6-23304 Cosmetic Issue:- Vendor Portal -> Dashboard -> Message -> All the options should be in a single Row --> CLAS6-23311 Routing -> Ingress Trunk -> The "Ignore Ring" check box is not getting disabled, UI is not calling correct parameter while disabling the same --> CLAS6-23295 Agent Portal -> Customer List -> Customer Payment report -> The pagination option is not working on UI --> CLAS6-23292 Term Dashboard:- Charta -> Need to remove the decimal value from the "Call Attempt" and "Non_Zero_Calls" graph --> CLAS6-23335 Traffic Analytics -> Comparative Report -> Outbound tab -> The ACD is showing wrong on the Outbound tab, UI is calling the wrong API Parameter --> CLAS6-23019 Term Dashboard :- Qos / Revenue and Profitability :- On Graphs the UI is showing "Undefined" instead of Trunk Name. --> CLAS6-23369 Traffic Analytics -> Holastic Report -> Outbound Tab -> The ASR is showing wrong on the Outbound tab, UI is calling the wrong API Parameter --> CLAS6-23018 Log -> SIP Registration log -> The UI keeps loading for an endless time while getting the report --> CLAS6-23347 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Outbound tab -> For ACD calculation UI need to add "egres_call_duration" instead of duration --> CLAS6-23346 Configuration -> Mail Sender -> Need to remove the characters Validation from the "Name" Fields on UI --> CLAS6-23414 Termination Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Messages -> The Amount for the Unpaid Invoices is showing wrong on UI. --> CLAS6-23415 Routing -> Trunk -> Ingress / Egress -> Need to enable the "Proxy Media" again on the UI --> CLAS6-23425 Termination Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Messages -> Need to add the Sorting arrows on UI to sort the report, API works fine. --> CLAS6-23416 InteNext Telecom -> Configuration -> Users -> The Role dropdown is showing "No Record Found" however the data available in API Response --> CLAS6-23413 Carrier One -> Finance -> Auto Invoice Management -> Need to add the Check box for "Show Account Summary" on UI. --> CLAS6-23283 29/09/2023 -> Version 9.9.9 Configuration -> Code deck -> View -> Text overlap issue --> CLAS6-22015 UI -> Summary Report -> Outbound -> Need to fix shorting arrow --> CLAS6-23022 Summary Report -> Outbound -> Short by "total duration" -> UI is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-23023 Client Portal -> CDR Search -> Export -> UI showing no data found after click on export button --> CLAS6-23033 Holastic Report -> Outbound -> The ASR is showing wrong on the Outbound tab --> CLAS6-23185 Dynamic Routing -> Edit -> Delete trunk not working --> CLAS6-23213 UI -> Agent Portal -> Statistics -> Report -> "Total row" showing wrong side data in column --> CLAS6-23237 Holastic Report -> Outbound tab -> ACD is showing wrong , UI is not calling the API Parameter --> CLAS6-23195 Summary Report -> Outbound -> Shorting -> UI calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-23197 UI -> Vendor -> Balance -> Click on balance, path header not shows vendor name --> CLAS6-23203 UI -> User -> System User -> Edit -> Landing Pages Module & Sub module unable to patch --> CLAS6-23268 UI -> Agent Portal -> Product List -> View Rate -> Need to remove page number and next page icon --> CLAS6-23275 Egress Trunk Template -> Create New & Edit -> Ring Timer -> Showing wrong popup --> CLAS6-23281 Term Dashboard & DID Dashboard -> Connected Call, Ingress CPS and Ingress Channel --> CLAS6-23296 Inbound/Outbound Report -> Total NPR % showing wrong --> CLAS6-23298 UI -> Static Routing -> Create New & Edit -> Need to remove validation --> CLAS6-23300 Inbound/Outbound Report -> UI Showing No data found while API give data in response --> CLAS6-23305 Agent Portal -> Summary Report & Commission Report -> ACD showing wrong --> CLAS6-23322 Termination -> Dashboard -> QoS -> ACD showing wrong , API showing ACD in response --> CLAS6-23340 Usage Report -> Origination -> Duration (min) Calculation Wrong --> CLAS6-23342 Daily Usage Detail Report -> Total NPR % showing wrong --> CLAS6-23343 Inbound/Outbound Report -> Total Profit % showing wrong --> CLAS6-23354 Agent Portal -> Commission Report -> Total ASR Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-23359 UI -> DID Dashboard -> Revenue and Profitability -> Unable to search 15 days data --> CLAS6-23375 Statistics -> Usage Report -> Termination -> Duration (min) showing wrong --> CLAS6-23378 Disconnect Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> ACD is showing wrong , UI is not calling the API Parameter --> CLAS6-23379 Comparative Report -> Inbound -> The ACD should be shown in 2 Digit Decimal Value --> CLAS6-23380 Agent Portal -> Report -> Total PDD Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-23388 Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Duration -> Duration is showing wrong --> CLAS6-23391 Vendor Portal -> Dashboard -> Duration -> UI is calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-23393 Vendor Portal -> Dashboard -> UI, same API calling multiple times --> CLAS6-23394 Stir Shaken -> ANI Group -> View -> Need to modified delete selected confirmation popup --> CLAS6-23410 DID Client Portal -> Origination -> My DID -> Need to change "search box" text --> CLAS6-23411 Distribution Report -> Outbound -> Duration is showing wrong --> CLAS6-23412 DID Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Cost -> UI showing "0" cost, we have data in api response --> CLAS6-23419 27/09/2023 -> Version 9.9.8 UI > Engress trunk templet > Create new > UI should accept null value on Max duration Field --> CLAS6-23072 21/09/2023 -> Version 9.9.7 rate generation>list>generation>success popup - cosmetic issue --> |CLAS6-22948| tools>sip packet search>hide and show column not working --> |CLAS6-23009| login page>forgot password>enter the username>request link>need to fix the popup message --> |CLAS6-23011| reset password page > cosmetic issue - need to show in human readable format --> |CLAS6-23012| reset password page - button issue --> |CLAS6-23013| tools>sip packet search>list>no need to show next and previous button when show hide column is unchecked --> |CLAS6-23053| pcap archival>>list>>api is showing error with code 500 --> |CLAS6-22705| term>client>select and regenerate balance>showing success but balance is not changed - UI issue --> |CLAS6-23125| Pls fix the CC field --> |CLAS6-23186| rpm - statistics>usage report>default time zone should be GMT +00:00 --> |CLAS6-22949| origination>client>click on balance>need to show client name in path - UI issue --> |CLAS6-23220| agent portal>click on user name>please hide Email Template from UI --> |CLAS6-23223| client portal>payment history>page row>click on next button>leads to last page - UI issue --> |CLAS6-23242| clarity - rate import>change header page>after selecting correct header it is showing error and import gets failed --> |CLAS6-22581| 13/09/2023 -> Version 9.9.6 Xtelarz Issue:- Routing > Trunk> Egress Trunk > Add Egress Trunk > Authorized :- Authorized by SIP registration --> CLAS6-23218 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk> Egress Trunk > Add Egress Trunk > Authorized --> CLAS6-23225 UI Issue:- Log > Email log > Page keep loading and spinning --> CLAS6-23206 UI Issue:- Log > Block Import Log > ">"Arrow sign not working Correctly --> CLAS6-23156 Cosmetic issue :- Log > Email Log > Row Height should be same as other page --> CLAS6-23216 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate table > View Rates --> CLAS6-23236 UI issue:-Configuration>Stir Shaken>Ani Group>View>select ANI from list>click on delete selected>UI showing multiple success popup if we selected more than 1 ANI --> CLAS6-22760 Agent Portal -> CDR -> Export -> Export button export whole data instant of current page print --> CLAS6-23158 Rate import page keep scrolling while import rate with different header --> CLAS6-22816 UI Issue:- Termination > Customer > Create New > Company Info > Missing Account info --> CLAS6-23136 Log>Rate Import Log>status column>click on failed >download blank file --> CLAS6-22866 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate table > View Rates > Import rates > Rate import page --> CLAS6-23078 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate table > View Rates > Import rates > Rate import page give wrong error --> CLAS6-23077 ATI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Outbound Trunk > Trunk info > Reinvite interval not allowing more than 2 digit number --> CLAS6-23051 Rate import issue:-UI Send wrong payload in request for replace values while Rate import with wrong header --> CLAS6-23080 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate table > View Rates > Import rates > Rate import page > header selection > Need to add setup fee dropdown in USJD Rate type --> CLAS6-23102 UI Issue:- Routing > Rate table > View Rates > Import rates > Rate import page > header selection --> CLAS6-23086 05/09/2023 -> Version 9.9.5 DID -> Vendor -> Need to add the field box on the DID Vendor page for Create New and Edit both --> CLAS6-22779 Ingress Trunk / Egress trunk -> Need to enable a check box for the "Block DNO ANI". --> CLAS6-23094 Statistics -> Disconnect Causes -> UI should show the "Ingress DNO Block" Release cause name in the list, Instead of showing Blank --> CLAS6-23100 Trunk Creation-> Egress / Ingress -> If the Max_duration, Min_duration" and the ring_timeout is blank then need to call "null" instead of empty String. --> CLAS6-23079 CDR Egress Trace -> If the calls are failed due to "Egress Rate Overflow" then The Egress rates and Egress ID should also be updated in the table --> CLAS6-23160 UI Issue :- Rate table -> Import US JD File -> Need to remove the "Local" rate header from the Example file --> CLAS6-23148 DID -> Billing Rule -> UI is calling the wrong ID while using the "Delete Selected" button --> CLAS6-23116 Statistics -> QoS Summary -> Termination Tab -> The ACD is showing wrong on the Outbound tab, UI is calling the wrong API Parameter --> CLAS6-23176 Routing -> Ingress trunk -> If Re-Invite Interval is blank then UI needs to call "null' instead of blank String --> CLAS6-23219 Blue Bird -> Rate table -> Rates are not getting saved , UI calling the wrong in Payload --> CLAS6-23076 ATI Issue -> Statistics -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> UI is calling wrong API for the report, it should only use group = ingress_id --> CLAS6-23168 ATI / VTI -> Routing -> Routing plan -> Need to remove the characters validation from the Name Fields --> CLAS6-23178 01/09/2023 -> Version 9.9.4 DID Import Log -> Delete -> Getting Error on devtool --> CLAS6-22729 Distribution Report -> Outbound -> Export -> Export file showing no data --> CLAS6-22767 Summary Report -> Inbound & Outbound Tab -> "Ignore null" is not working correctly --> CLAS6-22770 Daily Usage Detail Report -> Origination -> Total word should be center aligned --> CLAS6-22819 Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Submit -> showing error on console --> CLAS6-22934 Disconnect Causes -> Origination & Termination -> Header text should be in left aligned --> CLAS6-22936 Ingress Trunk Template -> Create New & Edit -> Showing wrong popup --> CLAS6-23054 DID Invoice -> Manual Invoice -> Create New -> UI showing no data found after create successfully --> CLAS6-23056 API -> POST ​/config​/egress_trunk_template​/create --> CLAS6-23073 Inbound/Outbound Report -> Column header name showing wrong --> CLAS6-23075 UI Issue -> Rate Upload Template -> Edit Rate Upload Template -> Path header showing wrong --> CLAS6-23090 Statistics -> Host Based Report -> Need to remove "next/previous" and "page row" --> CLAS6-23097 DID Cost Report -> showing error on console --> CLAS6-23103 Daily Usage Detail Report -> Termination Tab -> ACD showing wrong --> CLAS6-23128 Daily Usage Detail Report -> Remove API Request that is not needed --> CLAS6-23129 DID Repository -> Status -> Active Only -> UI is not calling API parameter for status "active only" --> CLAS6-23142 Agent Portal -> CDR -> Export -> UI showing no data found after click on export button --> CLAS6-23152 UI -> Agent Portal -> Product List -> View Rate -> Unable to search specific code --> CLAS6-23153 UI -> Agent Portal -> Customer Payment -> Unable to Search on next page data --> CLAS6-23154 UI -> DID Client -> Edit -> Path header showing wrong --> CLAS6-23170 Term Dashboard -> Report -> UI Showing No data found without click on submit, while we have data --> CLAS6-23188 Static Routing -> Details -> Click on "Trunk List" option sorting -> Showing error --> CLAS6-23212 UI -> QoS Summary -> Termination -> Total ACD showing wrong --> CLAS6-23222 Commission Report -> ACD showing wrong --> CLAS6-23231 21/08/2023 -> Version 9.9.3 Meta ISSUE: filter not working in Live report page --> CLAS6-22678 UI > Routing > Dynamic routing /create > After reset all field info. egress trunk dropdown showing no data found --> CLAS6-22713 16/08/2023 -> Version 9.9.2 UI > Routing > Rate table > View Rate / Edit > When we remove interval and click on Cancel showing Error --> CLAS6-22733 UI > Routing > Rate table > View Rate / Edit > when we put next day date in end date and submit after submit Edit button is hiding --> CLAS6-22730 Cosmetic Issue >Login using client > Billing > Online payment > Need to fix distance between check out button and payment amount field , fix same as a other pages --> CLAS6-22734 UI issue:- Template>Ingress Trunk Template>New Ingress Trunk Template>Billing>Rounding Decimal Places>Should show Dropdown --> CLAS6-22735 UI Issue > DID > Client > Need to change DID submenu title from "Client" to "Customer" --> CLAS6-22492 UI > Routing > rate table / create new > We need to add dropdown in country field --> CLAS6-22648 UI > Termination > Wizard > Add Route > when we try to create new , and cancel name not disappear and after change name and submit showing error n --> CLAS6-22660 UI> Configuration >Users > Non-Active Users > After delete console showing Error --> CLAS6-22635 UI >Configuration >Users > Non-Active Users > After delete UI showing two delete confirmation PopUp --> CLAS6-22662 UI > DID Invoice > Invoice number field should not accept alphabets --> CLAS6-22551 UI > DID Invoice > Invoice number field should not accept alphabets --> CLAS6-22551 UI > Termination > Vendor > Regenerate selected balance > Submit button not showing for regenerate balance --> CLAS6-22544 UI > DID > Billing Rule / Edit > when we remove interval and submit , UI accept submit without interval need to add validation --> CLAS6-22782 UI > Termination > product > getting error on DEVTOOL Console --> CLAS6-22628 UI > DID Repository > Need to remove extra name from show/hide column --> CLAS6-23028 UI > Routing > Rate table > View Rate / Edit > When we remove interval and click on Cancel showing Error --> CLAS6-22733 UI > Routing > Rate table > View Rate / Edit > when we put next day date in end date and submit after submit Edit button is hiding --> CLAS6-22730 Cosmetic Issue >Login using client > Billing > Online payment > Need to fix distance between check out button and payment amount field , fix same as a other pages --> CLAS6-22734 UI issue:- Template>Ingress Trunk Template>New Ingress Trunk Template>Billing>Rounding Decimal Places>Should show Dropdown --> CLAS6-22735 UI Issue > DID > Client > Need to change DID submenu title from "Client" to "Customer" --> CLAS6-22492 UI > Routing > rate table / create new > We need to add dropdown in country field --> CLAS6-22648 UI > Termination > Wizard > Add Route > when we try to create new , and cancel name not disappear and after change name and submit showing error n --> CLAS6-22660 UI> Configuration >Users > Non-Active Users > After delete console showing Error --> CLAS6-22635 UI >Configuration >Users > Non-Active Users > After delete UI showing two delete confirmation PopUp --> CLAS6-22662 UI > DID Invoice > Invoice number field should not accept alphabets --> CLAS6-22551 Cosmetic issue -> finance > Auto Invoice > Text named "Invoice No" alphabet 'No' must be "Number" on Auto Invoice page --> CLAS6-22550 UI > Termination > Vendor > Regenerate selected balance > Submit button not showing for regenerate balance --> CLAS6-22544 14/08/2023 -> Version 9.9.1 admin>>first time wizard>>step 2 - UI should check for correct domain URL --> CLAS6-22483 routing>ingress trunk>call rejection error>no parameter for default response in API --> CLAS6-22419 DID>wizard>step 2>IP>cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-22531 DID>wizard>customer>step 4>new customer- UI modification required --> CLAS6-22533 routing>trunks>egress and ingress>select and activate/deactivate - showing wrong popup --> CLAS6-22530 termination>product>create new >UI issue--> CLAS6-22412 admin>>first time wizard>>no previous button required on Step 1 page - UI issue --> CLAS6-22482 teleinx - call simulation is showing release cause = rate overflow / no profitable trunk for some vendors --> CLAS6-22444 routing>ingress>edit>call rejection error>UI should not open row until user hit create new button --> CLAS6-22521 DID>wizard>need to add Reset button on Step 1 and Step 3 --> CLAS6-22532 configuration>payment setting>notification setting>email field should show validation for wrong email --> CLAS6-22560 routing>trunk>egress>detail>enforce CID block-call attempt is accepting -ve value --> CLAS6-22570 routing>egress/ingress - detail> basic info>enforce CID block --> CLAS6-22577 random ani group>action>view all>delete selected not working --> CLAS6-22587 configuration>Random ANI group>show/hide column>uncheck all is still showing pagination on UI --> CLAS6-22586 routing>trunks>create new>egress/ingress - if PDD under trunk is left empty, then it should inherit the system setting value --> CLAS6-22599 routing>egress/ingress - create and edit - PDD timeout should be in ( ms ) --> CLAS6-22597 routing>egress/ingress - create and edit - PDD timeout - ui should accept up to 5 digit --> CLAS6-22598 clarity - egress - detail page>unable to remove the existing PDD value under Timeout setting tab --> CLAS6-22600 term>client / vendor - create - Min. Profitability: -> $ should be shown only for value --> CLAS6-22534 routing>rate table>detail>when all headers are unchecked - ui should not show the check box --> CLAS6-22659 rate table>edit>mass edit>end date> time should be always like 23:59:59 --> CLAS6-22658 carrier one - rate generation - create/edit >add margin>fix value > Ui should allow decimal values too --> CLAS6-22883 ytel - trunk>add host is showing error "Missing data for required field." --> CLAS6-22806 configuration>payment setting>notification email - need to show in human readable format --> CLAS6-22682 routing>>trunk>>egress>>create new>min profitability field showing wrong popup --> CLAS6-22542 template - egress trunk template - search and delete - after delete UI should show remaining list --> CLAS6-22748 template - carrier template - create / edit> short call charges - remove call seconds dropdown --> CLAS6-22744 template>ingress trunk template>select>delete > after delete UI is showing create new template page directly --> CLAS6-22751 template>carrier template>create / edit >>min profitability - Ui issue --> CLAS6-22743 template - create new>unable to create carrier template without min. profitable value --> CLAS6-22746 template - carrier template>create new> Min. Profitability - validation message - cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-22742 routing>trunk>egress/ingress - create and edit - min profitability field accept max up to 999 --> CLAS6-22804 finance>manual invoice>create multiple invoice at at once - wrong API integrated --> CLAS6-22755 template - rate email template>create and edit>CC email should check for correct email format --> CLAS6-22769 statistics > Daily Usage Detail Report > ignore null is not working as expected --> CLAS6-22837 client portal>accounts>routing and prefix>action>download rate with prefix --> CLAS6-22874 client portal>account summary>routing and tech prefix>exporting wrong rate deck --> CLAS6-22873 log>email log>email address>multiple email>need to show in a box so user can copy to search with individual email --> CLAS6-22869 statistics>CDR page>field box position issue - UI issue --> CLAS6-22891 did>customer>create new>self service portal>username popup modification --> CLAS6-22987 template - carrier template>create new> Min. Profitability - validation message - cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-22742 client portal>cdr>list>Export - need to change the downloaded file name --> CLAS6-22907 client portal>cdr >list>export button - exporting only current page data --> CLAS6-22906 statistics>Cdr>cdr fields>Ingress rate table header is missing on Admin cdr page --> CLAS6-22909 DID>Clients>DID Repository View>Search for inactive Delete all error . --> |CLAS6-22536| DID>DID Invoice>Manual Invoice>Create new>submit error button issue. --> |CLAS6-22540| Cosmetic issue: Termination>Wizard>Step 5>Click on Product "+" create new icon >unable to view submit and cancel Button error issue. --> |CLAS6-22541| Routing>Block list>UI deleting the wrong trunk. --> |CLAS6-22545| Routing>Dynamic Routing>Mass Edit>UI providing Wrong validation error --> |CLAS6-22546| Routing>Routing plan view>Create new>Again Click on Dynamic routing "+" icon clear Egress trunk list --> |CLAS6-22552| Routing>Rate table >Editing rates >Country list name error --> |CLAS6-22555| Routing>Static Rotuing>UI deleting the wrong Code --> |CLAS6-22564| Routing>Egress Trunk>Edit>plz provide validation error for Enforce CID Block --> |CLAS6-22565| Routing>Trunk>Egress Trunk>Create new>Please provide validation error for duplicate ip --> |CLAS6-22573| Routing>Rate table>Delete selected error --> |CLAS6-22579| Configuration>Random ANI Group>View>Select all check box error --> |CLAS6-22583| Configuration>Code deck>Code deck list>delete all search code name field error. --> |CLAS6-22592| Routing>Trunk>Egress trunk>UI unable to create egress trunk showing name field error --> |CLAS6-22606| Routing>Egress Trunk>Create new>plz provide validation error for Profit margin --> |CLAS6-22607| Termination>Customer>Create new>plz provide validation error for % short call charge --> |CLAS6-22614| Termination>Customer>Create new>UI providing wrong validation error for duplicate ip --> |CLAS6-22615| Termination>product>Edit>>Again Click on Rate table "+" icon clear submit data issue --> |CLAS6-22620| Routing>Dynamic Routing>UI deleting the wrong Routing. --> |CLAS6-22625| Termination>Wizard>Step 2>Create Rate table "+" icon error --> |CLAS6-22631| Rate>rate table>view>Mass edit with end date error --> |CLAS6-22638| Template>Carrier Template>Create new/edit> Reset button is not working properly. --> |CLAS6-22652| Routing>Trunks>Create new/Edit> Again Click on routing plan "+" icon clear submit --> |CLAS6-22663| Configuration>System settings>+1 Countries Rate Type>Select all radio button error. --> |CLAS6-22675| Configuration>users>non-active users>Delete all error. --> |CLAS6-22677| Termination>Vendor List>Status All active error list issue. --> |CLAS6-22683| UI>LOG>Email log>Type name not available --> |CLAS6-22709| Termination>Create new by template>please provide validation error for username, password and payment terms. already exist. --> |CLAS6-22717| Tools>Rate Generation>delete search name error --> |CLAS6-22737| Finance>Invoice>Manual Invoice>Create new>Unable to add multiple customer invoice. --> |CLAS6-22754| Termination>Vendor>Create new>notification settings wrong validation error --> |CLAS6-22773| Termination>Wizard>Step3>Add Vendors>please provide validation error for duplicate vendor trunk. --> |CLAS6-22783| Template>Carrier Template>delete search name error --> |CLAS6-22794| Routing>Trunks>Ingress Trunk>Create new>Authorized by SIP>unable to click on submit button. --> |CLAS6-22796| Termination>Wizard>Step 5>Duplication IP validation error --> |CLAS6-22809| Routing>Dynamic Routing>delete search name error --> |CLAS6-22825| Agent>Agent Management>Manage customers>Create new>default commission rate error. --> |CLAS6-22849| API -> Tools -> PCAP Archival ->PCAP search> Getting Error Failed in console. --> |CLAS6-22855| DID>Vendors>Create new>Duplication IP validation error --> |CLAS6-22862| DID>Vendors>UI deleting the wrong Vendor. --> |CLAS6-22863| Template>Ingres/Egress trunk Template>Create new/edit> Reset button is not working --> |CLAS6-22877| Trunks>Egress trunk>EDIT>authorized by SIP Reset button error. --> |CLAS6-22879| Termination>Customer>Edit>plz provide validation error for Profit margin --> |CLAS6-22887| Finance>manual invoice>Create Single invoice at once -Wrong API --> |CLAS6-22898| Finance>Invoice>Manual Invoice>Select any checkbox error --> |CLAS6-22913| Finance>Invoice>manual invoice>create new validation popup error. --> |CLAS6-22897| Termination>Create new/edit>Create new by template> Reset button is not working --> |CLAS6-22928| DID>Billing rule>UI deleting the wrong Billing Rule. --> |CLAS6-22952| DID>Vendors>create new/Edit>please provide duplicate ip validation error --> |CLAS6-22962| DID>Client>create new/Edit>Reset button not working error --> |CLAS6-22963| DID>DID Invoice>manual invoice>Create Single invoice at once -Wrong API --> |CLAS6-22976| DID>DID Invoice>Manual Invoice>Create new>Default select date UI issue --> |CLAS6-22977| Template>Egress Template>Create new>UI providing wrong validation error --> |CLAS6-22989| Configuration Random ani group > delete selected>Showing multiple popup error --> |CLAS6-23003| UI>LOG>Email log>Type name not available --> |CLAS6-23032| Statistics ->Term Dashboard-> Report -> Showing error on console --> |CLAS6-23040| 09/08/2023 -> Version 9.9.0 Server Admin -> Status -> Getting error on devtool --> CLAS6-22321 Termination Wizard -> Add Route -> Static Route -> Unable to display static routing name on UI. --> CLAS6-22647 UI -> Termination -> Vendor -> Create New -> Need to fix Reset button --> CLAS6-22650 Agent -> Edit -> Showing error please select invoice setting --> CLAS6-22669 UI -> Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> "Routing Plan Name" showing name even on submit --> CLAS6-22670 Routing -> Trunk -> Edit -> Route Plan (+) -> Unable to display route plan name on UI. --> CLAS6-22671 API -> Client Portal -> Report -> Getting error on devtool --> CLAS6-22674 UI -> DID Dashboard -> Profitability -> Showing error --> CLAS6-22704 Dynamic Routing -> Delete -> UI is calling wrong API --> CLAS6-22712 UI -> Auto Invoice Management -> Edit -> Need to fix Reset button --> CLAS6-22714 DID Invoice -> Manual Invoice -> Unable to Search on next page data --> CLAS6-22716 Term Dashboard -> Inbound Qos & Outbound Qos -> Showing error on devtool --> CLAS6-22725 Statistics -> Termination -> Usage Report -> Header name & data should be aligned --> CLAS6-22726 Log -> Modification Log -> Change Target to Object --> CLAS6-22736 DID -> Vendor -> Edit -> Add DID -> Vendor Billing Rule (+) -> Unable to display Vendor Billing Rule name on UI. --> CLAS6-22749 Disconnect Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> Page continuously loading --> CLAS6-22741 Rate Upload Template -> Page is not getting refresh when we delete a particular tamplate name . --> CLAS6-22757 Invoice -> Auto Invoice & Manual Invoice -> Remove one validation --> CLAS6-22758 UI -> Carrier Template -> Create new template page open when we delete a particular tamplate name. --> CLAS6-22772 DID Vendor -> Create New & Edit -> Default Vendor Billing Rule (+) -> The star should be red --> CLAS6-22752 Inbound / Outbound Report -> The "Total call" column showing wrong values on the Export Report --> CLAS6-22765 DID Dashboard -> UI is not calling API for client list --> CLAS6-22789 Staging -> Agent Management -> Edit -> Next button is working as submit button --> CLAS6-22793 Daily Usage Detail Report -> Termination -> Export data -> Header name showing wrong --> CLAS6-22795 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Add Host -> API and UI saving duplicate ip and port --> CLAS6-22808 Inbound/Outbound Report -> PDD Showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-22822 Regenerate Balance -> Regenerate Balance History -> Shorting -> UI calling wrong API --> CLAS6-22829 Regenerate Balance -> Regenerate Balance History -> UI calling duplicate parameter --> CLAS6-22830 DID Dashboard -> Search by specific switch IP is not working --> CLAS6-22836 Inbound / Outbound Report -> "Ignore null" is not working correctly --> CLAS6-22839 Inbound / Outbound Report -> UI Showing No data found while API give data in response --> CLAS6-22840 Agent Portal -> Menu -> Customer Invoice -> Export -> Export file showing no data --> CLAS6-22841 Summary Report -> Outbound -> View Report button is not working --> CLAS6-22846 Summary Report -> Save Template -> Page keeps loading and stuck --> CLAS6-22847 Usage Report -> Origination -> Shorting -> UI calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-22857 Rate Email Template -> Create New & Edit -> Showing wrong popup --> CLAS6-22858 UI -> Rate Table -> Edit Rate -> End Date -> Unable to remove end date --> CLAS6-22868 Client Portal -> Termination -> Product -> Icon Popup text missing --> CLAS6-22871 UI -> Statistics -> Origination -> Profitability Report -> Non Zero Only -> Field vanished --> CLAS6-22875 Customer -> Create New -> Create New By Template -> Min. Profitability -> When we select Percentage field then showing both symbol --> CLAS6-22878 Egress Trunk -> Create New -> Submit button is not working --> CLAS6-22895 Carrier Template -> Create New & Edit -> API & UI accepting more than 100 percentage --> CLAS6-22904 UI -> Agent Portal -> Statistics -> CDR -> CDR Export Log -> Showing No data found without click on submit -> While we have data --> CLAS6-22908 UI ->Traffic Analytics -> Holastic Report & Comparative Report -> UI showing Column without clicking Submit button. --> CLAS6-22910 Comparative Report -> Inbound & Outbound -> Time Column -> Time should be center aligned --> CLAS6-22911 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Dynamic Routing -> Buttons are flashing and not showing popup text --> CLAS6-22927 Disconnect Causes -> Origination & Termination -> Shorting -> UI calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-22937 QoS Summary -> Group by -> Code Name -> Shorting the Code Name field, then change the "Group by" field and submit --> CLAS6-22951 PCAP Archival -> PCAP Queue -> Showing error on console --> CLAS6-22959 Term CDRs List -> Right Click -> Full Detail -> Showing outbound "rate table" name in the inbound section --> CLAS6-22964 UI Issue -> DID -> Customer -> Create New -> Change path header name --> CLAS6-22970 UI -> Static Routing -> Detail -> Create New -> Code field not showing data on UI --> CLAS6-22983 Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Host Capacity Limit is vanished --> CLAS6-22990 QoS Summary -> Termination -> Code Name & Country -> On UI Sorting option is not Working --> CLAS6-22991 UI -> Rate Table -> View Rate -> Create New & Edit -> End Date time should be by default 23:59:59 --> CLAS6-22993 Static Routing -> Detail ->Edit -> The code disappears when the click on edit button --> CLAS6-22997 UI -> Static Routing -> Edit -> Defined By -> Unable to edit the changes done to "Defined By" --> CLAS6-22998 UI -> Term & DID Dashboard -> Box size too large --> CLAS6-23007 05/08/2023 -> Version 9.8.9 Tools -> Rate Generation -> UI should allow the Decimal value under the Mark UP field for both the Percentage and the Fix Value --> CLAS6-22890 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Export sheet is showing "Undefined" under the time column instead of showing Time --> CLAS6-22953 DID Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Duration Graph -> The Duration on the Graph should be shown in 2 Digit Decimal Value --> CLAS6-22850 Tools PCAP Archived -> UI is not showing the requested PCAP Queue list, There is data available in response --> CLAS6-22777 Statistics -> Summary Report -> Save Template report -> UI is Stuck while creating the New Template --> CLAS6-22344 Statistics -> Disconnected Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> Cascade the Egress Trunk Report, UI is calling the wrong API for getting the Report --> CLAS6-22761 Ingress Trunk -> Allowed Send to IP -> UI only shows the single record, Need to use the correct API for getting all the Records --> CLAS6-22899 Ingress trunk -> Allowed Send to IP -> Need to Enable a "Add" Button on UI. --> CLAS6-22780 Traffic Analytics -> Distribution report -> Outbound calls showing up wrong. UI calling the wrong API --> CLAS6-23035 DID Vendor -> The "Delete Selected" button is not works fine, It deletes the Vendor other than selected Vendor --> CLAS6-23052 DID -> Client -> Need to add the tab "Timeout Settings" under the DID Client page For create New and Edit both --> CLAS6-22778 Meta_lynk Issue:- Rate Table -> The "Search by Code" field should be work as Fuzzy search box. --> CLAS6-22610 Symbo Issue :- Statistics -> Summary Report -> The Report is showing different "duration" and "billable time" while changing the Time bucket options for the same period of time --> CLAS6-22813 01/08/2023 -> Version 9.8.8 UI Issue:- Origination > Vendor > Edit vendor --> CLAS6-22932 UI Issue:- Routing >Static Routing>Edit>Static Routing Detail>Add new Route --> CLAS6-22900 UI Issue:- Routing >Dynamic Routing>Edit> Add Vendor>Add same trunk >UI Showing Wrong Validation --> CLAS6-22901 UI Issue:- Termination > Product > Create New / Edit --> CLAS6-22915 UI issue:- Routing > Trunk > Outbound Trunk >Create new/edit --> CLAS6-23067 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Egress Trunk > Edit egress --> CLAS6-22965 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk> Ingress Trunk > Add Ingress Trunk > Authorized :- Authorized by SIP registration --> CLAS6-22902 ATI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Outbound Trunk > Trunk info > Reinvite interval not allowing more than 2 digit number --> CLAS6-23051 UI Issue:- DID>Origination Wizard>Customer billing rule>Step 3>New billing rule>Rate type Fixed>Price/DID/Month, Price per minute and Setup fee --> CLAS6-22888 UI Issue:- DID > Vendor > Edit Vendor > Tech Prefix >Need to add validation --> CLAS6-22882 UI Issue:- Log>Email Log>Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-22867 UI issue:-Configuration>Stir Shaken>Ani Group>View>select ANI from list>click on delete selected>UI Showing Wrong Confirmation popup --> CLAS6-22797 UI Issue:- Registration Page> Zip showing Validation > The Zip field format is invalid --> CLAS6-22881 UI Issue:- Termination>Wizard>Step 3 Add route>Enter name click on cancel>Route option, routing rule and Add vendor trunk missing --> CLAS6-22681 UI issue:- Template>ingress Trunk Template>New ingress Trunk Template>Trunk Info>Min Duration and Max duration Accept many digits --> CLAS6-22679 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Egress Trunk > Edit egress > tech prefix showing suggestion --> CLAS6-23000 UI Issue:- Statistics>Summary Report>Outbound>Total duration field using wrong field --> CLAS6-23005 UI Issue :-Statistics >Termination>Summary Report>click on submit>ingress trunk showing thrice --> CLAS6-22985 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Egress Trunk > Edit egress --> CLAS6-22984 UI Issue:- Rate import page give wrong error while File format is already csv --> CLAS6-22817 UI issue:-Routing > Trunk > Ingress > Edit > Authorized by Sip Registration > Add sip user --> CLAS6-22954 UI Issue:- Origination>Customer>Edit Customer>Limits>Need to add validation for Ports limit per DID and Total port Limit --> CLAS6-22851 UI Issue:- Routing >Rate Table>View Rate>Edit Rate>Unable to edit interval --> CLAS6-22852 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination Dashboard>Last 24 hour>Total revenue showing Wrong --> CLAS6-22844 09/08/2023 -> Version 9.9.0 Server Admin -> Status -> Getting error on devtool --> CLAS6-22321 Termination Wizard -> Add Route -> Static Route -> Unable to display static routing name on UI. --> CLAS6-22647 UI -> Termination -> Vendor -> Create New -> Need to fix Reset button --> CLAS6-22650 Agent -> Edit -> Showing error please select invoice setting --> CLAS6-22669 UI -> Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> "Routing Plan Name" showing name even on submit --> CLAS6-22670 Routing -> Trunk -> Edit -> Route Plan (+) -> Unable to display route plan name on UI. --> CLAS6-22671 API -> Client Portal -> Report -> Getting error on devtool --> CLAS6-22674 UI -> DID Dashboard -> Profitability -> Showing error --> CLAS6-22704 Dynamic Routing -> Delete -> UI is calling wrong API --> CLAS6-22712 UI -> Auto Invoice Management -> Edit -> Need to fix Reset button --> CLAS6-22714 DID Invoice -> Manual Invoice -> Unable to Search on next page data --> CLAS6-22716 Term Dashboard -> Inbound Qos & Outbound Qos -> Showing error on devtool --> CLAS6-22725 Statistics -> Termination -> Usage Report -> Header name & data should be aligned --> CLAS6-22726 Log -> Modification Log -> Change Target to Object --> CLAS6-22736 DID -> Vendor -> Edit -> Add DID -> Vendor Billing Rule (+) -> Unable to display Vendor Billing Rule name on UI. --> CLAS6-22749 Disconnect Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> Page continuously loading --> CLAS6-22741 Rate Upload Template -> Page is not getting refresh when we delete a particular tamplate name . --> CLAS6-22757 Invoice -> Auto Invoice & Manual Invoice -> Remove one validation --> CLAS6-22758 UI -> Carrier Template -> Create new template page open when we delete a particular tamplate name. --> CLAS6-22772 DID Vendor -> Create New & Edit -> Default Vendor Billing Rule (+) -> The star should be red --> CLAS6-22752 Inbound / Outbound Report -> The "Total call" column showing wrong values on the Export Report --> CLAS6-22765 DID Dashboard -> UI is not calling API for client list --> CLAS6-22789 Staging -> Agent Management -> Edit -> Next button is working as submit button --> CLAS6-22793 Daily Usage Detail Report -> Termination -> Export data -> Header name showing wrong --> CLAS6-22795 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Add Host -> API and UI saving duplicate ip and port --> CLAS6-22808 Inbound/Outbound Report -> PDD Showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-22822 Regenerate Balance -> Regenerate Balance History -> Shorting -> UI calling wrong API --> CLAS6-22829 Regenerate Balance -> Regenerate Balance History -> UI calling duplicate parameter --> CLAS6-22830 DID Dashboard -> Search by specific switch IP is not working --> CLAS6-22836 Inbound / Outbound Report -> "Ignore null" is not working correctly --> CLAS6-22839 Inbound / Outbound Report -> UI Showing No data found while API give data in response --> CLAS6-22840 Agent Portal -> Menu -> Customer Invoice -> Export -> Export file showing no data --> CLAS6-22841 Summary Report -> Outbound -> View Report button is not working --> CLAS6-22846 Summary Report -> Save Template -> Page keeps loading and stuck --> CLAS6-22847 Usage Report -> Origination -> Shorting -> UI calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-22857 Rate Email Template -> Create New & Edit -> Showing wrong popup --> CLAS6-22858 UI -> Rate Table -> Edit Rate -> End Date -> Unable to remove end date --> CLAS6-22868 Client Portal -> Termination -> Product -> Icon Popup text missing --> CLAS6-22871 UI -> Statistics -> Origination -> Profitability Report -> Non Zero Only -> Field vanished --> CLAS6-22875 Customer -> Create New -> Create New By Template -> Min. Profitability -> When we select Percentage field then showing both symbol --> CLAS6-22878 Egress Trunk -> Create New -> Submit button is not working --> CLAS6-22895 Carrier Template -> Create New & Edit -> API & UI accepting more than 100 percentage --> CLAS6-22904 UI -> Agent Portal -> Statistics -> CDR -> CDR Export Log -> Showing No data found without click on submit -> While we have data --> CLAS6-22908 UI ->Traffic Analytics -> Holastic Report & Comparative Report -> UI showing Column without clicking Submit button. --> CLAS6-22910 Comparative Report -> Inbound & Outbound -> Time Column -> Time should be center aligned --> CLAS6-22911 Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Dynamic Routing -> Buttons are flashing and not showing popup text --> CLAS6-22927 Disconnect Causes -> Origination & Termination -> Shorting -> UI calling wrong API parameter --> CLAS6-22937 QoS Summary -> Group by -> Code Name -> Shorting the Code Name field, then change the "Group by" field and submit --> CLAS6-22951 PCAP Archival -> PCAP Queue -> Showing error on console --> CLAS6-22959 Term CDRs List -> Right Click -> Full Detail -> Showing outbound "rate table" name in the inbound section --> CLAS6-22964 UI Issue -> DID -> Customer -> Create New -> Change path header name --> CLAS6-22970 UI -> Static Routing -> Detail -> Create New -> Code field not showing data on UI --> CLAS6-22983 Ingress Trunk -> Edit -> Host Capacity Limit is vanished --> CLAS6-22990 QoS Summary -> Termination -> Code Name & Country -> On UI Sorting option is not Working --> CLAS6-22991 UI -> Rate Table -> View Rate -> Create New & Edit -> End Date time should be by default 23:59:59 --> CLAS6-22993 Static Routing -> Detail ->Edit -> The code disappears when the click on edit button --> CLAS6-22997 UI -> Static Routing -> Edit -> Defined By -> Unable to edit the changes done to "Defined By" --> CLAS6-22998 UI -> Term & DID Dashboard -> Box size too large --> CLAS6-23007 05/08/2023 -> Version 9.8.9 Tools -> Rate Generation -> UI should allow the Decimal value under the Mark UP field for both the Percentage and the Fix Value --> CLAS6-22890 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Export sheet is showing "Undefined" under the time column instead of showing Time --> CLAS6-22953 DID Client Portal -> Dashboard -> Duration Graph -> The Duration on the Graph should be shown in 2 Digit Decimal Value --> CLAS6-22850 Tools PCAP Archived -> UI is not showing the requested PCAP Queue list, There is data available in response --> CLAS6-22777 Statistics -> Summary Report -> Save Template report -> UI is Stuck while creating the New Template --> CLAS6-22344 Statistics -> Disconnected Causes -> Term SIP Reason -> Cascade the Egress Trunk Report, UI is calling the wrong API for getting the Report --> CLAS6-22761 Ingress Trunk -> Allowed Send to IP -> UI only shows the single record, Need to use the correct API for getting all the Records --> CLAS6-22899 Ingress trunk -> Allowed Send to IP -> Need to Enable a "Add" Button on UI. --> CLAS6-22780 Traffic Analytics -> Distribution report -> Outbound calls showing up wrong. UI calling the wrong API --> CLAS6-23035 DID Vendor -> The "Delete Selected" button is not works fine, It deletes the Vendor other than selected Vendor --> CLAS6-23052 DID -> Client -> Need to add the tab "Timeout Settings" under the DID Client page For create New and Edit both --> CLAS6-22778 Meta_lynk Issue:- Rate Table -> The "Search by Code" field should be work as Fuzzy search box. --> CLAS6-22610 Symbo Issue :- Statistics -> Summary Report -> The Report is showing different "duration" and "billable time" while changing the Time bucket options for the same period of time --> CLAS6-22813 01/08/2023 -> Version 9.8.8 UI Issue:- Origination > Vendor > Edit vendor --> CLAS6-22932 UI Issue:- Routing >Static Routing>Edit>Static Routing Detail>Add new Route --> CLAS6-22900 UI Issue:- Routing >Dynamic Routing>Edit> Add Vendor>Add same trunk >UI Showing Wrong Validation --> CLAS6-22901 UI Issue:- Termination > Product > Create New / Edit --> CLAS6-22915 UI issue:- Routing > Trunk > Outbound Trunk >Create new/edit --> CLAS6-23067 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Egress Trunk > Edit egress --> CLAS6-22965 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk> Ingress Trunk > Add Ingress Trunk > Authorized :- Authorized by SIP registration --> CLAS6-22902 ATI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Outbound Trunk > Trunk info > Reinvite interval not allowing more than 2 digit number --> CLAS6-23051 UI Issue:- DID>Origination Wizard>Customer billing rule>Step 3>New billing rule>Rate type Fixed>Price/DID/Month, Price per minute and Setup fee --> CLAS6-22888 UI Issue:- DID > Vendor > Edit Vendor > Tech Prefix >Need to add validation --> CLAS6-22882 UI Issue:- Log>Email Log>Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-22867 UI issue:-Configuration>Stir Shaken>Ani Group>View>select ANI from list>click on delete selected>UI Showing Wrong Confirmation popup --> CLAS6-22797 UI Issue:- Registration Page> Zip showing Validation > The Zip field format is invalid --> CLAS6-22881 UI Issue:- Termination>Wizard>Step 3 Add route>Enter name click on cancel>Route option, routing rule and Add vendor trunk missing --> CLAS6-22681 UI issue:- Template>ingress Trunk Template>New ingress Trunk Template>Trunk Info>Min Duration and Max duration Accept many digits --> CLAS6-22679 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Egress Trunk > Edit egress > tech prefix showing suggestion --> CLAS6-23000 UI Issue:- Statistics>Summary Report>Outbound>Total duration field using wrong field --> CLAS6-23005 UI Issue :-Statistics >Termination>Summary Report>click on submit>ingress trunk showing thrice --> CLAS6-22985 UI Issue:- Routing > Trunk > Egress Trunk > Edit egress --> CLAS6-22984 UI Issue:- Rate import page give wrong error while File format is already csv --> CLAS6-22817 UI issue:-Routing > Trunk > Ingress > Edit > Authorized by Sip Registration > Add sip user --> CLAS6-22954 UI Issue:- Origination>Customer>Edit Customer>Limits>Need to add validation for Ports limit per DID and Total port Limit --> CLAS6-22851 UI Issue:- Routing >Rate Table>View Rate>Edit Rate>Unable to edit interval --> CLAS6-22852 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination Dashboard>Last 24 hour>Total revenue showing Wrong --> CLAS6-22844 13/07/2023 -> Version 9.8.7 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination Dashboard>Charts>Report type ->CLAS6-22633 UI Issue:-Monitoring>Fraud Detection>Create New>Showing error on Last page -> CLAS6-18617 12/07/2023 -> Version 9.8.6 UI issue:- Template>Egress Trunk Template>New Egress Trunk Template>Billing>Rounding Decimal Places>Should show Dropdown --> CLAS6-22666 UI Issue:- DID>Origination Wizard>Customer billing rule Name Step 3>New billing rule>Rate type variable>Rate table dropdown showing termination rate table --> CLAS6-22720 UI issue:-Routing>Routing Plan>select routing from list>click on delete selected>UI showing multiple success popup if we selected more than 1 Routing Plan --> CLAS6-22619 UI Issue:- DID>Origination Wizard>Vendor billing rule>New billing rule>Rate type Fixed>Price/DID/Month, Price per minute and Setup fee --> CLAS6-22721 UI Issue:-Statistics>Origination Dashboard>DID Customer Box Showing 0 --> CLAS6-22774 UI Issue:- Template>Ingress Trunk Template>Edit>Billing>Rounding Decimal Places>Should show Dropdown --> CLAS6-22763 UI Issue:-Routing>Trunk>Ingress>Edit>Digit Manipulation>Select action-Plus prefix>In Match criteria Select - ANI >After selection > Action Column Selection Disappear/gone --> CLAS6-22762 Cosmetic Issue:- DID>Origination Wizard>Step 5 Digit Manipulation --> CLAS6-22722 Statistics>Termination Dashboard>Report>Report type-Inbound>Click on Submit>Showing Orignation vendor in report --> CLAS6-22630 UI issue:-Routing>trunk>Ingress>Edit>need to add validation for Min duration and Re-invite time out --> CLAS6-22617 Cosmetic issue:- DID>Origination Wizard>Vendor billing rule Step 1 and Customer billing rule step 3>New billing rule> --> CLAS6-22724 UI Issue:- Termination>Client>Create New>Min Profitability --> CLAS6-22664 UI Issue:-Configuration > Users > Agent list > Double click on Agent list tab > console showing error --> CLAS6-22656 UI Issue:- Termination>Client>Create New>Min Profitability should accept Negative value --> CLAS6-22657 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination Dashboard>Charts>Report type dropdown>need to remove Term over Orig and Orig over term from dropdown selection --> CLAS6-22637 UI Issue:-Termination>Customer limit>page row=10>show/hide column>uncheck all is still showing pagination on UI --> CLAS6-22611 Clarity Networks Issue>Routing >Trunk>Ingress>Edit>Basic info>Min Profitability should accept Negative value --> CLAS6-22605 UI Issue:- DID/Origination >Billing rule>New billing rule/Edit>Rate type variable>Rate table dropdown showing all rate table --> CLAS6-22584 UI issue:-Routing>Static Routing>select routing from list>click on delete selected>UI showing multiple success popup if we selected more than 1 static route --> CLAS6-22576 UI Issue:-Routing>Routing Plan>Create new/Edit>Select Route type-Dynamic Routing>Click on Create new>On Add routing plan popup page vendor dropdown showing with Origination client list --> CLAS6-22575 UI Issue:- DID >Transaction>Submit and Export Button missing --> CLAS6-22572 UI Issue:-Termination>Termination Wizard>Step 2>Rate Table Name dropdown Showing orignation type rate table --> CLAS6-22556 UI Issue:- Termination>Vendor>Action Column>Change password icon is not needed when vendor portal is not enable --> CLAS6-22568 Termination>Wizard>Step 5>Click on Product "+" create new icon >Rate table dropdown showing origination ratetable --> CLAS6-22567 UI Issue:-Routing>Routing Plan>Create new/Edit>Select Route type-Static Routing>Click on Create new>Enter name and click on Submit>On Add routing plan popup page vendor dropdown showing with Origination client list --> CLAS6-22558 UI Issue:-Termination>Vendor>Host>Entered IP show out of box --> CLAS6-22511 06/07/2023 -> Version 9.8.5 DTEL: *Auto Refresh* button not working in Active Call Report --> CLAS6-22442 SYMBO: New balance is not showing after Regenerate Balance --> CLAS6-22465 Ingress trunk -> Create New Trunk -> SIP registration -> Need to remove UI validation from the Username Field --> CLAS6-22528 Agent Portal -> Statistics -> Report -> Need to add Parameter "Company type Term/Origin" for Differentiate the Client list --> CLAS6-22418 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Inbound / Outbound -> The ACD is showing 0 on the reports. --> CLAS6-22574 Configuration -> Invoice Setting -> Default Invoice setting -> After Modification New logo is not updated until the User Manually refreshes the page --> CLAS6-20687 Statistics -> QoS Summary and Summary report -> The ACD Calculation is wrong on UI --> CLAS6-22559 DID Call Simulation -> The Egress host is showing Blank However the Client having 2 IPs --> CLAS6-22274 Routing -> Static Routing -> Unable to add Egress trunk under the Existing Code table --> CLAS6-22361 Ingress trunk:- Call Rejection Error -> The "Error Description" dropdown is not showing the complete list of release causes --> CLAS6-22643 Agent Portal:- Commission Report -> Unable to get a report for DID client, UI calling the wrong API --> CLAS6-22193 DID -> Repository -> View Historical Usage -> UI is calling the wrong API for getting the DID client log details --> CLAS6-22557 Staging -> Term CDRs List -> CDR is not showing on UI, There is Data available in API Response --> CLAS6-22520 Termination Client portal:- Termination -> CDR -> UI calling the wrong parameters for the "Caller-ID" and "Caller Number" Filters --> CLAS6-22680 Statistics -> Usage Report -> The Percentage of Duration is showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-22529 Termination -> Client -> Balance column is showing Blank on UI, If the client has "0" Actual Balance. --> CLAS6-22740 Statistics -> Summary Report -> Select Template -> UI Calling wrong API to get the report by using the template --> CLAS6-22028 Tools -> DID Call Simulation -> The Origination Host IP is showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-22710 DID Client Portal -> Origination -> Report -> The "Cost" column showing wrong values on the Export Report --> CLAS6-22634 Termination Vendor Portal -> Dashboard -> ACD last 24 Hours ->The ACD calculation is wrong on UI. --> CLAS6-22719 Call Simulation -> Simulation response needs correct reordering by Release cause --> CLAS6-22152 New Install and RPM -> Static Routing and Routing Plan -> Create new button is not working until the first Item ID is created through API using Swagger --> CLAS6-22334 Meta_Lynk Issue:- Statistics -> Active Call Report -> The Inbound and Outbound rate show 0.00 on UI However the Rate is available in the API response --> CLAS6-22547 Insatcall Issue:- Configuration -> Payment Setting -> The Webhook URL is not showing on UI, There is data available on API --> CLAS6-22632 Comm Trunk Issue:- Routing -> Dynamic Routing -> UI changes the Egress trunks while Deleting any entry if the routing group has More than 5 Trunks --> CLAS6-22616 Teleinx Issue:- Termination Client -> Account settings are not getting saved on first attempt , UI calling the wrong parameters --> CLAS6-22653 Routing>Ingress Trunk>Create new>Again Click on Routing plan "+" icon clear submit data issue. --> |CLAS6-22264| Termination>Client>Create new/Edit>plz provide validation error for Profit margin.--> |CLAS6-22276| Finance>Payment>new payment received>invoice payment received>Add amount field Wrong validation error--> |CLAS6-22340| Log>Modification Log>view>UI unable to display field name "Update at" issue.--> |CLAS6-22349| API: Log>Rate delivery Log>Resend mail>POST ​/tool​/send_rate​/{job_id}​/resend--> |CLAS6-22350| Termination>Client>Create new/Edit>plz provide validation error for percentage notify balance error.--> |CLAS6-22358| TErmination>Vendor>Create new /edit>Duplication IP validation error--> |CLAS6-22360| Termination>Wizard>Step 2>Create new >Code deck>Country and code name Auto populate error--> |CLAS6-22363| Termination>Vendor>create new by template>Reset button not working properly Showing wrong validation error.--> |CLAS6-22366| Comm trunks LLC Issue -> Customer Portal > Billing > Transactions-> Unable to show traffic usage value.--> |CLAS6-22374| DID>Billing rule>Create new/edit>rate table "+" icon list errror--> |CLAS6-22380| DID>Clients>DID Repository view>UI unable to create new DID Repository issue--> |CLAS6-22389| Routing>Dynamic Routing>Mass Edit>UI should not allow same trunk validation issue--> |CLAS6-22395| Routing>Block list>Select all check box issue.--> |CLAS6-22396| DID>Billing rule>Create new> Unable to create rate table Origination = true error--> |CLAS6-22398| UI: Routing>Rate table>Create new>Existing rate>Import>ADD + save as template name already exist--> |CLAS6-22399| Routing>Trunks>Create new >please remove Unnecessary validation error from egress trunk--> |CLAS6-22417| Configuration>Random Ani Group>view>UI deleting the wrong ANI--> |CLAS6-22420| Routing>rate table>Create new>please provide validation error rate field--> |CLAS6-22424| Configuration>Code deck>View rates>Create new>please provide API for country list auto populate error.--> |CLAS6-22429| Configuration>Stir Shaken >Ani Group/Ani pool >please provide validation error for name already exist error.--> |CLAS6-22440| Configuration>Roles>Create new/edit> Reset button is not working properly.--> |CLAS6-22441| Configuration>Egress /Ingress Trunk Group>Trunk list>please provide back button to return to trunk group.--> |CLAS6-22446| Routing>Egress trunk/Ingress trunk>Edit>Static Routing>please provide validation error for same prefix already exist.--> |CLAS6-22447| Template>Carrier template>Create new/edit>please provide validation error for profit margin and ssc percent .--> |CLAS6-22451| Finance>Regenerate balance>balance on date reset not working.--> |CLAS6-22464| Termination>Client>Create new by template>plz provide validation error for Profit margin.--> |CLAS6-22475| Cosmetic issue: Termination>Product>Assign product>unable to view submit and cancel button--> |CLAS6-22485| Termination>Termination Wizard>step 2>please provide validation error for duplicate ip--> |CLAS6-22498| Termination>Termination Wizard>step 5>Create new Product "+" error--> |CLAS6-22501| Termination>Wizard>Step 5>Create new> Again Click on rate table "+" icon clear submit--> |CLAS6-22507| Monitoring>media IP blocking>UI deleting the wrong IP.--> |CLAS6-22510| Routing>Egress Trunk>Edit>plz provide validation error for Profit margin--> CLAS6-22519 29/06/2023 -> Version 9.8.4 Configuration -> Code deck -> View -> Text overlap issue --> CLAS6-22015 Agent Portal -> Dashboard -> Reset the font size --> CLAS6-22079 API Issue -> Configuration -> Payment Term -> Usage count showing wrong --> CLAS6-22175 Commission Report -> Call Attempt & Minutes -> Column showing blank --> CLAS6-22272 UI -> Ingress Trunk -> Call Rejection Error -> Call Rejection Error setting is vanished --> CLAS6-22314 Disconnect Causes -> Remove Output option and add the Export icon after search result --> CLAS6-22328 Stir Shaken -> ANI Pool -> View -> Need to add page number button --> CLAS6-22336 15/06/2023 -> Version 9.8.3 |CLAS6-22538 | Routing>Dynamic Routing>Trunk Priority>Create New - Wrong payload when prefix=null| |CLAS6-22554 | Routing>Dynamic Routing>Mass Edit - Unable to delete records hen there's only 1 row| |CLAS6-22553 | Routing>Dynamic Routing>Mass Edit - "Vendor" drop-down is wrong| |CLAS6-22563 | DID>Customer>Create New/Edit - Alignment issue| |CLAS6-22509 | Routing>Routing Plan>Details - Duplicate records shouldn't be allowed| |CLAS6-22466 | Tools>CDR Archival>Job Queue - Add column "Switch Name" to show the name of the switch from where the data is from| |CLAS6-22467 | Termination>Client/Vendor>Reset The Balance - UI modifications| |CLAS6-22481 | Routing>Trunks - "Rate Table" drop-down list is wrong| |CLAS6-22518 | Routing>Trunk>Ingress>Edit - UI showing wrong values in field after calling edit| |CLAS6-22409 | New tab "Call Rejection Error" for Inbound Trunk page| |CLAS6-22525 | Tools>PCAP Archival - Remove fields| |CLAS6-22061 | Statistics>Termination>Summary Report - Need to change field for POST and GET request for "Save Report"| |CLAS6-22474 | Routing>Trunks>Outbound>Edit - "Rate Table" is missing on UI page (UI issue)| |CLAS6-22372 | Routing>Trunk>Create New/Edit - UI modification required| |CLAS6-22368 | Statistics>Summary Report>Inbound/Outbound Cascade Report - UI table modification required| |CLAS6-22422 | User>VoIP Gateway - UI issues| |CLAS6-22386 | Routing>Static Routing>Detail>Edit - Unable to save after editing| |CLAS6-22263 | Teleinx - Tools>Call Simulation - "Egress Trunks" missing on table| |CLAS6-22387 | Routing>Static Routing>Detail>Edit - Some trunks are missing in Edit page| |CLAS6-22343 | Routing>Static Routing>Detail - Additional records with "code=null" should also be considered as duplicate| |CLAS6-22320 | DID>DID Invoice>Auto/Manual Invoice>Send - Unable to add multiple email id| 07/06/2023 -> Version 9.8.2 Ingress Trunk -> SIP Registered Trunks -> Host Capacity Limit is not getting saved on UI, However, there is data available in API. --> CLAS6-22323 Statistics -> Usage Report -> The Percentage of Calls is showing wrong due to UI not calculating the total no of calls and duration --> CLAS6-22066 Template -> Carrier Template -> Auto Invoice -> Enabled check box not getting saved on the UI --> CLAS6-21641 Term Dashboard -> Inbound/Outbound trunk filter -> The Termination trunk list also shows DID trunks too. --> CLAS6-22071 Routing -> Rate Table -> Create new or Edit -> Need to remove the "LRN Block" and "ANI" options from Billing Method Dropdown --> CLAS6-22354 Trunk Creation -> Egress / Ingress trunk -> Need to reset the by default values for PDD and Ring timer --> CLAS6-22362 New RPM Install -> Preferred landing page Dialogue box -> Buttons showing out of the box. --> CLAS6-22270 Cosmetic Issue:- DID Client page -> Need to reduce the spacing between the Options --> CLAS6-22212 Routing -> Ingress Trunk -> New/Edit -> Trunk Based Call Rejection Error --> CLAS6-22242 Routing -> Dynamic Routing -> Add Vendor -> DID Carriers are also showing in Vendor Dropdown List --> CLAS6-22426 Routing -> Static Routing -> Add Vendor -> DID Carriers are also showing in Vendor Dropdown List --> CLAS6-22427 Routing -> Dynamic Routing -> The Egress Trunk is change from the Dropdown list, However trunk showing in API response --> CLAS6-22449 UI Issue-> Egress trunk Creation -> If "addr_type=host" then IP should be Null instead of showing unrequested IP --> CLAS6-21992 DID -> Client -> Unable to create DID Client -> Submit button is not working, Add Host option is also Missing --> CLAS6-22477 DID Repository -> DID Import -> Unable to upload DID -> The "client billing rule" dropdown is Missing from UI and User is unable to Import the DIDs --> CLAS6-22478 Term Dashboard -> Report -> UI is not showing report while Cascade Inbound/Outbound Report. --> CLAS6-22423 Ingress Trunk -> Host Capacity Limit -> Need to remove the validation for the "time_profile_id". --> CLAS6-22479 New RMP Install -> Initial Setup Page -> UI keeps loading for an Endless time after hitting submit button, however, data has been added successfully. --> CLAS6-22434 Tools -> Call Simulation -> UI is showing the wrong name for the Failed Egress trunk --> CLAS6-22335 Teleinx -> PDD on Reports should be calculated for Zero & Non Zero calls both --> CLAS6-22185 Meta_Lynk:- Term Dashboard -> Report -> Outbound ->Cascade the report, UI showing "NaN" for the Outbound report. --> CLAS6-22450 ATI Issue -> Term Client portal -> Report -> Export the report -> Need to rectify the Header of the sheet for Total Duration and Billable time --> CLAS6-22487 Meta_Lynk Issue :- Routing -> Dynamic Routing -> Need to set the by default Per_page =100 for the Dynamic routing List --> CLAS6-22488 Teleinx Issue -> Term Dashboard -> Need to remove the decimal from the Connected Call, Ingress CPS and Ingress Channel Graph. --> CLAS6-22512 05/06/2023 -> Version 9.8.1 UI Issue:- Agent>Commission Report>Commission Calculation is wrong ---> CLAS6-20789 UI issue:- Termination>client ---> CLAS6-22490 UI Issue:- Termination>Client>Action Column>Change password icon is not needed when client portal is not enable ---> CLAS6-22480 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Usage report>Termination tab ---> CLAS6-22495 Dashboard is using wrong api for the real time data circles ---> CLAS6-21650 UI Issue:- DID>Origination Wizard>Vendor billing rule>New billing rule>Rate type variable>Create new Rate Table>created rate table with termination type>UI Using wrong payload in request ---> CLAS6-22526 UI Issue:- DID>Origination Wizard>Vendor billing rule>New billing rule>Rate type variable>Rate table dropdown showing termination rate table ---> CLAS6-22527 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Usage report>Origination tab ---> CLAS6-22503 UI Issue :-Statistics >Termination>Summary Report>Total calls, Total Non zero calls, Total Busy calls>Showing decimal format ---> CLAS6-22537 UI Issue :-Statistics >Termination>Summary Report>PDD showing blank ---> CLAS6-22516 UI Issue:- Statistics>Summary Report>Outbound>Table Header Missing ---> CLAS6-22517 UI Issue :-Statistics >Termination>Summary Report>Total PPKA calculation wrong ---> CLAS6-22346 UI Issue :-Statistics >Termination>Summary Report>PP Min Total is Wrong Calculate ---> CLAS6-22307 UI Issue:-Statistics>Origination>DID Usage Report>Call charge showing only 2 digit agter decimal point ---> CLAS6-22333 teleinx-Statistics>Termination>CDRs search>Release cause showing wrong ---> CLAS6-22458 UI Issue:- correct mapping for dno block release cause ---> CLAS6-22403 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>CDRs search>select internal release cause>UI Sending Wrong payload for No profitable egress ---> CLAS6-22461 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>Traffic Analytics>Holastic Report/Distribution Report/Comparative Report>Inbound/Outbound>Ingress/egress trunk dropdown>Search with text ---> CLAS6-22355 UI Issue :-Statistics >Termination>Summary Report>Outbound Tab>PP Min is Wrong Calculate ---> CLAS6-22448 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Term Dashboard>Show-QoS>ACD showing 0 ---> CLAS6-22376 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Summary Report>Outbound Tab>Total ASR Showing 0 ---> CLAS6-22378 UI Issue :-Statistics >Termination>Summary Report>PPK Calls Total is Wrong Calculate ---> CLAS6-22324 29/05/2023 -> Version 9.8.0 Routing>Routing plan>UI deleteting the Wrong Routing plan --> |CLAS6-22142| API:Monitoring>Media IP Blocking>UI unable to import File error. --> |CLAS6-22146| DID>DID Invoice>manual invoice>UI blank after creating new manual invoice. --> |CLAS6-22161| DID>DID Product>Edit>Add new "+"Number type field error. --> |CLAS6-22174| DID>DID repository>Again click on Assigned Client clear cancel --> |CLAS6-22182| DID>Vendor>create Edit>please provide validation error Call LIMIT --> |CLAS6-22190| Routing>Block list>Import>upload just ANi/DNis loading the page performance issue. --> |CLAS6-22199| UI: Routing>Trunk Priority>Priority range >UI should not allow enter characters issue --> |CLAS6-22207| Routing>Static Routing>details>Create new /edit>please provide validation error for code field --> |CLAS6-22226| Routing>Routing plan>Static routing>Submit button not working --> |CLAS6-22228| Routing>Egress/Ingress Trunk>Create new /Edit>Timeout settings> --> |CLAS6-22235| Finance>Payment>new payment received>invoice payment received>Add amount field Wrong validation error --> |CLAS6-22247| Cosmetic issue>Routing>Ingress trunk>Create new >Product name "+" icon unable to see the submit button. --> |CLAS6-22266| Termination>Client>create new>Reset button not working properly. --> |CLAS6-22289| Configuration>Code deck>delete search name error. --> |CLAS6-22290| Routing>Egress Trunk>Create new>Country and code name auto populate error. --> |CLAS6-22300| Routing>Egress Trunk>Create new>RAte table "+"Clear data while click on "X". --> |CLAS6-22305| Configuration>Random ANI Group>View details>Select all field error --> |CLAS6-22313| Configuration>system settings>Advanced>please provide validation error for timeout field. --> |CLAS6-22319| Finance>Regenerate balance>Customer field UI loading error issue. --> |CLAS6-22339| Routing>Trunk>Rate table "+">Create new >Code deck>Country and code name Auto populate error --> |CLAS6-22019| Configuration>Time profile>delete search name error --> |CLAS6-22065| Configuration>Payment Term>Unable to Search on next page error --> |CLAS6-22088| Configuration>Code deck>Code deck list>create new is not working. --> |CLAS6-22119| Configuration>Random ANI Group>View Detail>unable to select ANI when going to next page. --> |CLAS6-22120| Termination>Client>Create new>please remove Noc email validation error. --> |CLAS6-22126| 26/05/2023 -> Version 9.7.9 dynamic routing>qos parameter>create edit>error popup displayed before Max range is entered - UI -> CLAS6-22145 finance>invoice>auto and manual invoice list>action>need to change the send invoice icon -> CLAS6-22159 25/05/2023 -> Version 9.7.8 code deck>detail>remove unwanted API --> CLAS6-21996 tools>pcap archival>create new>UI keeps loading and network showing page not found - API issue --> CLAS6-21937 trunk>egress trunk>create new>add new rate table>enter rates button should not be clickable until we enter name of the deck - UI issue --> CLAS6-21934 term>client>create new client>create new ingress>add new product>error --> CLAS6-21966 configuration>code deck - edit > code field - UI should check for numeric character only - UI issue --> CLAS6-21844 configuration>code deck - need to integrate the new correct API for code name field --> CLAS6-21967 term>client>create new>create ingress>add new product>cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-21965 routing>static routing>detail>add more rows>submit button --> CLAS6-22030 UI should filter if the entire row is all 0 when "ignore null" is selected. --> CLAS6-21853 dashboard>report>percentage is showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-22053 DID>did product>error popup>should be in human readable format --> CLAS6-22047 admin>my profile>UI is showing 2 popup instead of just validation popup - UI issue --> CLAS6-22082 statistics>summary report>template>delete button not working --> CLAS6-22125 statistics>qos summary>origination/termination- need an export button on the right top --> CLAS6-22117 staging - code deck detail - showing no data found - UI is not calling the appropriate api --> CLAS6-22048 dashboard>report>time spam should be same as other pages - UI issue --> CLAS6-22052 dashboard>report>when changing report type from Inbound to outbound and vice versa - ui automatically showing result without submit --> CLAS6-22056 admin>about>version information popup>overlap issue --> CLAS6-22080 admin>change password>popup>remove extra space- cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-22081 finance>invoice>need to show correct path for both auto and manual invoice --> CLAS6-22245 configuration>code deck - edit > code field - UI should check for numeric character only - UI issue --> CLAS6-21844 admin>top right corner - Ui is showing "visible" text un necessarily >need to remove --> CLAS6-22205 switch biz -Archive Settings -> FTP data saved on api but not showing on UI --> CLAS6-21942 code deck>detail>remove unwanted API --> CLAS6-21996 configuration>payment term>create new>showing error page with error popup --> CLAS6-22315 DID report> wrong when it is searched with group by or grouped by vendor --> CLAS6-22295 configuration>system setting>email>UI should show validation for invalid email - UI --> CLAS6-22338 statistics>host based report>termination tab>Ignore Null box should be auto checked by default - UI issue --> CLAS6-22330 23/05/2023 -> Version 9.7.7 UI Issue:- Client Portal:-Termination >Report>ASR showing Wrong --> CLAS6-22211 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination >Host Based Report>Origination Tab>Avg rate wrong Calculate --> CLAS6-22291 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Daily usage detail report >Total ACD and ASR Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-22070 UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Report>Total ASR wrong calculate --> CLAS6-22033 UI Issue:-Statistics>Origination Dashboard>Show-Revenue and Profitability>Showing Termination Data --> CLAS6-22029 UI issue:-Rate Table -> Rate Field should allow negative rates also --> CLAS6-22280 UI Issue :- Statistics >Termination> QOS Summary>Origination Tab/Termination tab-Report showing origination traffic --> CLAS6-22251 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal:-Termination >Report>ASR showing Nan% --> CLAS6-22252 Routing >Trunk>Ingress>Edit>Auto Call Block>Need toRemove checkbox block non us ani --> CLAS6-22299 UI Issue:-Statistics>Origination>Profitability Report>click on Time bucket dropdown>Select option>showing blank column without click on Submit --> CLAS6-22007 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>Dashboard>Chart>CPS Graph showing blank>UI Using Wrong Request Payload --> CLAS6-22107 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Daily usage detail report>Termination Tab >Total ACD Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-22271 Instacall Issue:- Agent Portal:-Data circle showing whole switch data in agent portal --> CLAS6-21775 UI Issue:- Agent Portal>Dashboard>Total duration, Total revenue, Total profit showing 8-10 digit after decimal --> CLAS6-22281 Ytel Issue:-Routing >Trunk>Ingress>Edit>Auto Call Block>block non us ani not save after click on submit --> CLAS6-22292 UI Issue:- Client Portal:-Termination >Report>Total Avg rate showing 0 --> CLAS6-22197 UI issue:-Statistics>Origination>Dashboard>Total Profitability showing Wrong --> CLAS6-22213 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination Dashboard>Report>UI Showing No data found without click on submit while we have data --> CLAS6-22150 UI Issue:- Client Portal:- Billing>Online Payment>Stripe --> CLAS6-22129 Statistics>Summary Report>Outbound>Click on Submit showing No data found while API give data in response --> CLAS6-22127 UI Issue:- Agent Portal>Statistics>CDR>Call Records>click on 2/3 page not working --> CLAS6-22122 UI Issue:- Agent Portal>Statistics>CDR>Call Records>UI Optimization --> CLAS6-22121 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination Dashboard>Show-Revenue and Profitability>Showing Origination Data --> CLAS6-22158 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>Traffic Analytics>Holastic Report>Inbound/Outbound>click on submit Showing no data found While We have data --> CLAS6-22106 23/05/2023 -> Version 9.7.6 UI issue:-Statistics>Daily Usage Detail Report>Origination/Termination>click on more option>ingress Trunk Dropdown and Egress trunk Dropdown showing DID trunk -> CLAS6-22162 UI Issue:- Client Portal:- Billing>Online Payment>Auto Payment Log>Showing No Data Found Without click on Submit While we have data -> CLAS6-22180 23/05/2023 -> Version 9.7.5 |CLAS6-22306 | Routing>Trunk>Create New - Unable to "Delete" row for "Host" and "Routing and Tech Prefix" in "Create New" page(UI issue)"| |CLAS6-22279 | Agent>Commission Report - UI issues, table is wrong| |CLAS6-22241 | Template>Rate Upload Template>Create New/Edit - UI modifications| |CLAS6-22237 | DID>Client>Create/Edit - Hide "Authorized" field| |CLAS6-22254 | Configuration>Stir Shaken>ANI Group>Upload - UI is using "group_id=1" in payload for all ANI group when "Operation=Delete"| |CLAS6-22265 | Routing>Rate Table>View Rates>Import - UI using wrong values in payload| |CLAS6-22267 | Routing>Trunk>Outbound>Create New - UI needs to integrate API request for "Tech Prefix" field| |CLAS6-22249 | Statistics>Termination>CDR list - Need to update "Internal Release Cause" list mapping| |CLAS6-21904 | Statistics>Termination>Host Based Report - UI modifications required| |CLAS6-22139 | GET/report/did - API response is showing wrong results| |CLAS6-22140 | Statistics>Origination>Profitability Report - "Show=All" is not correct. Please remove| |CLAS6-22148 | Routing>Dynamic Routing>Create New/Edit - For new row "Egress Trunk" is mandatory, not Vendor| |CLAS6-22042 | Statistics>Summary Report - "From" and "To" query fields are not working after using "View Report"| |CLAS6-22002 | Tools>PCAP Archival>PCAP Search - Remove duplicate POST requests and remove "switch_name" parameter from payload| |CLAS6-21989 | Agent>Agent Management>Manage Clients - Drop down is showing both "term" and "orig" clients| |CLAS6-22147 | Configuration>Mail Sender - Remove sorting for some columns| |CLAS6-22103 | Dashboard - Need to remove the blue circle for for fields that doesn't have any limit| |CLAS6-22101 | Statistics>Termination>Profitability Analysis>Origination/Termination - UI not showing any result on page| |CLAS6-22020 | Termination>Host Based Report>Origination - UI is hiding some result when using "Ignore null"| |CLAS6-22089 | Statistics>Origination>Profitability Report - Remove "next/previous" and "page row"| 03/05/2023 -> Version 9.7.4 Agent -> Commission Report -> For DID Client -> The Minutes Showing "NaN", UI needs to use "egress_bill_time". -> CLAS6-22183 Term Client Portal -> Product -> Need to enable pagination on UI -> CLAS6-22178 03/05/2023 -> Version V9.7.3 Routing -> Routing Plan -> Click on the Static Routing Name -> The Name of the Static route is not showing on UI after it redirects the user to the Static Routes details page --> CLAS6-22009 Configuration -> Code Deck -> Code Name Dropdown -> The Dropdown list not showing all the available Code Name --> CLAS6-21763 Ingress Trunk :- Youmail ->Max allowed YouMail Spam Score -> Unknown (0.0) is not getting saved on UI --> CLAS6-22094 Configuration -> Login page Content -> After clicking on submit button the background image disappears from the UI --> CLAS6-22164 Statistics -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> Need to enable the search boxes for getting reports by "country" and "code_name" respectively --> CLAS6-22132 DID Product -> The Country and Number type columns not showing on the UI --> CLAS6-21884 Statistics -> QoS Summary -> The Egress/Ingress_total_Call shows wrong Values, UI calls the wrong API --> CLAS6-21906 Agent -> Commission Report -> UI is calling the wrong API for getting a report for DID Client --> CLAS6-22155 Statistics -> Disconnect Causes -> Origination -> The name of the Release cause is different from CDR and Call simulation for release cause ID 76 --> CLAS6-22184 Agent -> Commission Report -> ACD calculation is wrong on UI for origination Client report --> CLAS6-22238 Termination Vendor Portal -> Termination -> Trunks -> The hostname is not showing on the UI --> CLAS6-22253 Ingress Trunk -> Create New/Edit -> Add Routing and Tech Prefix -> The Rate table dropdown shows the Origination rate tables too, UI calling the wrong API --> CLAS6-22282 DID Billing Rule -> Create New/ Edit -> The Rate table dropdown shows Term Rate table too --> CLAS6-22283 Statistics -> Active Call Report -> Submit button is not working, Unable to get the active call report --> CLAS6-22327 Routing -> Routing Plan -> Unable to delete the Routing plan, UI is not calling Delete API --> CLAS6-22302 Statistics -> Origination -> QoS summary -> Total ACD, PDD, and Total Billable Time Showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-22067 Meta_Lynk -> Statistics -> Active Call Report -> UI showing "No Record Found" while clicking on the Next button, however, there is data Available in API --> CLAS6-22012 Ytel Issue:- Ingress trunk -> More than 10 IPs are not showing on UI, There is data available in API --> CLAS6-22116 VTI -> Term Dashboard -> Connected Calls, CPS & Channels graph showing Null for the Outbound Trunk --> CLAS6-21953 Teleinx Issue:- Term Client Edit -> Account settings are not getting saved on the first attempt, and UI is calling the wrong API --> CLAS6-22227 27/04/2023 -> Version V9.7.2 juniper - configuration>mail sender>create/edit - must not allow email ID in Mail server field --> CLAS6-21779 client portal>dashboard>graph (calls / cps / channel) - need to add correct API --> CLAS6-21631 configuration>>mail sender>>test email popup - UI should check for valid email - UI issue --> CLAS6-21752 DID>vendor create new>call limit field is not mandatory to add during create new --> CLAS6-21629 agent>agent management>create>UI is calling wrong invoice setting ID --> CLAS6-20451 tools>>PCAP archival page>>UI modification required --> CLAS6-20864 statistics>DID cdr>email when done - after success - no log displayed - API issue --> CLAS6-21252 juniper - mail sender>delete not working --> CLAS6-21781 tools>sip packet search>create new pcap - error --> CLAS6-21920 routing>trunk>egress>create new>cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-21933 routing>trunks>showing just egress list - inbound trunk list missing from UI --> CLAS6-21979 routing>trunk>egress>detail page>create new rate table popup - UI issue --> CLAS6-21980 template>ingress trunk template>edit>cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-21968 statistics>daily channel usage report - need to remove export CSV option from dropdown --> CLAS6-21632 DID>Billing Rule>Rate table>existing Rate>Code already exist validation error --> |CLAS6-21731| Cosmetic issue:DID>Billing Rule>Rate table>country column field error --> |CLAS6-21737| Routing>Dynamic Routing>Copy>please provide validation popup name already exist error issue. --> |CLAS6-21743| UI: Routing>Trunk>Ingress Trunk>Create new/edit>ADD + Product name already exist validation error --> |CLAS6-21765| Dup IP check when creating trunk with tempalte --> |CLAS6-21769| Template>Carrier Template>create customer>Create new by template>low balance config field may not be null validation error. --> |CLAS6-21788| UI: Agent>Agent management>Customer Assignment>GET ​/agent​/clients>Order dir. not showing correctly. --> |CLAS6-21807| Configuration>Random ANI group>View Detail>Delete selected error --> |CLAS6-21817| UI:Routing>Block List>Edit>plz provide Validation error for Min and Max values of ANIS and DNIS. --> |CLAS6-21870| Routing>Dynamic Routing >mass edit >trunk name list error --> |CLAS6-21873| UI: Routing>Trunk>Ingress Trunk>Create new/edit>ADD "+" Product name should appear on field when created. --> |CLAS6-21881| UI: Agent>Commission Report>Remove next button error --> |CLAS6-21892| Routing>Dynamic Routing>Create new/Mass edit>Vendor field validation error. --> |CLAS6-21902| Template>Ingress Trunk template>Edit>Ring time out validation error --> |CLAS6-21911| Configuration>Users>Patch>allowed IP's>Duplicate ip Validation error --> |CLAS6-21922| Configuration>Code deck >Code deck list>Code name field no result found error --> |CLAS6-21926| Termination>Client>Edit/Create>Ingress trunk>Create new Product>Rate table is not being selected --> |CLAS6-21950| Routing>Rate Table>Editing Rates>Create new error wrong validation error. --> |CLAS6-21958| Termination>Product>Click on Send Rate>SAve as template error cancel --> |CLAS6-21972| Routing> Block list -> Create New button not working --> |CLAS6-21981| Cosmetic Issue: Routing>Dynamic Routing>Change "-" Icon ERROR --> |CLAS6-21982| Termination>Dynamic Routing>Qos parameter>Create new /edit>please provide validation error for MAX price. --> |CLAS6-21990| Routing>Trunks>Edit>Rate table "+" Clear Data while cancel --> |CLAS6-22034| Configuration>Random ANI Group>View Detail>unable to select ANI error --> |CLAS6-22062| UI: Configuration>Users>Non-Active users>Delete error. --> |CLAS6-22102| 18/04/2023 -> Version V9.7.1 UI > Summary Report > Inbound /Outbound > total showing NAN --> CLAS6-22087 UI > Dashboard > chart > when we have already data but UI showing no data on page --> CLAS6-22058 UI > Dashboard > Report > Inbound / Outbound > Getting unwanted row in UI list --> CLAS6-22055 UI > Termination > client > filter drop down > when we scroll up , drop down should not go over menu --> CLAS6-21910 UI > Termination > client / click on balance > Showing No data found without click on submit, While we have data --> CLAS6-21932 UI > Routing > Static routing /Detail > Edit > vendor dropdown showing out of the edit page --> CLAS6-21845 UI > Termination > client / click on balance > Showing no data found --> CLAS6-21846 13/04/2023 -> Version V9.7.0 UI Issue:- Statistics>Term CDRs List>CDRs search>Showing Previous and next button while there is no data on next page --> CLAS6-21898 Statistics>Termination>Dashboard --> CLAS6-21618 UI Issue:-Routing>Trunk>outbound/Inbound --> CLAS6-21918 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>Traffic Analytics>Holastic Report>Inbound>ACD Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-22090 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>Dashboard>Chart>ASR Graph showing blank --> CLAS6-22091 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Term Dashboard>Show-QoS>Showing origination data --> CLAS6-22014 UI Issue:-Termination>Client>Edit>Inbound>Create New>Enter Ingress Name>Select product from dropdown>Ingress Name Change from entered name to {carrier name_product name} --> CLAS6-21907 Statistics>origination>DID CDRs list>CDRs search>Orig/Term Release>need to aad release cause note --> CLAS6-21960 UI issue:-Statistics>Inbound/Outbound Report>click on more option>ngress Trunk Dropdown/Egress trunk Dropdown --> CLAS6-21978 Teleinx issue:- Termination>Client>Basic info>Notfication Setting>missing notification setting --> CLAS6-21928 UI Issue:-DID>Client>Edit>Billing Info>Charge/Port/Month>value not save --> CLAS6-21930 UI Issue:- Termination>Vendor>Edit>Outbound Tab>Click on view icon>View Icon Change after click on it --> CLAS6-21917 UI Issue :- Configuration>code deck>Code deck list --> CLAS6-21882 UI issue:-Statistics>Disconnect causes>Origination Tab/Termination Tab>click on more option>ngress Trunk Dropdown/Egress trunk Dropdown --> CLAS6-21855 Statistics>Summary Report>Outbound>Table Header Missing --> CLAS6-21804 UI Issue:- Agent Portal>Dashboard>Duration graph>refresh button working wrong --> CLAS6-21849 UI Issue:- Routing>Trunk>Ingress>click on view icon>prefix showing blank --> CLAS6-21851 UI Issue:-Monitoring>Media IP Blocking>Create new/Edit>Missing Dropdown for Autoblock=True/False --> CLAS6-21805 Statistics>Termination Dashboard>Report>UI Optimization --> CLAS6-21802 Statistics>Termination>Dashboard>Outbound Qos --> CLAS6-21684 Statistics>Termination>Dashboard>Outbound Qos>UI Call API Multiple time --> CLAS6-21801 13/04/2023 -> Version V9.6.9 Summary Report -> Save Report Template - Need sorting by A-Z -> CLAS6-22165 DID Client -> Online Payment options (Paypal & Stripe) are missing when we create a new client -> CLAS6-22166 UI Issue - QOS Parameter -> Wrong validation on MAX ASR field -> CLAS6-22195 13/04/2023 -> Version 9.6.8 |CLAS6-21879 | Tools>Call Simulation>Termination - Egress details are not showing on table| |CLAS6-21956 | Routing>Trunks>Inbound/Outbound>Export Host - "Header" and "Footer" being added when disabled| |CLAS6-21970 | Routing>Routing Plan>Details - Clicking on "Static Routing" name redirects user to wrong page| |CLAS6-22021 | Statistics>Termination>Active Call Report - Rename headers| |CLAS6-21955 | Configuration>Trunk Group>Trunk Count - Hide tab when viewing trunk list through other pages| |CLAS6-21957 | Routing>Trunk>Inbound/Outbound>Create New/Edit - "IP/Hostname" and "Port" should be mandatory when saving host| |CLAS6-21969 | Routing>Trunk>Inbound/Outbound>Create New - Unable to create trunk due to wrong UI validation error| |CLAS6-21901 | Tools>SIP Packet Search>Queue - Buttons under "Action" column are not clickable when there are only row on the table| |CLAS6-21890 | Finance>Auto Invoice Management - "Last Invoice Date" and "Last Invoice Period" are not in human readable format| |CLAS6-21746 | DID>Repository>List - UI using wrong parameter for "Status=Active Only/Inactive Only"| |CLAS6-21758 | Template>Ingress Trunk Template>Create New/Edit - Change payload to "id" for "codecs_str" field (UI issue)| |CLAS6-21787 | Configuration>Time Profile>Edit - UI using wrong payload for Type=All Time/Daily| |CLAS6-21693 | Routing>Trunk>Inbound, Outbound>Edit - UI giving "0" for null fields| |CLAS6-21887 | Finance>Payment>New Payment Received - "Customer" drop-down is not showing newly created Clients| |CLAS6-21815 | Configuration>Time Profile>Create New/Edit - UI needs validation error| |CLAS6-21814 | Template>Rate Upload Template>Create New/Edit - UI page modification| |CLAS6-21852 | Statistics>Termination>CDR List>Ingress PCAP/Egress PCAP/Full PCAP - UI workflow is wrong| |CLAS6-21847 | Statistics>Termination>QoS Summary>Origination/Termination - All results are not showing when using Group by "Country" and "Code Name"| |CLAS6-21821 | Staging>> All submenu are missing on UI page| |CLAS6-21588 | Statistics>Termination>Disconnect Causes>Term SIP Reason - "NPR" and "NPR Count" values are wrong| |CLAS6-21799 | Finance>Auto Invoice Management>View History - Table showing wrong value for "Amount" and "Billing Period"| |CLAS6-21798 | Finance>Auto Invoice Management>View History - Table is showing both Auto and Manual invoices| UI - Editing Rates -> Code Name & Country does not gets autofetched when entered code --> CLAS6-21284 DID Vendor - Add DID -> UI allows to submit button for uploading empty values too --> CLAS6-22004 Usage Report -> Percentage of Calls & Duration is wrong - shows NaN --> CLAS6-22075 Usage Report -> Reports showing data for Null values - Ignore Null is enabled --> CLAS6-22077 Traffic Analytics -> Export options are missing, need to add export button --> CLAS6-22130 Summary Report -> Delete Report is not working --> CLAS6-22131 DID CDR List -> Full PCAPs getting failed --> CLAS6-22151 QoS Summary -> Total call value is not correct --> CLAS6-22186 QoS Summary -> Ignore Null button should be enabled by default --> CLAS6-22230 DID CDR List -> Sorting for DID Customer & Vendor filter by A-Z --> CLAS6-22231 05/04/2023 -> Version 9.6.7 +1 Countries Rate Type -> Select All button not working (UI) --> CLAS6-18750 IP Address getting saved for empty values too on all the sections --> CLAS6-21543 DID CDR List -> Output - Excel CSV - Only Exporting Non Zero Calls - Payload using wrong value --> CLAS6-21791 DID Vendor - Add DID - By Range - Remove validation for DID Vendor Name --> CLAS6-21824 Create New Trunk by Template - Add Gateway Info button fix --> CLAS6-21835 Auto Payment Log -> Stripe - Error on Devtool & Console Error for Total Amount sorting --> CLAS6-21837 UI - Remove Auto Block column from Media IP Blocking --> CLAS6-21840 Create New Egress & Ingress Trunk using Template - Change the whole workflow --> CLAS6-21841 CDR Archival -> Add auto refresh till it displays the new requested data on Job Queue --> CLAS6-21850 Active Call Report -> Window should refresh after hitting Kill All button --> CLAS6-21854 Agent Dashboard -> Dashboard - Duration Graph - Need to show data in Minutes --> CLAS6-21857 Client Portal -> Payment History - From & To dates gets vanished when changed --> CLAS6-21893 Termination & Origination Wizard -> change mandatory field stars colour to red --> CLAS6-21895 Dynamic Routing -> QoS Cycle - 15 minutes reapeating twice in dropdown --> CLAS6-21903 Static Routing Edit Route -> Add slider for scrolling for specific reasons --> CLAS6-21908 Trunk Group -> New Egress/Ingress Group - Freeze the Type field --> CLAS6-21939 Archive Setting -> data gets autofilled on multiple sections - user, pass, directory etc --> CLAS6-21941 switch biz -Archive Settings -> FTP data saved on api but not showing on UI --> CLAS6-21942 Ingress Trunk - New & Edit -> Add Product - Correct sorting for Rate Tables --> CLAS6-21943 Email Log -> Need to add slider on status window --> CLAS6-21962 Ingress Trunk -> Add Host Capacity Limit - Field is not showing on UI --> CLAS6-21974 Rate Send -> Rate Email Template - sorting --> CLAS6-21993 Codec Top down buttons not working properly on new trunks --> CLAS6-22003 Routing Plan -> UI layout fix while changing Route Type --> CLAS6-22026 Traffic Analytic - Comparative Report -> UI shows No Data Found - API Response shows data --> CLAS6-22073 Carrier Template -> Auto Invoice - Payment Term sorting by A-Z --> CLAS6-22123 Teleinx -> Summary Report - SDR 6 & 30 Duration should be calculated in Minutes --> CLAS6-21963 Teleinx -> Client - Self Service Portal - Getting unneccesary stripe & paypal setup boxes --> CLAS6-21975 Teleinx -> Static & then Dynamic Routing Plan -> Egress Details are missing on Call Simulation --> CLAS6-22025 Metalink -> Full Details showing wrong for CDRs --> CLAS6-22027 Metalink -> Ingress Trunk - Routing & Tech Prefix - Payload not using code, cps & channel values --> CLAS6-22111 03/04/2023 -> Version 9.6.6 UI Issue -> Carrier Template -> Edit -> Unable to remove the previously added CDR Fields --> CLAS6-21638 Statistics -> Profitability report -> The total of MRC and NRC should be shown in 2-digit decimal value --> CLAS6-21838 Statistics -> Termination -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> UI not showing reports, There is data available in API response --> CLAS6-21827 Routing -> Create new egress trunk by Template -> UI showing an error while creating an egress trunk authorized by Host-only. --> CLAS6-21896 Tool -> SIP Packet Search -> UI calling wrong "pcap_start_time" and "pcap_end_time" while getting PCAP --> CLAS6-21916 Rate Table -> Editing Rates -> UI showing the wrong time in the Effective Date and the End date column. --> CLAS6-21713 Tools -> CDR Archival -> Job Queue -> The Customer and Vendor trunk name showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-21914 DID -> DID Repository -> Release DID -> UI Call the wrong date while we schedule the DID for Release. --> CLAS6-21723 Statistics -> DID -> Profitability Report -> The Exported file shows Vendor_ID and Client_ID instead of Name --> CLAS6-21790 Statistics -> Host Based Report -> UI is not showing reports by Carrier Name, There is data available in API response --> CLAS6-21959 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Distribution Report -> UI showing wrong data for Cost on Outbound Tab --> CLAS6-21859 Statistics -> DID Dashboard -> The profitability graph is not showing on UI during Live Calls --> CLAS6-21839 DID Client Portal -> Billing -> Transactions -> Traffic Usage showing wrong on the UI --> CLAS6-21858 Statistics -> Host Based Report -> UI should show Customer Name instead of trunk name under the customer column --> CLAS6-21976 Cosmetic Issue -> Routing -> Static Routing -> Click on the name to get the details -> Need to reduce the white space and Scroll Bar --> CLAS6-22010 DID Client Portal -> Origination -> Report -> UI should not show "Next" button if there is no data available in Next page --> CLAS6-22045 DID Client Portal -> Billing -> Transactions -> The sorting option does not work on the "Traffic_Usage" column, UI calls the wrong parameters --> CLAS6-21883 Configuration -> Invoice Setting List -> Used by Customers ->The UI Shows Wrong Header while click on the count of the customers using Invoice --> CLAS6-21991 Term Dashboard -> All 3 Graphs not showing on UI , If user clicks on submit button UI keeps loading for an Endless time during Live Call too --> CLAS6-22069 Meta_lynk :- Statistics -> Active Call Report -> "Per_page" option not working, UI Calls the wrong API --> CLAS6-21897 30/03/2023 -> Version 9.6.5 Finance>Invoice>manual invoice>page 2 select all check box error --> |CLAS6-21359| Template>Carrier template Create new>Please provide validation error for cps and call limit --> |CLAS6-21299| Template>ingress template>Create new>Codec str {} invalid validation error. --> |CLAS6-21471| Tools>Rate generation>Create new>please provide validation error min and max margin value --> |CLAS6-21519| Configuration>Users>System users>Action column should not be available on show/hide columns --> |CLAS6-21524| Routing>Trunks>Ingress/Egress Trunk>name already exist Wrong validation error --> |CLAS6-21523| Routing>Dynamic Routing>Override>please provide validation error for tech prefix already exist error --> |CLAS6-21535| Routing>Dynamic Routing>Delete all error --> |CLAS6-21536| Routing >route plan>Edit >please provide validation error for min and max values --> |CLAS6-21547| UI:Termination>Product> Product name=>Routing plan field should automatically gets updated --> |CLAS6-21550| API+Validation:Termination>Termination Wizard>Step1>please provide validation error for existing vendor name --> |CLAS6-21563| Finance>Auto invoice management>Edit Invoice>Time zone cant be null validation issue --> |CLAS6-21569| DID>Clients>Create new>Duplicate IP validation error --> |CLAS6-21578| DID>DID Repository>Create new>Please modify DID number validation message --> |CLAS6-21580| DID>Vendor> ADD DID>Create Vendor billing rule name "+" create clear cancel --> |CLAS6-21586| DID>Vendor>Create/edit>please provide validation error for call limit --> |CLAS6-21587| UI:DID>Origination wizard>Step1>create>unable to display rate on UI field. --> |CLAS6-21603| DID>Origination Wizard>Step 1>New billing Rule name>Please provide Name already exist error --> |CLAS6-21605| Routing>Static routing>delete Selected button should be disable --> |CLAS6-21615| Routing>Rate Table>Editing rates >Createnew>code deck id null error issue --> |CLAS6-21633| Template>Egress trunk template >Create/edit>please provide validation error for rate table --> |CLAS6-21647| Agent>Agent management>Create/Edit>Reset button is not working for invoice setting --> |CLAS6-21657| Routing >Rate table >Editing rate>Creating new rate table error --> |CLAS6-21660| Finance>Regenerate Balance> Showing both reset_actual_balance and reset_mutual_balance are false. Nothing to do error issue --> |CLAS6-21694| Termination>Wizard>Vendor trunk> duplicate IP validation error --> |CLAS6-21721| DID>Billing Rule>Search by name>Delete selected error --> |CLAS6-21730| Routing >Dynamic routing>Trunk Priority>create new error issue --> |CLAS6-21742| UI: Routing>Static Routing>Static routing detail>delete selected error --> |CLAS6-21753| Template>Rate email template>Create new --> |CLAS6-21795| 27/03/2023 -> Version 9.6.4 UI > Rate Email Template / Edit > Need to Modified success POPUP --> CLAS6-21402 UI > Termination > Vendor / vendor limit >Showing Error on DEVTOOL , and showing no data found on page --> CLAS6-21568 term>wizard>step 3> showing error while creating static routing --> CLAS6-21428 trunks>ingress>detail>UI is not calling PATCH api when editing ingress trunk --> CLAS6-21332 DID>new vendor>rate>pricing rule popup - cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-21476 configuration>payment term>usage>Customer limit>showing all customer name instead of the associated ones --> CLAS6-21489 tools>cdr archival>job queue>detail>all header showing no data in popup --> CLAS6-21532 DID>vendor>create new>add (+) new pricing rule> cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-21430 v6- ingress>detail page>allowed to send IP> sip profile is missing --> CLAS6-21198 vendor portal>group by selection - Ui issue --> CLAS6-21330 client portal>>CDR>UI not calling any api --> CLAS6-21412 vendor>create new>pricing rule popup box - rate and price/min box must not allow alphabet character - UI issue only --> CLAS6-21431 stripe and paypal base_url is wrong --> CLAS6-21480 routing>>ingress>detail>>add routing and tech prefix - button name missing --> CLAS6-21574 agent portal>invoice list>list must show the newly generated invoice first --> CLAS6-21601 admin>server admin>UI calling wrong api for server status --> CLAS6-21548 agent portal>customer list>action>activate / deactivate button not working - UI not calling API --> CLAS6-21599 client portal>switch IP>showing just IP only, need to show the port too --> CLAS6-20124 agent portal>customer invoice list> unwanted API call from UI --> CLAS6-21645 agent portal>dashboard>cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-21669 agent portal - dashboard - top 10 customer trunk - time period is missing --> CLAS6-21598 agent portal -> invoice list> period should not show time with date --> CLAS6-21600 did>vendor>add DID>popup - cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-21630 carrier template - detail>short call charges>showing wrong validation --> CLAS6-21703 did repository>deactivate and activate -> need to fix the popup message --> CLAS6-21725 finance>regenerate balance>after generation log is not getting updated --> CLAS6-21724 agent portal - invoice list - export > exporting just current page data --> CLAS6-21602 DID>vendor>add DID>fee per port and price per minute should allow only numeric value - ui issue --> CLAS6-21628 configuration>>CDR and PCAP Archive Setting>>UI modifications required --> CLAS6-19477 tools>cdr archival>CDR search and JOB queue - future date selection issue --> CLAS6-21754 DID>DID repository>List - Need to add "Activate/Deactivate" button under "Action" column --> CLAS6-21218 UI ISSUE: (POST, GET, PATCH)/did/client/list - Add API field "ani_cap_limit" --> CLAS6-21729 24/03/2023 -> Version 9.6.3 Need help tip -> CLAS6-9772 22/03/2023 -> Version 9.6.2 DID Client Portal -> Buy DID - Error on Console -> CLAS6-21409 22/03/2023 -> Version 9.6.1 |CLAS6-21658 | Statistics>Termination>Traffic Analytics - Integrate API fields to UI table| |CLAS6-21670 | Statistics>Term/Orig Dashboard>Top 10 Vendors and Customers - "Minutes" column is showing result in seconds| |CLAS6-21707 | Tools>PCAP Archival>PCAP Queue - Add column "Switch Name"| |CLAS6-21672 | Tools>PCAP Archival>PCAP Search - UI should send API request for each "connected" switch| |CLAS6-21738 | Routing>Trunk>Outbound>View - "Prefix" field is not showing value| |CLAS6-21616 | DID Client Portal>> Origination>CDR list - "Bill Duration" should be in seconds format| |CLAS6-21607 | Statistics>Termination>CDR list>Egress Trace - "Trunk Name" is wrong| |CLAS6-21228 | DID>DID repository>Export - Need something to notify the user that the file is being generated for download| |CLAS6-21482 | Meta Lynk - Multiple console errors are bug only on their portal| |CLAS6-21579 | Statistics>Origination>DID CDR List - Remove unnecessary API request| |CLAS6-21589 | Statistics>Termination>Daily Channel Usage Report - "Server IP" drop-down is wrong| |CLAS6-21494 | Routing>Trunk>Inbound/Outbound>Edit - Remove "Edit" button from Host| |CLAS6-21477 | Configuration>Mail Template - Add "Send PCAP" to template list| |CLAS6-21203 | Routing>Trunk>Egress/Ingress>Export Host - Downloaded file should also include "Hostname"| |CLAS6-21227 | DID>DID Repository>Export - UI is not using some parameter while exporting| |CLAS6-21100 | DID>Client>Edit - UI changes required for host| 20/03/2023 -> Version 9.6.0 Teleinx -> Connected Calls, CPS & Channels (Graph showing all IPs in same graph line for Trunk) -> CLAS6-17575 Metalink -> Active Call Report - Need Total Number of connected calls to display -> CLAS6-21423 Metalink -> Active Call Report - Need options to delete particular calls or multiple by selecting checkbox -> CLAS6-21424 Teleinx -> Block List -> Creating New Block List record with min & max as 0 by default -> CLAS6-21521 UI showing wrong status of Servers as Disconnected -> CLAS6-21538 Rate Generation -> US JD - Inter Rate & Intra Rate columns are empty -> CLAS6-21544 Teleinx -> Client & Vendor Portal - Avg Rate should be 4 decimal places -> CLAS6-21627 Trunks -> Removing Random ANI Group does not works, it still shows saved in api -> CLAS6-21639 DID Client -> New & Edit - Limit values are not getting saved -> CLAS6-21654 Agent Portal -> Remove Max option from the Dashboard box -> CLAS6-21666 Metalink -> Main Email & NOC Email not getting saved for existing clients -> CLAS6-21685 Agent Dashboard -> Connected Calls graph showing wrong amount of calls -> CLAS6-21696 Term Dashboard -> Channel, CPS & Connected Calls box value is not working correctly -> CLAS6-21709 Dashboard Report -> Not showing data on first attempt - Payload using wrong date time -> CLAS6-21714 UI - System Setting -> UI Configuration - Reset button works on presaved values too -> CLAS6-21760 15/03/2023 -> Version 9.5.9 UI Issue:-Agent Portal> Dashboard>Connected call>Trunk name and time line of graph showing wrong time ---> CLAS6-21716 UI Issue:- Client Portal>Termination>Report ---> CLAS6-21736 Statistics>Termination Dashboard>Charts ---> CLAS6-21661 Client portal>Billing>Account>Responsive issue ---> CLAS6-21542 Statistics>Termination>Term CDRs List>Responsive issue ---> CLAS6-21488 DID>Client>Edit>Made change>unable to save changes>UI Sending username : "string" in request payload ---> CLAS6-21735 Statistics>Summary Report-Remove API Request that is not needed ---> CLAS6-21789 Termination>client>Host ---> CLAS6-21545 UI Issue:- Agent Portal>Dashboard>Minutes graph showing wrong data ---> CLAS6-21651 UI Issue:-Agent portal>Dashboard>Cost Graph showing wrong ---> CLAS6-21652 Agent Portal>Dashboard>Top 10 Customer trunk>Table header showing wrong ---> CLAS6-21697 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>Summary Report ---> CLAS6-21541 Statistics>Termination Dashboard>Charts>Margin calculation showing wrong ---> CLAS6-21662 Agent Portal> Dashboard ---> CLAS6-21624 Metalynk issue :- Routing>Trunk>Outbound>Edit>tech prefix not saved ---> CLAS6-21506 Statistics>Termination>Dashboard>ACD Calculation Wrong ---> CLAS6-21644 Routing>Trunk>Outbound>Edit>Billing Tab>Rounding Decimal Places ---> CLAS6-21612 DID Client Portal>Dashboard>Graph heading showing wrong name ---> CLAS6-21611 DID Client Portal>Dashboard>Minutes graph>Not Showing Data ---> CLAS6-21573 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal>Dashboard>Minutes Graph showing Wrong Data ---> CLAS6-21286 DID Client Portal>Dashboard>Volume, Spending ,Total and Non Zero calls showing blank ---> CLAS6-21546 03/03/2023 -> Version 9.5.8 ICX Issue -> Statistics -> Profitability Analysis -> The Ingress trunk name is hidden from UI while group by "code_name" and "country" --> CLAS6-21500 Routing -> Ingress Trunk / Egress Trunk -> Digit Manipulation should show an empty field for the Prefix and Digits instead of showing "0" --> CLAS6-21499 Finance -> Regenerate Balance -> Devtool showing Error while adding Client from the dropdown, UI Calling wrong API --> CLAS6-21539 Dashboard ->Termination / Origination -> The Circle should be proportional --> CLAS6-21498 Agent portal -> Top 10 Customers list -> Need to rectify the headers name, UI showing trunk name but header is "Customer Name" --> CLAS6-21582 Agent Portal -> Connected Calls -> The Trunk List dropdown is not working, UI calling the wrong API --> CLAS6-21581 Termination Client portal -> Termination -> My Trunk -> The hostname is not showing on the UI --> CLAS6-21553 Termination Vendor Portal -> Dashboard -> Accounts -> All the Account details Vanished from the UI --> CLAS6-21642 Termination Client portal -> UI does not need to call "GET ​/switch​/full​/list" API --> CLAS6-21565 Statistics -> Origination -> DID Report -> Need to rectify the "Group_by" dropdown functioning --> CLAS6-21260 Agent Portal -> PCAP Search -> UI not calling the "Ingress_id" parameter while getting PCAP by Ingress trunk --> CLAS6-21435 UI Issue on Agent portal -> Dashboard -> Duration Graph -> The point name shown mismatched values under the horizontal coordination line --> CLAS6-21683 Termination Client -> Customer Limit -> UI should allow Null values for the Call limit and CPS limit --> CLAS6-21750 Teleinx -> Termination -> Client -> Click on the Trunk count -> If the trunk is Inactive then UI should not redirect the user to the "Create New Trunk" page --> CLAS6-21585 Meta_Lynk -> Term Dashboard -> Reports -> Time Filter is not working properly, UI Calling wrong Time stamp --> CLAS6-21572 27/02/2023 -> Version 9.5.7 UI > Termination > Product > showing error on console ---> CLAS6-21188 24/02/2023 -> Version 9.5.6 Configuration>Stir Shaken>ANI pool view >Disable Create new error. --> CLAS6-21031| UI Issue:Routing>Digit Replacement>Egress/Ingress Trunk >Digit Replacement>Reset button error --> CLAS6-21098| API:Agent>Agent management>Manage customer>create new validation error. --> CLAS6-21101| Monitoring>media IP blocking >delete selected error popup validation error. --> CLAS6-21143| DID>Clients>Create new>host IP validation error. --> CLAS6-21190| Agent>agent management>create new/edit>Invoice setting reset button error --> CLAS6-21204| DID>DID Invoice>Manual invoice>create>Enter future dates >click on submit validation error --> CLAS6-21213| Termination>Client>Customer limit>Please provide validation error for credit ,cps and call limit --> CLAS6-21221| Termination>Product>Create new/edit>rate table "+" icon create error cancel. --> CLAS6-21226| Termination>Vendor>Create/edit>Outbound>Create new reset button error. --> CLAS6-21240| Termination>Vendor>Vendor Limit>Wrong parameter credit limit value. --> CLAS6-21244| Termination>Termination Wizard>step 3> ADD trunk to existing Routes UI loading Issue. --> CLAS6-21255| Routing>Block list>Delete selected error --> CLAS6-21269| Finance>Regenerate Balance>reset balance does not appear on regenerate balance history --> CLAS6-21367| Finance>Regenerate Balance>Regenerate balance history>UI calling duplicate parameter --> CLAS6-21368| Routing>Trunks>Egress/Ingress list> UI loading Issue --> CLAS6-21373| Termination>Product>Create new/edit>.Routing plan "+" icon create error cancel --> CLAS6-21375| UI issue>Termination>Termination Wizard >Step2> ADD Rate Table "+" None >Routing plan/rate table drop down UI overlapping issue. --> CLAS6-21389| Termination>Termination Wizard>Step 3 >Add to static route only >Invalid validation error --> CLAS6-21392| UI Issue :Routing>Blocklist>Delete selected error --> CLAS6-21403| Routing>Dynamic Routing>Qos parameter>EDIT>need validation pop up error --> CLAS6-21414| Routing>Routing plan>delete selected button should be disable --> CLAS6-21415| Routing>Static Routing>Edit>Routed by validation error --> CLAS6-21432| Routing>trunk >egress/ingress trunk >edit>Sip registration /register to gate way submit button is not working --> CLAS6-21433| UI>Routing>Trunks>Ingress/Egress Trunk>Create Rate table Wrong validation error --> CLAS6-21448| Statistics>Host based Report>Termination>UI page Loading issues --> CLAS6-21457| Template>Carrier template>Create customer>auto send zone invalid validation error --> CLAS6-21468| Agent>Agent management>Customer Assignment>Create new>customer name validation error --> CLAS6-21478| Statistics>Host based Report>Termination>Egress id UI List loading issue --> CLAS6-21479| UI:Termination>Vendor>Vendor list>search by>hover on icon reset password error --> CLAS6-21503| UI -> Login using client > termination > product /Share Rate > Need to re-arrange close button --> CLAS6-21222 UI->Configuration > payment term > usage count > customer list > send low balance alert >UI showing tow success pop , need to remove one --> CLAS6-21320 UI > Rate Table > View rate > create new > Space button is not working on Country field --> CLAS6-21387 UI > Termination > Client > Edit > UI generating duplicate API --> CLAS6-21401 Configuration > payment term > usage count > customer list > send low balance alert >need to fix the validation popup for send low balance alert. --> CLAS6-21182 Staging issue > Configuration > payment term > usage count > customer list > send low balance alert > submit button is not responding --> CLAS6-21268 UI > Routing >Routing Plan > No back button required on main list page --> CLAS6-21185 24/02/2023 -> Version 9.5.5 UI > Rate Table > View rate > create new > Space button is not working on Country field -> CLAS6-21387 23/02/2023 -> Version 9.5.4 admin>tickets>list>need validation on date picker --> |https://jira.denovolab.com/browse/CLAS6-21251| DID cdr>email when done - UI issue - fields should not be auto filled with previous data --> |https://jira.denovolab.com/browse/CLAS6-21253| term>client>action>>low balance alert> popup - modification required --> |https://jira.denovolab.com/browse/CLAS6-21322| vendor portal>filter by trunk name and group name is not working - ui issue --> |https://jira.denovolab.com/browse/CLAS6-21329| vendor portal>report>need to add pagination to show all report --> |https://jira.denovolab.com/browse/CLAS6-20839| routing>trunks>list>status -> Deactive to inactive - cosmetic issue --> |https://jira.denovolab.com/browse/CLAS6-21238| agent>agent management>list>share email>popup validation error modification --> |https://jira.denovolab.com/browse/CLAS6-21302| agent>commission report>group by Agent should be made mandatory on UI --> |https://jira.denovolab.com/browse/CLAS6-21009| 23/02/2023 -> Version 9.5.3 client portal>cdr>UI allowing to select future dates - UI issue -> CLAS6-21354 rate generation>create/edit - selected egress trunk box - UI requirement -> CLAS6-21239 did>client>edit>host>edit> delete should be cancel during edit -> CLAS6-21400 configuration>>payment term>>create>>need validation for name field - UI -> CLAS6-21365 16/02/2023 -> Version 9.5.2 Commission Report -> Export button should not be clickable if there is no data --> CLAS6-20140 Commision Report -> Group by Agent - Agent ID fixed, UI fix needed --> CLAS6-21035 DID Cost Report -> It should also show reports for Vendor too --> CLAS6-21040 Commission Report -> Data should be displayed above the search filter --> CLAS6-21145 Multiple Page Fix - No Data Found text should not appear till the search is executed completely --> CLAS6-21168 Agent Portal -> Commission - Remove Output option & add Export icon for search result --> CLAS6-21196 UI - Agent Portal - PCAP Search - Showing No Data Found without triggering any search API --> CLAS6-21197 UI - Login Page Content -> Content Box issues --> CLAS6-21229 UI - Agent Invoice Setting -> Invoice CDR Fields header selection --> CLAS6-21249 UI - Customer Limit - Credit Limit showing old data when cancelled --> CLAS6-21263 Client Portal -> Transaction -> Add side borders on the Table --> CLAS6-21265 UI - Client Portal -> Routing & Tech Prefix - Trunks configured with SIP Registration has wrong layout --> CLAS6-21266 New Payment Received -> Customer sorting by A-Z --> CLAS6-21277 UI - Inbound/Outbound Report -> Time Zone should get set default as per the Switch Time Zone --> CLAS6-21289 Trunks - Egress/Ingress -> Digit Manipulation - Digit field not allow + to enter on UI --> CLAS6-21312 Call Simulation -> Error on Console when hitted submit button --> CLAS6-21395 A-Z Rate Generation -> Inter & Intra Rate columns are not needed in Columns --> CLAS6-21397 DID Vendor -> Edit - Loading Issue - Dev tool shows api request pending --> CLAS6-21452 Egress Trunk Template -> Strange UI Issue when scrolled between side options --> CLAS6-21453 Ingress Trunk Template -> Edit - Getting Error - Error creating the record --> CLAS6-21454 Callsys Network -> Active Call Report - calls showing running with duration 23:59:59 --> CLAS6-20594 Ytel -> Manual Invoice -> Due date can be selected for future too --> CLAS6-21248 Ytel -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> Avg Rate should be 4 digits after decimal --> CLAS6-21267 Ytel -> Cost & Profit on Report should be 4 digits after decimal on Inbound/Outbound Report --> CLAS6-21353 Teleinx -> Profitability Analysis - Ingress & Egress Trunk - Sorting should be in alphabetical order A-Z --> CLAS6-21410 16/02/2023 -> Version 9.5.1 Vendor - Add DID -> Sorting by A-Z for fields of Add DID, Import DID & Add by Range -> CLAS6-21165 Archive Setting -> Mandatory * should be marked in red as it is on other all pages -> CLAS6-21179 Agent Management -> Referal Key popup box modification -> CLAS6-21180 Client Portal -> Product - Share Rate popup box modification -> CLAS6-21194 Client Portal - Report -> Group by dropdown appearance -> CLAS6-21195 New Agent -> Cosmetic corrections -> CLAS6-21231 DID Manual Invoice -> Invoice Number search filter -> CLAS6-21345 DID Auto & Manual Invoice -> Send Invoice - Validation Error text correction -> CLAS6-21346 SIP Packet -> Copy Link - Remove unneccesary text 0 -> CLAS6-21349 SIP Packet -> Send Email - Shows success popup on empty field and on Invalid Emails too -> CLAS6-21351 DID Vendor -> Default Vendor Billing Rule sorting by A-Z -> CLAS6-21363 Term Customer/Vendor -> New & Edit - Notification Setting - Cosmetic -> CLAS6-21425 08/02/2023 -> Version 9.5.0 |CLAS6-21306 | Statistics>Termination>Dashboard>Charts - Chart is showing wrong time when default timezone is not 0| |CLAS6-21470 | Client/Vendor/Agent/Admin Portal - CDR Page - UI modifications required| |CLAS6-21491 | Routing>Trunk>Inbound>Create New and Edit - Need to add API for "Add routing and tech prefix" section| |CLAS6-21256 | Termination>Client List - Add "Send Low Balance Alert" pop-up| |CLAS6-21189 | Finance>Actual Transaction - "Ending Balance" is wrong| |CLAS6-21154 | Routing>Trunk>Outbound/Inbound>Digit Replacement - UI is using wrong API| |CLAS6-21078 | Tool>CDR Archival>Job Queue - Unable to click "Details" when there is only one record on the table| |CLAS6-20368 | Client Portal>> Billing>Invoice - Using "Pay with Stripe" doesn't add payment to the selected invoice| UI Issue:- Client Portal>Termination>Report>Total PDD Calculation wrong --> CLAS6-21501 UI Issue:- Client Portal>Dashboard>Minutes graph showing wrong data --> CLAS6-21264 Tools>SIP Packet>Search>Responsive issue --> CLAS6-21450 DID Client Portal>Dashboard>ASR Last 24h>Showing Nan --> CLAS6-21209 UI Issue:- Client Portal>Dashboard>Current Day Traffic>Volume/Spending/Total/Non Zero Calls Showing Wrong Data --> CLAS6-21178 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal>Termination>Report>Total PDD Calculation wrong --> CLAS6-21396 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal>Dashboard>Cost Graph showing Wrong Data --> CLAS6-21288 UI Issue:-Termination>Vendor>Edit>Click on Outbound>Click on PDD Timeout Sorting>Showing Error --> CLAS6-21438 DID>Client>Edit>Made change>unable to save changes>UI Sending wrong request payload --> CLAS6-21420 didv6 issue:-Tools>Call Simulation>Origination host, Origination ANI and Origination DNIS Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-21436 Client Portal>Termination>CDR>From Date selection is not apply on request payload --> CLAS6-21451 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal>Dashboard>Accounts>missing data in Routing and Tech Prefix --> CLAS6-21394 DID Client Portal>Dashboard>ACD Last 24h>Showing 0 --> CLAS6-21371 Agent Portal>Termination>Agent Dashboard>Total duration showing Wrong Data --> CLAS6-21291 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal>DashboardCurrent Day Traffic>Volume/Spending/Total/Non Zero Calls Showing Wrong Data --> CLAS6-21290 DID Client Portal:-Origination>Report>missing Time column on UI --> CLAS6-21235 DID Client Portal:-Origination>Buy DID>Toll Free --> CLAS6-21259 UI Issue:- Agent>Agent management>Click on Edit>Click on Next >Click on Submit>Showing Error-Invoice setting id: id 0 is invalid (not exist) --> CLAS6-20450 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>Summary Report>Total Average Rate Calculation Wrong --> CLAS6-21352 Client Portal>> Billing>Invoice>Pay with Paypal - "Payment Amount" field is filled with the wrong amount --> CLAS6-21316 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal>Dashboard>ASR Last 24h UI Using wrong request payload --> CLAS6-21285 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal>Dashboard>ACD Last 24h UI Using wrong request payload --> CLAS6-21287 Client Portal:-Billing>Account>Routing and tech prefix>Showing Data in wrong column --> CLAS6-21278 Client Portal:-Termination>Trunk>My Trunk>No Data Found text should not appear till the search is executed completely --> CLAS6-21318 Client Portal:-Billing>Account>Routing and tech prefix>No Data Found text should not appear till the search is executed completely --> CLAS6-21274 UI Issue:-Log>Stir Shaken ANI Import>Using Wrong Payload request --> CLAS6-21233 DID Client Portal:-Billing>Account>Routing and tech prefix --> CLAS6-21236 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Summary Report>Error in date picker --> CLAS6-21237 08/02/2023 -> Version 9.4.9 Client Portal>Termination>Trunk>row size shows strange -> CLAS6-21419 UI Issue:- DID>Vendor>Create New -> CLAS6-21449 Termination>Client>Edit>Click on Inbound>Click on PDD Timeout Sorting>Showing Error -> CLAS6-21408 DID Client Portal:-Billing>Account>Routing and tech prefix>Not showing IP -> CLAS6-21362 Statistics>Origination>Dashboard>text should not overlapped -> CLAS6-21181 UI Issue:-Termination>Client>Reset Balance -> CLAS6-21232 Client Portal>Termination>Product>Share Rate -> CLAS6-21191 Finance>Payment>Received/New Payment Received - Remove "Debit Received" from drop-down -> CLAS6-21208 Client Portal>> Billing>Invoice>Pay with Stripe - "Payment Amount" field is filled with the wrong amount ->CLAS6-21245 08/02/2023 -> Version 9.4.8 |CLAS6-21306 | Statistics>Termination>Dashboard>Charts - Chart is showing wrong time when default timezone is not 0| |CLAS6-21470 | Client/Vendor/Agent/Admin Portal - CDR Page - UI modifications required| |CLAS6-21491 | Routing>Trunk>Inbound>Create New and Edit - Need to add API for "Add routing and tech prefix" section| |CLAS6-21256 | Termination>Client List - Add "Send Low Balance Alert" pop-up| |CLAS6-21189 | Finance>Actual Transaction - "Ending Balance" is wrong| |CLAS6-21154 | Routing>Trunk>Outbound/Inbound>Digit Replacement - UI is using wrong API| |CLAS6-21078 | Tool>CDR Archival>Job Queue - Unable to click "Details" when there is only one record on the table| |CLAS6-20368 | Client Portal>> Billing>Invoice - Using "Pay with Stripe" doesn't add payment to the selected invoice| UI Issue:- Client Portal>Termination>Report>Total PDD Calculation wrong --> CLAS6-21501 UI Issue:- Client Portal>Dashboard>Minutes graph showing wrong data --> CLAS6-21264 Tools>SIP Packet>Search>Responsive issue --> CLAS6-21450 DID Client Portal>Dashboard>ASR Last 24h>Showing Nan --> CLAS6-21209 UI Issue:- Client Portal>Dashboard>Current Day Traffic>Volume/Spending/Total/Non Zero Calls Showing Wrong Data --> CLAS6-21178 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal>Termination>Report>Total PDD Calculation wrong --> CLAS6-21396 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal>Dashboard>Cost Graph showing Wrong Data --> CLAS6-21288 UI Issue:-Termination>Vendor>Edit>Click on Outbound>Click on PDD Timeout Sorting>Showing Error --> CLAS6-21438 DID>Client>Edit>Made change>unable to save changes>UI Sending wrong request payload --> CLAS6-21420 didv6 issue:-Tools>Call Simulation>Origination host, Origination ANI and Origination DNIS Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-21436 Client Portal>Termination>CDR>From Date selection is not apply on request payload --> CLAS6-21451 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal>Dashboard>Accounts>missing data in Routing and Tech Prefix --> CLAS6-21394 DID Client Portal>Dashboard>ACD Last 24h>Showing 0 --> CLAS6-21371 Agent Portal>Termination>Agent Dashboard>Total duration showing Wrong Data --> CLAS6-21291 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal>DashboardCurrent Day Traffic>Volume/Spending/Total/Non Zero Calls Showing Wrong Data --> CLAS6-21290 DID Client Portal:-Origination>Report>missing Time column on UI --> CLAS6-21235 DID Client Portal:-Origination>Buy DID>Toll Free --> CLAS6-21259 UI Issue:- Agent>Agent management>Click on Edit>Click on Next >Click on Submit>Showing Error-Invoice setting id: id 0 is invalid (not exist) --> CLAS6-20450 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>Summary Report>Total Average Rate Calculation Wrong --> CLAS6-21352 Client Portal>> Billing>Invoice>Pay with Paypal - "Payment Amount" field is filled with the wrong amount --> CLAS6-21316 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal>Dashboard>ASR Last 24h UI Using wrong request payload --> CLAS6-21285 UI Issue:- Vendor Portal>Dashboard>ACD Last 24h UI Using wrong request payload --> CLAS6-21287 Client Portal:-Billing>Account>Routing and tech prefix>Showing Data in wrong column --> CLAS6-21278 Client Portal:-Termination>Trunk>My Trunk>No Data Found text should not appear till the search is executed completely --> CLAS6-21318 Client Portal:-Billing>Account>Routing and tech prefix>No Data Found text should not appear till the search is executed completely --> CLAS6-21274 UI Issue:-Log>Stir Shaken ANI Import>Using Wrong Payload request --> CLAS6-21233 DID Client Portal:-Billing>Account>Routing and tech prefix --> CLAS6-21236 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Summary Report>Error in date picker --> CLAS6-21237 02/02/2023 -> Version 9.4.7 Statistics -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> In reports the values for the Time, Cost, Rate, ASR , ACD and PDD should be shown in 2 Digit decimal -> CLAS6-21113 DID -> Vendor -> Decimal Place -> Values not getting saved on UI -> CLAS6-21360 Log -> DID Import log -> Unable to Sort the table by using "Total" "Success" option. -> CLAS6-21399 Cosmetic Issue -> DID Client portal -> Account -> Routing and Tech Prefix -> Unnecessary gap showing between 2 Rows -> CLAS6-21372 DID -> Client -> Unable to edit IP and Port -> The same is not getting saved on UI. -> CLAS6-21347 02/02/2023 -> Version 9.4.6 Tools -> CDR Archival -> After Successful submission for CDR , UI needs to redirect the user to the "Job Queue" Page --> CLAS6-21283 DID -> DID Repository -> Edit DID Vendor -> After hitting submit button the DID Vendor not getting Saved --> CLAS6-21112 Statistics -> DID Cost Report -> UI should not show "Vendor_Column" unless the report group_by "Vendor" --> CLAS6-21234 Tools -> SIP Packet Search -> UI Calling the wrong API while getting PCAP by Ingress and Egress trunk --> CLAS6-21276 Termination Vendor Portal -> Termination -> Trunks -> UI show "No Data Found" However there is a Data available in API --> CLAS6-21327 DID -> Client -> Unable to create DID, UI reflecting "IP Field required" Error --> CLAS6-21164 Statistics -> Summary Report -> Inbound/ Outbound Cascade Report -> UI showing Trunk ID Instead of Trunk Name --> CLAS6-21211 Termination Client portal -> Dashboard -> ACD for the last 24 hour is Showing Wrong on UI --> CLAS6-21193 DID Client Portal -> Origination -> MY DID -> DID Dropdown not showing all the available DIDs --> CLAS6-21192 Termination Client portal -> Termination -> CDR -> Need to enable a pop-up notification If no headers are allowed by the admin --> CLAS6-21261 Routing -> Ingress trunk -> Unable to Edit IP and Port -> UI showing an error while clicking on the Edit button --> CLAS6-21317 Agent Portal -> CDR -> "CDR Download" tab is missing from UI --> CLAS6-21496 Cosmetic Issue -> Termination Client portal -> My trunk -> Need to fix the table alignments --> CLAS6-21497 Termination Client portal -> Trunk -> Tech Prefix details not showing on UI, Need to call the New Prefix API --> CLAS6-21509 Teleinx Issue -> Termination Client portal -> Accounts -> Route and Tech Prefix -> UI not showing all the trunk lists If the trunks have the same IPs with a different prefixes --> CLAS6-21328 Meta_Lynk ->Termination Client portal -> Trunk -> Download Rate table -> There are 2 different rate tables for a trunk but we are getting the same rate table while downloading --> CLAS6-21487 23/01/2023 -> Version 9.4.5 Teleinx ISSUE: Statistics >>Profitability Analysis >> Origination -- sorting issue --> CLAS6-21011 Trunktel ISSUE: SIP Packet (PCAP) Export not working --> CLAS6-19019 18/01/2023 -> Version 9.4.4 Add Ingress by Template -> Change Carriers to Customers -> CLAS6-20952 16/01/2023 -> Version 9.4.3 Finance>Invoice>Manual invoice>create>Enter future dates >click on submit validation error --> |CLAS6-20761| Finance>Regenerate Balance>Balance on field validation error --> |CLAS6-20772| Routing>Dynamic Routing>create/edit >Add + egress trunk validation error. --> |CLAS6-20809| Configuration>Random Ani Group>view Group> Delete Selected error --> |CLAS6-20818| Configuration>Code deck>Code deck View>Remove Select all Option error --> |CLAS6-20820| Configuration>Roles>Create>UI loading issue + validation error --> |CLAS6-20831| Tools>Rate Generation>delete rate template>Name search field error --> |CLAS6-20832| Finance>Payment>New Payment Received>Payment type validation error --> |CLAS6-20845| Finance>Payment>new payment received>Invoice payment Received>ADD Invoice>Pay amount validation error. --> |CLAS6-20868| UI:Finance>Invoice>Manual Invoice>date column field error --> |CLAS6-20871| Termination>Credit management>please provide validation error for cps and call limit --> |CLAS6-20887| Termination>Product>send rate>save as template subject field validation error --> |CLAS6-20915| Configuration>Code deck >Code deck view >search code name error --> |CLAS6-21012| Configuration>Stir Shaken >ANI Import LOG>UI unable to upload ANI on group Showing invalid date error --> |CLAS6-21029| UI: Configuration>Trunk group>Egress/Ingress Trunk group>EDIT >Adding trunk issue.s --> |CLAS6-21048| Finance>Regenerate Balance>create> back to regenerate balance>Clear cancel --> |CLAS6-21052| Termination>Product>Send rate>Save as template>Rate headers validation error --> |CLAS6-21064| UI>Termination>Product>Send rate >Rate email Template update Issue. --> |CLAS6-21068| Termination>vendor> Create new>Create new by template>"Next button" is not working. --> |CLAS6-21075| Routing>Egress/Ingress Trunks>LIMIT>please provide validation error for cps and call limit --> |CLAS6-21086| Statistics>Summary Report>Inbound/Outbound> delete report GET API error --> |CLAS6-21117 API: DID>Billing rule>Create new /Edit>Rate table list error --> |CLAS6-21174 DID>client>detail>add host - UI keeps loading after final submit - UI issue --> |CLAS6-20798| client portal>trunks>action>product> do not show the horizontal line when there is no headers selected --> |CLAS6-20751| vendor portal>trunk list>cosmetic issue --> |CLAS6-20805| routing>ingress trunk template / egress trunk template - create new - UI issue --> |CLAS6-20792| didv6 -call simulation>>data missing on UI --> |CLAS6-20898| admin>change password>change text required --> |CLAS6-20773| client portal- cosmetic issue - IP and port should be displayed in one line --> |CLAS6-20750| agent portal>dashboard>messages>no option to export invoice --> |CLAS6-20888| agent portal>mail templates>UI calling wrong title : "auto_summary73" --> |CLAS6-20914| agent portal>>dashboard>>need to allow api permission for message and alert for agent portal --> |CLAS6-20889| vendor portal>report>export to CSV>header is wrong in exported file --> |CLAS6-20803| vendor portal>report>data>page row is not working - UI issue --> |CLAS6-20804| routing>rate table>create>showing validation of duplicate effective date - UI issue --> |CLAS6-21085| client portal>trunk list>action>3rd button - modification --> |CLAS6-20807| admin>switch capacity>>calling duplicate api --> |CLAS6-20890| termination>>client>>UI calling wrong usage field causing error popup --> |CLAS6-20885| finance>auto invoice>auto / manual - need to show just date under invoice period --> |CLAS6-20954| term>customer>list>select some customers>delete selected button- not activated - UI issue --> |CLAS6-21027| payment term>usage count>customer list>ingress host>drop down is showing all egress and ingress trunks --> |CLAS6-20942| tools>pcap archival>UI is not calling "caller ID" and "calling number" parameter --> |CLAS6-20938| routing>trunks>ingress>create/ edit>need to change the text in error popup --> |CLAS6-20762| rate generation>create/edit>select rate type must select correct template.rate_table_type - UI --> |CLAS6-19590| finance>invoice>list>auto invoice>we dnt need time picker on invoice list page --> |CLAS6-20955| routing plan>detail>add new dynamic route>submit and cancel button placement issue --> |CLAS6-21047| server admin>view element>view history>must show for that component only --> |CLAS6-13589| template>carrier template>create new>>auto invoice tab>include tax checkbox - UI issue --> |CLAS6-21095| agent portal>report>customer and group by filter not working --> |CLAS6-21097| agent portal>invoice list>UI issue>customer list is showing no data found --> |CLAS6-20959| api- DID portal>buy DID>search local DID>showing error popup --> |CLAS6-21073| log>need to add new module>block list import log --> |CLAS6-18621| v6 - admin>Get Support>tab leads to wrong HOSTsbc support link --> |CLAS6-21173| DID>client>unable to save IP - getting error popup --> |CLAS6-21172| DID>client>create new DID client>default add host tab>IP input field missing on UI --> |CLAS6-21171| 16/01/2023 -> Version 9.4.2 Statistics>Host based report>ignore null is not working -> CLAS6-21108 Termination>vendor>create new>create new by template>cps limit validation error. -> CLAS6-21124 Termination>Product>send rate>save as template subject field validation error -> CLAS6-20915 Termination>Credit management>please provide validation error for cps and call limit -> CLAS6-20887 UI:Finance>Invoice>Manual Invoice>date column field error -> CLAS6-20871 Finance>Payment>new payment received>Invoice payment Received>ADD Invoice>Pay amount validation error. -> CLAS6-20868 Tools>Rate Generation>delete rate template>Name search field error -> CLAS6-20832 Configuration>Roles>Create>UI loading issue + validation error -> CLAS6-20831 template - egress trunk template - create new>Min Duration(s): should be 0 by default -> CLAS6-20884 agent portal>UI modification>need to remove "payment term and Status" -> CLAS6-20962 term>client>ingress host tab>un check all show hide headers>still pagination is displayed -> CLAS6-20941 configuration>payment term>usage count>customer list>please hide "view trunk" section -> CLAS6-20939 agent portal>invoice list page - button alignment issue -> CLAS6-20961 client portal>my profile>cosmetic issue - popup modification -> CLAS6-21071 routing plan> create new dynamic / static route - need to fix the validation popup -> CLAS6-21046 agent>agent management>action>manage customers>need to change the error popup - UI issue -> CLAS6-21045 routing>trunks>egress / ingress -> create / edit - need to show correct error popup -> CLAS6-21123 v6- sign up page>need to add validation for email field -> CLAS6-21138 13/01/2023 -> Version 9.4.1 Code Deck -> Usage Count - Add Back button -> CLAS6-19958 Payment Term -> Usage Count - Add Back button -> CLAS6-19961 Roles -> Usage Count - Add Back button -> CLAS6-19962 Trunk Group -> Trunks Count - Add Back button -> CLAS6-19963 DID Product -> Usage Count -> Add Back button -> CLAS6-19966 Rate Table -> Usage Count - Add Back button -> CLAS6-19968 Routing Plan -> Usage Count - Add Back button -> CLAS6-19969 Static Routing -> Usage Count - Add Back button -> CLAS6-19970 11/01/2023 -> Version 9.4.0 Client Portal -> Invoice - Need to modify icons -> CLAS6-20856 Commission Report -> Need to add Group by & Time Bucket -> CLAS6-20826 CDR Archival -> Default Field selections for CDR Archival -> CLAS6-20876 Templates -> Need to change heading for all the Templates -> CLAS6-20968 Agent Portal -> CDR Export - Send CDR Email - Border space Error -> CLAS6-20969 Egress/Ingress Trunk -> IP text format is incorrect and does not looks good -> CLAS6-21084 Rate Generation - New & Edit -> Code Deck sorting by A-Z -> CLAS6-21105 Registration -> Cosmetic modification -> CLAS6-21106 11/01/2023 -> Version 9.3.9 Teleinx -> PCAP does not works for DID CDRs --> CLAS6-19609 Customer/Vendor - Balance -> Customer Filter issue (Need cosmetic fix) --> CLAS6-20824 DID Cost Report -> Group by should not show DID Customer Name if not selected in Group by --> CLAS6-20837 Client Portal -> Accounts section does not displays all the linked IP's --> CLAS6-20857 New Client/Vendor by Template -> Min Profitability field rearrangement --> CLAS6-20860 Global Route Error -> User Defined Release Cause - Add Validation --> CLAS6-20862 CDR Archival -> Need to remove the empty fields --> CLAS6-20874 Ingress Trunk -> Add Random ANI Group Field on UI --> CLAS6-20894 UI - New Rate Email Template -> Header box is missing --> CLAS6-20953 Agent Portal - Send CDR Email -> Add validation for wrong or incorrect email format --> CLAS6-20970 Create New Client/Vendor by Template -> Side Menu's UI issue --> CLAS6-20985 Create New Vendor by Template -> Hide few submenus from UI --> CLAS6-20986 Rate Generation History Detail -> Cosmetic correction --> CLAS6-21000 DID Report -> Group by Vendor - Payload using only ingress_client_id instead of egress_client_id --> CLAS6-21036 Product -> Send Rate -> Save as Template - Squueze the box, remove extra space --> CLAS6-21038 DID Report -> Total of ACD is not correct --> CLAS6-21043 CDR Archival -> Add Mapping code for Ingress Rate & Ingress Rate Table --> CLAS6-21067 UI - Agent Portal, Client Portal & DID Portal Reports -> Remove Output option and add the Export icon after search result --> CLAS6-21126 Agent Portal -> Dashboard - remove idle uneccesary extra space --> CLAS6-21148 09/01/2023 -> Version 9.3.8 |CLAS6-21141 | Routing>Trunk>Inbound/Outbound>Edit>Digit Manipulation and Replacement - Delete is not working in some cases| |CLAS6-21157 | Statistics>Origination>DID Usage Report - UI isn't resetting "page" on every query| |CLAS6-21158 | Statistics>Origination>DID Usage Report - Optimise "Customer" and "Vendor" drop-down| |CLAS6-21144 | Agent>Commission Report - Export file has incorrect data| |CLAS6-21130 | DID Client Portal>> Origination>Buy DID>Local - Need to make country field mandatory| |CLAS6-21099 | DID>DID Invoice>Auto/Manual Invoice - UI changes required| |CLAS6-21066 | Routing>Trunk>Inbound/Outbound - Need to make changes on UI page| |CLAS6-20821 | Client and Vendor Portal>> Termination>Report - Need to make modification to "Group by" option| |CLAS6-20891 | Termination>Client>Create New>Create New by Template - Need to add "Enable/Disable" option for each tabs| |CLAS6-20873 | Tools>CDR Archival>CDR Search - Need Query field "Duration"| |CLAS6-20795 | Routing>Rate Table>Create New - Add new option "Rate Table Type"| |CLAS6-20846 | Tool>CDR Archival>Queue - Pop-up format is not correct| |CLAS6-21017 | Agent>Commission Report - "Agent" column on the table is showing "agent_id"| |CLAS6-20819 | Vendor Portal>> Termination>Report - Some "Total" values are wrong| |CLAS6-20965 | Termination>Client>Edit - Changes made to the Client is not getting saved (UI issue)| |CLAS6-20797 | Routing>Rate Table>Edit - Unable to edit "Type" column value| |CLAS6-20733 | Routing>Trunks>Inbound/Outbound>Edit - "resource_ip_id" is changing after every Edit| |CLAS6-20683 | Tool>CDR Archival>Queue - Fields are empty| |CLAS6-20721 | Finance>Invoice>Auto/Manual Invoice - Hide "Payment List" button if there are no payments| |CLAS6-20910 | server list - 2 action buttons do not work| |CLAS6-20907 | Agent Dashboard design change| |CLAS6-20902 | trunks without IP should not be available in the call sim dropdown| 08/01/2023 -> Version 9.3.7 Cosmetic Issue -> Tools -> CDR Archival -> Job Queue -> The Table boarder looks weird -> CLAS6-21131 UI > DID >DID Invoice >list>auto invoice>we dnt need time picker on invoice list page -> CLAS6-20974 Routing>Trunk>Inbound>Edit - Add API to Delete button under "Add Routing and Tech Prefix" -> CLAS6-20834 GET/config/payment_term/list - Sorting "Usage Count" is not working correctly -> CLAS6-21050 Sorting button is wrong on some pages -> CLAS6-20849 Termination>Client>Create New>Create new by Template - Issues with switching tabs -> CLAS6-20984 Termination>Client>Create New/Edit - Alignment issue with "Payment Terms" field -> CLAS6-20983 Configuration>Mail Template - Texts in "CC"field is too close to the edges -> CLAS6-20964 Termination>Client>Create New>Create New by Template - "Submit" and "Reset" are placed in the wrong position on UI page -> CLAS6-20883 Cosmetic issue:- Client Portal:-Termination>Trunks -> CLAS6-21122 Auth>Registration>Username field should not accept Spacing in words -> CLAS6-21127 UI Issue:-Auth>Registration>Company Information>Rates Email/NOC Email/Billing Email Should Show validation for valid email format -> CLAS6-21128 UI Issue:- Client Portal:-Termination>Trunks>Missing Trunk Name and shows IP in place of trunk name -> CLAS6-21104 Routing>Rate Table>Cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-20932 UI Issue:- Client Portal:-Termination>Trunks>Trunk Name shows duplicate name -> CLAS6-20827 UI Issue:- Agent>Agent Management>Create New/Edit Agent>Invoice setting>New invoice setting>Decimal point should show dropdown -> CLAS6-20895 UI Issue:-Client Portal>Billing>Invoices>UI should not show NO data found on UI -> CLAS6-20833 Statistics>Origination>DID Cost Report>Cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-20971 UI Issue:- Template>Rate email template>Edit Rate email template>Path header Showing Wrong -> CLAS6-20973 UI Issue:-Statistics>Origination>DID Usage Report -> CLAS6-20935 UI Issue:- Agent Portal:-Account summary page >Text overlap issue -> CLAS6-20854 04/01/2023 -> Version 9.3.6 Agent Portal -> Statistics -> Commission Report -> UI calling the wrong parameter while getting a report by using the customer dropdown --> CLAS6-21120 Statistics -> DID Usage Report ->UI showing blank, but There is data available on the API --> CLAS6-21149 UI > Login by a client > Online Payment > Auto Payment Log > when there is no data on page , export button should be disable --> CLAS6-20097 UI > Login using DID client > Origination / My IP Address > showing unwanted row --> CLAS6-21156 UI > Login Using DID Client > Buy DID / Toll Free > need to add page count for changing page ,if we have more data from count row --> CLAS6-20612 UI > Login by DID Client > Origination > My IP Address / Download rate > Page continuously buffering --> CLAS6-20364 Configuration > Payment Term > Usage Count >Customer List / balance > There should be 2 digits after decimal --> CLAS6-20917 UI > Configuration > payment term > Usage count > DID client / Edit > after submit getting Egress trunk ID error --> CLAS6-20947 UI > Statistics > Inbound/Outbound Report> showing wrong format time --> CLAS6-20533 UI Issue:- Client Portal>Dashboard>ASR Last 24h and ACD Last 24h showing 0 --> CLAS6-21177 UI Issue:-Client portal>Dashboard>Cost Graph showing 0 --> CLAS6-21170 UI Issue:-Statistics>Origination Dashboard>Top 10 DID Customers and Top 10 DID Vendors Showing Carrier Name with trunk breakdown --> CLAS6-21152 Termination>Customer>Create New>Create new by Template --> CLAS6-20987 UI Issue:-Statistics>Origination>Profitability Report>click on date >click on Now>showing wrong time format --> CLAS6-21169 UI Issue:- Routing>Trunk>Egress>Edit>Authorized by sip Registration/Register to gateway>Unable to click on Add sip user/Add gateway info --> CLAS6-21166 UI Issue:- Statistics>Origination>DID Cost Report>Wrong time in request --> CLAS6-20863 UI Issue :- Vendor Portal>Termination >Report>Avg rate showing wrong --> CLAS6-20882 Agent>Commission Report>UI Optimization --> CLAS6-20995 Termination>Vendor>Create New>Create new by Template --> CLAS6-21080 UI Issue:- Statistics > Origination > DID Report --> CLAS6-21054 UI Issue:-Client Portal>Billing>Invoices>No need of time picker on invoice list page --> CLAS6-21079 Agent>Agent Management>Create New/Edit Agent>Invoice setting>New invoice setting>Fill all Mandatory fields and click on submit>showing error --> CLAS6-20896 Agent>Agent Management>Click on Customer assignment>Click on Create new>Customer Name dropdown shows only termination clients list --> CLAS6-20892 Teleinx issue:- Statistics>Termination Dashboard>Top 10 vendors and Top 10 Customers Showing Carrier Name with trunk breakdown --> CLAS6-20996 UI Issue :- Vendor Portal>Termination >Report>total pdd --> CLAS6-21037 UI Issue :- Client Portal>Termination >Report --> CLAS6-21024 UI Issue :- Vendor Portal>Termination >Report --> CLAS6-20989 UI Issue :- Client Portal>Termination >Report>ACD Calculation Wrong --> CLAS6-20988 UI Issue:- Statistics>Origination>DID Report>Click on Time sorting Showing error --> CLAS6-20933 UI Issue:- Agent Portal>Menu>Statistics>PCAP Search>SIP Request>Send mail --> CLAS6-20757 UI Issue :- Vendor Portal>Termination >Report>Total Showing Null --> CLAS6-20800 UI Issue:- Agent Portal>Menu>Statistics>Commission Report --> CLAS6-20790 28/12/2022 -> Version 9.3.5 Routing -> Block List -> UI Calling Trunk Name instead of Trunk_ID for Getting block list ->CLAS6-20823 Cosmetic Issue -> Termination Client portal -> My Trunk -> Need to set the table alignment -> CLAS6-21103 Termination Vendor portal -> Termination -> Report -> Egress Trunk name is not showing while getting reports by Trunk name -> CLAS6-20825 28/12/2022 -> Version 9.3.4 Finance -> Actual Transaction -> The time showing for the Beginning balance is wrong --> CLAS6-20769 Finance -> Actual Transaction -> Term Vendor list are also showing under "Customer" dropdown list --> CLAS6-20768 Agent -> Commission Report -> The Date Column shows blank while getting the "All Time" report --> CLAS6-20925 Agent -> Commission Report -> UI need to show "Customer Name" column if report group by "Customer" name --> CLAS6-20927 Agent -> Commission Report -> UI Need to show Agent name instead of agent_id --> CLAS6-21020 Statistics -> Origination -> Profitability Report -> Need to remove Output option --> CLAS6-21039 Agent portal -> Menu -> Customer Invoice -> The "Customer" dropdown show "No Record Found" --> CLAS6-21022 Statistics -> QoS summary ->The Sorting option on the Trunk name column is not working Properly --> CLAS6-21058 Statistics -> Termination -> Summary Report -> UI unnecessarily added Client_ID in Payload --> CLAS6-21055 Term Vendor Portal -> Reports ->PDD value showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-20893 UI Issue -> DID -> Import -> Number range ->For remove 3 DIDs from Vendor, but after successful import Total count shows wrong values --> CLAS6-21042 Agent -> Commission Report -> Minutes calculation is wrong on UI --> CLAS6-21021 Teleinx Issue -> Statistics -> Term CDRs List -> Outbound Section -> "Non_Zero" filter not working while export the CDR file --> CLAS6-21026 27/12/2022 -> Version 9.3.3 VTI ISSUE: For getting prefix user have to reload the page -> CLAS6-20615 UI ISSUE: Archive Setting >> CDR/PCAP Frequency -> CLAS6-19876 26/12/2022 -> Version 9.3.2 UI ISSUE: Getting wrong Release Cause --> CLAS6-20515 20/12/2022 -> Version 9.3.1 UI issue>Termination>Termination Wizard >Step5 "+"Route plan >unable to display route plan name on field --> CLAS6-20534 Routing>Rate table>GET>Unable to display rate table type Origination on List. --> CLAS6-20552 Statistics>Summary report>save report> POST /repor/template --> CLAS6-20584 Statistics>Term CDR list >CDR export log>send email error cancel --> CLAS6-20586 Statistic >Usage Report>Origination showing reports> sending wrong API. --> CLAS6-20596 Statistics>Usage Report>Termination>Ingress trunk /egress trunk getting vanish error. --> CLAS6-20597 Statistics>DID-cost-Report> Group by field not updating error --> CLAS6-20610 Agent > Agent management>create/edit>invoice setting validation error. --> CLAS6-20627 Agent>Commission Report>UI is sending wrong API parameter like Ingress ID. --> CLAS6-20635 Template>Rate Email template>Create /edit >email cc validation error --> CLAS6-20645 DID>Billing rule>deleting rate table should disable "view all rates" icon from particular billing rule --> CLAS6-20646 Termination>Product>patch /GET>Disable from private UI showing wrong API parameters. --> CLAS6-20679 UI: Routing>Block list>any field should not be search until click on submit button. --> CLAS6-20690 UI: Routing>Dynamic Routing >Delete Selected error --> CLAS6-20691 UI: Statistics >usage report> export option missing issue --> CLAS6-20711 Agent>agent management>Create/editing agent with already name exist invoice id error --> CLAS6-20718 Routing>Trunks>Digit Replacement>delete undefined error --> CLAS6-20722 UI Issue: Routing>Trunk>Create new/edit route plan showing different format --> CLAS6-20735 UI issue:Template>ingress Template>create/edit >Template name field page error --> CLAS6-20756 UI: Termination>Product>Edit>Rate table + create>unable to display rate on UI field --> CLAS6-20782 Monitoring>Media IP Blocking >Delete Selected error --> CLAS6-20794 Log>Block Import Log>search error wrong display result --> CLAS6-19766 Configuration>Random Ani> Delete all error --> CLAS6-20156 Routing>Routing plan >edit >static and dynamic route >egress trunk not showing all list. --> CLAS6-20397 Routing>Rate table>Create New - UI validation error required --> CLAS6-20417 Routing>Ingress Trunk>PATCH /ingress_trunk/{resource_id}>Enforce cid Block error --> CLAS6-20440 Configuration>DB Cleansing>edit >number of day validation error. --> CLAS6-20454 Configuration>Invoice setting>Invoice Setting list>UI showing empty page error --> CLAS6-20476 Configuration>Payment Setting>Email cc format validation error --> CLAS6-20482 Finance>Regenerate Balance>Regenerate Balance history page showing empty. --> CLAS6-20498 20/12/2022 -> Version 9.3.0 Term> client and vendor >PAGE ROW is not getting displayed until we hit submit button/create new button - UI issue -> CLAS6-20516 Routing>Trunk>Egress trunk >EDIT>Unable to display rate table on field -> CLAS6-20565 DID>DID Invoice>manual invoice date validation issue . -> CLAS6-20354 Configuration>Users>nonactive users>user type field empty error -> CLAS6-20463 19/12/2022 -> Version 9.2.9 teleinx - did portal>my did page>select DID and click submit is not showing the result --> CLAS6-20674 routing>blick list>wrong api integrated to display the block list --> CLAS6-20194 configuration>>code deck>detail page is showing blank --> CLAS6-20538 rpm - new installed switch> first time wizard>Menu drop down is showing blank --> CLAS6-18355 Term>client / vendor > email fields > comma ( , )separators missing for both create new and detail page --> CLAS6-20553 callify/rpm-login to switch showing popup to set preferred landing page everytime --> CLAS6-19702 did portal>change password popup - UI issue --> CLAS6-20705 client portal>my trunks>data>bisection alignment issue - UI issue --> CLAS6-20806 vendor portal>>cdr page>>headers are all wrong --> CLAS6-20808 teleinx - did portal- report>duration and charge is showing wrong --> CLAS6-20676 DID portal -> switch IP showing wrong sip profile on UI --> CLAS6-20706 did portal>account> we can remove Action column from DID portal --> CLAS6-20704 dynamic routing>action>trunk priority>UI is allowing multiple priority for same trunk --> CLAS6-20611 agent management>create/edit>create new invoice setting - should not be pre filled --> CLAS6-20643 agent>agent management>detail>unable to change the invoice setting to default --> CLAS6-20347 origination>vendor>create new / edit > need to change the media type position - UI issue --> CLAS6-20554 14/12/2022 -> Version 9.2.8 trunk>edit>need to fix the place of Back button --> CLAS6-20053 19/12/2022 -> Version 9.2.7 did>vendor>create / detail >add new default billing rule > cosmetic issues -> CLAS6-20555 configuration>ANI group>resize the select all column button - cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-20563 finance>invoice>invoice payment>need to show correct path -> CLAS6-20664 16/12/2022 -> Version 9.2.6 Tool>CDR Archival - UI Optimization -> CLAS6-19859 Routing>Rate Table - UI changes required -> CLAS6-20419 DID Client Porta > Orig Product Rate is all wrong -> CLAS6-16738 16/12/2022 -> Version 9.2.5 |CLAS6-20784 | DID>Client>Edit - Unable to delete SIP Host (UI issue)| |CLAS6-20781 | DID>Client>Edit - Unable to save with SIP User (UI issue)| |CLAS6-20223 | Tool>CDR Archival>Job Queue - UI changes required| |CLAS6-20709 | DID Client Portal>> Origination>Report - "Page Row" is not working (UI issue)| |CLAS6-20618 | Statistics>Active Call Report - Orig Rate Type and Term Rate Type are showing id on the table| |CLAS6-20692 | Termination>Product - Hide "Allowed Customers" when product is "Public"| |CLAS6-20710 | DID Client Portal>> Origination>Report - UI table alignment is wrong when not using "Group by"| |CLAS6-20455 | DIDv6>> Tools>Call Simulation - UI changes required| |CLAS6-20384 | Statistics>Termination>Usage Report>Origination/Termination - "Ignore null" is not working correctly| |CLAS6-20640 | Routing>Trunks>Outbound/Inbound>Edit - UI is using wrong payload when disabling Enforce CID Block| |CLAS6-20628 | Routing>Block List>Edit - Unable to leave ANI/DNIS fields blank in edit (UI issue)| |CLAS6-20517 | Statistics>Termination>CDR list - pcap start time and pcap end time are not accurate| |CLAS6-20318 | Statistics>Termination>Traffic Analytics - DID results are showing up on the table| |CLAS6-20617 | Statistics>Active Call Report - Remove fields from table| |CLAS6-20442 | Statistics>Origination>DID CDRs List - "Client IP" and "Vendor IP" fields are using wrong value| |CLAS6-19399 | Statistics>Termination>Term CDR list - Result is exceeding "Page Row" limit when using Query for multiple days| |CLAS6-20651 | Call Simulation - DID Client should not be empty| |CLAS6-20648 | unable to edit the trunks in a static route| |CLAS6-20654 | missing record in DID call simulation| |CLAS6-19332 | new release_cause code added| |CLAS6-18460 | DID repository import usability issue| 14/12/2022 -> Version 9.2.4 Server admin icon need to change --> CLAS6-20975 13/12/2022 -> Version 9.2.3 Invoice Setting -> Used by Customer -> Console Error --> CLAS6-19994 DID Product -> Variable Rate Tables not opening --> CLAS6-20371 Urgent -> Pages not showing data until hitted submit (Client, Vendor, Product) --> CLAS6-20469 Block Import -> Upload Just ANI/DNIS - Add Duplicate Field --> CLAS6-20472 Rate Generation -> View Rates -> No need to hit submit button to show data --> CLAS6-20540 Usage Report -> From & To Filter should show data & time completely --> CLAS6-20573 UI - Trunks -> Digit Manipulation -> Delete does not works --> CLAS6-20633 Teleinx -> Changing Client & Vendor details activates the associated trunks too --> CLAS6-20670 Auto & Manual Invoice -> Sorting by A-Z needed on all the fields --> CLAS6-20694 Allowed Send to IP -> Need button to delete the saved data --> CLAS6-20699 UI -> Dynamic Routing - wrong validation added - Egress Trunk already exist --> CLAS6-20701 Teleinx -> UI - Profitability Analysis - Profit Percentage is not correct --> CLAS6-20715 UI -> Routing Plan -> Add Route - Getting ERROR ANI_prefix:Duplicate prefixes combination already exists --> CLAS6-20775 Inbound/Outbound Cascade Report -> Export button is missing --> CLAS6-20777 Client & Vendor -> Create New by Template - Sort fields by A-Z --> CLAS6-20786 DID Invoice -> Auto & Manual - Create New - Customer List sorting by A-Z --> CLAS6-20787 DID Cost Report -> Page row parameter not working --> CLAS6-20788 13/12/2022 -> Version 9.2.2 DID Historical usage -> Cosmetic change on appearance -> CLAS6-20370 Daily Channel Usage Report -> Cosmetic Modification -> CLAS6-20391 Payment Term Usage Count -> Change Carrier to Customer -> CLAS6-20473 SIP Packet Queue -> Send Email & Copy Link box -> CLAS6-20508 Statistics -> All Reports - Field name correction -> CLAS6-20527 Stagging -> Rate Generation History not showing -> CLAS6-20541 New Egress & Ingress Trunk -> Need to correct all section sortings -> CLAS6-20572 DID CDR List -> Remove extra spaces -> CLAS6-20574 update image does not work -> CLAS6-20488 13/12/2022 -> Version 9.2.1 Login Page Content -> Reset button not working correctly -> CLAS6-19959 09/12/2022 -> Version 9.2.0 Cosmetic issue:-Configuration>Stir Shaken>ANI Group>Click on View>add ANI Group Name in Path -> CLAS6-20689 Cosmetic issue>Tools>CDR Archival>Job queue -> CLAS6-20667 UI Issue:- Configuration>Invoice setting>edit>Add Invoice Setting Name in path -> CLAS6-20634 UI Issue:- Tools>Rate Generation>Rate Generation History>need to add name of rate generation in path -> CLAS6-20624 UI Issue:-Origination>DID Cost Report>Data & No Data Found text should be above search filters -> CLAS6-20639 UI Issue:- Client Portal:-Account summary page >Text overlap issue -> CLAS6-20531 UI Issue:-Configuration > Stir shaken > ANI group > view > "No data found" should be same as other page -> CLAS6-20559 UI Issue:- Origination>Vendor>Edit vendor>Need to add name of Vendor in path -> CLAS6-20602 Cosmetic Issue:- Client Portal>Termination>Product -> CLAS6-20530 Cosmetic issue:- Termination >vendor>Vendor limit>Text should be same -> CLAS6-20475 09/12/2022 -> Version 9.1.9 Vendor Portal:-Termination>Report>Data & No Data Found text should be above search filters --> CLAS6-20776 Agent Portal>Menu>Statistics>PCAP Search>Click on more option>Inbound trunks list showing No result found --> CLAS6-20766 Agent Portal>Menu>Statistics>Commission Report>Commission calculation showing wrong --> CLAS6-20729 UI Issue:- Agent Portal>Statistics >Summary Report>Showing No data found without click on submit>While we have data --> CLAS6-20767 UI Issue:-Tools>Sip Packet search>Search>Data should be above search filters --> CLAS6-20779 UI Issue:- Tools>Rate Generation>Rate Generation History>Rate Apply History>need to add name of rate generation in path --> CLAS6-20693 Vendor Portal:-Termination>CDR>Data & No Data Found text should be above search filters --> CLAS6-20716 UI Issue:-Tools>CDR Archival>Job Queue>Data should be above search filters --> CLAS6-20726 UI Issue:- Agent Portal>Menu>Statistics>PCAP Search>SIP Request --> CLAS6-20731 UI Issue:- Agent Portal>Statistics >Call Records>CDR Export log>no data found text is missing --> CLAS6-20728 UI Issue:- Agent Portal>Statistics >Call Records --> CLAS6-20727 ICX Issue:- UI Issue:- Statistics>Terrmination>Summary Report>Total ACD Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-20528 UI Issue:- Origination>Billing Rule>Create new/edit>Rate type variable>Rate table dropdown shows all type rates --> CLAS6-20668 UI Issue:- Configuration>Mail sender>Update on showing wrong date and time --> CLAS6-20685 Agent Portal:- Termination>Product>Send rate>Rate file headers>both side showing Select all --> CLAS6-20549 UI Issue:- Routing>Rate Table>PAGE ROW is not getting displayed until we hit submit button --> CLAS6-20526 UI Issue:- Agent>Agent management>Click on Edit>Click on Next >Showing Error --> CLAS6-20449 UI Issue- Agent Portal >Termination>Product>Showing blank --> CLAS6-20471 05/12/2022 -> Version 9.1.8 VTI /ATI -> Outbound Trunk -> Tech Prefix not getting saved -> CLAS6-20591 UI > Login Using term vendor > Accounts > Transaction > If there is no data on transection page , page should should not show headers -> CLAS6-20613 03/12/2022 -> Version 9.1.7 DID Client Portal -> Billing -> Invoice -> If the current charge is "0" then the amount field should also show "0" Instead of showing blank --> CLAS6-20445 Termination -> Vendor -> Vendor List and Filters are not showing on UI --> CLAS6-20523 Agent -> Agent Management -> Email fields should show complete Mail Ids on UI --> CLAS6-20543 DID Client portal -> Dashboard -> Messages -> Invoice amount showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-20505 Statistics -> Usage Report -> The Percentage of Calls is showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-20606 Tools -> CDR Archival -> UI calling wrong Fields IDs for some of the headers --> CLAS6-20110 Routing -> Block list -> Inbound trunk dropdown -> In the Inbound trunk dropdown, the list should show in Alphabetic order --> CLAS6-20620 Termination Client portal -> Termination -> Report -> Ingress Trunk name is not showing while getting reports by Trunk name --> CLAS6-20632 Rate Table -> Assign Rate Deck -> On UI Sorting option for "Customer", "Inbound", and "Prefix" is not Working --> CLAS6-20336 Statistics -> Usage Report -> UI not showing Data if report group by "country", but Data Available on API --> CLAS6-20688 Statistics -> DID CDR List -> Email When Done -> Email fields should show complete Mail Ids on UI --> CLAS6-20695 DID Client portal -> Origination -> Reports -> The total duration and Cost should be shown in 2-digit decimal --> CLAS6-20725 Statistics -> DID CDR List -> Email when done -> Submit and Cancel buttons are showing out of the box --> CLAS6-20696 Statistics -> Summary Report -> Inbound Cascade Report -> UI not showing complete report while Cascade Inbound Report --> CLAS6-20714 DID Client portal -> Origination -> Reports -> Search by DID Filter not working properly UI calling wrong API --> CLAS6-20765 Termination -> Vendor -> Need to use optimized API for the Vendor dropdown list --> CLAS6-20542 Statistics -> Origination -> DID report -> ACD value Showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-20546 28/11/2022 -> Version 9.1.6 UI > Configuration > Mail sender > Edit > when we edit mail sender , password should not disappear --> CLAS6-19997 UI > Routing > rate table / View rates /export > Rate export is not working , continually loading --> CLAS6-20007 UI> Routing > Static Routing>Static Routing Detail >edit route> More than one ,submit without code should not be accepted --> CLAS6-20082 UI > login Using DID Client > DID > Buy DID /Toll Free> without heating submit button Ui should not show headers --> CLAS6-20425 UI > Origination > DID Client / DID Vendor > list is not getting displayed until we hit submit button --> CLAS6-20478 UI > DID Client > Edit / Submit > Page continually Loading after submit --> CLAS6-20481 Cosmetic issue -> Termination > vendor > trunk > Save as Template > both button size should have like other pages button size --> CLAS6-20734 UI> Termination /Vendor >Click on balance / Actual transaction > On clicking on the balance, the carrier should be selected there in its transaction details. --> CLAS6-20123 24/11/2022 -> Version 9.1.5 Cosmetic Issue: fix the size of paste box -> CLAS6-20094 monitoring>media IP blocking>de select all from show hide column>cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-19944 term>product>create / edit >set private>cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-20113 statistics>Inbound/Outbound Report>time zone should be GMT +00:00 -> CLAS6-19871 monitoring>media IP blocking>create new>default check box auto tick enabled - not required -> CLAS6-20112 termination>product>detail>selection box showing wrong selection box header -> CLAS6-20114 configuration>stir shaken>view>upload>paste>need to add number range validation -> CLAS6-20077 configuration>stir shaken>view>paste function>cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-20074 admin>capacity>hide all options>UI showing a horizontal line - UI issue -> CLAS6-20314 rate table>>list>>action>>assign rate deck icon>>Submit button placement issue -> CLAS6-20348 termination>vendor>vendor limit>hide "view trunk" row -> CLAS6-20392 routing>Detail>add new static route>error>wrong api -> CLAS6-19648 statistics>>usage report>termination tab>cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-20350 agent>agent management>create>name box should not allow special character only -> CLAS6-20378 admin>voip gateway>multiple headers are missing under Show/Hide column ->CLAS6-20313 config>>mail sender>action>delete>then hit Cancel button - not working - UI issue -> CLAS6-20456 tools>live call>>Host and port value for the filter is showing NULL - api issue -> CLAS6-20499 voip gateway>Action>info button>table design is not correct -> CLAS6-20480 24/11/2022 -> Version 9.1.4 Rate Gen: Sending blank value for rate_table_type in request --> CLAS6-20017 23/11/2022 -> Version 9.1.3 DID>client>create new>Reset - UI issue --> CLAS6-19943 xpert telecom - dashboard>client count is wrong --> CLAS6-19745 routing>routing plan>>edit/create>dynamic route(+)>create new-modification --> CLAS6-19635 mail sender>Delete>confirmation popup>space issue --> CLAS6-19996 client portal>report>total calls>remove decimal from calls --> CLAS6-20023 tools>cdr archival>showing error>ERROR Unrecognized parameter 'is_final_call' --> CLAS6-19794 client portal>switch IP>showing just IP only, need to show the port too --> CLAS6-20124 client portal>trunk list>showing error popup while edit --> CLAS6-20122 tools>cdr archival>origination traffic>submit button position issue --> CLAS6-20154 configuration>stir shaken>view>upload>number range>no need of example file --> CLAS6-20076 configuration>stir shaken>view>upload>wrong popup --> CLAS6-20075 client portal>my trunks>action box>icon should me in a row --> CLAS6-20211 client portal>termination>trunks>add rate table name column --> CLAS6-20119 admin>first time wizard>step 2- dropdown placement issue --> CLAS6-20232 tools>cdr archival>origination>showing error - api --> CLAS6-19690 configuration>random ANI group>list>decrease the size of checkbox column --> CLAS6-20079 did portal>buy DID option is missing from the UI --> CLAS6-20278 statistics>cdr>page row not working - UI issue --> CLAS6-19241 routing>egress>edit>sip profile>remove unwanted called API --> CLAS6-20193 DID>client>create new>Reset - UI issue --> CLAS6-19943 configuration >>system setting>>ADD +1 Countries Rate Type --> CLAS6-16890 DID>vendor>create new>add mandatory fields>add DID>showing error to add "call limit" --> CLAS6-20424 agent portal>report>submit button not working - UI issue --> CLAS6-20426 routing>egress>detail>create rate table button>always showing last created data filled - UI issue --> CLAS6-20439 teleinx- block list>selecting vendor and trunk doesn't block as expected using paste function --> CLAS6-16975 statistics>daily channel usage report>cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-20437 routing>trunk>edit>add rate table using "+" > code deck is not mandatory --> CLAS6-20438 Tools>CDR archival>job queue list>need to show the trunk names --> CLAS6-20363 Term> client and vendor >list is not getting displayed until we hit submit button - ui issue --> CLAS6-20477 admin>voip gateway>>sip profiles are missing on UI --> CLAS6-20479 monitoring>media IP block>create new button not working also issue exist on most/all UI pages --> CLAS6-20500 configuration>login page content>captcha is showing unchecked on UI --> CLAS6-20153 23/11/2022 -> Version V9.1.2 Teleinx - search filter is not working properly -> CLAS6-19292 rate send>new effective date feature>>should send with new effective date -> CLAS6-17062 21/11/2022 -> Version V9.1.1 UI > Login by DID Client > Origination > My IP Address >Products / Rate deck > when we click on Mark path , getting error by devtool --> CLAS6-20312 UI > Finance > Payment/ New payment > UI is calling wrong parameter --> CLAS6-20393 UI > login Using Client > DID > Buy DID > without heating submit button Ui should not show headers --> CLAS6-20295 Cosmetic issue > termination > Vendor / Reset Balance > Need to fix both button in size --> CLAS6-20281 Cosmetic issue > DID > Vendor /View IP > Remove extra space from IP list --> CLAS6-20280 UI > Admin > First time wizard / Email Setting > user name and password should not showing by default --> CLAS6-20234 Staging > Tools > CDR Archival /CDRs Search > Getting Error From UI , ERROR Empty parameter 'fields' --> CLAS6-20116 Login using Vendor > Ticket >on UI Create time and modified on time should follow GMT+00:00 --> CLAS6-20032 UI > DID > client /Edit > allow credit 52 /submit > allow credit showing negative after submit --> CLAS6-20018 UI > Configuration > Mail sender > Edit > After submit UI Showing duplicate API --> CLAS6-20031 UI > UI showing Duplicate sys_submenu API ,from DEVTOOL --> CLAS6-19720 19/11/2022 -> Version V9.1.0 UI > Routing > Routing plan /create new > need to add limit on routing plan name -> CLAS6-19975 Cosmetic issue > DID Invoice > auto invoice and manual invoice filter name should be same -> CLAS6-20062 UI > Configuration > Users / Non-Active Users >when there is no data on page , it should show "There is no data " or similar design as other no result display box. -> CLAS6-20056 UI > Template > Rate Email Template / Create New > headers field one side should be blank , it is showing two headers name -> CLAS6-20129 login using client > Need to remove marked extra space from Dashboard > cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-20148 UI > Login using DID client > DID / Buy DID > toll free > select all button not working -> CLAS6-20265 UI > DID > DID Repository /Edit > after submit , getting error from console -> CLAS6-20264 UI > Termination > product > Assign Product > When we open trunk Dropdown submit and cancel button is hide -> CLAS6-19855 UI > Agent poral > Termination > Products > Need to change send rate icon -> CLAS6-20352 UI > Login by a client > Termination /trunk > Download rate > Getting Error -> CLAS6-20262 Dynamic routing > Copy > need to remove extra blank space -> Cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-20381 14/11/2022 -> Version 9.0.9 Configuration>Stir Shaken>Upload - UI redirecting user to wrong page after "Upload" -> CLAS6-20057 Statistics>Termination>Term Dashboard - Graph showing zig-zag pattern when selecting specific ip -> CLAS6-19333 14/11/2022 -> Version 9.0.8 Statistics>Termination>Daily Channel Usage Report - Add more spacing between query fields -> CLAS6-20331 Admin>First Time Wizard>Step 2 - Cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-20332 Termination>Client>Customer Limit - "Credit Limit" value should be "unlimited" if "unlimited_credit=true" -> CLAS6-19582 Statistics>Termination>Summary Report - "Export" button should be stationary -> CLAS6-20317 DID>DID Product - Clicking on product name with no "billing_rule" shows wrong table -> CLAS6-20250 Need to modify Trunk > Digit Manipulation page -> CLAS6-16756 14/11/2022 -> Version 9.0.7 |CLAS6-20399 | DID>DID Invoice - UI is showing wrong invoice amount| |CLAS6-20330 | Statistics>Termination>Daily Channel Usage Report - Hide "Report Time" column when using "Time Bucket=All Time"| |CLAS6-20203 | Statistics>Termination>Summary Report - Sorting is not working correctly (UI issue)| |CLAS6-20355 | Agent>Agent Management>Agent List>Manage Clients - "Name" drop-down list includes assigned Clients| |CLAS6-20398 | DIDv6> Tool>Call Simulation>DID - Columns are null and showing wrong Client name| |CLAS6-17083 | Need a Block Number import UI| |CLAS6-20046 | Pop up for Delete Mail sender| 07/11/2022 -> Version 9.0.6 UI Issue:- Statistics>Inbound/Outbound report>Total ACD and Total ASR Wrong Calculate --> CLAS6-19889 API Issue:- Routing>trunk>ingress>Edit>Auto call block>All +1 countries list showing blank --> CLAS6-20377 UI Issue:- Origination>Client>Edit>Click on next tab>showing error --> CLAS6-20333 cosmetic issue:-Configuration>User --> CLAS6-20152 UI Issue:-Routing>Block List>create new/edit showing validation for ingress trunk field is required --> CLAS6-20244 UI Issue:- ICX issue:-Termination>Client>Edit>Click on next tab>showing error --> CLAS6-20241 UI Issue:- Termination>Product>Send Rate>Rate file headers>both side showing Select all --> CLAS6-20275 Routing>Rate Table --> CLAS6-20208 Cosmetic issue:-Vendor portal>Termination>trunk --> CLAS6-20209 Statistics>Summary Report>Total ASR Showing Wrong --> CLAS6-20067 UI Issue:-Configuration>Time Profile> Create new/Edit>Missing save icon in action column --> CLAS6-20070 05/11/2022 -> Version 9.0.5 UI Issue:- Administration>My profile -> CLAS6-20107 05/11/2022 -> Version 9.0.4 Cosmetic issue:- Tool>Rate Generation>Edit Rate Generation>Need to add name of rate generation -> CLAS6-20374 UI Issue:- Termination>Product>Edit>Set private>Selected client and agent not saved -> CLAS6-20360 UI Issue:-Tool>Sip Packet>search>ANI and DNIS Field Accept special characters -> CLAS6-20254 UI Issue:- Administration>Tickets>In progress -> CLAS6-20260 Termination>Credit Management>Terms>Dropdown -> CLAS6-20151 Cosmetic issue:- Routing>Trunk>Ingress/Egress -> CLAS6-20142 04/11/2022 -> Version 9.0.3 Media IP Blocking -> Add Import section --> CLAS6-19432 CDR Archival -> Job Queue - Egress Customer --> CLAS6-19993 DID & Finance - Auto/Manual Invoice -> Squeeze Send popup window for both --> CLAS6-20220 Edit Vendor -> Notification Setting page showing wrong data --> CLAS6-20221 Static Routing -> Add Route - Correct A-Z sorting for Vendor & Trunk --> CLAS6-20277 New Egress Trunk -> Authorized by SIP Registration - values get vanished --> CLAS6-20319 UI -> Credit Management -> Removing Call & CPS Limit does not works --> CLAS6-20321 DID Wizard -> Biliing Rule -> Variable Rate Table setup --> CLAS6-20338 Static Routing -> Copy button should not work without code again & again --> CLAS6-20361 Code Deck List -> Country column should allow to enter manually instead of selecting from dropdown --> CLAS6-20376 Ytel -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> Avg Rate not showing decimal values correctly --> CLAS6-20448 04/11/2022 -> Version 9.0.2 Product -> Edit -> Set Private - Correct sorting for Carrier & Agents ->CLAS6-19869 DID CDR List -> Add Inbound & Outbound Call ID Field -> CLAS6-20011 SIP Register Log -> Changed Carrier Name to Customer Name -> CLAS6-20012 Modification Log -> Change column name - Rollback to Action -> CLAS6-20014 Product -> Assign Product -> Modification -> CLAS6-20139 New Vendor -> Change Provider to Vendor -> CLAS6-20141 Term Wizard -> Customer - Change Client to Customer -> CLAS6-20143 Payment Term -> Customer Limit text is missing -> CLAS6-20169 Rate Table -> New Field should not get selected -> CLAS6-20170 Carrier Template -> CDR Field -> Sorting -> CLAS6-20255 Egress Trunk Template -> Rate Table & Random ANI Group sorting -> CLAS6-20256 Payment Term -> Customer List - success popup is missing -> CLAS6-20288 Vendor -> Add by Range - Layout change - should be in one line -> CLAS6-20322 Billing Rule & DID Wizard -> Change Type to Rate Type -> CLAS6-20339 DID Vendor New/Edit -> Add DID section - Add time bar on the right corner -> CLAS6-20340 Rate Table -> Copy popup (squueze the box) -> CLAS6-20341 DID Repository -> Assign Selected (Remove extra space from popup box) -> CLAS6-20342 UI -> SIP Register Log -> Username filter should allow to search using alphabets -> CLAS6-20343 Log Rate Delivery -> No Data Found text change -> CLAS6-20344 Egress Trunk -> SIP Profile - No Data Found text modification -> CLAS6-20373 Active Call Report -> Cosmetic Modifications -> CLAS6-20389 01/11/2022 -> Version 9.0.1 Statistics -> Daily Usage Detail Report -> Total of "Billed time" showing Incorrectly on the UI --> CLAS6-20430 Cosmetic Issue -> Origination Vendor -> Select Hostname -> The Hostname Field should be shown in a single line --> CLAS6-20375 Statistics -> QoS Summary -> PDD value showing wrong on UI --> CLAS6-20323 Configuration -> Stir Shaken -> UI calling wrong API for "Delete All" button --> CLAS6-20372 31/10/2022 -> Version 9.0.0 Log -> Stir Shaken ANI Import log -> The End date should not be showing "Invalid Date" if the Upload is in Process -> CLAS6-20068 Cosmetic Issue:- Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Distribution Report -> Data should be in the Center of the table -> CLAS6-19867 Cosmetic Issue -> Log -> Stir Shaken Import log -> The Text "Success" should be shown in a correct manner -> CLAS6-20218 DID Client portal -> Dashboard -> ACD for last 24 hours showing "NaN" Instead of Values -> CLAS6-20257 DID -> Client Portal -> Dashboard -> "Spending" and "Balance" should be shown in 2 digit decimal value -> CLAS6-20258 Cosmetic Issue -> DID -> Origination -> Email fields should show complete Mail Ids on UI -> CLAS6-20390 30/10/2022 -> Version 8.9.9 Tools:- CDR Archival -> UI Showing Internal Server Error --> CLAS6-19929 Log -> Block Import Log -> Upload -> If Upload failed the UI need to show Error log file --> CLAS6-20109 Log -> Stir Shaken ANI Import log -> UI showing wrong values for the "Total" no of Records --> CLAS6-20210 DID Client Portal -> Buy DID -> Toll Free -> IF Client has no Product then It should not allowed to buy Toll free numbers --> CLAS6-20111 Rate Table -> Assigned Rate Deck -> UI showing duplicate or Multiple data of Customer, Inbound and Prefix for the Rate Summary list --> CLAS6-20243 Term Client Portal -> Billing -> Invoices -> UI showing wrong Invoice Amount --> CLAS6-20358 API Issue -> GET/finance/received_payment/list -> After successful execution posted invoice payment is not showing in Payment Received list --> CLAS6-20387 Statistics -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> In reports the values for the Profit, ASR and Profit% should be shown in 2 Digit decimal --> CLAS6-20324 DID Client portal -> CDR -> UI should show DID client name Instead of DID_Client_ID --> CLAS6-20245 DID Client Portal -> Buy DID -> Toll Free -> UI showing "0" Values for Setup fee, Even API show correct Response --> CLAS6-20188 25/10/2022 -> Version 8.9.8 |CLAS6-20121 | Client Portal>> Termination>Trunks - Port is missing on the table| |CLAS6-20201 | Log>DID Import Log>Delete - Error log is not being downloaded (UI issue)| |CLAS6-20159 | VoIP Gateway>Add Switch Host>Edit - If "NAT" is disabled, give null value for "lan_ip" and "lan_port"| |CLAS6-19878 | Termination>Client and Termination>Vendor - Change API used for "Client Limit" and "Vendor Limit" tab| |CLAS6-20296 | Configuration>Mail Sender>Delete - Pop up issues| |CLAS6-20272 | Client Portal>> Termination>Trunk - Table is wrong| |CLAS6-20178 | Routing>Block List>Upload just ANI/DNIS - UI input for "Paste" option is a little off| |CLAS6-17569 | GET/routing/block_number/{id}/log - Log is a blank file| |CLAS6-20214 | Routing>Block List - Remove "Block by" drop-down| |CLAS6-20135 | Routing>Block List>Import - UI should show error if file is missing data| |CLAS6-20133 | Routing>Trunk>Edit>Digit Replacement - Use "DELETE" API when deleting rows| |CLAS6-20175 | Configuration>Mail Template - Add template tab "Send Product Rates"| |CLAS6-19920 | Finance>Invoice>Auto/Manual>Credit Note - User is able to add credit note to invoices with "unpaid_amount=0"| |CLAS6-20060 | Log>Stir Shaken ANI Import Log - When clicking "Fail" value, UI should download the error log| |CLAS6-19082 | config>random ANI group>delete selected should not be active unless list has data - UI issue| |CLAS6-20099 | Routing>Block List>Import>Upload just ANI/DNIS - "Block for Specific Customer/Vendor Trunk" is not working (UI is missing parameter)| |CLAS6-20205 | Log>Stir Shaken Import Log - "Start Time" and "End Time" is wrong on UI table| |CLAS6-20237 | Template>Rate Upload Template>Create new/Edit - Alignment issue| |CLAS6-20206 | Log>Stir Shaken Import Log - "File Name" column issues| |CLAS6-19896 | DID>DID Repository >Create New/Edit - Need to set validations when creating or editing a DID| |CLAS6-20136 | Routing>Block List>Import - UI should ignore empty lines in the import file| |CLAS6-20028 | DID Client Portal>> - Changes required for the columns| 21/10/2022 -> Version 8.9.7 One Tree: Importing Random ANI Group on UI --> CLAS6-19457 Truvisory : Agent >>Customer Assignment --> CLAS6-19850 Cosmetic Issue: "No data found" style in some of pages are different --> CLAS6-19195 20/10/2022 -> Version 8.9.6 API: routing >routing plan>static routing>create>carrier and trunk field showing error -- > CLAS6-19630 Wrong API: Routing>routing plan>dynamic routing>create>submit -- > CLAS6-19631 Routing>Static Routing>create>add route plan>Trunk name>validation error -- > CLAS6-19650 UI issue: Routing >routing plan >static routing>create>route plan below carrier field error -- > CLAS6-19651 DID>DID Repository>delete all /release all disabled error -- > CLAS6-19683 DID>Billing rule>create/edit>rate table "+" submit double click issue -- > CLAS6-19682 Configuration>trunk group>create new >trunk list select all error -- > CLAS6-19713 Log>auto payment log>Export error -- > CLAS6-19721 UI issue:Termination>Client >Customer limit>edit >save error cancel -- > CLAS6-19725 UI issue: Termination>product>create>rate table "+" wrong validation error -- > CLAS6-19747 Tools>Rate generation>create new>rate type validation error -- > CLAS6-19751 Termination>Products>allowed customer validation submit error -- > CLAS6-19758 UI issue: Routing>Block list>create new >Type drop down error -- > CLAS6-19763 UI Routing>Dynamic routing >trunk priority>delete egress trunk error -- > CLAS6-19780 Log>Block Import Log>search error wrong display result -- > CLAS6-19766 Tools>rate generation>Rate generation history>apply to rate table ERROR -- > CLAS6-19783 Tools>Rate generation>Rate Generation result>Remove select all error -- > CLAS6-19784 Routing>Static routing>create new code should accept only numbers -- > CLAS6-19803 Routing>static routing>create >new same trunk exist duplication validation error issue -- > CLAS6-19806 DID>Origination wizard >create new bad configuration error --> CLAS6-19872 UI: Termination>Client>host>trunk list error while submit --> CLAS6-19894 Termination >vendor> reset balance> error clear cancel --> CLAS6-19895 Agent>Agent Management>manage customers>edit client id error --> CLAS6-19919 Agent >agent management> edit active status validation error --> CLAS6-19927 Patch>Template>Ingress trunk Template >edit rate table id validation error --> CLAS6-19949 UI > Routing > Dynamic Routing >select/Mass Edit > Egress trunk showing no data found --> CLAS6-19951 UI issue:Termination>Product>Routing plan>create new/edit different format --> CLAS6-19986 API : Statistics>Active call Report>IN/OUT Bound no Result found error --> CLAS6-20021 Routing>rate table>editing rates>country name drop down no result found --> CLAS6-20055 Routing>Rate table>view rates>import>save as template error cancel --> CLAS6-19617 API: Routing>Dynamic Routing >mass edit >trunk name list error --> CLAS6-19615 Termination>dynamic routing>qos parameter>search range from min acd/asr result showing wrong --> CLAS6-19608 Routing>block list >create /edit >outbound trunk list API keeps on loading error issue --> CLAS6-19604 Termination>Wizard>step5> route plan "+" error --> CLAS6-19585 Agent>agent management >create new >error UI loading issue --> CLAS6-19583 Termination>vendor>vendor list>change password error --> CLAS6-19558 Finance>auto invoice management >edit invoice>invoice format and time zone validation providing wrong message --> CLAS6-19527 20/10/2022 -> Version 8.9.5 DID>Origination wizard >create new bad configuration error -> CLAS6-19872 UI: Termination>Client>host>trunk list error while submit -> CLAS6-19894 Termination >vendor> reset balance> error clear cancel -> CLAS6-19895 Agent>Agent Management>manage customers>edit client id error. -> CLAS6-19919 Agent >agent management> edit active status validation error -> CLAS6-19927 Patch>Template>Ingress trunk Template >edit rate table id validation error -> CLAS6-19949 UI > Routing > Dynamic Routing >select/Mass Edit > Egress trunk showing no data found -> CLAS6-19951 UI issue:Termination>Product>Routing plan>create new/edit different format -> CLAS6-19986 API : Statistics>Active call Report>IN/OUT Bound no Result found error -> CLAS6-20021 Routing>rate table>editing rates>country name drop down no result found -> CLAS6-20055 Routing>Rate table>view rates>import>save as template error cancel ->CLAS6-19617 API: Routing>Dynamic Routing >mass edit >trunk name list error -> CLAS6-19615 Termination>dynamic routing>qos parameter>search range from min acd/asr result showing wrong -> CLAS6-19608 Routing>block list >create /edit >outbound trunk list API keeps on loading error issue -> CLAS6-19604 Termination>wizard >step 5>route plan >egress trunk list loading showing no result found -> CLAS6-19585 Agent>agent management >create new >error UI loading issue -> CLAS6-19583 Termination>vendor>vendor list>change password error . -> CLAS6-19558 Finance>auto invoice management >edit invoice>invoice format and time zone validation providing wrong message. -> CLAS6-19527 Routing>Static Routing>create>add route plan>Trunk name>validation error -> CLAS6-19650 UI issue: Routing >routing plan >static routing>create>route plan below carrier field error -> CLAS6-19651 DID>DID Repository>delete all /release all disabled error -> CLAS6-19683 DID>Billing rule>create/edit>rate table "+" submit double click issue -> CLAS6-19682 Configuration>trunk group>create new >trunk list select all error -> CLAS6-19713 Log>auto payment log>Export error -> CLAS6-19721 UI issue:Termination>Client >Customer limit>edit >save error cancel -> CLAS6-19725 UI issue: Termination>product>create>rate table "+" wrong validation error . -> CLAS6-19747 Tools>Rate generation>create new>rate type validation error -> CLAS6-19751 Termination>Products>allowed customer validation submit error -> CLAS6-19758 UI issue: Routing>Block list>create new >Type drop down error -> CLAS6-19763 UI Routing>Dynamic routing >trunk priority>delete egress trunk error -> CLAS6-19780 Log>Block Import Log>search error wrong display result -> CLAS6-19766 Tools>rate generation>Rate generation history>apply to rate table ERROR -> CLAS6-19783 Tools>Rate generation>Rate Generation result>Remove select all error . -> CLAS6-19784 Routing>Static routing>create new code should accept only numbers. -> CLAS6-19803 Routing>static routing>create >new same trunk exist duplication validation error issue -> CLAS6-19806 Cosmetic Issue: we need to change the spacing -> CLAS6-19892 UI ISSUE: Select Landing page on First time Login -> CLAS6-19546 14/10/2022 -> Version 8.9.4 routing>trunks>left top page navigator>leads to wrong page or list --> CLAS6-19628 routing>route plan>detail>create/edit>old dynamic setup is getting vanished --> CLAS6-19637 DID portal>dashboard>>UI keeps loading and spinning --> CLAS6-19472 routing>ingress>detail>pre filled route plan name is not getting displayed --> CLAS6-19464 routing>static routing> wrong api integrated --> CLAS6-19649 client portal>ticket>delete>need to add ticket ID in confirmation popup --> CLAS6-19572 termination>vendor>trunks>create new>(+) to add new rates>cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-19602 routing>route plan>create new/edit>static routing>remove defined by section --> CLAS6-19636 routing>dynamic routing>list>need to remove duplicate api --> CLAS6-19700 admin>ticket>need to fix the popup detail box size --> CLAS6-19574 agent portal>summary report>not showing any data on UI --> CLAS6-19823 xpert telecom - client edit>final submit is asking to send welcome letter every time-UI issue --> CLAS6-19744 xpert telecom - client portal>cdr export log>export not working --> CLAS6-19743 ytel - finance>payment>invoice payment>unable to add amount more than unpaid amount --> CLAS6-18309 DID call simulation>>UI is calling wrong ingress_id --> CLAS6-18872 did intlcx - top 10 customers>revenue/cost is showing wrong --> CLAS6-18905 client portal>cdr>cdr export log>action>send email>pop box is too large --> CLAS6-19417 GET /ticket/comment/{id} - comments are not showing in api --> CLAS6-19576 client portal>create ticket>with attachment>api issue --> CLAS6-19575 cdr request log>previous month data>unable to stop the process - api --> CLAS6-19544 agent portal>Cdr export log>list>action>buttons are flashing and not clickable --> CLAS6-19824 agent portal>cdr export log>action>send email>popup>remove extra space --> CLAS6-19827 agent portal>customer list>Name field should be dropdown box with client names --> CLAS6-19822 agent portal>customer list> need to add Activate/deactivate button --> CLAS6-19851 agent portal>account>change status to Active = True / False --> CLAS6-19844 agent>agent management>detail>tab design mismatch with other pages --> CLAS6-19819 agent>>agent management>Edit>invoice setting>preview>overlapping issue --> CLAS6-19817 ATI-vendor trunk>detail>dynamic routing>unable to change routing - ui slowness issue --> CLAS6-19912 routing>trunks>list page>no need of back button here --> CLAS6-20155 problem on error page --> CLAS6-20008 Egress Trace issue --> CLAS6-19826 Setup i18n for all Text in portal --> CLAS6-17948 13/10/2022 -> Version 8.9.3 teleinx - tools>cdr archival>job queue>cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-19076 termination>wizard>create new rate deck>after success newly created rate deck should be auto filled in the box -> CLAS6-19395 routing>block list>match header page>cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-19446 rate generation>create and edit page>cosmetic modification -> CLAS6-19589 termination / vendor -> create + edit ->email field should show email properly - UI issue -> CLAS6-19529 configuration>trunk group>egress and ingress>create + edit>wrong selection - UI issu -> CLAS6-19662 switch >rate table list>taking too long to get displayed>need to add optimized API -> CLAS6-19719 configuration>system setting>>if logo file is there already there remove button should be blue and clickable -> CLAS6-19691 termination>wizard>create new rate deck>after success newly created rate deck should be auto filled in the box -> CLAS6-19395 routing>>block list>>import>success>must lead to https://v6dev.denovolab.com/#/log/block_import_log -> CLAS6-19322 13/10/2022 -> Version 8.9.2 teleinx - digit manipulation setting is vanished -> CLAS6-16465 UI Issue:- Administration>My profile -> CLAS6-20107 12/10/2022 -> Version 8.9.1 Origination -> Client -> Create New -> Reset -> Showing error on console -> CLAS6-19934 Origination -> Client -> Action Column -> View IP -> "No data found" text should be in center -> CLAS6-19902 Client portal -> CDR -> CDR Download -> List -> Action column -> Buttons are flashing -> CLAS6-19837 DID Repository -> IP Address column missing in table -> CLAS6-19774 UI -> Trunk -> Outbound -> Edit -> Digit Manipulation & Fail-over Rule -> "No data found" style should match the other pages -> CLAS6-19772 Termination Wizard -> Customer Trunk -> Product Name -> Click on + button size -> CLAS6-19653 Credit Management -> Status -> All Inactive -> If there is no data, then the page row & "show/hide column" should not be visible -> CLAS6-19731 Cosmetic -> Client -> Action Column -> Change Password & Save as Template -> Remove the extra space -> CLAS6-19639 Rate Table -> Action Column -> Assign Rate Deck -> Assign Selected Button is enable -> CLAS6-19692 UI > Routing / trunk /Edit > Dynamic Routing > search with any dyn. rout name > Dynamic Route Name and Route Rule Name filter is missing n -> CLAS6-19854 12/10/2022 -> Version 8.9.0 Invoice Setting -> Invoice Setting List -> Create New -> Preview -> Showing error on console --> CLAS6-20049 UI -> Egress Trunk -> Edit -> Host Capacity Limit -> By Default Values should not be set for time profile dropdown --> CLAS6-20047 CDR Archival -> CDR Search -> Origination Traffic -> Showing error on console --> CLAS6-19960 Rate Generation -> View History -> No data found text is missing --> CLAS6-19957 Staging -> Agent Management -> Getting error agent list --> CLAS6-19954 DID Usage Report -> Export -> If there no data the page, disable export button --> CLAS6-19911 Invoice Setting -> Preview -> Showing error on console --> CLAS6-19908 Product -> Action Column -> Send Rate -> Save as New Template -> already showing name --> CLAS6-19907 Rate Generation -> View History -> Action Column -> View Rate -> No data found text is missing --> CLAS6-19905 UI -> Rate Table -> Usage Count -> Egress Trunk -> Vendor -> No results found --> CLAS6-19991 Origination -> Transaction -> Submit button is disable, but it is working --> CLAS6-19900 Stir Shaken -> ANI Group -> Action Column -> View Icon -> If there no data the page, disable delete all button --> CLAS6-19898 Agent Portal -> Products -> Product List -> No data found text is missing --> CLAS6-19835 UI -> Client Portal -> Online Payment -> Auto Payment Log ->Export -> If there no data the page, disable export button --> CLAS6-19813 Client portal -> Dashboard -> Messages -> Open Tickets -> "No data found" style should match the other pages --> CLAS6-19838 Media IP Blocking -> Delete Selected -> If there no data the page, disable delete selected button --> CLAS6-19807 Agent Portal -> Customer -> Customer Payment -> Data should be in center --> CLAS6-19814 UI Issue -> Carrier Template -> Create New -> Carrier Template Name should be mandatory --> CLAS6-19757 User -> Non-Active Users -> Delete All & Activate All button is disable, but it is working --> CLAS6-19790 Rate Email Template -> Edit -> Popup not showing --> CLAS6-19770 Cosmetic -> Static Routing -> Action Column -> Detail -> No data found text is missing --> CLAS6-19737 UI -> DID Repository -> Export -> If there no data the page, disable export button --> CLAS6-19734 Staging -> Rate Delivery Log -> Action Column -> Detail -> Data should be in center --> CLAS6-19712 Cosmetic -> Email Log -> Change Carrier to Client --> CLAS6-19711 UI -> Product -> Action Column -> Allowed Customers -> Selecting error & duplicate name error --> CLAS6-19729 UI Issue ->Routing Plan -> Create New & Edit -> Route Type -> Dynamic Routing -> No results found --> CLAS6-19694 Rate Email Template -> Create new -> Popup not showing --> CLAS6-19616 Egress Export -> Export data is not correct , Missing vendor name --> CLAS6-19561 login using client > Termination/ Trunk> edit > getting error ,ERROR ip:Not a valid string --> CLAS6-20117 Statistics > Origination > DID Dashboard > Top 10 DID Vendor list Showing NaN Values --> CLAS6-18363 11/10/2022 -> Version 8.8.9 Block list :- Complete Field Upload :- Blocking not working for Egress trunk and Ingress trunk list --> CLAS6-19182 |CLAS6-20037 | DID>DID Repository>Edit - Getting error, UI is using wrong payload| |CLAS6-20052 | Configuration>Users - Hide "Name" query field when there are no data on the page| |CLAS6-20127 | Client Portal>> Termination>Trunks - Need option to download rates| |CLAS6-20020 | Client Portal>> Billing>Account - Each "Routing" and "Prefixes" should be separated since each of them have different rates| |CLAS6-19696 | Tool>CDR Archival - Use "field_id" in payload for "field" instead of name| |CLAS6-19952 | Configuration>Stir Shaken>View>Upload - Increase the width of the fields in "Number Range"| |CLAS6-19953 | Agent>Agent Management>Create New/Edit - "Logo" positioning is wrong| |CLAS6-19697 | DID> DID Repository>Import - UI is creating multiple instances of "did_number_delete_task" when using "Remove DIDs from a specific Vendor" and "Remove DIDs from any vendor"| |CLAS6-19658 | Statistics>Termination>Active Call - Origination field are using wrong API fields| |CLAS6-19607 | Teleinx>> In some cases CDR is showing wrong "Release Cause" compared to Call Simulation| |CLAS6-19950 | VOIP Gateway>Add Switch Host - Some fields are not getting saved| |CLAS6-19503 | Configuration>Users>Carrier Users - Changes required| |CLAS6-19620 | Routing>Routing Plan>Details - UI optimization| |CLAS6-19879 | Termination>Client - Table isn't showing if the Client has "unlimited credit"| |CLAS6-19831 | DID>Client - When clicking "Balance" UI should show the "Transaction" for current month| |CLAS6-19642 | Routing>Routing Plan>Details>Add New Dynamic/Static - Need to optimize API requests for Trunks list| |CLAS6-19733 | Getting "Release Cause=Egress Trunk Not Found" for Egress auto call blocks| |CLAS6-19788 | Statistics>Termination>Term CDR list - UI needs to remap "Internal Release Cause" drop-down list| |CLAS6-19370 | Routing>Trunk>Outbound>Edit>Stir Shakem - Changes required| |CLAS6-19505 | Routing>Block list - UI optimization| |CLAS6-19618 | Configuration>Trunk Group - UI optimization| |CLAS6-19638 | Configuration>Random ANI Group>Details - Top navigation missing| Routing > Rate table > create new > delete all and delete selected button is enable when there is no data on page. | CLAS6-19634 | Routing > Trunk /Edit > sip profile > No data found text is missing | CLAS6-19507 | Routing > Trunk /Edit > sip profile > No data found text is missing | CLAS6-19507 | UI issue > Tools > Rate generation > Edit > Submit > Getting Validation error | CLAS6-19684 | Termination > Product > Add Routing Plan > submit > console showing error | CLAS6-19640 | Staging Issue > Template > Ingress Trunk Template > Edit >Submit > showing error | CLAS6-19732 | UI issue > Agent > Agent management > edit > submit > console showing error | CLAS6-19726 | Cosmetic issue > Termination > vendor > Showing wrong popup | CLAS6-19746 | UI issue > Configuration > System setting > console showing error | CLAS6-19753 | UI issue > Configuration > Archive setting > CDR > submit > showing error in console | CLAS6-19749 | UI issue > Tools > Rate generation > Edit > Submit > Getting Validation error | CLAS6-19799 | Configuration > Archive setting > Daily CDR > Missing validation popup | CLAS6-19785 | Configuration > Random ANI Group > View detail > Delete all and delete selected button should not get enable until there is data on page | CLAS6-19764 | UI issue :- termination > client > edit > submit > showing console error | CLAS6-19801 | UI issue > Configuration > System setting > system setting > error on console | CLAS6-19845 | UI issue > configuration > payment term > edit > save > error showing on console | CLAS6-19771 | Routing > Trunks > Edit > Digit replacement > there should be Delete option in the place of cancel | CLAS6-19853 | Routing > Trunks > Edit > Digit replacement > there should be Delete option in the place of cancel | CLAS6-19853 | UI issue > DID > clients > edit > showing error on console | CLAS6-19829 | Termination > client > Trunks > ingress name > Host capacity limit > need to change the header | CLAS6-19904 | Cosmetic issue > configuration > Trunk group > Trunk list > UI showing Wrong popup for delete all and delete selected button | CLAS6-19903 | 11/10/2022 -> Version 8.8.8 UI > Routing > Static routing > when we click on static routing , getting error from console side -> CLAS6-19548 DID > DID product > missing validation popup . -> CLAS6-19686 DID > DID Repository > Delete all button is enable when there is no data on page . -> CLAS6-19680 Cosmetic issue > Termination > product > rate modification > need to add ( IJ ) in show/hide column with rate header . -> CLAS6-19679 cosmetic issue > Template > ingress trunk template > edit > Fail over rule > no data found text is missing. -> CLAS6-19730 Termination > client > login via the customer > Tickets > No data found text style is different. -> CLAS6-19656 Cosmetic issue > Configuration > stir shaken > ANI group > View > UI showing wrong popup. -> CLAS6-19781 UI issue > Template > carrier template > Create customer > showing Error on console. -> CLAS6-19769 Routing > static routing > Details > No data found text is missing . -> CLAS6-19767 UI issue > Termination > credit management > edit > submit > showing error on console. -> CLAS6-19754 cosmetic issue > termination > vendor > host > need to change filter name type as status -> CLAS6-19875 UI issue > Configuration > payment setting > Notification > By selecting ( Enable Payment Confirmation ) showing error on console. -> CLAS6-19847 Configuration > Stir shaken > ANI group > view > delete all button is enable when there is no data on page . . -> CLAS6-19939 Configuration > mail sender > UI overlap Issue . -> CLAS6-19941 Configuration > Mail template > daily summary > Getting error . -> CLAS6-19450 Configuration > mail sender >UI should not call sort by status -> CLAS6-20003 Configuration > Payment term > Usage count > Termination customer > No need of egress header . -> CLAS6-19999 Cosmetic issue > Monitoring > Media IP blocking > Showing wrong popup for delete button . -> CLAS6-19925 VOIP Gateway>Add Switch Host - UI is allowing user to edit multiple rows at once -> CLAS6-20001 Agent Portal>> Account>Account Details - Modifications required -> CLAS6-19832 Configuration>Carrier Portal CDR Fields - Rename column names -> CLAS6-20005 DID Client Portal>> Origination>Products - Only one billing rule is being shown on the table. -> CLAS6-19492 Tools>Call Simulation>DID - Table should show DID Client name instead of Trunk name -> CLAS6-19606 10/10/2022 -> Version 8.8.7 API Issue:- GET/trunk/gatewaygroup/list>Missing resources in response ---> CLAS6-19533 UI Issue:- Termination>Client>Customer limit>Missing + Icon ---> CLAS6-19525 UI Issue:-Routing>Dynamic routing>Action column>Copy>After copy>UI Should Refresh automatically ---> CLAS6-19643 UI Issue:- Routing>Routing Plan>Routing plan detail>Edit>Add new static route>Submit without click on enter name>showing wrong error ---> CLAS6-19736 UI Issue:- Termination>Vendor>Vendor limit>Missing + Icon ---> CLAS6-19599 UI Issue:- Configuration>User>System User>Remove checkbox column ---> CLAS6-19839 UI Issue:- Log>Rate Import Log>Showing No Data Found Without click on Submit ---> CLAS6-19836 UI Issue:- Statistics>Inbound/Outbound report>Total calls showing blank ---> CLAS6-19888 Cosmetic Issue:-Configuration>Users>Create new user ---> CLAS6-19840 UI Issue:- Configuration>Users>Carrier users>Click on deactivate all>Shows error ---> CLAS6-19936 UI issue:-Routing >Dynamic routing>Mass edit >Time profile should select one ---> CLAS6-20071 ICX Issue-UI Issue:- My Profile >If there is no image found, pls do not show error icon ---> CLAS6-19735 08/10/2022 -> Version 8.8.6 Cosmetic Issue:-Configuration>Users>edit -> CLAS6-19860 UI Issue:- Origination>Daily Transaction>Showing No Data Found Without click on Submit -> CLAS6-19868 UI Issue:-Origination>Daily Transaction>Export button should disable when no data on page -> CLAS6-19866 Cosmetic issue:-Tools>Rate generation>Create new rate generation/Edit -> CLAS6-19885 UI Issue:- Configuration>Users>Carrier Users>Activate all Button is active when all user is active -> CLAS6-19863 Cosmetic issue:- Routing>Trunk>Ingress/Egress -> CLAS6-19865 UI Issue:- Origination>DID Invoice>Manual Invoice>Showing No Data Found Without click on Submit -> CLAS6-19717 UI Issue:- Configuration>Trunk Group>Ingress Trunk Group>Edit>UI sending unnecessary API Request -> CLAS6-19660 UI Issue:- Log >Payment Gateway Log>Missing Export Text -> CLAS6-19760 UI Issue:-Configuration>System setting -> CLAS6-19661 07/10/2022 -> Version 8.8.5 Registration -> Creating multiple records when clicked multiple times on submit ---> CLAS6-18226 Teleinx -> DNIS Filter not using correct filter in payload ---> CLAS6-18786 ATI -VTI -> Egress & Ingress Export - Add stir shaken info in export file ---> CLAS6-19598 API - Term CDR List - Add Outbound Dur field ---> CLAS6-19622 UI - Block List -> Upload just ANI/DNIS - Validation missing ---> CLAS6-19624 Ingress & Egress Trunk -> Template icon popup text enhancement ---> CLAS6-19811 Routing -> Trunks -- squeeze save as template box ---> CLAS6-19812 ATI -> Rate Generation -> Rate Export getting Failed ---> CLAS6-19815 DID Import Delete Log -> It should be sorted by Uploaded Time in descending order(latest one first) ---> CLAS6-19882 Call Simulation -> Ingress Trunk sorting order ---> CLAS6-19890 Truvisory -> Client Portal -> Rate Download issue ---> CLAS6-19956 Ingress/Egress Trunk Group -> Reset button not working ---> CLAS6-19964 07/10/2022 -> Version 8.8.4 Teleinx -> DID CDRs & Simulation - Client IP & Vendor IP are showing vice versa -> CLAS6-19610 Payment -> Cosmetic changes -> CLAS6-19611 Media IP Blocking -> Delete selected popup modification -> CLAS6-19714 Egress & Ingress Trunk -> Dropdown sortings -> CLAS6-19718 Traffic Analytics -> Cosmetic appearance of dropdown -> CLAS6-19740 UI - SIP Register Log -> Data should not be shown until hitted submit -> CLAS6-19762 Payment -> Icon modification -> CLAS6-19861 Regenerate Balance -> New Balance should also allow negative values -> CLAS6-19862 Rate Generation -> Create New - Min Time & Interval fields should be mandatory -> CLAS6-19864 Login Page Content -> Change Background button working without image file -> CLAS6-19933 Routing Plan -> Usgae Count -> Console Error -> CLAS6-19935 DID Repository -> Import - Getting console Error -> CLAS6-19938 Stripe Auto Payment Log -> PayPal ID Column -> CLAS6-19988 Invoice Setting -> Cosmetic changes -> CLAS6-19992 Invoice Setting -> Used by Customer - Customer section should not show Outbound Trunk count -> CLAS6-19995 06/10/2022 -> Version 8.8.3 Tools -> CDR Archival -> Origination traffic -> UI not calling Egress_carrier_ID for DID Client --> CLAS6-19808 Termination -> Product -> Set Private -> Assigned Carrier list also show Term Vendor Carrier in the List --> CLAS6-19534 Configuration -> Invoice Setting -> Create New Invoice setting -> "Update On" date is shown as Invalid Date --> CLAS6-19886 Stagging -> Agent list -> UI show "Order by active not valid!" Error. --> CLAS6-19985 Routing -> Outbound Trunk -> SIP Profile -> DID Trunks also show under Ingress Trunk Dropdown list --> CLAS6-19972 Log -> DID Import Log -> While Uploading DID, UI shows a blank column for Import create time --> CLAS6-19931 Agent -> Agent Management -> "Status Active/Inactive" is not getting saved after Create and Edit the Agent --> CLAS6-19881 Tools -> CDR Archival -> UI shows an error while getting CDR for Ingress carrier and trunk --> CLAS6-19621 03/10/2022 -> Version 8.8.2 UI > DID > DID Invoice /auto invoice > auto invoice generating wrong date invoice -> CLAS6-19848 UI > Monitoring > Media IP Blocking > Need to remove Unwanted word "true" on the page -> CLAS6-20036 UI > termination > vendor > if balance is 0 , it should be clickable and redirect to transection history page -> CLAS6-20034 UI > termination > client > if balance is 0 , it should be clickable and redirect to transection history page -> CLAS6-20002 UI > Monitoring > Media IP blocking >need to enlarge Ip filter -> CLAS6-19921 UI > Routing > Routing plan >Detail/Edit > click on + > Egress trunk showing no data found -> CLAS6-19948 UI > DID > Client /View IP >match header page>cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-19654 Cosmetic issue > Termination > Vendor / save as template > need to remove extra space -> CLAS6-19724 UI > Routing > Trunk / Outbound > Edit > Fail-over Rule > ' no data found" style should match the other pages -> CLAS6-19777 UI > Routing > Dynamic routing /Delete > Need to modified delete confirmation popup -> CLAS6-19688 UI > Routing > block list / delete selected > When we click on delete selected button UI showing Wrong popup . -> CLAS6-19689 UI-> Termination > Client / Create new > after click on submit page should ask for sending welcome letter -> CLAS6-19506 UI > Monitoring > Media IP blocking /Edit > getting validation popup -> CLAS6-19471 03/10/2022 -> Version 8.8.1 UI > Routing > Routing plan /create new > need to add limit on routing plan name -- > CLAS6-19975 UI > Configuration > Payment setting > Notification > UI not calling API correctly -- > CLAS6-19981 UI > Termination > Vendor > DEVTOOL showing Duplicate Carrier/list API -- > CLAS6-19942 UI > routing > trunk >inbound/ Fail over rule >after adding fail over rule, need to auto reload -- > CLAS6-19891 UI> Routing > Trunk /Inbound > Allowed Send - To IP > without adding SIP profile , should not showing success pop , need to add validation -- > CLAS6-19922 UI > termination > customer > Host > need to enlarge Ip filter -- > CLAS6-19820 UI > DID > Client > edit > when we edit client Bal2 , data is missing from edit page -- > CLAS6-19842 UI > Routing > Outbound trunk / Create new > Need to change "Page " as a "Trunk" -- > CLAS6-19786 UI > Routing > trunks > Outbound [Affina One ] > EDIT > showing error -- > CLAS6-19796 Cosmetic issue > Monitoring > Media IP Blocking > "No data found " text is missing -- > CLAS6-19798 Cosmetic issue > DID > client > View IP > need to remove extra space -- > CLAS6-19741 COSMETIC ISSUE > routing > trunks > showing wrong popup. -- > CLAS6-19748 cosmetic issue > routing > trunks > outbound > edit > fail-over rule > no data found text is missing . -- > CLAS6-19752 Routing > Trunks > inbound > edit > digit replacement > accept submission when we don't add any data on page. -- > CLAS6-19663 UI > Routing > Trunk / Outbound > Edit > Digit Replacement > ' no data found" style should match the other pages -- > CLAS6-19709 Statistics > Origination > DID Dashboard > Top 10 DID Vendor list Showing NaN Values -- > CLAS6-18363 28/09/2022 -> Version 8.8.0 Template:- Rate Email Template -> Deleted Entry is shown on UI until User Manually refreshes the page -> CLAS6-19613 Cosmetic Issue:- Routing -> Routing plan -> Click on Add Icon -> Need to Enlarge the New Dynamic/Static Routing Box -> CLAS6-19715 23/09/2022 -> Version 8.7.9 CDR Search -> Without Prefix not working --> CLAS6-18852 Total calls value of Inbound/Outbound & Summary Report shows different amout of calls --> CLAS6-19120 Block List Import -> Blocking for All Customer & Vendor - Upload button not working --> CLAS6-19122 Rate Generation -> Add loading window on export (UI Issue) --> CLAS6-19213 UI - Main Email Field is mandatory for Client & Vendor --> CLAS6-19301 DID Cost Report -> Customer dropdown - cosmetic appearance change --> CLAS6-19290 Client -> Balance - Data shown is not matching the default Period Time --> CLAS6-19275 DID Usage Report -> Appearance --> CLAS6-19348 UI - Trunk Priority -> Search Bar should not disappear if there is no result found --> CLAS6-19376 Invoice -> Add SEND in status for both Auto & Manual --> CLAS6-19408 Invoice -> Send Invoice -> change ok to send --> CLAS6-19429 Routing Plan -> Create New & Edit does not works --> CLAS6-19512 Auto Invoice Management -> Change Carrier as Customer --> CLAS6-19596 Invoice -> Different text on search form, Client & Customer --> CLAS6-19600 API ISSUE: Need to modify API (/config/cdr_visibility/list) --> CLAS6-18438 Ytel -> Invoice Credit note not allow to add Unpaid amount to Invoice --> CLAS6-19259 Ytel -> Invoice -> Credit Note icon is not showing for Unpaid Invoice --> CLAS6-19261 Advance -> All Routing Plan not showing in Ingress Trunk Routing Plan selection --> CLAS6-19537 Advance -> Client - Submit & Create Trunk redirecting to Client page --> CLAS6-19597 statistics>CDR>search for current week is not showing any result --> CLAS6-19190 client portal>>product>export rate deck>>not working --> CLAS6-19224 rate generation>>history>hide view analysis button from UI --> CLAS6-19251 routing>dynamic routing>action>trunk priority>data should be in center - UI issue --> CLAS6-19385 client portal>create ticket>issue type>list showing old issue type and then getting vanished --> CLAS6-19578 client portal>tickets>create ticket>add new issue type>cosmetic issue --> CLAS6-19545 one tree - ingress trunk>>detail page>>error popup --> CLAS6-19517 admin>ticket list>action>resolved and reopen button>need to add popup - UI --> CLAS6-19577 didv6 - call simulation>loading issue --> CLAS6-19204 did repo>create>no option to make DID reserved and available for dedicated client --> CLAS6-18246 client portal>>cdr>cdr download tab>headers should not be shown by default--> CLAS6-19416 configuration>>archive setting>cdr >error during configuration --> CLAS6-18813 configuration>>user list>>console error --> CLAS6-19502 configuration>>archive setting>> page is showing no data when api has data already --> CLAS6-18805 One Tree: Importing Random ANI Group on UI --> CLAS6-19457 23/09/2022 -> Version 8.7.8 UI ISSUE: menu and sub menu drop down are empty -> CLAS6-19482 Cosmetic Issue: some of fields names are incorrect -> CLAS6-19389 Account Summary missing in Auto invoice -> CLAS6-18523 22/09/2022 -> Version 8.7.7 Stagging -> Payment Term -> Usage Count - showing NaN instead of showing correct count -> CLAS6-19329 22/09/2022 -> Version 8.7.6 Invoice -> Send - should allow to add multiple emails for sending -> CLAS6-19177 DID Usage Report -> Remove Output option -> CLAS6-19291 UI - VoiP Gateway -> Self Defined CAP & CPS should not allow to add more than the Licensed Limit -> CLAS6-19302 UI - Welcome Letter popup should not appear when edited Client & Vendor -> CLAS6-19553 admin>server admin>action>need to hide "stop" button - UI issue -> CLAS6-19015 did portal>order DID>search by NPA is not working on UI -> CLAS6-17898 did usage report>NRC>>total should show up to 4 decimal places - UI issue -> CLAS6-19269 term>client>actual balance page>>fixed fee section should be hidden for term clients - UI issue -> CLAS6-19242 tools>cdr archival>>switch instance >selected >still showing error -> CLAS6-19250 DID intlcx - did usage report> need to Export all data and back button on UI -> CLAS6-18906 client portal>Name>change password text should be in horizontal line -> CLAS6-19209 DID>transaction>need to fix the Submit and Export button size - cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-19081 ingress trunk>edit>routing plan >click on + button to add new route>cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-19308 rate gen>create/edit>need to add validation if wrong code deck is used -> CLAS6-18427 statistics>did usage report>>export>>need to fix the exported file name -> CLAS6-19268 ingress>detail page>>add routing + button>field box enter text should be left aligned -> CLAS6-19309 statistics>DID cdr>check for last month>pcap export popup>buttons should be centered -> CLAS6-19312 DID>client>edit>After Submit UI keeps loading -> CLAS6-19350 routing>routing plan>edit>click on + >create >cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-19349 block list>outbound trunk list>error -> CLAS6-19488 DID>client>edit>wrong popup displayed -> CLAS6-19352 UI should automatically take unauthorized user to Login page -> CLAS6-19383 20/09/2022 -> Version 8.7.5 UI > Configuration > Archive setting > PCAP > If the submit button is disabled, it should not be clicked. --> CLAS6-19543 UI -> Invoice > manual invoice /create > Invoice date showing wrong format time --> CLAS6-18923 Staging -> Template > Ingress Trunk Template /Edit > getting error ERROR Error creating the record --> CLAS6-19085 Cosmetic issue > Configuration >code deck >view> delete all button should not clickable when there is no data on page --> CLAS6-19297 UI >DID > DID product /Edit > getting Error --> CLAS6-19112 UI > Routing > trunk / ingress trunk > trunk name showing wrong --> CLAS6-19233 Did > Did Repository > Delete all and release all button not working. --> CLAS6-19254 Admin -> Ticket list under Bell Icon -> The Ticket dialogue box shows the Admin portal logo instead of showing the Carrier portal logo --> CLAS6-19623 DID Repository -> UI Calling Vendor name instead of ID for Search any DID --> CLAS6-19646 Statistics -> Monitoring submenus are Wrongly showing under Statistics Menu List --> CLAS6-18802 Statistics -> Active Call report -> Radio Button Not differentiate the traffic between Termination and Origination --> CLAS6-19360 DID Client portal -> Origination -> Product -> UI calling wrong API for the associated billing rule --> CLAS6-19459 Tools -> CDR Archival -> By Default Values should not be set for DID Vendor Dropdown --> CLAS6-19810 Routing -> Block List -> Import -> Vendor Trunk Dropdown Shows Inbound trunk list --> CLAS6-19841 VTI Issue -> DID Repository -> After successful import of DID-> The IP section does not fetch the IP of the Client on DID Repo page --> CLAS6-19645 Xpert Issue -> Need to Make the system logo clickable for redirecting to the Statistics Dashboard page --> CLAS6-19759 19/09/2022 -> Version 8.7.4 API Issue on Client portal:- CDR export Log -> Process Start Time and Process End Time showing wrong -> CLAS6-19328 19/09/2022 -> Version 8.7.3 UI > Termination > Vendor / vendor limit >UI keeps loading and spinning -> CLAS6-19475 Cosmetic issue > Termination > Vendor > Need to change "Carrier" as a "Vendor" On Delete confirmation Popup -> CLAS6-19490 UI:- Staging > Finance > actual transection > Customer filter showing no result found -> CLAS6-19314 UI -> route plan >list>usage count is showing wrong -> CLAS6-19056 Cosmetic issue -> DID > Billing rule > view rates > Need to fix import button icon -> CLAS6-19225 19/09/2022 -> Version 8.7.2 configuration > US Jurisdiction > list > UI accepting alphabetic and special character in prefix search . --> CLAS6-19311 15/09/2022 -> Version 8.7.1 Tool>Live Call - Cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-19210 Termination>Termination Wizard - UI optimization required -> CLAS6-18832 13/09/2022 -> Version 8.7.0 UI Issue:-Routing>Dynamic routing>Action column>Copy>copied rate table name empty --> CLAS6-19565 Cosmetic issue:- Routing>static routing>Static routing detail>Action column click on copy>Text is wrong --> CLAS6-19536 UI issue:-Administration>My profile --> CLAS6-19510 Cosmetic issue:-My profile --> CLAS6-19511 UI Issue:-Termination>Product>Create new --> CLAS6-19393 UI Issue:- Routing >Trunk>Ingress>edit>Digit replacement>dnis_min_length/dnis_max_length not save correctly --> CLAS6-18729 UI Issue:- Routing>Trunk>Ingress>Create new/Edit>Add routing and tech prefix>Rate dropdown shows origination rate table --> CLAS6-19362 UI Issue:- DID client portal>Origination>Report>DID Field Accepting Alphabetic and special Characters --> CLAS6-19303 UI Issue:- Configuration>Carrier Portal CDR Field>Some Fields are missing on that page --> CLAS6-19249 Routing>Trunk>Egress>Filter Rate table dropdown showing Origination rate table --> CLAS6-19345 UI issue:-Termination>Vendor>Action column>click on Save as template>Name should be mandatory --> CLAS6-19215 cosmetic issue:- Vendor portal>Termination>Report>Group by --> CLAS6-19188 13/09/2022 -> Version 8.6.9 UI Issue:-Agent>Agent Management>Edit Agent -> CLAS6-19554 UI Issue:- Routing>Rate table>Action column>Copy>copied rate table name empty -> CLAS6-19485 UI Issue:- Termination>Client>Customer limit>Need to remove unwanted Request -> CLAS6-19444 UI Issue:- Tools>Rate generation>Apply to rate table -> CLAS6-19378 UI Issue:- Termination>Product -> CLAS6-19374 UI Issue:- DID>dashboard>Reset the font size -> CLAS6-19300 Routing>Trunk>Egress>Edit>Rate table dropdown showing Origination rate table -> CLAS6-19289 UI Issue:-Agent Portal>Dashboard>Balance -> CLAS6-19278 Cosmetic issue:- Agent Portal>Menu>Statistics>Report -> CLAS6-19263 cosmetic issue:- Vendor portal>Termination>Report -> CLAS6-19260 Cosmetic Issue:-Routing>Trunk>egress>Click on Add new rate table -> CLAS6-19229 13/09/2022 -> Version 8.6.8 UI Issue:-DID Client Portal>Origination>Buy DID>need to add "No data found " , when no data on screen -> CLAS6-19306 UI Issue:-Tool>CDR Archival>CDR search>ANI and DNIS Field Accept special characters -> CLAS6-19327 UI Issue:- DID client portal>Origination>CDR>Caller ID and caller Number Field Accepting Alphabetic and special Characters -> CLAS6-19305 12/09/2022 -> Version 8.6.7 |CLAS6-19440 | Routing>Trunk>Inbound>Edit>Stir Shaken - UI changes required| |CLAS6-19425 | DID>DID Repository>Create New/Edit - UI is allowing user to click "Save" button multiple times, thus sending duplicate requests| |CLAS6-19474 | DID Client Portal>> Dashboard - UI using invalid field in API request| |CLAS6-19426 | Routing>Block List>Import - UI customization| |CLAS6-19357 | DID>DID Repository - "IP Address" field shown blank on the table| |CLAS6-18897 | DID>Repository - UI Optimization| |CLAS6-19103 | Dashboard - Cosmetic issues| |CLAS6-19035 | GET/rt/cdr_get - API is too slow and sometimes doesn't give result when using parameter "dnis_fuzzy"| |CLAS6-18948 | DID>DID Repository>Edit - When assigning Client through Edit, UI is adding "is_assigned=false" in payload| |CLAS6-19234 | Termination>Vendor - After deleting vendor, their name is still being shown in drop-down| 10/09/2022 -> Version 8.6.6 Admin>Tickets - Need to add "Ticket Type" in Query and column -> CLAS6-19549 Statistics>Termination>Term CDR list - Change the API field used for "Without Prefix" selection (UI issue) -> CLAS6-19520 DID>DID Repository>View Historical Usage - "DID Vendor" name is wrong -> CLAS6-19468 Routing>Trunk>Inbound>Edit>Stir Shaken - UI issue -> CLAS6-19439 Finance>Invoice>Auto/Manual Invoice - "Invoice Period" sort button is giving error. -> CLAS6-19367 Termination>Termination Wizard - Remove "Define by" from "Rate Table" -> CLAS6-19372 (POST,PATCH) /trunk/ingress/{trunk_id}/allowed_send_ip - API doesn't allow null value for "sip_profile_id" -> CLAS6-18661 Tool>CDR Archival>Job Queue - Unable to click "Download" button when there's only one row of result -> CLAS6-19354 DID>Client - UI page is using unwanted API requests and require optimization -> CLAS6-18894 Statistics>Termination>Dashboard - When getting trunk list, use "field" parameter to get only the fields required by UI -> CLAS6-18763 DID>Origination Wizard - UI optimization -> CLAS6-18900 02/09/2022 -> Version 8.6.5 DID -> Product -> Deleted record showing on UI, until User Manually refresh the page -> CLAS6-18382 02/09/2022 -> Version 8.6.4 Cosmetic Issue :- Termination -> Client -> Auto Invoice tab -> Add First Payment Term button blinking on UI --> CLAS6-19107 Termination -> Client -> Auto Invoice Tab -> Client Invoice setting not getting saved on UI --> CLAS6-19108 Block list -> Import -> Complete Field Upload -> Need to rectify Header dropdown functioning --> CLAS6-19185 Routing->Ingress/Egress trunk -> Digit Replacement :- UI calling wrong values for DNIS min length and max length --> CLAS6-18883 Finance :- Invoice Manual Invoice tab ->Date picker not working correctly --> CLAS6-18885 DID -> Vendors -> Edit -> Media type not getting saved as Proxy Media --> CLAS6-19361 Configuration:- Payment Setting -> Paypal -> Error showing while disable credit actual paid amount --> CLAS6-18946 Statistics -> DID Cost Report -> UI showing data without clicking Submit button --> CLAS6-19052 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Holastic Report -> NPR count and percentage showing null on UI --> CLAS6-19053 Routing -> Ingress trunk -> UI displays the wrong name of Ingress trunks on the list --> CLAS6-19214 Statistics -> Media IP blocking -> Need to Remove dropdown option for Auto block --> CLAS6-19411 UI Issue:- Random ANI Group -> Import ANI field should not allow Xlsx file --> CLAS6-19538 Statistics :- Daily Channel Usage Report -> Report type -> Ingress and Egress trunk dropdown showing DID trunks in the list --> CLAS6-19346 DID -> DID Repository -> Vendor not getting saved while Edit the Same --> CLAS6-19595 Cosmetic Issue :- Term Client portal ->My trunk-> "No Data Found" style is Different from the other Pages on the Switch --> CLAS6-19535 01/09/2022 -> Version 8.6.3 Termination -> Product -> "All the Customer" list also shows DID Vendors along with the Term Clients -> CLAS6-19377 Termination -> Client -> Create New or Edit -> After Hitting Submit button UI redirects to the wrong page. -> CLAS6-19524 DID -> DID Repository -> DID client get Vanished and UI Show DID vendor Instead While Edit DID Repo -> CLAS6-19555 24/08/2022 -> Version 8.6.2 Cosmetic Issue :- Termination -> Client -> Auto Invoice tab -> Add First Payment Term button blinking on UI ---> CLAS6-19107 Termination -> Client -> Auto Invoice Tab -> Client Invoice setting not getting saved on UI ---> CLAS6-19108 Block list -> Import -> Complete Field Upload -> Need to rectify Header dropdown functioning ---> CLAS6-19185 Routing->Ingress/Egress trunk -> Digit Replacement :- UI calling wrong values for DNIS min length and max length ---> CLAS6-18883 Finance :- Invoice Manual Invoice tab ->Date picker not working correctly ---> CLAS6-18885 DID -> Vendors -> Edit -> Media type not getting saved as Proxy Media ---> CLAS6-19361 Configuration:- Payment Setting -> Paypal -> Error showing while disable credit actual paid amount ---> CLAS6-18946 UI ISSUE: UI set "release code" "403" in CDR ---> CLAS6-19043 Trunktel ISSUE : call simulation issue ---> CLAS6-19017 UI ISSUE: please modified Auto Call Block ---> CLAS6-18960 UI ISSUE: All +1 countries list missing in trunks ---> CLAS6-18990 YTEL: Stir Shaken - Adding duplicate data in every modification ---> CLAS6-18785 API ISSUE: unable to config Archive_CDR ---> CLAS6-15969 Attestation Level in Ingress ---> CLAS6-19009 24/08/2022 -> Version 8.6.1 Cosmetic issue: Configuration >>Carrier Portal CDR Fields -> CLAS6-17882 Cosmetic Issue: Remove "Random ANI Group" field from Ingress trunk -> CLAS6-18775 DID vendor rate table should be hidden in normal termination rate table. -> CLAS6-18776 Trunktel ISSUE: Download pcap window should be in standard size -> CLAS6-19032 VTI ISSUE: Allowed Credit not working for Client Swift Telco -> CLAS6-18736 23/08/2022 -> Version 8.6.0 Ticket notification Alert bell issue -> CLAS6-17955 19/08/2022 -> Version 8.5.8 teleinx - cdr search>period and end date is getting changed automatically - UI issue -> CLAS6-18743 termination>vendor>list>header = status -> not required - UI issue -> CLAS6-19006 static routing>detail page>need to show Code Name drop down instead of code -> CLAS6-18540 static routing>detail page>item created>need to change header to code name -> CLAS6-18542 finance payment>>create new payment>>customer dropdown>names are repeated -> CLAS6-18886 agent portal>customer payments>list>need to show the list in descending order -> CLAS6-19156 UI - agent portal>client payment list>deselect all show fields>UI should not show pagination -> CLAS6-19157 19/08/2022 -> Version 8.5.7 configuration>payment term>usage count>termination list>wrong path displayed - UI issue -> CLAS6-19075 Trunktel - server admin>>view history list page>UI must show date with time for each log -> CLAS6-19016 finance>invoice>list>action>credit note>cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-18966 routing>static routing>list page>hide "defined by" dropdown from UI -> CLAS6-18730 18/08/2022 -> Version 8.5.6 Cosmetic Issue -> Dynamic Routing -> Trunk Priority -> Need to change the Page destination Header -> CLAS6-19231 Statistics -> DID CDRs List -> Download PCAP dialogue box should be in Standard Manner -> CLAS6-19274 Termination -> Vendor -> Edit -> UI showing error while edit the Vendor -> CLAS6-19257 Routing -> Dynamic Routing -> Add Egress -> DID Vendor trunk are also showing in Egress trunk dropdown. -> CLAS6-19258 Agent portal -> Dashboard -> Need to change the button Text to "last 24 hours" -> CLAS6-19276 Configuration -> Carrier Portal CDR Field -> Allowed Fields are not Showing on the Carrier portals -> CLAS6-19344 Teleinx :- Call simulation -> UI keeps loading for an Endless time -> CLAS6-19248 15/08/2022 -> Version 8.5.5 Agent Portal -> Customer List modification -> CLAS6-18944 Reset Balance Log cosmetic appearance is wrong -> CLAS6-18825 User -> Agent -> Create New - Getting Error -> CLAS6-18505 09/08/2022 -> Version 8.5.4 Teleinx -> Negative payment in prepayment does not works --> CLAS6-18703 Stir Shaken -> ANI Group should show No Data Found when there is no data --> CLAS6-18882 Trunks -> Enforce CID Block -> Rule is not getting activated --> CLAS6-18932 Agent Portal -> Report & CDR - It should not search for reports until search for it --> CLAS6-18992 Agent Portal -> Commission Report calculation --> CLAS6-18993 Agent Portal -> Commission Report - Add Output section to Export Reports --> CLAS6-18995 Client Portal -> Report & CDR should not show until hitted submit --> CLAS6-18996 DID Client Portal -> Buy DID, CDRs & Reports should not show data until hitted Submit --> CLAS6-18997 Product -> Random text showing on main page --> CLAS6-19092 Online User -> Reset Password icon - no api binded --> CLAS6-19142 Roles -> Reset button does not works --> CLAS6-19143 UI -> Statistics > CDRs List > CDRs Search > Loading issue --> CLAS6-19178 API -> Template > Carrier Template / Create New > API accept submit without template name --> CLAS6-19171 UI -> Termination > vendor > Host > need to fix headers and columns --> CLAS6-19126 UI >DID > DID product /Edit > getting Error --> CLAS6-19112 UI > Finance > Actual Transaction > Fixed Fee column showing null --> CLAS6-19102 UI-> Routing > Trunk >Rate table filter showing no data found --> CLAS6-19011 UI-> Finance > Invoice / export > invoice amount showing wrong while exporting --> CLAS6-18796 UI -> Finance > Invoice > From and To Filter showing wrong date --> CLAS6-18340 Finance > Payment > Payment heading showing wrong --> CLAS6-18269 Statistics >DID Dashboard > Top 10 DID Client list showing no data found --> CLAS6-18365 Statistics> Termination>Traffic Analytic> Holastic Report/Egress Trunks showing DID client Name in Egress trunk filter --> CLAS6-17880 08/08/2022 -> Version 8.5.3 Teleinx -> Block List - Import -Block for Specific Vendor not working -> CLAS6-18535 Teleinx -> Block List - Block by Trunk shows No Data Found -> CLAS6-18587 Client Portal -> CDR - It should not show data until submit is hitted -> CLAS6-18741 Client Portal -> Report - It should not show data until submit is hitted -> CLAS6-18742 Trunks -> Activate & Deactivate popup modification -> CLAS6-18789 Stir Shaken ANI Import Log -> Change Submit on to User -> CLAS6-18838 Reset Balance Log -> Start On time is not correct -> CLAS6-18839 Reset Balance Log -> Modifications -> CLAS6-18853 Stir Shaken -> ANI Import showing Error Invalid File Format -> CLAS6-18881 Agent Portal -> PCAP - Change Clients to Customer (as per hostsbc) -> CLAS6-18930 Agent Portal -> PCAP - Remove Web option -> CLAS6-18931 Agent Portal -> Change Web to Output -> CLAS6-18945 Client -> Balance -> Need Back button -> CLAS6-18974 Reset Balance Log -> Time bar is missing -> CLAS6-18994 UI Issue - CDR List -> Default showing 403 saved in Release Code -> CLAS6-19040 Rate Table ->Search by Code filter does not allows to paste anything -> CLAS6-19140 07/08/2022 -> Version 8.5.2 UI > DID > DID Product > Pricing /Edit > "Save" button is not functioning correctly. -> CLAS6-19129 UI > Routing > Routing plane >click on route name > EDIT >after submit dynamic routing should appear -> CLAS6-19100 Statistic >Origination > CDRs List > CDR Export Log > In show hide column need to do "Progress(h)" as a "Progress(%)" -> CLAS6-19099 Staging > Configuration > Payment Term > Termination Usage Count and Origination Usage Count showing "NaN" -> CLAS6-19088 Cosmetic issue ->Termination > Product > need to add "No data found " , when no data on screen -> CLAS6-19054 UI -> Origination > DID Invoice > manual invoice > In invoice date "Time " is missing -> CLAS6-19029 Cosmetic issue -> DID > DID Product > showing different name in list and show hide column -> CLAS6-18980 UI-> Configuration > Users > System Users > Delete success Pop is missing -> CLAS6-18976 Statistics >DID Dashboard > Top 10 DID Client list showing revenue showing NAN and attempt showing blank -> CLAS6-18933 UI >Origination > DID Product >Pricing / Edit > UI is calling undefined on place of id -> CLAS6-18877 UI -> Configuration > Invoice Setting > Overlap Invoice Protection is not selected ,Still DEVTOOL is giving the truth -> CLAS6-18859 UI -> DID Product > Product name > Edit > Change is not saving -> CLAS6-1884 UI > Configuration > Trunk Group > Trunk List > Need to modified Delete confirmation pop -> CLAS6-18827 UI -> Login via vendor > Termination > Trunk > Edit button not responding -> CLAS6-18810 Configuration > Payment Setting > Need to add icons for Stripe , Paypal , Notification -> CLAS6-18795 Termination > client > Need to add delete selected button -> CLAS6-18772 Cosmetic issue -> DID -> customer > login By client > Buy DID > Page row should not be shown when there is no data on the page -> CLAS6-18493 UI -> Configuration > Stir Shaken > Created time is missing -> CLAS6-18500 Routing > Trunks > outbound/inbound > edit > limit > UI showing wrong validation -> CLAS6-18760 UI>Agent> Commission Report> Need to fix space in between Page row and show/hide column -> CLAS6-18219 Template > Carrier Template > Action / Create Client > Error Notification is missing after submission -> CLAS6-17997 DID> Origination > DID Product > Click on Product Name > View Rates Button not working -> CLAS6-17952 UI -> Routing > trunk > send interop > Need to Standardized button -> CLAS6-18669 UI-Termination > client/edit > Ingress Trunks >The Delete Selected button should not be activated until we select Row -> CLAS6-17777 Code Deck / create > Code Deck List > country is repeated in dropdown -> CLAS6-18251 Template-> Egress Trunk Template->Edit Egress Trunk Template -> Getting ERROR Error editing the record -> CLAS6-17887 Statistics> Termination>Traffic Analytic> Holastic Report/Egress Trunks showing DID client Name in Egress trunk filter -> CLAS6-17880 Time Profile > Edit > When we edit and select type all time, then there should be weekday and time not showing -> CLAS6-18732 UI- Configuration > Payment Term >Usage Count >Termination /Carrier>Activate selected , Deactivate selected and Reset balance selected button should be not clickable until something is selected -> CLAS6-17966 UI- Configuration > Payment Term >Usage Count >Termination /Carrier > Need to do unable to click on zero -> CLAS6-17967 Code Deck / create > Code Deck List > country is repeated in dropdown -> CLAS6-18251 UI -> Routing > trunk > send interop > Need to Standardized button -> CLAS6-18669 06/08/2022 -> Version 8.5.1 Cosmetic issue ->Termination > Product > need to remove marked field -> CLAS6-19079 Termination > Vendor / Host > Need to fix header name in show/hide column -> CLAS6-19063 Cosmetic issue -> Termination > vendor > Host > need to change column name " Customer" as a "Vendor" -> CLAS6-19012 UI -> configuration > User > System Users > when we activate and deactivate user , UI showing wrong POPUP -> CLAS6-19005 Cosmetic issue -> Termination > vendor > Host > need to change filter name " Customer121312" as a "Vendor" -> CLAS6-18968 Configuration > Users > Non-Active Users > When there is no data on screen than active all and delete all should not clickable. -> CLAS6-18959 Configuration > Stir Shaken > Stir Shaken Upload > Need to Add example file -> CLAS6-18457 Cosmetic issue -> Routing > Routing Plan/View > Edit > If we select static route from route type then dynamic route should be removed from list -> CLAS6-18672 UI - routing > trunk / edit > Fail-over Rule /add > route type automatically appear when we click on add button -> CLAS6-18709 03/08/2022 - Version 8.5.0 Termination>Vendor - UI optimization required -> CLAS6-18831 Routing>Dynamic Routing>Override - Unable to click "Delete" button when there's only one row (UI issue) -> CLAS6-19170 Routing>Trunk>Outbound/Inbound - "Trunk" drop-down takes too long to load -> CLAS6-18723 Termination>Credit Management - Wrong API used for "Customer" drop-down list -> CLAS6-18821 Finance>Payment>New Payment Received - UI shouldn't allow values that are 1000000 and above -> CLAS6-19047 Log>DID Import Log>Delete - "Uploaded on" and "Finished on" date/time are wrong -> CLAS6-18861 Log>Rate Import Log - Change parameters for "Rate Table" list API. -> CLAS6-18819 DID>Transaction - Parameters used for API request is wrong -> CLAS6-18833 Finance>Invoice>Manual Invoice>Create New - "Customer" drop-down list is wrong, UI using wrong parameter -> CLAS6-18816 DID>Billing Rule - UI is calling unwanted API and requires optimization -> CLAS6-18834 Finance>Actual Transaction - "Customer" drop-down list is wrong -> CLAS6-18800 Finance>Auto Invoice Management - "Client" drop-down is wrong -> CLAS6-18815 Finance>Payment - UI optimization -> CLAS6-18817 GET/finance/invoice/{invoice_id}/payment/list - Values for "unpaid_amound" is wrong in API response -> CLAS6-18712 Finance>Regenerate Balance - "Customer" drop-down is wrong, API parameter is wrong -> CLAS6-18818 Finance>Invoice>Payment List - "Payment on" is wrong on UI page -> CLAS6-18713 Routing>Trunk>Outbound/Inbound - "Trunk" drop-down only has "Active" trunks -> CLAS6-18720 Termination>Client>Customer Limit - Entered value for Client CPS/Call limit is also being applied to it's trunks (UI issue) -> CLAS6-18687 POST/carrier/{client_id}/payment - "amount=0" shouldn't be allowed -> CLAS6-18502 03/08/2022 - Version 8.4.9 |CLAS6-18914 | Routing>Trunks>Egress/Ingress>Send Interop - Remove pop-up| |CLAS6-18695 | Statistics>Termination>CDR List - Changes required for "Release Cause" field| |CLAS6-19136 | DID Client Portal>> Dashboard - UI is requesting vendor detail instead of client.| |CLAS6-18986 | Configuration>Payment term>Usage count - UI using wrong API for "Carrier" list| |CLAS6-18846 | Routing>Trunk>Outbound/Inbound - "Trunk" drop-down is not getting filtered by the selected "Carrier"| |CLAS6-18890 | Configuration>Roles>Edit - Previous selections are not being shown on the page| |CLAS6-18780 | Finance>Payment>New Payment Received - Add new "Type" = Debit Received| 03/08/2022 - Version 8.4.8 DID>Clients>Edit Customer>Self service portal>Enable customer portal>Save without Username and password -> CLAS6-18717 Cosmetic issue:-Vendor portal>Dashboard -> CLAS6-18855 UI Issue:- Routing>Routing plan>show wrong warning popup -> CLAS6-18854 cosmetic issue > Routing>Rate table>Editing rates> page alignment issue on Editing Rates page -> CLAS6-18826 Agent -> Agent Management -> Manage Customers -> Client dropdown showing DID client and Term Vendors too. -> CLAS6-19175 UI Issue:-Routing>Trunk>Egress>Action column>click on Save as template>Name should be mandatory -> CLAS6-19198 Termination>Product - UI page has unwanted API requests and requires optimization -> CLAS6-18822 Configuration>Role - UI optimization -> CLAS6-18766 DID>Invoice - UI Optimization -> CLAS6-18989 Log>Reset Balance Log - UI optimization -> CLAS6-18820 Termination>Client - UI optimization required -> CLAS6-18876 DID Product - UI optimization required -> CLAS6-18896 DID>Vendor - UI optimization -> CLAS6-18899 Need to optimize UI - When logging in, some API are being called multiple times -> CLAS6-18761 Configuration>Users - Need to optimize UI page -> CLAS6-18767 02/08/2022 - Version 8.4.7 Routing>Trunk>Ingress>Edit>Basic info>Add Routing and tech prefix>Click on Add new rate table>Missing code deck Field for new rate table -> CLAS6-19181 UI Issue:- Configuration>Random ANI Group>Create time showing Wrong -> CLAS6-19184 Cosmetic issue:- Agent>Agent Management>Delete popup showing wrong client instant of agent -> CLAS6-19186 UI Issue:- Routing>Trunk>egress >Update at - showing wrong -> CLAS6-19123 Cosmetic issue:-Termination>Customer>Customer limit -> CLAS6-19116 UI Issue:- Routing>Rate Table-usage count=0 should not be clickable -> CLAS6-19121 UI Issue:- Routing>Rate Table>Select rate type-US non JD>Click on delete all>Show warning popup>click on yes>Rate table delete all type rate tables -> CLAS6-19050 Cosmetic Issue:- Routing>Dynamic routing>Edit dynamic routing>Click on delete all>Warning Popup text missing -> CLAS6-19051 UI Issue:- Routing>Dynamic routing>Edit dynamic routing>Select Vendor Click on delete selected>no error popup show and delete selected vendor success -> CLAS6-19041 UI Issue:-Termination >Product>Create New>Click on create new rate Table>Shows wrong error -> CLAS6-18851 Template>egress trunk template>create new/edit>PDD timeout -> CLAS6-18804 Template>egress trunk template>create new/edit -> CLAS6-18756 02/08/2022 - Version 8.4.6 UI Issue:- Termination>Vendor>Create new>Noc email should not mandatory ---> CLAS6-19201 ICX Issue:- Unable to edit Outbound and Inbound trunk- UI showing blank when click on edit ---> CLAS6-19069 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Disconnect causes>Termination tab>Sip response and Sip Causes showing blank ---> CLAS6-19000 02/08/2022 - Version 8.4.5 Routing -> Block list :- Upload just ANI and DNIS :- Ingress and Egress Trunk dropdown showing DID trunks in the list --> CLAS6-19183 Statistics:- Usage Report -> The total of the Duration column should be shown in 2-digit decimal --> CLAS6-19202 Tools -> SIP Packet Search -> Inbound/Outbound trunk dropdown showing Null while using Independently --> CLAS6-18727 27/07/2022 - Version 8.4.4 Cosmetic Issue:- Configuration -> Users -> System Users -> Create New button is not showing there -> CLAS6-19025 Finance -> Invoice -> Credit Note -> Invoice amount is showing wrong while create new credit note -> CLAS6-19022 API Issue:- Agent portal -> API showing Access Permission Error while creating New Issue type. -> CLAS6-19144 Agent Portal -> Customer payment -> "Payment Date" Column showing Dates in a Wrong Format. -> CLAS6-19118 Agent portal -> Customer Payment -> Payment History -> Sorting option Not Working on UI. -> CLAS6-19119 25/07/2022 - Version 8.4.3 DID -> Product -> Country dropdown cant be Null while edit any Product ---> CLAS6-18378 DID Dashboard -> Top 10 client list showing No Data Found ---> CLAS6-18503 Finance:- Payment :- Received :- Add new Parameter in "Type" dropdown For getting "Debit Received" data ---> CLAS6-18823 Term Client portal :- Support ticket -> Create New Ticket -> Issue type dropdown showing "No Record Found ---> CLAS6-18928 Routing -> Rate Table -> Assigned Rate Deck -> Customer dropdown is showing wrong list of Carriers ---> CLAS6-19023 Termination Wizard -> Step 3 ->Create new Dynamic route -> UI showing duplicate ID Error ---> CLAS6-19039 Termination -> Client -> Host -> "Trunk" drop-down is not getting filtered by the selected "Carrier" ---> CLAS6-18998 Statistics -> Origination -> Profitability Report -> Profitability report showing NaN ---> CLAS6-19095 25/07/2022 - Version 8.4.2 Statistics -> Usage Report ->DID trunks are showing in Ingress and Egress trunk filter --> CLAS6-18676 Cosmetic Issue :- Tools -> SIP Packet Search -> Need to Remove Filter "Web" form UI --> CLAS6-18901 19/07/2022 - Version 8.4.1 static route>edit>detail page>edit>UI showing extra space in code field - UI issue --> CLAS6-18655 staging>tools>rate gen>>apply rate >code_deck_id missing while calling from UI --> CLAS6-18252 rate table>type>us non jd>export>need one more header selection column --> CLAS6-18268 static routing>create/edit item>showing error - api not allowing name format --> CLAS6-18607 agent portal>CDR>CDR export log>action>progress info>showing Invalid dates --> CLAS6-17728 staging - cdr export log> showing wrong process start and end time in list --> CLAS6-18746 staging>agent portal>cdr>export CDR>cdr export log is showing NULL --> CLAS6-18154 trunk>edit>digit manipulation>UI modification --> CLAS6-16908 need to use ajax in refreshing of dashboard --> CLAS6-17664 hostSBC - configurable support --> CLAS6-18159 api - GET ​/rt​/cdr_get -> need to add DNIS search box with and without prefix filter --> CLAS6-18569 ytel - finance>payment>invoice payment>payment is getting round up - wrong --> CLAS6-18580 routing>trunk>ingress trunk>stir shaken tab>data not getting saved --> CLAS6-18667 statistics>daily usage detail report>showing error popup on UI --> CLAS6-18642 ATI: - Stir Shaken : UI sending null value in devtool --> CLAS6-18779 15/07/2022 - Version 8.4.0 did repository>create new >reserved should not be enabled by default - UI -> CLAS6-18245 Need to add a field in system setting -> CLAS6-17697 static routing>create new>need to add Code Deck header and field on UI -> CLAS6-18539 term client>list>company dropdown>should show only updated list - UI -> CLAS6-18516 DID import log>need to add "Back button" on UI -> CLAS6-18721 admin>first time wizard>step 4>email setting>accepting wrong values -> CLAS6-18354 first time wizard> UI issue>base domain url should check for format -> CLAS6-18362 Ytel-invoice list > auto and manual > list should be displayed by invoice time not invoice number -> CLAS6-18521 invoice setting>show/hide column>de select all header -> should not show box - cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-18757 Wrong invoice period in Ytel -> CLAS6-18520 14/07/2022 - Version 8.3.9 Invoice -> Manual Invoice -> Payment list -> UI showing wrong Unpaid amount -> CLAS6-18704 DID -> Import -> Need to Set a Validation pop up notification for Mandatory field -> CLAS6-18705 Client Portal :- Invoices :- UI should not show data until submit button is hitted -> CLAS6-18848 Finance -> Auto Invoice -> Payment Due Date is Showing wrong on UI -> CLAS6-18788 Cosmetic Issue:- Finance :- Invoice :- Payment List Page showing wrong -> CLAS6-18803 06/07/2022 - Version 8.3.8 Agent Portal:- UI Issue:- Available balance showing wrong --> CLAS6-18755 UI Issue:-Monitoring Rule>Create new showing error --> CLAS6-18273 UI Issue:- Monitoring >Rule>Edit>Define condition tab>Missing Values of ACD.ASR --> CLAS6-18275 UI Issue:- Dashboard>Top 10 Vendors>Cost showing NAN and Attemp showing Blank --> CLAS6-18618 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Summary Report>Total ASR and ACD Calculate wrong by UI --> CLAS6-18507 UI Issue :-Agent portal:-Menu>Product>View rates>Click on code>rates showing end dated rates also --> CLAS6-18371 Agent Portal>Dashboard>Top 10 Customer>Loading issue --> CLAS6-18486 Roles -> Not allowed Modules also opening when searched using URL --> CLAS6-17939 Term Vendor -> Activate Selected button is getting activated on selected Active Vendors & Vice Versa --> CLAS6-18272 New Egress & Ingress Trunk -> Change Carrier to Customer & Vendor --> CLAS6-18338 Rate Generation -> Code Deck not getting saved --> CLAS6-18441 Invoice Payment -> Invoice Details are not showing while Invoice Payment --> CLAS6-18482 Disconnect Cause -> Date Filter showing old date data also --> CLAS6-18527 Payment Page showing Error --> CLAS6-18573 Invoice Payment window keeps loading indefinitely --> CLAS6-18574 Static Routing -> Route by - Code Name & Country --> CLAS6-18604 Stagging -> Invoice amount showing null --> CLAS6-18648 Finance -> Invoice Payment - Delete button not working correctly (UI Issue) --> CLAS6-18728 Summary Report -> Average Rate should be 5 digits after decimal --> CLAS6-18738 Teleinx -> User - Administrator Role - Submodule shows No Result Found --> CLAS6-18435 Hostsbc -> User - Administrator Role - Submodule shows No Result Found --> CLAS6-18452 Hostsbc -> User which are assigned Roles other than Admin - submodule not working under user icon --> CLAS6-18453 Teleinx -> Disconnect Cause - showing multiple rows for single release cause --> CLAS6-18514 Teleinx -> Inbound & Outbound Qos does not show trunk name if it is deactivated --> CLAS6-18534 Ytel -> Invoice Payment not working - not showing relevant data --> CLAS6-18546 Ytel -> User Sign in History showing wrong Login Time --> CLAS6-18602 05/07/2022 - Version 8.3.7 Client Portal -> Standarized button size -> CLAS6-18201 Vendor Limit -> Change Customer Filters to Vendor -> CLAS6-18321 Payment -> Invoice Payment - Amount Field validation error -> CLAS6-18350 Fraud Detection -> Edit - Fraud Checking Criteria alignment -> CLAS6-18369 Invoice Setting -> Billing Detail & Company Info box are not in correct form -> CLAS6-18383 Client -> Reset the balance - value remains saved after closing too -> CLAS6-18450 Invoice Settings -> Create New - Add Back button -> CLAS6-18485 Mail Sender - > Getting error in creating new or editing - wrong UI validation error -> CLAS6-18504 Static Routing -> Add New Route - UI Modification -> CLAS6-18506 Digit Replacement -> Fix alignment for ANI & DNIS change -> CLAS6-18678 Roles -> Edit - UI appearance is not clear -> CLAS6-18718 Ingress Trunk -> Activate & Deactivated Selected button not working -> CLAS6-18790 Teleinx -> Static Routing - Code Field empty automatically taking 0 -> CLAS6-18515 Ytel -> Inbound/Outbound - Need 5 digits after decimal for Avg Rate -> CLAS6-18526 VTI -> Dynamic Routing -> Add Vendor & Egress Trunk - dropdown should be arranged in alphabetical order -> CLAS6-18681 04/07/2022 - Version 8.3.6 UI Issue:- Routing >Block list>ANI prefix and DNIS Prefix Field Accepting Alphabetic and special Characters -> CLAS6-18550 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Active call Report>ANI and DNIS Field Accept Alphabets and special characters -> CLAS6-18620 UI Issue :-Termination>Client>Create new>Test credit allow too many digit -> CLAS6-18601 UI Issue:-Admin>dropdown>Ticket>without submission, page showing result -> CLAS6-18600 Cosmetic Issue:-Configuration > Stir Shaken > ANI Group View > Create New >caller id should be blank -> CLAS6-18525 UI Issue:- Client Portal>Dashboard>Current day traffic>Missing header name -> CLAS6-18455 Agent Portal:-Click on profile>Support ticket>Create ticket>Error "You don't have permissions to access this resource" -> CLAS6-18440 UI Issue:-Agent>Agent management>manage customer >Create new/edit>Commision>accept to many digits -> CLAS6-18480 04/07/2022 - Version 8.3.5 |CLAS6-18664 | Finance-> Manual Invoice-> Payment list -> UI showing wrong values for the Paid amount |CLAS6-18674 | Finance>Payment>New Payment Received - "Invoice Amount" is wrong| |CLAS6-18780 | Finance>Payment>New Payment Received - Add new "Type" = Debit Received| |CLAS6-18284 | Monitoring>Rule>Alert Rules Log - "Actual values" are wrong (UI using wrong start_time and end_time)| |CLAS6-18305 | Monitoring>Fraud Detection>Create New - No option to select "Email to"| |CLAS6-17669 | DID> DID Repository>Import - UI is creating multiple instances of "did_number_delete_task" when using "Remove DIDs from a specific client"| |CLAS6-18271 | Landing page pop-up - "drop-down" list is wrong for "Main menu" and "Sub Menu"| |CLAS6-18657 | Routing>Static Routing>Details - When using "Copy", "Code" field is getting blank| |CLAS6-18306 | Configuration>Mail Sender - UI not calling API to get status of each mail sender| |CLAS6-18532 | Statistics>Origination>DID Report - "Page row" is not working on UI| |CLAS6-17871 | Role Configuration| |CLAS6-17266 | Digit Manipulation page is totally wrong - need to redo| |CLAS6-18042 | Role Configuration| 23/06/2022 - Version 8.3.4 Routing>Trunk>Outbound/Inbound - "Trunk" drop-down only has "Active" trunks -> CLAS6-18720 Termination>Client>Customer Limit - Entered value for Client CPS/Call limit is also being applied to it's trunks (UI issue) -> CLAS6-18687 POST/carrier/{client_id}/payment - "amount=0" shouldn't be allowed -> CLAS6-18502 Finance>Payment>New Payment Received - Balance amount is wrong -> CLAS6-18559 Statistics>Termination>CDR List - Spacing issue -> CLAS6-18694 Termination>Client>Create New - No pop-up for duplicate "carrier_name" -> CLAS6-18524 Finance>Invoice>Auto/Manual Invoice - Change column name to "Credit Note" -> CLAS6-18641 Finance>Payment>New Payment Received - For "Invoice Payment", we need an option to select "Invoice" -> CLAS6-18501 Finance>Invoice>Manual Invoice - If "unpaid_amount=0" then hide "Credit Note" -> CLAS6-18558 Log>User Sign-In History>Live Token - UI is showing token from older dates -> CLAS6-18626 Finance>Invoice>Auto/Manual Invoice - "Credit Note" page is blank even when there are result in API response (UI issue) -> CLAS6-18367 Finance>Payment>New Payment received - Make "invoice payment received" option visible only when there are pending invoice for the selected Client -> CLAS6-18537 Finance -> Invoice -> Term Vendor, DID clients and DID vendor are showing on Client dropdown -> CLAS6-18791 23/06/2022 - Version 8.3.3 Termination -> Product -> Assign product button not responding --> CLAS6-18225 Staging -> Statistics :- DID CDR page showing "Incorrect response" Error --> CLAS6-18448 Termination -> Summary report ->Export sheet not showing Row for Total calculation --> CLAS6-18376 DID -> DID Product -> Unable to edit the product for add the billing plan to the DID product --> CLAS6-18381 Cosmetic Issue :- Agent portal :- UI showing Black border on the pages --> CLAS6-18260 Routing -> Block list -> Ingress and Egress trunk filter not showing all the trunk list --> CLAS6-18262 Termination Client portal :- Reports ->PDD value showing wrong --> CLAS6-18335 Finance:- Payment-> Invoice payment received -> Total paid amount calculation is Wrong --> CLAS6-18599 Manual Invoice -> After making Invoice payment Paid and unpaid column showing wrong values --> CLAS6-18484 Routing -> Block list :- Associated trunks are not showing while selecting Inbound/Outbound Carrier --> CLAS6-18263 Cosmetic Issue :- Finance -> Payment ->Brackets are showing with Header Name --> CLAS6-18274 Termination CLAS6-16941 20/06/2022 - Version 8.3.1 Hostsbc : ordering in Finance is also not correct --> CLAS6-18140 HostSBC: Need to change buttons name --> CLAS6-17950 Hostsbc: edit role is not showing any data --> CLAS6-18145 Hostsbc: create new role --> CLAS6-18144 write function not working --> CLAS6-17929 UI ISSUE: create new role --> CLAS6-18112 Voip Now PBX: Tools >>Rate Generation >>Rate Generation History --> CLAS6-12097 instantia:- DID >>Origination Invoice >> Manual orig invoice --> CLAS6-12350 UI ISSUE: Main menu are continuously loading --> CLAS6-18489 manual invoice: UI sending previous date in request --> CLAS6-18360 "Archive Setting" submenu is hidden in master --> CLAS6-18279 DID client portal: Edit function not working for DID client portal --> CLAS6-17164 User portal: After login, for a few sec switch shows all menu --> CLAS6-17921 ytel-dashboard>Inbound channel / Inbound CPS and outbound CPS is wrong --> CLAS6-17466 UI issue -> admin>server admin>UI should filter duplicate data --> CLAS6-17666 tools>cdr archival>UI modification - UI issue --> CLAS6-17769 staging UI issue - active call report>UI keeps loading once i removed Inbound and outbound trunk filter --> CLAS6-18310 statistics>sub menu> all are mixed up --> CLAS6-18233 statistics>disconnected cause report>api called from UI is not showing "blocking reason" --> CLAS6-18328 wrong report display --> CLAS6-18398 DID report - query for more than 10 days only show 10 days --> CLAS6-18327 ICX - TOP 10 vendor and customers - not working --> CLAS6-18277 Problem with UI on "start time greater than end_time" --> CLAS6-18411 ytel - finance>invoice>manual invoice> create button is missing --> CLAS6-18230 statistics>summary report>total cost is not showing decimal values --> CLAS6-18177 ytel - background image is broken on UI --> CLAS6-18091 20.06.2022 - Version 8.3.0 agent portal>CDR>email when done>>UI change -> CLAS6-17551 cdr export>error popup->when trying to export "previous month" records -> CLAS6-17791 term>client>host>UI is calling wrong API parameter -> CLAS6-17826 agent portal>CDR>email when done>>UI change -> CLAS6-17551 cdr export>error popup->when trying to export "previous month" records -> CLAS6-17791 term>client>host>UI is calling wrong API parameter -> CLAS6-17826 20/06/2022 - Version 8.3.2 Agent -> Agent Management -> Create new button is not responding. -> CLAS6-18434 DID Client portal ->CDR -> Cost value showing 6 place decimal value -> CLAS6-18419 Monitoring -> Fraud Detection -> Check box for "Block Trunk" always showing Enabled -> CLAS6-18319 Monitoring -> Faulty Route Alert -> Start/ Stop button not working. API field missing -> CLAS6-17387 Statistics -> Origination -> DID Usage Report -> Page row option not working on UI -> CLAS6-18549 DID :- DID Repository :- Reserved check box always showing false -> CLAS6-18586 Teleinx Issue :- DID client portal -> Need to Add toll free code 1833 -> CLAS6-18385 Advance Issue :- Dynamic Routing :- Egress carrier and trunk not getting saved while using mass edit option -> CLAS6-18067 20/06/2022 - Version 8.2.9 Cosmetic issue : Boarder seems strange -> CLAS6-18183 Hostsbc: Quick Config >>Operation Wizard -> CLAS6-18181 Advance: Remove "Charge Type:" from UI -> CLAS6-18182 Hostsbc : Unable to create user -> CLAS6-18147 DID client : Unable to modify port -> CLAS6-18316 16/06/2022 - Version 8.2.8 first time wizard issue -> CLAS6-17053 mail sender list>delete popup>id email is assigned then it shows popup to re assign other email -> CLAS6-18151 CDR - IB cost and OB cost should be upto 6 decimal place everywhere -> CLAS6-18424 invoice setting>>edit>unable to remove/ add previous setting -> CLAS6-18190 UI ->agent >commission report>Query and Export button is overlapped with Period section -> CLAS6-17722 routing>trunk list>deactivated trunk is not showing under Routing>trunk list -> CLAS6-18311 term>credit management>last amount is showing NULL -> CLAS6-18212 statistics>summary report>Save button>popup>fix the size of button -> CLAS6-18115 first time wizard> UI issue -> CLAS6-18361 16/06/2022 - Version 8.2.7 User -> Landing Page & Sub Modules are not showing in dropdown ---> CLAS6-17979 Roles -> Termination -> Product submenu is missing from UI ---> CLAS6-18036 HostSBC -> Remove Help & Get Support from admin dropdown ---> CLAS6-18188 Statistics Reports not showing client in filters ---> CLAS6-18324 Stagging -> Payment text issue ---> CLAS6-18370 Ytel -> URL Link shows DNL ---> CLAS6-17685 Teleinx -> Recent Payments not showing for client - ETI Telecom Inc ---> CLAS6-17912 Ytel -> Disconnect Cause - There are multiple fields with zero counts ---> CLAS6-17944 Advance - Rate Generation -> Not Saving values ---> CLAS6-18349 Teleinx -> Period Time Filter showing incorrect times ---> CLAS6-18407 |CLAS6-17910 | GET/config/system_function/list - Missing "system_functions" are missing| |CLAS6-17992 | Configuration>Roles - Submenu with ONLY "readable=true" still can create, edit and delete records on page| |CLAS6-18157 | Conditions for User "Landing Page"| |CLAS6-18256 | Routing>Trunks>Ingress/Egress>Create New/Edit - "Digit" values are not getting saved correctly| |CLAS6-18270 | Log>DID Import Log>Delete - Modification| |CLAS6-18302 | Monitoring>Fraud Detection - Values entered in field not getting saved (UI Issue)| |CLAS6-18156 | Configuration>Users>Create New/Edit - "Landing page" is not mandatory| |CLAS6-18304 | GET/monitoring/frund_detection/{id} - No API field for "Enable Auto-Unblock"| |CLAS6-18307 | Configuration>Mail Sender - UI is using *** instead of using the entered password in payload| |CLAS6-18059 | DID Client Portal>> Origination>Report - UI is using wrong parameter in API request| |CLAS6-18057 | DID Client Portal>> Origination>Report - Empty column on table| |CLAS6-18020 | Configuration>Roles - Unable to access sub menu and other pages| |CLAS6-17442 | Termination>Wizard>Add Route(Step 3) - Trunks are not getting added to the created/selected "Dynamic Routing"| |CLAS6-17990 | Configuration>Roles>Create New/Edit>Tools - Need to include "Execute" alongside "Read" and "Write"| |CLAS6-17920 | Configuration>Roles>Edit - UI visual bug. "Read" checkbox is visually shown as unselected when it's selected| 15/06/2022 - Version 8.2.6 Auto & Manual Invoice -> Credit column is showing wrong data -> CLAS6-17712 DID Report -> Submit button size should be same as More option -> CLAS6-18101 Commission Report -> Cosmetic changes -> CLAS6-18102 Agent Portal -> Cosmetic changes on Report, CDR, PCAP & Commission -> CLAS6-18103 SIP Packet Search -> Cosmetic changes -> CLAS6-18113 Statistics -> Submodules should be arranged in two parts - Termination & Origination -> CLAS6-18227 Term Wizard -> Vendor - Cosmetic Change -> CLAS6-18276 Egress Trunk List Page -> Change Customer to Vendor -> CLAS6-18336 Stir Shaken -> ANI Group Page - Replace pool with group -> CLAS6-18410 Carrier Portal CDR Fields -> Alignment -> CLAS6-18454 Ytel -> Role used for Admin user does not allow changes -> CLAS6-17735 14/06/2022 - Version 8.2.5 Ytel -> Dashboard - Charts - Comparative section -> CLAS6-16649 NT Telecom -> Rate Import getting failed with Error - Open Rate File Failed -> CLAS-9048 Teleinx -> Opening any module in New Tab logouts the switch (ctrl) -> CLAS6-17576 Advance -> Manual Invoice created successfully but not showing up on UI -> CLAS6-18168 14/06/2022 - Version 8.2.4 Client Portal> User>Support Ticket - When user tries to comment/respond to existing ticket, previous attachments are showing up in attachments and cannot be removed ->CLAS6-17905 DID Client Portal>> Origination>Buy DID>Local - Need to modify Query field for this page -> CLAS6-17973 Monitoring>Rule>Alert Rules Log - "From" and "To" is using wrong API parameter (UI issue) -> CLAS6-18317 Configuration>Invoice Setting>Used by Agents - Need to change redirected page of "Used by Agents" -> CLAS6-16456 Termination>Wizard>Step 3 - Getting error when creating "Dynamic Routing" -> CLAS6-18165 Termination>Wizard - "Trunk" field is not getting filtered based on selected Vendor in "Step 2" and "Step 3" -> CLAS6-18166 Finance>Payment>Received - UI table missing -> CLAS6-18128 07/06/2022 - Version 8.2.3 Cosmetic issue:- Popup page for Landing Page -> CLAS6-18186 Popup page for Landing Page>Sub menu shows no result found -> CLAS6-18187 UI Issue :-Agent Portal:-Menu>Product list>Type Showing Wrong -> CLAS6-18405 API Issue:-GET/trunk/gatewaygroup/list > In Response >allowed_credit>Showing negative value -> CLAS6-18432 UI Issue:-Agent Portal>Menu>Product>Product list>Download rate -> CLAS6-18196 Cosmetic Issue:-Agent portal >Menu>Statistics>PCAP Search -> CLAS6-18198 UI Issue:-Agent portal >Menu>Statistics>CDR>ANI and DNIS Field Accepting Alphabetic and special Characters -> CLAS6-18197 UI Issue:- Statistics>Origination>Profitability Report>Submit button size should be same as More option -> CLAS6-18149 UI Issue:- Statistics>Origination>Profitability Report>DID Field Accepting Alphabetic and special Characters -> CLAS6-18148 UI Issue:- Statistics>Origination>DID CDRs List>CDRs Search>ANI and DNIS Field Accepting Alphabetic and special Characters -> CLAS6-18104 ICX Issue :-Termination>Client>Edit>company Info>company Name Field showing for character validation -> CLAS6-18064 07/06/2022 - Version 8.2.2 UI Issue:-Agent Portal>Menu>Product>Product list>Missing Action Column --> CLAS6-18195 Stagging Issue:- Log in with new admin user Menu bar disappear --> CLAS6-17945 Unable to login DID Client Portal --> CLAS6-18167 Unable to Login in to Agent Portal --> CLAS6-18074 Client portal:- Termination>Product>Unable to download rate --> CLAS6-17364 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>Disconnect causes>Termination tab>Click on More option>Egress trunk dropdown shows DID clients --> CLAS6-17688 Configuration > Stir Shaken >ANI Group View > Upload > accepting wrong import file ,need to add validation --> CLAS6-18446 UI -> Finance > Invoice > From and To Filter showing wrong date --> CLAS6-18340 Routing > Routing Plan > Usage count / Ingress Export> Ingress name showing wrong while exporting --> CLAS6-18402 Finance > Payment > Payment heading showing wrong --> CLAS6-18269 Statistics > Disconnect Causes > Term SIP Reason / more options > Need to add customer and ingress trunk filter in more option --> CLAS6-18313 UI -> Finance > Invoice > Export > Need to add validation --> CLAS6-18281 Statistics > Disconnect Causes > Orig SIP Reason / more options > Need to add customer and ingress trunk filter in more option --> CLAS6-18301 Routing -> Routing Plan -> Usage count -> Ingress Trunk -> Egress Trunk>egress list showing blank in cps limit and call limit while export --> CLAS6-17954 Statistics > Profitability Analysis > Origination > Getting different profit percentage while exporting --> CLAS6-18131 Statistics> Termination>Traffic Analytic> Holastic Report/Egress Trunks showing DID client Name in Egress trunk filter --> CLAS6-17880 Routing > Rate table / Edit Rate > Import > Need A validation Error for wrong import --> CLAS6-18049 Term. Dashboard -> outbound trunk > Trunk List showing DID vendor --> CLAS6-18110 UI> Tools> CDR Archival>CDR Search > getting error after submission --> CLAS6-17829 06/06/2022 - Version 8.2.1 UI-Routing >Static Routing / Prefix count > Need to do unable to click on zero (0) -> CLAS6-18099 Monitoring > Loop Detection > Edit > Without selecting Trunk Should not submit the changes -> CLAS6-18094 UI Issue - Monitoring >Fraud Detection > Block field showing wrong ->CLAS6-18093 DID > Origination > DID Repository > Mark button button should be not clickable until something is selected -> CLAS6-18153 Finance > Regenerate Balance > Regenerate Balance History showing blank -> CLAS6-18125 UI- Statistics> Origination > CDRs List /CDRs Search > Need to correct save field button -> CLAS6-17759 UI- Termination>client >login via this client >Termination >Trunk> Need to fix space and correct action column -> CLAS6-17758 UI- Routing -> Dynamic Routing / Edit -> Page showing hung after clicking Add All egress Trunk -> CLAS6-17988 UI - Log -> Reset Balance Log -> without submission, page showing result ->CLAS6-18109 Routing > Rate table > view rates > Back space not working on Search by code filter -> CLAS6-18158 Finance >Regenerate Balance > Getting ERROR Error creating the record -> CLAS6-18054 Monitoring -> Fraud Detection >Execution Log > show / hide columns > Need to broad Dropdown -> CLAS6-18116 Statistics > Disconnect Causes > Submit button size should be same as More option -> CLAS6-18164 Routing -> Trunk > Edit > Need to reload after submit -> CLAS6-18019 UI>Agent> Commission Report> Need to fix space in between Page row and show/hide column -> CLAS6-18219 UI >Routing >Trunks > Outbound Trunk > customer filter change as vendor -> CLAS6-18202 DID -> DID Repository -> UI running wrong API for country list. -> CLAS6-18000 UI-Termination >vendor / Balance field> Need to do unable to click on zero (0) -> CLAS6-18236 Termination > Customer > Customer Limit > page should not accept multiple Edit -> CLAS6-18152 UI Issue -> DID > DID Product > not showing Created by and Created on in one of the product name -> CLAS6-18179 UI - Origination > Billing Rule > Delete Selected button should be not clickable until something is selected -> CLAS6-18285 UI - Termination > Vendor > Need to change customer limit as a vendor limit -> CLAS6-18255 Finance > Invoice > Filters not showing properly -> CLAS6-18253 UI -> Origination > DID Repository > Export Log >without submission, page showing result -> CLAS6-18267 Template > Carrier Template > Action / Create Client > Error Notification is missing after submission -> CLAS6-17997 Routing> Static Routing > Static Routing Detail >Clear copy -> CLAS6-17762 API Issue -> Routing > Block List > Create new showing Error -> CLAS6-17982 UI- Statistics > Daily Usage Detail Report > Need to fix from and To Filter -> CLAS6-18345 Monitoring > Rule > Alert Rules Log Detail > Need to remove search option from page row -> CLAS6-18425 UI- Statistics > Daily Usage Detail Report > Origination > need to remove time selection -> CLAS6-18389 routing>trunks>egress/Ingress Trunk> need to add selected activate and deactivate -> CLAS6-17624 UI -> Configuration > Stir Shaken > ANI Group View > Delete Selected button should be not clickable until something is selected -> CLAS6-18479 Cosmetic issue -> DID -> customer > login By client > Buy DID > Page row should not be shown when there is no data on the page -> CLAS6-18493 03/06/2022 - Version 8.2.0 DID Dashboard -> Top 10 Vendor list showing NaN values -> CLAS6-18449 31/05/2022 - Version 8.1.9 API>Routing >routing plan >create new >route type >static route >invalid validation error : fixed --> CLAS6-18180 configuration>roles>submodules > all button not working : fixed --> CLAS6-18191 UI>Agent>sales management >manage customer>create>search by name issue : fixed --> CLAS6-18203 UI>Agent> Commission Report>page row missing : fixed --> CLAS6-18204 API>Termination>client>send low balance Report : fixed --> CLAS6-18223 UI>DID>DID Invoice>auto >delete error : fixed --> CLAS6-18290 DID>Clients>NOC Email >not valid next error : fixed --> CLAS6-18292 API>DID>vendors>Edit DID_Vendor finish error : fixed --> CLAS6-18315 DID< auto invoice CLAS6-18318 UI>Termination>product>assign product is not working with new and some products : fixed --> CLAS6-18342 API>Finance>invoice>manual>resend invoice error : fixed --> CLAS6-18359 31/05/2022 - Version 8.1.9 UI Issue :-Agent>Agent Management>Manage customer>Click on edit>Customer name disappear -> CLAS6-18467 Cosmetic Issue:- Client Portal>Termination>Trunk>Product>Rate deck>Back button -> CLAS6-18481 31/05/2022 - Version 8.1.8 Statistics -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> DID trunks are showing on report table --> CLAS6-18320 Term Dashboard :- Top 10 Client list loading issue --> CLAS6-18241 Term Dashboard :- Top 10 Vendor list Showing NaN Values --> CLAS6-18242 29/05/2022 - Version 8.1.7 log>rate delivery log>recipients field >Need to do unable to click on zero (0) -> CLAS6-18121 Termination>products>upload rates >import UI issue -> CLAS6-18122 Routing >rate table>view rates>search by column field validation error. -> CLAS6-18123 Monitoring>Rule>alert rule log>action>email sent field. -> CLAS6-18124 Routing>Rate table>Upload rates>Export no extra column -> CLAS6-18161 Routing >rate table>view rates>delete all -> CLAS6-18176 Routing >routing plan >create new >static route "+" error cancel -> CLAS6-18178 Finance -> Invoice->Credit note->Amount -> CLAS6-18189 Routing >static routing >create new popup issue -> CLAS6-18205 UI>Termination>vendor>activate selected >enable error issue -> CLAS6-18250 UI-Termination>vendor>balance> Need to do unable to click on zero (0) -> CLAS6-18248 Routing>rate table>view rates>edit code name issue -> CLAS6-18254 UI>DID>DID clients>activate selected >enable error -> CLAS6-18288 UI>Termination>client>customer >edit error -> CLAS6-18332 UI>Termination>client>customer limit>edit>try to set cps limit "e" error -> CLAS6-18343 UI>Finance>actual transaction>period not updating after reset dates -> CLAS6-18356 Agent>Agent management>manage customer >commission set validation error. -> CLAS6-18393 Agent>Agent management>EDit >SET commission % validation error. -> CLAS6-18397 Log>email log>email validation issue -> CLAS6-18426 Log>rate delivery log>some Rate table name not visible error -> CLAS6-18431 Monitoring >fraud Detection >create new>hourly cost of trunk is above should not be null validation error. -> CLAS6-18443 Routing>rate table >create>Billing method>ANI filter error -> CLAS6-18459 Routing>Trunk>ingress>EDIT >rate table +/route plan + clear cancel -> CLAS6-18495 Cosmetic Issue :- Ticket notification Alert bell -> Need to fix Page resolution -> CLAS6-18334 Cosmetic Issue :- Templates -> Ingress Trunk Templates -> Unnecessarily Word "Number" showing on UI -> CLAS6-18322 27/05/2022 - Version 8.1.6 Public logo Image :- Showing invalid image if logo fields is blank:fixed --> CLAS6-17928 Statistics -> Term Dashboard -> Report -> DID trunks are showing in Orig trunk Filter:fixed --> CLAS6-17837 Termination -> Credit Management:fixed --> CLAS6-17434 Statistics -> Term Dashboard -> Inbound QoS -> DID trunks are showing in Ingress Trunk Filter:fixed --> CLAS6-17839 Statistics -> Termination -> Traffic Analytics ->DID trunks are showing on table:fixed --> CLAS6-18185 Termination -> Carrier limit -> UI Calling API for all the deleted trunks also:fixed --> CLAS6-17660 Routing -> Rate Table -> Send Rate -> Carrier dropdown not showing all the Carrier list:fixed --> CLAS6-17751 Advance Issue :- Statistics :- Active call report -Need to add Active/Connected live Call time duration field:fixed --> CLAS6-18005 Ytel -> Routing -> Dynamic Routing-> Action column is missing from UI:fixed --> CLAS6-18218 Ytel -> Finance -> Manual Invoice list not showing on UI:fixed --> CLAS6-18217 20/05/2022 - Version 8.1.5 Termination -> Client -> Reset Balance -> UI should allow decimal value on amount field -> CLAS6-18089 Agent Portal -> Messages -> Unpaid Invoice -> Need to Add Page Row -> CLAS6-17977 Advance Issue -> CDR Archival page showing Error -Cloud Search not configured -> CLAS6-18003 19/05/2022 - Version 8.1.4 UI>log>block import log>Keeps loading -> CLAS6-17857 19/05/2022 - Version 8.1.3 DID>Client>Create new>no success popup generated --> CLAS6-17771 DID>DID product>product name>edit No Data --> CLAS6-17775 UI>LOG>Email log>Type name not available --> CLAS6-17812 Log>regenerate balance log>date validation error --> CLAS6-17830 monitoring>fraud detection>create new>double click issue --> CLAS6-17924 Configuration>code Deck>delete Error --> CLAS6-17936 Agent>Agent Management>Client Assignment>Action column missing --> CLAS6-18021 18/05/2022 - Version 8.1.2 Statistic>Summary Report>Save report cancel name -> CLAS6-18079 Agent >agent management >client Assignment>Create new Error -> CLAS6-18028 Routing>trunk>Egress>edit >rate table validation issue -> CLAS6-18018 Cosmetic>DID>Clients>Create new >Company name -> CLAS6-17772 DID>Clients>delete selected disable -> CLAS6-17773 Termination>client >host>trunk name no data found.>no filter. -> CLAS6-17784 Monitoring>Fraud Detection>Rule name>Delete coloumn -> CLAS6-17789 Monitoring>Rule>Delete Selected disable . -> CLAS6-17790 Log>Block import log>Query>uploaded on>asc -> CLAS6-17810 Finance >Regenerate Balance>client>no result issue . -> CLAS6-17842 Finance>payment>new payment>invoice >add set limit validation improper.-> CLAS6-17895 Finance>actual transaction>date validation error -> CLAS6-17896 Routing >Block list>NO data found>delete all disable -> CLAS6-17908 monitoring > Media IP Blocking>edit>unable to save -> CLAS6-17925 Configuration>Stir shaken>Ani group View>Delete Selected -> CLAS6-17959 Configuration >US jurisdiction>state field validation error -> CLAS6-17961 Configuration>trunk group>Egress Trunk>ingress trunk> create new>validation. -> CLAS6-17965 17/05/2022 - Version 8.1.1 finance>>payment list>>3rd tab>payment gateway>add client dropdown -> CLAS6-17296 finance>payment>payment gateway list>need to add "paid on" -> CLAS6-17295 payment term>create new>need to add some day of month in dropdown -> CLAS6-17603 UI - query and export button standardize size issue on multiple pages -> CLAS6-17650 Finance>auto invoice management>text change - multiple page issue -> CLAS6-17675 agent portal>CDR export log>UI issue -> CLAS6-17727 cosmetic issue - term>vendor>change the text to "Reset Selected Balance" -> CLAS6-17649 login page>version information popup>enlarge the popup box size -> CLAS6-17645 UI-Finance>auto invoice management / invoice (auto / manual) -> it should be Payment Term -> CLAS6-17676 UI-Monitoring>Faulty Route Alert / Action > View History and Stop Button not working -> CLAS6-17570 UI-termination>client/edit>company info> in address detail should accept special character with letters and numbers -> CLAS6-17540 UI-Termination > client/edit > Ingress Trunks > Need to Update delete conformation pop -> CLAS6-17741 13/05/2022 - Version 8.1.0 configuration>trunk group>egress/ingress trunk group list > action is missing --> CLAS6-18010 ICX - not showing current image from login page --> CLAS6-17770 login page content>details to be shown on login UI --> CLAS6-17646 login page content - need option to add color picker for footer on UI --> CLAS6-17755 client portal>Modules>Billing and Termination>showing all sub-modules even they are disabled on admin --> CLAS6-17809 teleinx- disconnected cause report - keeps loading --> CLAS6-17613 teleinx - cdr search >not working for some conditions --> CLAS6-17827 statistics>disconnected cause report>data>date column is blank - UI --> CLAS6-17737 DID Import :- Need an Example file option on UI --> CLAS6-17940 Statistics -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> Ingress trunk filter not working --> CLAS6-17941 Configuration -> System Setting -> Unable to change background Image --> CLAS6-17927 Admin -> Logout button and other buttons are not responding --> CLAS6-18004 HostSBC: New Menu Names for Host SBC switch --> CLAS6-17968 Master UI : Statistics >>Dashboard >> Graph --> CLAS6-18076 Term wizard: vendor is not added to dynamic route --> CLAS6-17782 Cosmetic ISSUE: Switch Adding extra number in DID --> CLAS6-17900 13/05/2022 - Version 8.0.9 Cosmetic issue: Configuration >>Carrier Portal CDR Fields -> CLAS6-17882 UI ISSUE: Origination >>DID Product -> CLAS6-17904 UI ISSUE: Modify Digit replacement page -> CLAS6-17469 HostSBC: Login page modification -> CLAS6-17951 ICX ISSUE: Shouldn't allow to select future date from date picker? -> CLAS6-17971 Teleinx Issue :- UI ISSUE: UI not allowing -ve amount -> CLAS6-18061 configuration>Random ANI group>show/hide column not working properly -> CLAS6-17781 admin/user portal> my profile section>wrong validation message -> CLAS6-17720 UI - monitoring>fraud detection>edit>remove the trunk>saving the setup without any trunk- wrong -> CLAS6-17865 12/05/2022 - Version 8.0.8 api-statistics>>profitability report>>page keeps loading only -> CLAS6-17544 UI- sip register log page>keeps loading -> CLAS6-17831 ytel-dashboard>select QoS, ASR is all wrong. -> CLAS6-17414 termination>vendor>list>marked button should be inactive unless we select vendors -> CLAS6-17648 12/05/2022 - Version 8.0.7 agent portal>CDR>list>dynamic route name is showing ID instead of name -> CLAS6-17853 agent portal>>change password>wrong process - UI issue -> CLAS6-17855 agent portal>UI>fix the style of menu and dashboard menu on agent portal-> CLAS6-17854 HOSTBC - admin>my profile>dropdown is blank after my profile is clicked -> CLAS6-18160 term>credit management>last invoice date is showing wrong for client -> CLAS6-18045 DID portal>menu>Buy DID>search fields are missing - UI -> CLAS6-17947 termination>wizard>ui modification ->change of some TEXTS -> CLAS6-17677 10/05/2022 - Version 8.0.6 Cosmetic issue on all the reports page -> CLAS6-17798 Dynamic Routing -> Edit - change Carrier to Vendor -> CLAS6-17850 DID Product -> Variable New Rate Table - A to Z wrong text -> CLAS6-17889 Getting First Time Landing Page selection page everytime i login -> CLAS6-18038 Ytel -> Add column for client & vendor ID on UI -> CLAS6-18024 09/05/2022 - Version 8.0.5 UI-Termination > client/edit > Ingress Trunks >The Delete Selected button should not be activated until we select Row -> CLAS6-17777 StatisticsTermination CLAS6-17783 Routing> Dynamic routing> Mass edit button should be not clickable until something is selected -> CLAS6-17846 Routing>trunk>Showing wrong cps and call limit in some field, in excel sheet -> CLAS6-17863 Routing >Static Routing > After successful submission alert notification is missing -> CLAS6-17868 Template-> Egress Trunk Template->Edit Egress Trunk Template -> Getting ERROR Error editing the record -> CLAS6-17887 Routing ->Block List ->Edit >getting ERROR block_type:Not a valid choice. -> CLAS6-17891 Finance> Invoice >select all button not working -> CLAS6-17893 Cosmetic Issue ->Log > Payment Gateway Log > Stripe > need to correct export button -> CLAS6-17899 Statistics > Active Call Report > Kill all button should not working when it is inactive -> CLAS6-17913 DID> Origination > DID Product > Click on Product Name > View Rates Button not working -> CLAS6-17952 Routing > Static Routing > Click on prefix Count > Delete Selected button should be not clickable until something is selected -> CLAS6-17953 Monitoring > Media IP Blocking > Action Button / edit > Save button not working -> CLAS6-17956 UI- Configuration > Payment Term >Usage Count >Termination /Carrier>Activate selected , Deactivate selected and Reset balance selected button should be not clickable until something is selected -> CLAS6-17966 UI- Configuration > Payment Term >Usage Count >Termination /Carrier > Need to do unable to click on zero -> CLAS6-17967 UI- Configuration > Payment Term >Usage Count >Termination /Carrier > Carrier Limit/Edit > showing miss place Save and cancel button -> CLAS6-17969 Term. Dashboard -> Need to fix mark button ,in size -> CLAS6-18032 UI- Monitoring > Loop Detection / Create New > without selecting trunk , Loop should not accept submit -> CLAS6-18033 DID -> DID Repository > show / hide columns > Need to broad Dropdown -> CLAS6-18047 Termination > Credit Management > Customer Filter showing DID Client -> CLAS6-18051 UI Issue - Configuration > Code Deck > CLAS6-18053 Finance >Regenerate Balance > Getting ERROR Error creating the record -> CLAS6-18054 API ;- DID Product > Need to Add "Used By" -> CLAS6-18052 09/05/2022 - Version 8.0.4 UI-Template >Egress Trunk Template/used by>Routing >Trunks >Egress Trunk>egress list showing null in cps limit and call limit while export --> CLAS6-17795 Statistics> Dashboard> Qos Report> showing ERROR Selected switch does not have data --> CLAS6-17796 Statistics> Termination>Traffic Analytic> Holastic Report/Egress Trunks showing DID client Name in Egress trunk filter --> CLAS6-17880 Rate Table -> Edit rates ->Delete Selected button should be not clickable until something is selected --> CLAS6-17883 Routing > Static Routing > Edit rout > getting Error ERROR code_name:String does not match expected pattern --> CLAS6-17915 Termination > Client > Click on client trunk > Need to activate Delete All button - cosmetic change --> CLAS6-17930 Term. Dashboard -> Trunk List showing DID vendor --> CLAS6-17931 Need Start/End Time for Job Queue in CDR Archival --> CLAS6-17767 CDR Archival - Job Queue - showing extra data than requested --> CLAS6-17779 PCAP Archival - PCAP Queue - Need search bar to search for pcap jobs --> CLAS6-17780 Rate Table -> Inter & Intra Rate option missing from show/hide column --> CLAS6-17818 Dynamic Routing -> Mass Edit button should be not clickable until something is selected --> CLAS6-17819 Rate Table -> Delete Selected button should be not clickable until something is selected --> CLAS6-17820 Routing Plan -> Delete Selected button should be not clickable until something is selected --> CLAS6-17821 Trunks -> Delete Selected button should be not clickable until something is selected --> CLAS6-17822 Origination Vendor -> Delete Selected button should be not clickable until something is selected --> CLAS6-17823 Billing Rule -> Delete Selected button should be not clickable until something is selected --> CLAS6-17824 Monitoring Rule -> Delete All button - cosmetic change --> CLAS6-17825 Missing menu for non-admin user --> CLAS6-17943 Stagging -> Landing page is incorrect --> CLAS6-17975 Intlcx -> Outbound summary report - Egress Trunk showing null --> CLAS6-17976 Roles -> Action column missing (Edit & Delete icons) --> CLAS6-18023 DID Client Portal -> Page freezes and none of the buttons work - even logout too --> CLAS6-18062 Teleinx -> Rate Table - Manually adding rates freezes the whole switch --> CLAS6-17748 Ytel -> Rate Table - Import - Switch gets blank --> CLAS6-17750 Urgent Teleinx -> Remove Activate/Deactivate & Delete Permission for Client Portal --> CLAS6-17803 Buisness -> Editing Trunk giving validation_error Not a valid integer.:Not a valid integer --> CLAS6-17841 Advance -> Client Portal is blank and freezed --> CLAS6-18080 DID Import :- Need an Example file option on UI --> CLAS6-17940 Statistics -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> Ingress trunk filter not working --> CLAS6-17941 Configuration -> System Setting -> Unable to change background Image --> CLAS6-17927 Admin -> Logout button and other buttons are not responding --> CLAS6-18004 06/05/2022 - Version 8.0.3 Statistics -> Summary report -> DID trunks are showing in Egress and Ingress Trunk Filter -> CLAS6-18081 04/05/2022 - Version 8.0.2 UI Issue:-Finance>Payment>New payment Received>Amount field>Amount should allow decimal value -> CLAS6-18090 ICX Issue :-Termination>Client>Edit>Basic Info>Name Field showing for character validation -> CLAS6-18063 UI Issue:-Routing CLAS6-18037 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>Daily Usage Report>Click on More options>Ingress/egress trunk Showing no result found -> CLAS6-17935 Cosmetic Issue :-Statistics>Termination>Disconnect Causes>Termination Tab>Click on more option>Filter heading showing wrong -> CLAS6-17849 UI issue:- Statistics>Termination>Host Based Report>Ingress trunk list/Egress trunk list showing DID Trunk name -> CLAS6-17851 Cosmetic Issue -> Need to Enlarge the Number range fields -> CLAS6-17765 Cosmetic issue :- Statistics -> Summary Report -> Fields selection button should showing full Text -> CLAS6-17799 Advance Issue -> Need to add a Negative balance for a Client -> CLAS6-18022 Tickets - Need to change icon for "Resolved", it's using the same icon as "Details" -> CLAS6-17907 Tab name is shown wrong on browser -> CLAS6-18056 Tool>Rate Generation>View History>Apply to Rate Table - Alignment issue -> CLAS6-17989 POST/routing/block_number/import - Imported file is missing values on some fields -> CLAS6-17571 DID Client Portal>> Origination>Report - "Group by" is not working -> CLAS6-17315 Tickets - When user has no profile pic, we need to give a default image instead of showing invalid image -> CLAS6-17906 Configuration>Roles - Implement new API fields and UI changes based on the given doc -> CLAS6-16846 GET/routing/block_number/list - Need API fields to show "Total, Success, Dup Handling and Fail" import count -> CLAS6-17776 Login Page - Alignment issue -> CLAS6-17763 04/05/2022 - Version 8.0.1 Routing>Block List>Import>Upload just ANI/DNIS - Need to remove some option --> |CLAS6-17957 | Configuration>Roles - "Termination Dashboard" is the default landing page for all user --> |CLAS6-17922 | Configuration>System Setting>System>System Setting - "Operating Company" field value is not getting saved (UI issue) --> |CLAS6-17919 | Tools>CDR Archival - When selecting specific "Client" or "Vendor", the "Trunk" drop-down list should only trunks associated with the carrier --> |CLAS6-17886 | Need UI page for Block Import Log under "Log" module --> |CLAS6-17744 | UI Issue:- Routing>Trunk>Ingress>Edit trunk>trunk Info>Route Plan showing blank --> |CLAS6-17834| UI Issue :-UI Not showing Web version of switch --> |CLAS6-17923| UI issue :- Configuration>Role>Edit role > not working proper --> |CLAS6-15361| Unable to login in to vendor portal --> |CLAS6-18073| UI issue:- Statistics>Termination>Inbound/outbound Report>Ingress trunk list/Egress trunk list showing DID Trunk name --> |CLAS6-17938| 03/05/2022 - Version 8.0.0 Term. Dashboard -> Trunk List showing DID vendor --> CLAS6-17931 Routing > Static Routing > Edit rout > getting Error ERROR code_name:String does not match expected pattern --> CLAS6-17915 29/04/2022 - Version 7.9.9 UI-DID>Origination /Billing Rule>Need to Correct a delete confirmation popup --> CLAS6-17682 UI-Termination>vendor>activate selected and deactivate selected showing different allow notification --> CLAS6-17652 Statistics CLAS6-17707 UI-Termination > vendor > Click on specific vendor trunk >Egress trunk >Action> save as a template button not working --> CLAS6-17792 UI-DID>Origination Daily>Transaction/export>showing extra column --> CLAS6-17832 Termination>Vendor> client limit /Edit > success notification should show after save --> CLAS6-17833 25/04/2022 - Version 7.9.8 Client -> Tax ID not getting saved -> CLAS6-17493 Voip Supplier -> CDR Export Log - Download button showing Invalid Error -> CLAS6-17446 Teleinx -> CDR Search shows Incorrect Response Error on UI -> CLAS6-17736 25/04/2022 - Version 7.9.7 Capacity -> Self Defined CPS & CAP limit should not allow to enter more than allowed license capacity --> CLAS6-17673 Commission Report -> Issue in todays (time period) search report --> CLAS6-17711 my profile>email field modification --> CLAS6-17654 22/04/2022 - Version 7.9.6 Statistics -> QoS summary -> ACD value Showing NaN -> CLAS6-17523 DID client portal :- Reports -> Group by filter showing wrong values -> CLAS6-17597 Cosmetic Issue -> Rate Import -> Button heading are showing Incomplete Text. -> CLAS6-17753 Commission Report -> Query & Export button placement -> CLAS6-17710 Client Portal -> My Profile section -> CLAS6-17713 Client -> Edit - Ingress Trunk button -> CLAS6-17715 Routing>Trunk>Egress/Ingress>Edit>Youmail - When fields are removed then UI should send null values for those fields -> CLAS6-17479 DID>Wizard>Client (Step 4) - "Unlimited Credit" and "Payment Term" is not getting saved when selected -> CLAS6-17443 Tool>PCAP Archival - Remove "Caller ID" and "Dialed Number" -> CLAS6-17421 22/04/2022 - Version 7.9.5 Ytel -> Pulling Inbound/Outbound Report for Previous Month shows No Data Found --> CLAS6-17390 Ytel -> Rate Export showing Error - File Download Failed --> CLAS6-17524 Dashboard -> Connected calls showing wrong value During live calls --> CLAS6-17554 API Issue :- Statistics -> Term CDRs List -> Showing 500 Internal Error while getting CDR--> CLAS6-17577 22/04/2022 - Version 7.9.4 master-cdr>search>dynamic route name is showing ID instead of name:fixed --> CLAS6-17463 rate table>edit>add new rate>auto populate of country and code name not working:fixed --> CLAS6-17405 client portal>switch IP list>should not show copy ICON when IP is null:fixed --> CLAS6-17165 ytel-dashboard>outbound CPS is showing 0:fixed --> CLAS6-17413 configuration>archive setting>Add new tab "Daily CDR":fixed --> CLAS6-16878 did repository>import log>DID import log>Delete Tab>list should be in descending order:fixed --> CLAS6-17507 Routing>Trunk>Ingress>Edit - If "Code based capacity" fields are left blank then UI shouldn't leave the fields blank in payload instead of adding "0": fixed --> CLAS6-17058 unable to save trunk due to code_cps again :fixed --> CLAS6-17149 resource_prefix is having code = 0 , causing all calls to fail on that ingress : fixed --> CLAS6-17056 UI ISSUE: Client portal >> CDR visilibity list: fixed --> CLAS6-17478 Termination Client portal -> Termination -> Reports are showing wrong values on UI and Export file:fixed --> CLAS6-17686 Termination -> Credit Management -> last Invoice date and Payment date is showing Invalid:fixed --> CLAS6-17749 Origination Client portal -> My IP Address -> Host Name not showing on UI:fixed --> CLAS6-17495 Termination -> Vendor -> Client limit -> After successful submission alert notification is missing:fixed --> CLAS6-17813 Statistics -> Term Dashboard -> Outbound Qos -> DID trunks are showing in Egress Trunk Filter:fixed --> CLAS6-17840 Termination -> Client -> UI calling wrong API for Client and Trunk:fixed --> CLAS6-17814 Termination -> Client -> Edit -> UI must allow CPS limit = Null:fixed --> CLAS6-17674 Statistics -> Term Dashboard -> Charts -> DID trunks are showing in Orig trunk Filter:fixed --> CLAS6-17838 DID -> Import DID -> Import not working by Number Range:fixed --> CLAS6-17525 Finance -> Invoice -> Wrong values show in Export sheet of Invoice report:fixed --> CLAS6-17733 Teleinx issue -> Client downloaded CDR showing different fields:fixed --> CLAS6-17689 22/04/2022 - Version 7.9.3 Cosmetic Issue :- Agent portal -> Need to remove the black color border from the pages -> CLAS6-17864 Template -> Egress trunk template -> Edit -> Validation error showing on wrong page -> CLAS6-17897 Teleinx -> Disconnect Causes -> Loading issue -> CLAS6-17606 Ytel issue: showing "Invalid date" in UI -> CLAS6-17528 18/04/2022 - Version 7.9.2 Routing>Block List - Need column for "Ingress Trunk" and "Egress Trunk" -> CLAS6-17593 Statistics>Termination Dashboard - "Statistics Profitability" graph is not showing any data| -> CLAS6-17614 Routing>Rate Table>View Rates>Export - Wrong API usage -> CLAS6-17427 17/04/2022 - Version 7.9.1 Routing>Block List - Remove "Trunk Group" column and "Block by Trunk Group" from drop down -> CLAS6-17706 Termination>Client>Create New/Edit - Getting error for "invoice_hour" being null even when "Auto Invoice" is disabled-> CLAS6-17623 Configuration>Archive Setting - Unable to configure cloud and pcap setting -> CLAS6-17545 Routing>Trunk>Egress/Ingress>Edit>Youmail - When "Max allowed YouMail Spam Score" is set to "-1.0" or "1.0", UI page shows blank field.-> CLAS6-17539 Statistics>Termination>Host Based Report>Termination - UI is wrong parameter for "Egress Trunk" filter-> CLAS6-17151 Termination>Client>Create New/Edit>Auto Invoice - Need new fields in UI page -> CLAS6-17137 Routing>Rate table>Assign Rate Deck - When "Client" is selected, "Ingress Trunk" drop-down list is wrong -> CLAS6-17290 Tools>PCAP Archival>PCAP Queue>Download - Download file is corrupted when downloaded through UI-> CLAS6-17386 11/04/2022 - Version 7.9.0 Dashboard -> Inbound Channel & CPS showing 0 on UI -> CLAS6-17430 Inbound/Outbound Report - Total value is not correct -> CLAS6-17471 Summary Report -> Total Row missing on Excel File -> CLAS6-17472 Summary Report -> Total value is not correct -> CLAS6-17473 Rate Table -> Code Name search dropdown showing Code Deck instead of Code Names -> CLAS6-17492 Vendor -> Button should be inactive till something is not selected -> CLAS6-17684 Vendor -> Create New - Getting ERROR tax_id:Not a valid string -> CLAS6-17708 Client Portal -> My Trunks -> Balance the fields -> CLAS6-17714 Teleinx -> Code Name & Country not showing Rate Table Search Filter -> CLAS6-17171 Voip Supplier -> Client Portal showing extra fields which are not allowed to show -> CLAS6-17431 Ytel -> Trunk - Codec Setting -> CLAS6-17538 Teleinx -> New Payment Received - Submit button not clickable sometimes -> CLAS6-17598 Ytel -> Spending should be 2 values after decimal -> CLAS6-17687 Ytel -> New Client - Tax ID is removed -> CLAS6-17734 11/04/2022 - Version 7.8.9 UI- Template CLAS6-17738 Statistics CLAS6-17631 Need API field for "ingress_source_number" and "ingress_destination_number":fixed --> CLAS6-17422 Termination CLAS6-17407 Master- Termination CLAS6-17192 Statistics CLAS6-17788 UI Issue- Finance CLAS6-17785 07/04/2022 - Version 7.8.8 API Issue- Statistics ,CLAS6-17420 DID CLAS6-17506 Routing CLAS6-17642 UI Issue- Agent CLAS6-17696 master UI - client portal>product>no need of NEXT button when there is less product list -> CLAS6-17550 DID repository>create new>UI issue -> CLAS6-17502 teleinx - statistics>profitability analysis>multiple issues -> CLAS6-17504 statistics>>cdr>>field box size issue -> CLAS6-17464 DID invoice>create manually>>total amount is displayed wrong -> CLAS6-17118 07/04/2022 - Version 7.8.7 DID portal>dashboard>alerts>message>invoice amount is showing NULL -> CLAS6-17455 did client portal>ip list>Edit button not working on UI -> CLAS6-17454 teleinx - UI should allow .uk in email fields for client and vendor -> CLAS6-17526 UI -DID client portal>billing>invoice list>change Carriers to Clients -> CLAS6-17456 UI - agent>>manage client>>client dropdown has no data -> CLAS6-17406 UI ->client portal>online payment>stripe>payment input box should be Left Aligned -> CLAS6-17382 monitoring>>rule>>list>>deactivate -> need to change the popup -> CLAS6-17274 did client portal>ip list>Edit button not working on UI -> CLAS6-17454 switch>>rate table>>list>>current list is showing duplicate rates -> CLAS6-17366 monitoring>>rule>>create and edit >>multiple tags missing -> CLAS6-17302 log>email log>add type = monitoredrule in dropdown -> CLAS6-17297 UI- Termination CLAS6-17726 UI- Create New button need to standardize in size on multiple pages -> CLAS6-17656 Statistics CLAS6-17559 DID CLAS6-17519 Statistics CLAS6-17482 Statistics CLAS6-17481 Routing CLAS6-17408 06/04/2022 - Version 7.8.6 Statistics>Summary Report>When we search with Origination ANI and Origination DNIS Shows Error: fixed --> CLAS6-17437 06/04/2022 - Version 7.8.5 Cosmetic issue -> DID client portal -> My DID ->Fix alignment and Extra Space -> CLAS6-17513 UI Issue:- Termination>Client>new/edit>client>Address field showing >The field format is invalid -> CLAS6-17527 UI Issue :-Statistics>Termination>Summary Report>Inbound tab>Remove filter Output -> CLAS6-17595 Routing>trunk>Ingress>Trunk info>timeout settings>Pdd timeout should allow minimum 1000 -> CLAS6-17607 Routing>Rate Table>Name dropdown should show Name in alphabetical order -> CLAS6-17498 UI Issue:- Routing>Rate Table>Editing Rates>Page row issue -> CLAS6-17497 UI issue:- Routing>Rate Table>Create New>Min_time and Interval accepting alphabeticcharacters -> CLAS6-17491 UI Issue :-Monitoring>Fraud Detection>Trigger 1 hour time and Trigger 24 hour time showing Invalid date When API give null in response -> CLAS6-17445 UI Issue:- Statistics>termination>Term Dashboard>Outbound QoS -> CLAS6-17447 UI Issue:- Vendor portal>Termination>Report>Total calls >Showing empty -> CLAS6-17392 05/04/2022 - Version 7.8.4 Teleinx Issue:- After edit of ingress/egress trunk it stay on the same page after saving -> CLAS6-17067 UI Issue:-Statistics CLAS6-17556 DID Client Portal>Origination>My IP Address>Show/Hide column -> CLAS6-17462 Log in to vendor portal using ID/Password>Showing different data -> CLAS6-17393 Statistics>Daily Channel usage report>Report type>Select any option from dropdown >Nothing change in report -> CLAS6-17433 01/04/2022 - Version 7.8.3 Teleinx Issue :- Address fields must allow special characters for client and Vendor - CLAS6-17659 Statistics -> CDR -> Inbound rate type showing ID instead of Name -> CLAS6-17304 Statistics -> CDR -> Inbound rate type showing ID instead of Name -> CLAS6-17637 Finance - Regenerate Balance -> DID Clients are Not available in the dropdown list -> CLAS6-17494 ytel- dashboard>qos report>need to show the total of multiple switch on same server -> CLAS6-17616 admin>my profile button> not clickable -> CLAS6-17643 term>client>filters not working -> CLAS6-17663 UI-Routing >Static Routing > Need to do unable to click on zero (0) -> CLAS6-17691 UI-Termination>vendor / Carrier Limit> Changes should not be saved on cancellation -> CLAS6-17690 UI-Routing > Dynamic routing / usage count > routing plan/Action > Save button not working -> CLAS6-17692 UI ->agent >commission report>Query and Export button is overlapped with Period section -> CLAS6-17722 statistics>CDR>save CDR field button>UI issue -> CLAS6-17718 UI - DID portal>my IP address>activate/deactivate button not working - remove the button -> CLAS6-17704 UI-Statistics >Summary Report> In Inbound/Outbound Need to standardize query button in size -> CLAS6-17730 cosmetic issue>change of text >> carrier to Client on many pages -> CLAS6-17721 Routing -> Rate Table -> Country and Code drop down loading Issue. -> CLAS6-17641 Cosmetic>Finance>Invoice>auto invoice>payment terms shifted -> CLAS6-17760 28/03/2022 - Version 7.8.3 Cosmetic Issue: Statistics >>Dashboard -> CLAS6-17217 Cosmetic Issue: Vendor Portal: Termination >>Report -> CLAS6-17349 DID Client portal: Management >>Accounts -> CLAS6-17236 Used By value is not correct -> CLAS6-17238 28/03/2022 - Version 7.8.2 Cosmetic Issue: Finance >> Invoice -> CLAS6-17175 UI ISSUE: we are unable to create term vendor -> CLAS6-17312 Statistics -> Inbound/ Outbound report -> Export file is showing wrong Header -> CLAS6-17388 Cosmetic Issue :- Host based report :- Fix Extra Space for Trunk name column -> CLAS6-17461 Termination and Origination Wizard -> page not essential for V6dev. -> CLAS6-17435 Invoice -> Manual Invoice -> Enable/Disable check box for Acc summary is not Working -> CLAS6-17301 Routing -> Trunks -> Egress/Ingress -> Cross button should be available -> CLAS6-17605 25/03/2022 - Version 7.8.1 Agent -> Commission Report -> Export -> Showing different Value from UI - CLAS6-17219 Statistics >>Dashboard >>Outbound >> Trunk IPs filter - CLAS6-17277 24/03/2022 - Version 7.8.0 Termination -> Client -> Invoice setting disappear after submit the details -> CLAS6-17410 Agent -> Commission Payout Record -> CLAS6-17436 POST ​/config​/shaken​/ani_group_did -> Blank DID No. should not be added in Group -> CLAS6-17490 23/03/2022 - Version 7.7.9 Statistics>Termination> Inbound /Outbound Report -> DID trunks are showing on table -> CLAS6-17573 UI-statistics>summary report>total cost> should calculate and display value under Total column -> CLAS6-17514 Rate Table -> Code Name search dropdown showing Code Deck instead of Code Names -> CLAS6-17492 Routing>Block List>Import>Complete Field Upload - Example file's headers are wrong -> CLAS6-17563 API Issue :- Reset Balance log -> Using client name in payload instead of ID. -> CLAS6-17628 UI Issue:- Routing>Rate Table>Editing Rates>When we not having data fo next page it showing next page numbers -> CLAS6-17522 UI Issue:- Statistics>QoS Summary>Click on More options>Ingress/egress trunk showing DID trunks in list -> CLAS6-17574 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>Usage Report>Click on More options>Ingress/egress trunk Showing no result found -> CLAS6-17578 EDIT>Monitoring >rule>edit rule >Validation error -> CLAS6-17629 DID repository - need to add country and state column -> CLAS6-17023 Routing CLAS6-17535 Summary Report -> Total value is not correct -> CLAS6-17473 Termination -> Client -> Edit/Create new -> UI should allow multiple Email IDs for Main Email. -> CLAS6-17536 UI Issue :-Termination>Client>new/edit>client>email field showing validation error >Valid email address shown as invalid -> CLAS6-17534 Termination>Client and Termination>Credit Management - Hide "Send Low Balance Alert" button if "billing_email"=null for the Client -> CLAS6-17510 Inbound/Outbound Report - Total value is not correct -> CLAS6-17471 UI Issue:-Configuration>Payment Setting>Stripe>Credit Actual paid amount>check/uncheck not saved -> CLAS6-17543 UI ISSUE: unable to select Random ANI Group in Egress -> CLAS6-17592 21/03/2022 - Version 7.7.8 YTEL ISSUE: We Need to Add Server IP in Daily Channel Usage Report:fixed --> CLAS6-17000 Commission Payout Record not working correctly:fixed --> CLAS6-16632 YTEL ISSUE: Commissions are not calculating correctly when we choose By profit setting:fixed --> CLAS6-16657 12/03/2022 - Version 7.7.7 Statistics>Termination>Daily usage detail report >Search for prev month shows No data found - CLAS6-17476 Statistics>Termination>Profitability Analysis >Search for prev month shows No data found - CLAS6-17475 UI ISSUE: Dashboard value got varnish:fixed - CLAS6-17467 Term Dashboard -> Inbound Trunk ->Connected calls for last 30 days showing null on Admin portal. - CLAS6-17450 Teleinx -> CDR Search with ANI not working - CLAS6-17389 Ytel -> Dashboard Channel & CPS value are incorrect - CLAS6-17222 11/03/2022 - Version 7.7.6 Business -> Export CDR -> Getting error while download CDR export file --> CLAS6-17511 Ytel -> When browser or tab is closed than it should automatically logout --> CLAS6-16633 04/03/2022 - Version 7.7.5 Finance -> Regenerate Balance -> Tab for Regenerate Balance is Missing from UI -> CLAS6-17283 Stagging :- Patch/ingress_trunk/{resource_id} -> API Showing Numeric Value Out Of Range Error -> CLAS6-17380 Statistics -> Inbound/Outbound Report -> Unable to get report through ANI and DNIS -> CLAS6-17185 02/03/2022 - Version 7.7.4 Termination>Client>Send welcome letter>Tags are not working -> CLAS6-17158 Finance -> Payment -> Received tab -> UI showing null data -> CLAS6-17358 Vendor Portal -> Termination -> Unable to view Trunks -> CLAS6-17048 DID client portal>>billing>Accounts>replace Ingress Trunks -> trunks -> CLAS6-17163 Client Portal:-Termination >Report>Cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-17370 UI Issue :-Statistics>Termination>Profitability Analysis>Showing did carrier -> CLAS6-17365 UI - client portal>account summary>trunks>delete>popup modification -> CLAS6-17384 client portal>>account summary>trunk list>deactivate>button will be in RED -> CLAS6-17383 Client Portal:-Termination >Report>showing wrong -> CLAS6-17369 ytel- admin>voip gateway>unable to edit and showing "no data found" -> CLAS6-17416 Statistics CLAS6-17373 Tools CLAS6-17374 Remove sorting for "Termination CDR" and "DID CDR" page -> CLAS6-17376 api->>client portal>termination>trunks>action>product>showing duplicate values -> CLAS6-17385 UI - statistics>>disconnected cause>>Term. Disc. Cause by Egress Trunk >>cosmetic issue -> CLAS6-17356 02/03/2022 - Version 7.7.3 Routing CLAS6-17408 UI Issue:- configuration>Code deck>Update on showing Invalid date When API give null in response -> CLAS6-17412 Term Client portal -> Account -> Origination trunk name showing wrong name -> CLAS6-17318 UI Issue :-Log>Rate Import Log>Start time and End time showing invalid date -> CLAS6-17371 unable to assign client to agent -> CLAS6-17335 Tools CLAS6-17210 DID -> Vendor -> Add DID -> Billing rule should not be created with Empty MRC ,NRC and Name -> CLAS6-17372 Teleinx Issue:- Statistics>Term Dashboard>Inbound QoS/Outbound QoS >Need to sorted alphabetically by trunk name -> CLAS6-17307 Statistics -> Summary report -> ACD value showing null in Outbound report -> CLAS6-17381 28/02/2022 - Version 7.7.2 Trunk -> Ingress Trunk -> Showing Error of code_cap='None while Edit -> CLAS6-17223 24/02/2022 - Version 7.7.1 UI Issue:- Statistics>Termination>Term Dashboard>Outbound Qos/Inbound QoS>Showing DID Client/vendor -> CLAS6-17305 UI Issue :-Vendor Portal>Termination>Report>Group by>need to remove DID From dropdown -> CLAS6-17331 UI Issue:- Vendor portal>Termination>Report>ASR,ACD,PDD >Showing Wrong -> CLAS6-17336 UI Issue :-Routing >Trunk>Egress>edit trunk >Stir shaken tab>click on submit >UI Showing loading -> CLAS6-17188 UI Issue:- Monitoring >Rule>UI Showing Wrong time -> CLAS6-17189 Egress Trunk -> Create new by Template -> Template name disappear after click on submit -> CLAS6-17329 Log -> Email log -> Sent time is different on UI and Mail status -> CLAS6-17257 Client portal -> Invoices -> Due date is showing wrong on the client invoice page -> CLAS6-17181 23/02/2022 - Version 7.7.0 finance>>regenerate balance>tab missing for add new balance to regenerate -> CLAS6-17332 Ytel - Disconnect Report - need to show all sip response code -> CLAS6-17250 api- monitoring>loop detection>loop found>block time is displayed wrong -> CLAS6-17081 logo is not showing in client portal -> CLAS6-17341 Tools -> CDR Archival -> Error showing while generate CDR for Origination Traffic -> CLAS6-16807 Vendor Portal -> Reports -> Ingress Trunk name showing on the reports instead of Egress -> CLAS6-17126 Finance>payment >Export empty. -> CLAS6-17292 DID client portal > Report is wrong -> CLAS6-17239 Ingress Trunk -> Routing & Tech Prefix - Advanced option should be unchecked default -> CLAS6-17190 UI Issue :-Statistics>Termination>Disconnect cause>need to search independent with trunk -> CLAS6-17261 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Term Dashboard>Report - DID trunks are showing in the table -> CLAS6-17321 UI-statistics>term CDR>fields>need to add "static route name" -> CLAS6-17147 NaN should not show in summary report -> CLAS6-17095 Configuration -> Code deck -> Code Name filter not showing all data -> CLAS6-17260 Finance >Payment>Payment Gateway>Showing Blank Page -> CLAS6-17287 statistics>cdr>response>dyn name -> must show Name not ID -> CLAS6-17146 System Admin > History - Executed By is wrong -> CLAS6-17209 Termination -> Wizard -> Showing unnecessary error notification -> CLAS6-17270 22/02/2022 - Version 7.6.9 Statistics -> Active Call Report -> Query Button Showing Wrong -> CLAS6-17286 Log -> Reset balance log -> Sorting by New balance option is showing error -> CLAS6-17254 Summary Report -> Need to remove extra space -> CLAS6-17310 15/02/2022 - Version 7.6.8 Finance -> Manual Invoice -> Create new button is missing from UI -> CLAS6-17285 Finance CLAS6-17276 Client -> Getting ERROR client_invoice_settings_id:Not a valid integer while editing Client -> CLAS6-17218 Finance >Payment>Payment Gateway>Showing Blank Page -> CLAS6-17287 Teleinx -> Allow .fr in email fields for Client & Vendor -> CLAS6-17306 staging - monitoring>rule>create new> updated time/next run time and last run time is wrong -> CLAS6-17273 Log -> Payment Gateway Log -> Export file contain wrong Date and Time format -> CLAS6-17255 the image on top right always got error -> CLAS6-17246 Invoice Lisitng issue -> CLAS6-17198 15/02/2022 - Version 7.6.7 UI Issue:- Routing>Trunk>Ingress>Edit trunk>Timeout setting>Reinvite Timeout should work with blank too -> CLAS6-17272 UI Issue :-Configuration>System setting>System setting -> CLAS6-17259 UI Issue:-Termination>Client>Change password>Should show validation for minimum 8 Character -> CLAS6-17258 12/02/2022 - Version 7.6.6 Routing -> Rate table -> Page row is showing wrong data -> CLAS6-17184 UI Issue:- Statistics>Reports -> CLAS6-17183 the image on top right always got error -> CLAS6-17246 UI Issue :- Termination>Product>Update on Showing wrong time -> CLAS6-17234 UI not passing correct per_page value -> CLAS6-17232 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Cost value is showing null for Ingress and Egress -> CLAS6-17221 UI Issue:-Statistics>Termination>Active Call Report>shows no data found -> CLAS6-17237 Log -> Payment Gateway Log -> Export file contain wrong Date and Time format -> CLAS6-17255 ytel -> inbound/outbound report>group by change is causing error -> CLAS6-17248 DID client portal > Report is wrong -> CLAS6-17239 10/02/2022 - Version 7.6.5 DID Client Portal > DID Report > Group By issue :fixed - CLAS6-17240 Statistics>Termination>Term Dashboard>Report - "Orig Filter" and "Term Filter" drop-down list is wrong :fixed - CLAS6-17215 Statistics>Termination>Term Dashboard>Report - Results in 'expanded' list is wrong:fixed - CLAS6-17214 Report page - breakdown issue - CLAS6-17197 report page error :fixed - CLAS6-17196 Statistics>Dashboard>Charts>Showing blank graph>Time zone issue - CLAS6-17173 Dashboard -> Reports -> Minutes Showing null in Outbound report :fixed - CLAS6-17170 Teleinx ISSUE: we are unable to search CDR for spam calls without prefix - CLAS6-17061 term>wizard>create new dynamic route with multiple resource_id :fixed - CLAS6-17002 call simulation egress trunk error display issue:fixed - CLAS6-16985 Need to add "Effective As of " date picker in Rate Sending page - CLAS6-16859 "View IP" is not showing hostname :fixed - CLAS6-16616 Ytel -> Dashboard values does not matches Reports - CLAS6-17157 UI Issue:- Client Portal>Management>Accounts>Showing wrong header=egress trunk - CLAS6-17129 Client portal -> Termination -> CDR Export page is showing Blank - CLAS6-17127 DID Client Portal>> Origination>CDR>CDR Export Log - Page has no data, it's completely blank - CLAS6-17124 Routing >Rate Table>Send rate>send specified carrier>All>showing error :fixed - CLAS6-16972 YTEL ISSUE: Importing Rate deck using with Rate Upload Template:fixed - CLAS6-16580 08/02/2022 - Version 7.6.4 Tools CLAS6-17191 teleinx - reset balance for vendor is not working -> CLAS6-17159 term>client>edit>using Call limit = null/empty -> it is showing error -> CLAS6-17150 Termination CLAS6-17161 UI ISSUE:- DID>Vendors>Edit vendor>ADD DID>Cursor >icon name missing -> CLAS6-17052 Registration -> Pop up Icon Name Missing -> CLAS6-17140 Tools -> Rate Generation ->Export file contain wrong Date and Time format - > CLAS6-17138 UI Issue- Finance CLAS6-17134 Active Call - After Kill All, it should auto refresh -> CLAS6-17107 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Cost value is showing null for Ingress and Egress -> CLAS6-17221 Registration -> Product list not contain all items -> CLAS6-17141 Routing>Trunk>Ingress Trunk>Edit - "code" is showing "None" is UI page -> CLAS6-17180 Registration -> Product list not contain all items -> CLAS6-17141 DID Invoice -> Manual Invoice -> Popup text missing in Action column -> CLAS6-17153 UI ISSUE: Effective Date Format is missing in UI -> CLAS6-16900 Reupload a new upload file in rate update does not clear old data -> CLAS6-16875 UI ISSUE: Duplicate value in progress is incorrect -> CLAS6-16725 08/02/2022 - Version 7.6.3 Teleinx ISSUE: Country and Code name are not working in the rate deck -> CLAS6-16925 Need trunk and carrier name in response -> CLAS6-16196 06/02/2022 - Version 7.6.2 Rate Table Export -> End Date should not be default selected -> CLAS6-16853 Agent Management -> Client Assignment - Client Name dropdown missing data -> CLAS6-16768 03/02/2022 - Version 7.6.1 Statistics Rate Export - It is exporting end date rates also: fixed - CLAS6-16701 YTEL ISSUE: Add Time Bucket in Daily Usage Detail Report page :fixed - CLAS6-16700 didv6: Live calls stats in dashboard not working :fixed CLAS6-16493 03/02/2022 - Version 7.6.0 Ytel -> PDD should be 6000ms as default on Egress & Ingress Trunk Template -> CLAS6-17156 Teleinx Issue :- Client, vendor and Rate pages are need to set default page row = 100 -> CLAS6-17066 Actual transaction - client_id must be selected -> CLAS6-17097 api-carrier template>used by>count is wrong and list is wrong too -> CLAS6-15659 Teleinx Issue :- Client, vendor and Rate pages are need to sorted alphabetically by name -> CLAS6-17065 Termination Wizard - Route tab - Wrong interaction -> CLAS6-17100 Termination Wizard - Route name issue. -> CLAS6-17102 Tool>SIP Packet Search - Need next/previous button to show rest of the results -> CLAS6-16794 Regenerate Balance History : start date value is not correct in UI -> CLAS6-17121 DID -> Client Portal -> Origination -> Unable to view Products -> CLAS6-17045 02/02/2022 - Version 7.5.9 Ui does not update when a new file is imported:fixed - CLAS6-16508 Template>Rate Upload Template>Create New - Unable to create new Rate Upload template:fixed - CLAS6-16584 Need to be able to specify DID Product for DID Client : fixed - CLAS6-16429 Rate Generation Template creating issue :fixed - CLAS6-15462 Orig client portal - dashboard is incorrect :fixed - CLAS6-17028 02/02/2022 - Version 7.5.8 wrong link in top left navigation -> CLAS6-16840 remove the * and make those fields not required in UI -> CLAS6-16913 Ytel - getting format issue for IP -> CLAS6-16452 unreserved DID is not shown in the Buy page of Origination Client page -> CLAS6-17021 DID client portal - My product -> CLAS6-17031 DID Client portal - CDR Download is not working -> CLAS6-17033 DID>DID Repository - Fix alignment and remove "Back" button -> CLAS6-17012 DID Client Portal>> Origination>Report - Page row is not working (UI issue) -> CLAS6-17036 02/02/2022 - Version 7.5.8 Statistics>Termination>Dashboard>Charts - Responses are counting DID results along with Termination -> CLAS6-16864 DID>DID Repository>Release All - Need a pop-up for user to set specific time to release did -> CLAS6-16992 Template>Rate Upload Template>Create New - Getting error "default_min_time:Not a valid integer" when it's not enabled -> CLAS6-16920 DID>DID Repository>Edit - Issues when selecting and changing IP address -> CLAS6-16663 Termination>Client>Edit>Auto Invoice - "Send at" field is not working. -> CLAS6-16981 Termination>Wizard>Client Trunk (Stage 5) - Remove "Carrier Ingress" and "Dynamic Routing" from all options -> CLAS6-16622 Finance>Auto Invoice Management - Enable/Disable "Auto Invoice" is not working, UI payload is wrong -> CLAS6-16969 Statistics>Termination>Dashboard>Charts - Graph is blank when there's only only one result -> CLAS6-16863 Client Portal>> Termination>Trunks - Table only showing only one host and product from the trunk -> CLAS6-16914 Statistics>Termination>Host Based Report - UI is using "ingress_client_id" instead of "ingress_name" -> CLAS6-16968 DID>DID Repository - Page stuck in loading loop, UI sending infinite API request -> CLAS6-16933 Statistics>Termination>Dashboard>Charts - Graph results are wrong, UI using wrong value for "step" -> CLAS6-16891 Termination>Vendor>Host - Trunk drop-down list is incomplete -> CLAS6-16639 Statistics>Termination>Summary Report>Inbound Cascade Report/Outbound Cascade Report - Total "Margin" is calculated wrong by UI -> CLAS6-16642 Agent>Agent Management>Agent List>Manage Clients - Commission % is wrong -> CLAS6-16662 Tool>CDR Archival>Job Queue - UI is not showing any result on page even though there's result in API response -> CLAS6-16829 Agent>Commission Report - DID results are showing on the table. -> CLAS6-16828 YTEL - Rate Generation > new feature -> CLAS6-15889 Teleinx: trunk>>egress/ingress > create and edit >Re-Invite Interval can accept 0 -> CLAS6-16912 api integartion-> CLAS6-16617 Termination>Client>Edit>Auto Invoice - "Send at" field is not working-> CLAS6-16981 termination>wizard>add route>UI modification-> CLAS6-16944 rate import using rate upload template>successful>but default min_time and interval is wrong after upload-> CLAS6-16965 rate import>import selection page>use rate upload template>UI changes-> CLAS6-16964 US NON JD Rate deck does not need inter/intra/ij-> CLAS6-16963 rate send>UI modification>Add "rate effective on" picker-> CLAS6-16886 DID>client portal>did product>list>billing rule must show name not billing rule ID-> CLAS6-16973 dynamic routing>create and edit > trunk drop down should show only associated list-> CLAS6-17071 01/02/2022 - Version 7.5.7 configuration>invoice setting>edit>it must stay on same tab after success message -> CLAS6-17131 Termination -> Wizard -> Cross button should be available -> CLAS6-17125 UI Issue :-Tool>Rate Generation>Last generation is showing invalid date when we not generate rate -> CLAS6-17128 UI Issue:- Termination>Vendor>Click on Trunk sorting :-not working -> CLAS6-17086 when upload DID, the log shows invalid _date -> CLAS6-17113 Termination Wizard - Step 3 -> CLAS6-17099 31/01/2022 - Version 7.5.6 UI Issue :-Routing>Trunk>Egress>Edit>Digit Replacement>Submit >shown error -> CLAS6-17016 API- POST ​/route​/dynamic -> CLAS6-17046 UI Issue- Termination CLAS6-17011 Statistics CLAS6-16932 Tools CLAS6-16774 need to fix email domain not working issue -> CLAS6-17069 DID -> Vendor ->Billing Rule should not be created with Empty Min time/Interval and Name -> CLAS6-17009 pls sort manual item in alphabetic order -> CLAS6-17054 Vendor Portal -> Accounts -> Wrong Header is Showing in Trunk list -> CLAS6-17050 Origination client - buy DID page -> CLAS6-17019 API- POST ​/route​/dynamic -> CLAS6-17047 reserved to client in Origination DID repo page -> CLAS6-17022 Add DID. Product item should allow all countries -> CLAS6-17024 the pattern is not editable in the Origination Client portal -> CLAS6-17020 monitoring>>loop detection>loop found list>hide Trunk ID from UI -> CLAS6-17082 Monitoring -> Loop Found -> Data should be showing in the Centre -> CLAS6-17068 routing>ingress>edit>add cross(x) button to deselect existing routing -> CLAS6-17072 Termination Wizard - Route tab -> CLAS6-17104 31/01/2022 - Version 7.5.5 Statistics -> Host based report -> ACD value is showing Zero:fixed -> CLAS6-16823 Statistics -> Inbound/Outbound -> Export file showing wrong Data:fixed -> CLAS6-16815 Configuration -> Code Deck -> Export option not working:fixed -> CLAS6-16904 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics ->" Egress Trunks" Filter is showing Null:fixed -> CLAS6-16893 Tools -> Origination Traffic -> Cross button should be available:fixed -> CLAS6-16894 Client portal -> Payment history -> Export file contain wrong Date and Time format:fixed -> CLAS6-16895 Configuration -> Stir Shaken -> Name should be mandatory for ANI Group/Pool:fixed -> CLAS6-16922 Client portal -> Unable to Edit Trunk -> Edit Button is not working:fixed -> CLAS6-16808 Finance -> Manual Invoice ->Export file is containing Auto Invoice data:fixed -> CLAS6-16950 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Showing wrong Data for Egress:fixed -> CLAS6-16799 Client portal -> Termination -> Unable to view Products:fixed -> CLAS6-16905 Termination -> Assign product -> Icon and pop name missing for Add Trunk:fixed -> CLAS6-16948 Statistics -> Traffic Analytics -> Not getting data by Using Egress and Ingress filter:fixed -> CLAS6-16982 Termination -> Product -> Send rate -> Carrier filter not working:fixed -> CLAS6-16951 Client Portal ->Reports -> Export file Must Showing Trunk Name:fixed -> CLAS6-16996 Log -> Payment Gateway Log -> Exporting data of Paypal also include Stripe:fixed -> CLAS6-16762 Statistics -> Profitability Analysis -> Margin Calculation wrong:fixed -> CLAS6-16923 31/01/2022 - Version 7.5.4 Termination>Vendor>Carrier Limit> need to add a column to show active /Inactive carrier :fixed - CLAS6-16594 Statistics >Summary Report>PP Min Total is Wrong Calculate: fixed - CLAS6-16715 UI Issue :-Statistics>Daily Channel Usage Report - CLAS6-16667 UI Issue :- Statistics>Reports >entering the page initially it shows "No Result Found" before clicking Query :fixed - CLAS6-16656 Statistics >CDRs search bug:fixed - CLAS6-16087 Cosmetic Issue :- Statistics>QOS Summary :fixed - CLAS6-16567 UI issue :- Finance >Auto Invoice Management >Carrier name filter :fixed - CLAS6-16587 Finance>Actual Transaction>shows No Data Found: fixed - CLAS6-16564 Cosmetic Issue :-Finance>Actual Transaction>submit should replace with Query : fixed - CLAS6-16565 UI Issue :- Origination >DID Repository>unable to upload did :fixed - CLAS6-16579 UI Issue :-Statistics > Summary Report :fixed - CLAS6-16360 UI Issue :- Statistics >Termination> Summary Report >Outbound:fixed - CLAS6-16201 UI Issue :- Statistics > QOS Summary>termination tab - showing 2 result table:fixed - CLAS6-16258 UI Issue :- Statistics > Usage Report>termination tab - showing Extra table :fixed - CLAS6-16259 UI Issue :- Statistics>Daily Usage Detail Report >Termination tab>showing Extra result table - CLAS6-16257 DIDv6 issue :- Statistics>Origination>DID Report :fixed - CLAS6-16110 UI Issue :-Statistics>Origination>DID Usage Report>Date and DID column showing wrong data :fixed - CLAS6-16183 UI Issue :- Statistics>Origination>DID Cost Report:fixed - CLAS6-16104 UI Issue :-Statistics>Summary Report>Inbound:fixed - CLAS6-16085 UI issue :- Statistics>Termination-Reports:fixed - CLAS6-16040 UI Issue :- Statistics > Host based report>Host and Trunk Name Showing null:fixed - CLAS6-15986 Rate import issue:fixed - CLAS6-15900 didv6intlcx:-Origination>DID Cost report--page row issue - CLAS6-15605 didintlcx -> Origination>DID Report >Total cost showing Zero - CLAS6-15607 UI Issue :-Routing >Trunk>Ingress>Add routing an tech prefix :-Rate Table dropdown showing Searching - CLAS6-15683 29/01/2022 - Version 7.5.3 UI Issue :-Statistics>Dashboard>Report:fixed -> CLAS6-16857 UI Issue :-Routing >Rate Table>Editing Rates>go to page 3 >search by code is not working:fixed -> CLAS6-16998 UI Issue :- Agent >Agent Management>Manage clients>Create New>Client name dropdown showing null:fixed -> CLAS6-16816 UI Issue :- Agent > Commission Report>Time zone issue:fixed -> CLAS6-16818 Agent>Commission Report>Show error:- purge:fixed -> CLAS6-16834 UI Issue :-Log >Rate Delivery log >shown wrong header:fixed -> CLAS6-16902 Log>Import log>Job Queue - UI is showing wrong time (UI issue):fixed -> CLAS6-16897 Client Portal :- Termination > CDR Search Missing Export option:fixed -> CLAS6-16939 Client Portal :- Management>Trunk>Products:fixed -> CLAS6-16940 Statistics>CDRs list>CDRs search >click on release cause sorting > showing error:fixed -> CLAS6-16924 YTELL ISSUE :- Finance>>Auto Invoice Management>Edit invoice> Unable to save Auto invoice:fixed -> CLAS6-16903 UI Issue :-Termination>Product>Assign Product>trunk dropdown missing:fixed -> CLAS6-16970 Routing>Rate Table>Create Rate Table>Create New:fixed -> CLAS6-14444 Termination>Client>Create New:fixed -> CLAS6-14513 Termination>Wizard:fixed -> CLAS6-14514 Termination>Client:fixed -> CLAS6-14515 Monitoring>Media IP Blocking:fixed -> CLAS6-14531 Template>Rate Email Template:fixed -> CLAS6-14546 DID>Billing Rule:fixed -> CLAS6-14555 api integration:fixed -> CLAS6-14556 Template>Carrier Template:fixed -> CLAS6-14573 Configuration>Carrier Portal CDR Fields:fixed -> CLAS6-14617 Routing>Static Routing:fixed -> CLAS6-14713 Configuration>Trunk Group>Create New:fixed -> CLAS6-14754 Configuration>Code Deck>Create New:fixed -> CLAS6-14771 Configuration>Trunk Group:fixed -> CLAS6-14805 Routing>Static Routing:fixed -> CLAS6-14831 DID>Clients:fixed -> CLAS6-14862 api integration:fixed -> CLAS6-14865 Routing>Rate Table:fixed -> CLAS6-14913 DID>Clients>Create New>Add Pricing:fixed -> CLAS6-14944 Origination< DID Product:fixed -> CLAS6-14962 Routing>Static Routing- codes are not sorting properly:fixed -> CLAS6-15014 Routing>Trunks {Egress}>Create New>Create By Template- Carriers option drop down is empty:fixed -> CLAS6-15029 Template>Ingress Trunk Template- Created in API but cannot edit in UI:fixed -> CLAS6-15031 Template>Egress Trunk Template>Create New- Random ANI Group drop down is showing few data:fixed -> CLAS6-15032 Template>Egress Trunk Template:fixed -> CLAS6-15033 Routing>Dynamic Routing- Adding Trunk Priority with similar Prefix:fixed -> CLAS6-15045 Routing>Dynamic Routing>Override:fixed -> CLAS6-15049 Routing>Dynamic Routing:fixed -> CLAS6-15082 Termination>Product>Edit- cannot create new rate table:fixed -> CLAS6-15113 Configuration>Roles>Create New- next button is not working:fixed -> CLAS6-15124 Routing CLAS6-15137 Routing CLAS6-15141 Routing CLAS6-15142 Termination>Wizard- cannot create new trunk for given vendor carrier:fixed -> CLAS6-15166 Routing CLAS6-15190 Routing CLAS6-15191 DID CLAS6-15192 Termination>Wizard- creating new Ingress carrier:fixed -> CLAS6-15205 Termination CLAS6-15209 Termination CLAS6-15212 DID CLAS6-15224 DID CLAS6-15225 Routing CLAS6-15257 Template CLAS6-15263 Template CLAS6-15265 Termination CLAS6-15276 Template CLAS6-15279 Termination CLAS6-15303 API- POST ​/switch​/code​/create- accepting country name in numeric value:fixed -> CLAS6-15392 Routing CLAS6-15593 Finance CLAS6-15646 Statistics CLAS6-15699 DID CLAS6-15711 Statistics CLAS6-15733 Statistics CLAS6-15748 Statistics CLAS6-15749 Termination CLAS6-15841 DID CLAS6-15872 DID CLAS6-15935 Finance CLAS6-15944 Statistics CLAS6-16044 Statistics CLAS6-16047 Finance CLAS6-16072 Statistics CLAS6-16140 Statistics CLAS6-16150 Finance CLAS6-16177 DID CLAS6-16195 DID CLAS6-16214 Statistics CLAS6-16227 Statistics CLAS6-16228 Master- Routing CLAS6-16301 Statistics CLAS6-16303 API- POST ​/did​/billing_rule​/create - pay type should be Monthly by default:fixed -> CLAS6-16400 Statistics CLAS6-16582 Statistics CLAS6-16583 DID CLAS6-16946 Statistics CLAS6-16988 Statistics CLAS6-16990 25/01/2022 - Version 7.5.2 Cosmetic issue:- Termination>Client>Carrier Limit>Filter name "Type" Should be replace by "Status" -> CLAS6-16999 Statistics -> Daily Usage Detail Report -> Export file is showing wrong Header -> CLAS6-16790 Termination -> Wizard -> Egress trunk should not be created with Empty trunk name -> CLAS6-16654 UI issue - termination >wizard>step 3>add route>>add Icon name -> CLAS6-16979 finance>invoice>auto invoice list>Status should be "select one" by default -> CLAS6-16986 Finance -> Auto invoice Start/Stop button always showing Start -> CLAS6-16763 Statistics -> DID CDR list -> Submit and cancel button not showing. -> CLAS6-16983 Finance -> Payment -> Payment note must showing value in Decimal -> CLAS6-16995 ingress trunk creation page -> CLAS6-17010 Rate Generation -> New & Edit - Decimal Places -> CLAS6-17013 19/01/2022 - Version 7.5.1 Statistics>Termination>Profitability Analysis>Termination - DID trunks are showing on the table -> CLAS6-16691 DID>DID Repository>Edit - Cannot select "Any" for Ip address (UI issue) -> CLAS6-16786 UI Issue :- DID>DID Product>Pricing>Missing back Button -> CLAS6-16949 Statistics CLAS6-16932 Termination>Wizard>Client Trunk (Stage 5) - Existing Trunks is showing ALL trunks -> CLAS6-16936 UI Issue :- Termination>Client>Carrier Limit> need to add a column to show active /Inactive carrier -> CLAS6-16781 Lawful Intercept not "Lawful Interface" -> CLAS6-16956 Termination -> Wizard -> Egress trunk should not be created with Empty trunk name -> CLAS6-16654 14/01/2022 - Version 7.5.0 Statistics>Termination/Origination>Dashboard - Time period shown for "Top Client and Vendor" are wrong :fixed - CLAS6-16620 DID>>Actual Balance-->total balace is showing in exported file,it should be blank. :fixed - CLAS6-16514 Agent>Agent Management>Agent List>Manage Clients>Create New - Unable to assign clients to Agent :fixed - CLAS6-16461 Egress trace pop up bug :fixed CLAS6-16441 DID Filter in DID report is not working :fixed - CLAS6-16427 DID->DID Client Portal->Products->Share Rates Email Issues - CLAS6-14297 12/01/2022 - Version 7.4.9 UI>validation> show validation popup that "tech prefix entered is wrong" -> CLAS6-16827 Finance -> Invoice -> "Select All" option is not working -> CLAS6-16779 cosmetic Issue :-Client Portal>Origination>Product>Remove Blank row -> CLAS6-16809 Statistics>Termination>Summary Report>Inbound /Outbound- Total "Margin" is calculated wrong by UI -> CLAS6-16866 teleinx - rate table>create / edit > not allowing more that 2 decimal places -> CLAS6-16929 client portal>>modification required on CDR page -> CLAS6-16661 UI Issue:- Statistics>QoS Summary>Total ACD Is calculate Wrong by UI -> CLAS6-16869 UI Issue :-Statistics>QoS Summary>Total ASR is Wrong Calculate by UI -> CLAS6-16868 Cosmetic Issue :-Statistics>Disconnect causes -> CLAS6-16778 12/01/2022 - Version 7.4.8 did product>list>action>Edit>UI issue :fixed - CLAS6-16470 Statistics>>DID cost report--->some clients are missing from client list :fixed - CLAS6-16418 Memory and Disk space values don't match with server :fixed - CLAS6-16378 DID>Client>Edit - Clicking "Confirm" for Delete IP multiple times deletes multiple IP : fixed - CLAS6-16665 Importing Rate deck using with Rate Upload Template bug:fixed - CLAS6-16580 DIDCDR archival>it should go to job queue after success popup :fixed - CLAS6-15673 ingress trunk - Sip user - action not working : fixed - CLAS6-15289 Ytel -> Charts -> Graph is not showing correctly :fixed - CLAS6-16652 12/01/2022 - Version 7.4.7 user date is accpeting future dates (parsing error issue) -> CLAS6-16803 Rate Generation History page - Time display -> CLAS6-16839 Tool>CDR Archival>Job Queue - UI is showing wrong time (UI issue) -> CLAS6-16872 UI>validation> show validation popup that "tech prefix entered is wrong" -> CLAS6-16827 UI >Termination >client>deactivate client >validation issue -> CLAS6-16849 UI Issue :- Date and time showing in Wrong Format -> CLAS6-16870 UI Issue :- Agent >Commission Report>entering the page initially it shows "No Result Found" before clicking Query -> CLAS6-16817 UI Issue :-Tool>Sip Packet Search>Sip Packet>entering the page initially it shows "No Result Found" before clicking Query -> CLAS6-16805 Update at Showing Unnecessary Digits with date and time , Remove "T" between date and time in :-Last run time, Next run time, Update at -> CLAS6-16791 UI Issue :-Log >Rate Delivery log >create time showing different -> CLAS6-16835 UI Issue :- Tool>Rate generation>rate generation history -> CLAS6-16855 Finance -> Invoice -> "Select All" option is not working -> CLAS6-16779 DID -> Wizard -> Popup Icon Name is Missing -> CLAS6-16852 Tools -> Rate Generation -> Need to remove validation for Code Deck -> CLAS6-16788 Finance -> Actual Transaction -> Export file showing wrong Header -> CLAS6-16831 Routing>Rate Table>Update at showing Unnecessary Digits -> CLAS6-16798 Ingress Trunk -> Add Product -> Close icon not working -> CLAS6-16814 We need to change position of the Margin % column. Change the text "Margin % " to "Profit Margin" Profit Margin = ( Ingress cost - egress cost ) / ingress cost * 50% -> CLAS6-16675 Client Portal>> Billing>Payment History - "Paid on" date and time are not showing in human readable format -> CLAS6-16813 UI Issue :- Routing>Trunk>Ingress>Add product>Remove validation for tech Prefix -> CLAS6-16777 tools>Cdr archival>job queue>header is wrong -> CLAS6-16784 if we select None, we don't need the "End Date " date picker to be shown. It is needed only for the rest of the 3 options. -> CLAS6-16723 pcap archive result - icon should not be shown if no data -> CLAS6-16760 start and stop button should be different -> CLAS6-16734 I can click and download the file now, but the file got renamed. Pls stick to the file name in the UI. -> CLAS6-16735 I already have data before i go to that page. When I click on client, it has already name and email, but it is still prompting that I need to have name and email. -> CLAS6-16736 Need extra spacing between textbox -> CLAS6-16732 cdr>cdr when done popup box>unable to see Submit and Cancel button -> CLAS6-16746 change wording for pop up. -> CLAS6-16487 11/01/2022 - Version 7.4.6 IP host issue:fixed - CLAS6-16729 ICX - DID Repository Export does not work:fixed - CLAS6-15919 rate send - support multiple client selection:fixed - CLAS6-15992 wrong billing type in rate table creation:fixed - CLAS6-16501 egress pcap is getting wrong date:fixed - CLAS6-16439 DID Report is not showing all data:fixed - CLAS6-16426 Statistics>Origination>DID Cost Report - Getting error while entering the page initially:fixed - CLAS6-16459 DID>DID Client>Create new/Edit - Getting error on page:fixed - CLAS6-16476 DID>DID Repository - "Edit" is releasing DID:fixed - CLAS6-14019 DID>Client>Edit - Delete IP pop up is wrong:fixed - CLAS6-16417 did central > DID>client>create new not working:fixed - CLAS6-16534 did central> DID >vendor>create new>error:fixed - CLAS6-16536 termination>client>edit>UI is not calling api correctly:fixed - CLAS6-16474 termination>vendor>should not send any auto summary report:fixed - CLAS6-16473 tool>live call>UI modification:fixed - CLAS6-16446 did client>create>invalid error:fixed - CLAS6-16658 stir shaken page does not store data to DB:fixed - CLAS6-14656 summary report > outbound tab > keeps loading:fixed - CLAS6-16772 tool>cdr archival>job queue list >data missing on UI:fixed - CLAS6-16737 tool>cdr archival>export data not found/page not found:fixed - CLAS6-16385 cdr>ingress pcap>UI showing wrong popup of task failed:fixed - CLAS6-16743 11/01/2022 - Version 7.4.5 Routing -> Egress -> Back button should be available in Usage count page :fixed - CLAS6-16588 Routing -> Egress Export is not working :fixed - CLAS6-16572 Monitoring>Loop Detection>Loop Found - "Ingress Trunk" filter is not working :fixed - CLAS6-16559 Log>Modification Log>View - UI is showing API values instead of human readable values :fixed - CLAS6-16556 New Rate Generation->Rate Generation Name should be mandatory :fixed - CLAS6-16540 10/01/2022 - Version 7.4.4 Notification setting is shown incorrectly -> CLAS6-16471 Need to hide "all zero " rows - > CLAS6-16425 do not collapse after clicking icon -> CLAS6-16733 archive CDr search - "has data" shows wrong -> CLAS6-16759 origination>wizard>step 2 ->create vendor>new>multiple popup shown -> CLAS6-16707 UI ISSUE: job id is not correct -> CLAS6-16710 08/01/2022 - Version 7.4.3 DID>Client>Edit - Clicking "Confirm" for Delete IP multiple times deletes multiple IP bug:fixed - CLAS6-16665 Termination -> Wizard -> Error showing while add new Ingress Trunk: fixed - CLAS6-16601 Dashboard -> Charts -> No Zero Calls for Termination showing Null bug:fixed - CLAS6-16851 Summary Report - Empty row sort to end :fixed - CLAS6-16838 Summary Report - showing NaN and empty columns : fixed - CLAS6-16837 Statistics -> QoS Summary -> Time Bucket option is not working :fixed - CLAS6-16833 Routing>Rate Table>View Rates>Import - Getting error while trying to import rates - CLAS6-16748 DID>DID Client>Edit - Unable to change "Product" after initial selection :fixed - CLAS6-16694 Termination -> Wizard -> Company Name should be Mandatory for both Vendor and Client :fixed - CLAS6-16604 Termination -> Wizard -> Error showing while add new Ingress Trunk :fixed - CLAS6-16601 New auto min time and interval setting :fixed - CLAS6-16506 removed duplicate pages - CLAS6-16676 call block page :fixed - CLAS6-16677 added sortability for code, code_name, and country in rate table - CLAS6-16679 Administration>VoIP Gateway>Edit - UI is staying in edit mode even after clicking Save bug :fixed - CLAS6-16489 Routing>Trunk>Ingress/Egress>Edit - tabs UI design difference :fixed -CLAS6-16526 Clarity>> DID>Client - Re-adding test credit each time the Client is edited bug :fixed - CLAS6-16621 DID>DID Client>Create new/Edit - UI should show error pop-up message and stay in Create new/edit page if the trunk gets an error :fixed - CLAS6-16615 DID>DID Client>Edit - DID product issues :fixed - CLAS6-16618 Agent>Agent Management>Agent List>Manage Clients - "Name" Filter :fixed - CLAS6-16680 DID>DID Product>List - Make "Used by" values clickable. - :done - CLAS6-16683 origination>wizard>step 2>create new vendor>billing rule field is not mandatory :fixed - CLAS6-16705 api-system admin>history>server IP is missing :fixed - CLAS6-13588 Statistics >>Dashboard >>Report :fixed - CLAS6-16655 Downloaded file should gives information about the deck name and date :fixed - CLAS6-16576 UI ISSUE: integrate API to Delete Attestation Setting :fixed - CLAS6-16669 UI ISSUE: o_trunk_type2 field is not added in request :fixed - CLAS6-16702 UI ISSUE: it should redirect to "ANI Group View" log page :fixed - CLAS6-16686 UI ISSUE: Add Attestation Setting in Ingress trunk :fixed CLAS6-16549 UI ISSUE: Remove the Export button. :fixed - CLAS6-16672 UI ISSUE: filter by client not working :fixed - CLAS6-16612 UI ISSUE: Search by DID not working :fixed - CLAS6-16609 Report - does not auto update fields :fixed - CLAS6-16345 04/01/2022 - Version 7.4.2 UI Issue :-Termination >Wizard>step 5 >add Product>remove validation for tech prefix -> CLAS6-16764 Cosmetic Issue:- Tool>Rate Generation>Rate Generation History -> CLAS6-16704 UI Issue :- Routing > trunk > Egress >Update at> showing wrong date -> CLAS6-16698 Rate Generation -> Created on & Last Generated time is not showing correctly -> CLAS6-16782 YTEL ISSUE: Termination >> Wizard -> CLAS6-16575 04/01/2022 - Version 7.4.1 Origination -> Wizard ->IP Address Delete Button is not working -> CLAS6-16596 Monitoring -> Edit Rule -> Name filed is not allowing Space -> CLAS6-16718 Finance -> Invoice -> Popup Icon Name missing -> CLAS6-16750 Routing -> Wrong Import Icon -> CLAS6-16561 Finance -> Invoice -> Getting error while using Status filter "All" -> CLAS6-16713 Termination -> Wizard -> Rate table drop down is blank -> CLAS6-16578 Configuration -> Code Deck Import Icon -> CLAS6-16562 Termination -> Wizard ->Vendor Trunk and Add Ingress Carrier Icon is Wrong -> CLAS6-16577 Origination -> Wizard -> Company Name should be Mandatory -> CLAS6-16603 DID Repository -> Import Log Icon is wrong -> CLAS6-16530 Finance -> Export button is blink while click for change page -> CLAS6-16626 Log -> Wrong Export Icon -> CLAS6-16627 Tools -> Rate Generation History->Action Column buttons Icon Wrong -> CLAS6-16645 Origination -> Wizard -> Main Email should be Mandatory for Client Creation -> CLAS6-16699 Monitoring -> Loop Detection -> While Edit Rule Name field showing Error -> CLAS6-16709 Origination -> Wizard -> Vendor Name field should be showing Mandatory -> CLAS6-16597 Origination -> Vendor -> Add by Range -> Pop Icon Name for Add button is missing -> CLAS6-16695 Agent -> Commission History -> Remove option "Add Payout Record" -> CLAS6-16780 CDR Export -> Send Email - Need Layout & Text change -> CLAS6-16566 Capacity -> Icon Popup text missing -> CLAS6-16643 VoiP Gateway -> Info popup text is missing -> CLAS6-16644 04/01/2022 - Version 7.4.0 Statistics>Origination>DID Usage Report:fixed - CLAS6-16111 Routing>trunk>Ingress>Sip User>Action column >Click on capacity>Shows error:fixed - CLAS6-16714 Termination>>Vendor>>Host---showing wrong list:fixed - CLAS6-15877 Statistics > Daily channel usage report:fixed - CLAS6-16361 Agent > Commission history :- commission column showing null:fixed - CLAS6-16343 Routing > Rate Table >Import Rates>Unable to set effective date:fixed - CLAS6-16235 Rate import issue:fixed - CLAS6-16281 Routing >Trunk>Ingress>Trunk info>add routing and tech prefix:fixed - CLAS6-15985 Statistics > profitability report>termination tab - showing 2 time result:fixed - CLAS6-16251 Termination>>client>>Host---showing wrong list:fixed - CLAS6-16237 Termination>Client>Carrier Limit -Remove filter -terms:fixed - CLAS6-16191 Termination>vendor>Carrier Limit -Remove filter -terms:fixed - CLAS6-16236 Termination>Vendor>Carrier limit:fixed - CLAS6-16225 Termination >Client>Carrier Limit:fixed - CLAS6-16205 Termination >Client>Carrier Limit>Page no issue:fixed - CLAS6-16203 Routing>Static Routing>Static Routing Detail>Click on edit >selected Carrier and trunk are not showing:fixed - CLAS6-16129 Termination> Wizard>step 2:fixed - CLAS6-15189 Routing>trunk>Ingress>edit Ingress>go on stir shaken click on submit> getting error:fixed - CLAS6-15245 Routing>Trunk >Ingress>Create New >Routing and tech prefix >Rate table drop down view issue:fixed - CLAS6-15273 Routing>Dynamic routing>Trunk priority>create new >unexpected error:fixed - CLAS6-15439 Termination >Client>Ingress trunk>trunk info :- save changes and showing wrong data:fixed - CLAS6-15682 UI Issue :- Rate import issue:fixed - CLAS6-15481 Statistics >Termination> Summary Report >Outbound cascade report:fixed - CLAS6-15757 Termination >CDR --caller id and caller no filter is not working:fixed - CLAS6-15812 Statistics>Cdrs list>Cdrs search :- First time no result with filter period-Today:fixed - CLAS6-15728 Intlcx Issue :- Monitoring>Fraud Detection>Edit>Block trunk:fixed - CLAS6-15896 UI issue :- Tools>Rate Generation>Create New Rate Generation>Calculate IJ rate based on -option is missing:fixed - CLAS6-15946 Monitoring>Fraud Detection>Fraud Detection Edit:fixed - CLAS6-16090 Summary Report Fields does not gets saved for default:fixed - CLAS6-16086 Intlcx Issue :- Client portal >Dashboard>connected calls graph showing different data:fixed - CLAS6-15758 Finance -> Invoice -> Manual Export file Showing Null: fixed - CLAS6-16724 DID Client-> Object error while creating new client : fixed - CLAS6-16523 Empty Rate Table text need colour change to make it more visible :fixed - CLAS6-16405 Rate Import -> Selected Header should not be allowed to select twice :fixed - CLAS6-16392 User -> Action column is hidden - it should be shown default :fixed - CLAS6-16373 Ytel -> Allow .ca in Email Field :fixed - CLAS6-16331 Stagging -- Routing -> Ingress & Egress Trunk edit page showing Error :fixed - CLAS6-16295 Vendor -> Create New & Edit - Self Service Portal :fixed - CLAS6-16280 Client Portal -> Menu dropdown are getting overlapped under black line -- not showing up :fixed - CLAS6-16256 Payment -> Query & Export icons should be near each other :fixed - CLAS6-16252 DID Product -> Saving success popup is missing :fixed - CLAS6-16113 Archive Setting -> PCAP Section just keep on loading & loading :fixed - CLAS6-16112 Teleinx -> Client Portal - Dashboard shows Egress CPS & Ingress Channels also :fixed - CLAS6-15869 Teleinx -> Client Portal - Accounts - Remove Action Column from Ingress Trunk :fixed - CLAS6-15852 CDR Export -> Need Cancel button to cancel the Export Job :fixed - CLAS6-15705 04/01/2022 - Version 7.3.9 Summary Report unable to fetch data :fixed - CLAS6-16753 Termination Product - Texts :fixed - CLAS6-16696 Default should be A-Z sorting on Inbound/Outbound Report :fixed - CLAS6-16651 Dashboard - Charts - Vendor Trunk dropdown :fixed - CLAS6-16648 A-Z Sorting on Dashboard all the sections :fixed - CLAS6-16647 Inbound/Outbound Report -> Avg Rate :fixed CLAS6-16610 Statistics -> Dasboard & CDR List : fixed - CLAS6-16606 Term Wizard :changed UI fields - CLAS6-16605 Dynamic Routing -> Vendor :fixed - CLAS6-16595 Vendor Host -> Trunk Name Filter :fixed - CLAS6-16592 Auto Invoice Management -> Carrier Name Filter :fixed - CLAS6-16591 Trunk Suspension Notice -> Rate Download Deadline tag : fixed - CLAS6-16573 Dynamic Routing -> Popup Icon Name missing :fixed - CLAS6-16547 Static Routing -> Popup Icon Name missing :fixed - CLAS6-16546 SIP Profile -> Popup Icon Name missing :fixed -CLAS6-16545 Digit Manipulation -> Popup Icon Name missing :fixed - CLAS6-16544 Failover Rule -> Popup Icon Name missing :fixed - CLAS6-16543 Trunks -> Auto Call Block :fixed design issues, removed space - CLAS6-16542 Product -> Name should allow hyphen & underscore: fixed - CLAS6-16518 DID Client -> DID Product data :fixed - CLAS6-16490 Teleinx -> Client Portal :removed min text from calls - CLAS6-16250 Summary Report for Previous Month getting timeout issue :fixed - CLAS6-16184 DID Product -> section to access it details and make modification :fixed CLAS6-16123 CDR Fields does not gets saved for default bug:fixed - CLAS6-16083 Rate Table -> Export - Download button :fixed - CLAS6-16053 CDR Search -> Duration filter :added - CLAS6-16051 Dashboard - Vertical Graph issues :fixed - CLAS6-15956 Rate Import -> Effective Date when enddating previous rates bug :Fixed - CLAS6-15954 Payment - fixed creating payment in payment page - CLAS6-15897 Termination -> Carrier Limit -> Inactive Filter is not working :fixed - CLAS6-16625 Statistics -> CDR Export Log ->Page initially shows "No Data Found" before clicking Query :fixed - CLAS6-16687 Termination -> Wizard -> Main Email should be mandatory for Client Creation :fixed - CLAS6-16685 Origination -> Wizard -> Client Billing Rule Name field should allow space :fixed - CLAS6-16599 Origination -> Vendor -> Popup Icon Name missing :fixed - CLAS6-16646 Monitoring -> Add Fraud Detection -> Words missing on Page :fixed - CLAS6-16670 Templates -> Egress Trunk Template -> while checking templates used by section 2 Back button showing :fixed - CLAS6-16539 Termination -> Popup Icon Name missing :fixed - CLAS6-16589 Ingress Trunk Template ->Name Field should allow space & hyphen :fixed - CLAS6-16541 Termination -> Popup Icon Name missing :fixed - CLAS6-16590 DID -> Vendor-> New -> Add DID -> Import DID Icon Wrong :fixed - CLAS6-16531 Routing -> Edit Ingress Trunk -> Submit button is not responding :fixed - CLAS6-16712 Statistics -> CDR Search Export log is wrong :fixed - CLAS6-16557 20/11/2021 - Version 7.3.8 fixed timezone issue - CLAS6-16376 fixed statistics timezone graphs grouping and displaying - CLAS6-16308 11/11/2021 - Version 7.3.7 fixed datetimepicker for safari 08/11/2021 - Version 7.3.6 use o_trunk_type2=0 in api request:fixed - CLAS6-16279 Statistics>Termination>QoS Summary - Results is including DID trunks on the table:fixed - CLAS6-16224 Routing>Rate Table>View Rates>Export - Header and footer not working:fixed - CLAS6-16273 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-16271 admin should not be accessing to client portal:fixed - CLAS6-16274 Finance>>Actual Transaction-->showing wrong data:fixed - CLAS6-16242 tools>Cdr archival>job queue >requested by is showing NULL:fixed - CLAS6-15676 cDR export job getting stuck:fixed - CLAS6-15451 rate table>import>code deck is taking wrong info:fixed - CLAS6-14539 server admin > history > should show in descending order according to time:fixed - CLAS6-16275 Log>>Auto Payment Log--->data on UI and Exported file data are differenrent:fixed - CLAS6-15558 US Jurisdiction -> Update Lerg to switch not working:fixed - CLAS6-14894 18/10/2021 - Version 7.3.5 Egress Calls not working:fixed - CLAS6-16004 Payment Gateway History is missing:fixed - CLAS6-16032 Log>Reset Balance Log - Need parameters "create_time_lt" and "create_time_gt":fixed - CLAS6-14993 Finance>Payment>New Payment Received - Unable to make Invoice payments and other issues on the page:fixed - CLAS6-15755 Finance>Wizaed>>Vendor Carrier--.>giving error:fixed - CLAS6-16071 Finance>Payment>Add new filter Type:fixed - CLAS6-16066 14/10/2021 - Version 7.3.4 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14214 POST/cloud/search/cdr - Additional fields required in API:fixed - CLAS6-14699 Statistics>Termination>Host Based Report>Termination - Table is showing wrong result, it's total result of all trunks combined:fixed - CLAS6-15267 Statistics>Termination>Disconnect Causes - Need to add a column "Date" to show the report date:fixed - CLAS6-15248 agent portal>cdr-too many same api:fixed - CLAS6-15208 generated rates can't be exported:fixed - CLAS6-15323 summary report>view saved data from saved report:fixed - CLAS6-15158 Dashboard x-axis issue:fixed - CLAS6-15109 Statistics>Termination>Inbound/Outbound Report - Egress trunk drop-down list is empty:fixed - CLAS6-15340 13/10/2021 - Version 7.3.3 DID usage report - mrc/nrc is showing 0 :fixed - CLAS6-15286 Statistics>Origination>CDRs List - No Pagination available on the UI page :fixed - CLAS6-14604 Template>Carrier Template>Create New/Edit - Field values not getting saved :fixed - CLAS6-15385 Routing>Rate Table>Create new - Inter and Intra rates entered were saved in opposite columns :fixed - CLAS6-15356 Statistics>Traffic Analytic - Calls<=30s count and % are shown as 0 when it has values :fixed - CLAS6-15478 DID>DID Product>Edit - Page is stuck in loading loop when there's a duplicate error :fixed - CLAS6-15677 Tool>Call Simulation>DID - When "Release Cause is 'Normal', there needs to be a table showing all trunks and their details including rates :fixed - CLAS6-15736 Client Portal>> Termination>CDR - Need Next/Previous button :fixed - CLAS6-15807 Client Portal>> Billing>Transaction - Wrong API request used on UI page, 'date_gte' and 'date_lte' values are undefined :fixed - CLAS6-15806 Client Portal>> Termination>Products>Download Rate - no 'header' for each column in downloaded file :fixed - CLAS6-15804 Client Portal - Download CDR :fixed - CLAS6-15766 12/10/2021 - Version 7.3.2 CDR default value is "empty" not 0 :fixed - CLAS6-15814 GET​/carrier​/{client_id}​/actual_balance - ending_balance value is null :fixed - CLAS6-15801 Wrong "Balance On" value :fixed - CLAS6-15799 Log>DID_import_log > it showing file was not on database and it not generated on server :fixed - CLAS6-15792 Statistics>Active Call Report - DID Client and Vendors are not available in drop-down list :fixed - CLAS6-15753 Client Portal>> Termination>CDR - Export file data is incomplete :fixed - CLAS6-15808 rate sending page - attachment :fixed - CLAS6-15824 trunk>ingress>edit>add product and manual prefix row>showing error :fixed - CLAS6-15835 statistics>report>api shwing 502:proxy error when calling from UI :fixed - CLAS6-16042 teleinx-summary report>outbound tab>showing no data for some selections :fixed - CLAS6-16041 Teleinx ISSUE: I got an error when saving this trunk :fixed - CLAS6-15940 11/10/2021 - Version 7.3.1 ICX: Transaction summary is wrong :fixed - CLAS6-15836 Routing>Dynamic Routing>Trunk Priority>Edit - Getting "Prefix already exists" error when trying to save without even making any changes :fixed - CLAS6-15737 Client Portal - Download CDR :fixed - CLAS6-15766 Tools>Call Simulation>DID - When 'Release Cause' is Normal, UI page is stuck in loading loop :fixed - CLAS6-15627 Statistics>Usage Report>Origination/Termination - 'Percentage of Calls (%)' and 'Percent of Duration (%)' total result is always 100% :fixed - CLAS6-13278 Finance>Payment>New Payment Received - Unable to make Invoice payments and other issues on the page :fixed - CLAS6-15755 DIDOrigination>Usage Report - Multiple issues found on page :fixed - CLAS6-15634 teleinx - CDR List -> Instantly used Release Causes are missing :fixed - CLAS6-15967 DID Client Portal>> Origination>Report - Export is not working when using any 'Time Bucket' other than 'All Time'>>Exported file has unnecessary columns :fixed - CLAS6-15714 29/09/2021 - Version 7.2.9 Client Portal - Dashboard shows Egress CPS & Ingress Channels also :fixed - CLAS6-15869 need to add country dropdown in did search :fixed - CLAS6-13561 statistics>daily channel usage report is wrong :fixed - CLAS6-15513 enhance Daily Channel report :fixed - CLAS6-15515 TerminationTermination ->Products->dwonload :fixed - CLAS6-15259 Add sorting in these page too :fixed - CLAS6-15615 Statistics>Origination>Usage Report - Multiple issues found on page :fixed - CLAS6-15634 client portal->Termination ->Products->rate download :fixed - CLAS6-13850 Origination>Report - Export is not working when using any 'Time Bucket' other than 'All Time'>>Exported file has unnecessary columns :fixed - CLAS6-15714 Origination>Report - DID Query field is not working :fixed - CLAS6-15713 Routing>Dynamic Routing>Trunk Priority - 'Egress Trunk' Query field isn't working :fixed - CLAS6-15703 28/09/2021 - Version 7.2.8 intlcx - dashboard >total calls/margin/percentage issue :fixed - CLAS6-15698 Statistics>Origination>Profitability report - Total Profitability is calculated wrong and other UI issues on the page :fixed - CLAS6-15680 term>client>create new>remove validation from UI :fixed - CLAS6-15729 Intlcx Issue :- Client portal >Dashboard>ACD :fixed - CLAS6-15762 self-defined cap limit can't be save :fixed - CLAS6-15856 Origination-> DID Repository->export :fixed - CLAS6-15844 Need Release Cause for ANI Blocked & DNIS Blocked with specific release code :fixed - CLAS6-15417 Teleinx -> Client Portal - Accounts - Remove Action Column from Ingress Trunk :fixed - CLAS6-15852 Statistics>>DID Report--->Group By#1,Group By#2 and Group By#3 by should be select one instead of any default data :fixed - CLAS6-15805 Routing>>Static Routing---->Missing Delete All button :fixed - CLAS6-15696 22/09/2021 - Version 7.2.7 Profit margin calculation is not correct:fixed - CLAS6-15740 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-15481 DID >Wizard>Step 1 --next getting unexpected error:fixed - CLAS6-15692 Routing >Trunk>Ingress>Create new product is not clickable:fixed - CLAS6-15708 Statistics>Origination>DID report>Page Row selection is missing:fixed - CLAS6-15706 DID Product - modification:fixed - CLAS6-15742 intlcx - wrong CC email triggered:fixed - CLAS6-15641 DID Client > DID product is all wrong:fixed - CLAS6-15743 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-15449 Daily Channel Usage Report:- Add server_ip:fixed - CLAS6-15540 13/09/2021 - Version 7.2.6 Origination >>DID Cost Report pagination: fixed - CLAS6-15613 Origination >>DID Cost Report searchby options: fixed - CLAS6-15612 Client Portal -> CDR - IB & OB cost should show 6 values after decimal :fixed - CLAS6-15622 Inbound/Outbound Qos not refreshing automatically :fixed - CLAS6-15610 Statistics>Origination>DID Cost Report - Some fields are showing wrong values :fixed - CLAS6-15633 Origination>Profitability report total row :fixed - CLAS6-15609 Statistics>Origination>CDRs List - fields mismatching :fixed - CLAS6-15631 Dashboard:-> Connected CPS graph - CLAS6-15608 10/09/2021 - Version 7.2.5 Statistics>Origination>Dashboard - Statistics ASR is showing graph even when no call was made during the set time period :fixed - CLAS6-15576 Statistics-> Origination-> Profitability Report->non zero and zero filter working opposite :fixed - CLAS6-15555 Routing>Static Routing - 'Page row' :fixed - CLAS6-15546 CDR Export with Filter Inbound Client or bound Client :fixed - CLAS6-15591 Statistics>Origination>Probability Report bug :fixed - CLAS6-15588 Routing>Trunks>Egress/Ingress Trunks>Edit issues :fixed - CLAS6-15577 CDR Export with Filter Inbound Client ::fixed CLAS6-15587 Statistics>Daily Channel Usage Report columns: fixed CLAS6-15536 Client portal :-> Report showing no data :fixed - CLAS6-15598 Termination >Vendor >Egress trunk>Create new- Wrong error popup :fixed - CLAS6-15581 Rate Generation -> Editing Rate Template Name makes the name empty on UI :fixed CLAS6-15578 Client Portal -> CDR Search default search for Non Zero calls only :added duration filter - CLAS6-15603 Report> Total Duration showing blank intead of zero :fixed CLAS6-15614 03/09/2021 - Version 7.2.4 change table position - CLAS6-15106 DID>DID Repository>Edit - Edit is showing wrong values for Client Billing Rule and Vendor Billing Rule :fixed - CLAS6-14915 DID > DID Products > View Rates: Error message issue :fixed - CLAS6-14885 rate import>using rate upload template>effective date issue :fixed - CLAS6-14675 api required parameters :fixed - CLAS6-13880 table look :fixed - CLAS6-15357 api required parameters :fixed - CLAS6-12677 api integration :fixed - CLAS6-15141 save page row count :fixed - CLAS6-15290 send time using timezone :fixed - CLAS6-15503 exported file look :fixed - CLAS6-15349 02/09/2021 - Version 7.2.3 removed menu button - CLAS6-15260 DID>Actual Transaction - Values are wrong/missing in many fields :fixed - CLAS6-15283 finance>payment>recieved-new recieved payment is not showing :fixed - CLAS6-15282 Teleinx ISSUE: Role permission not working :fixed - CLAS6-13922 rate table listing :fixed - CLAS6-15290 RoutingRoles>Create new/Edit - Some field's selections are not getting saved and some fields doesn't need "Write" option :fixed - CLAS6-15362 finance>actual transaction-payment is not showing :fixed - CLAS6-15278 Having issue with period in CDR search :fixed - CLAS6-15503 Dynamic Routing - Removing Trunk from Routing not working :fixed - CLAS6-15504 Tech Prefix of all the Ingress Trunk vanished :fixed - CLAS6-15500 27/08/2021 - Version 7.2.2 Teleinx Issue: In client portal they can see all of their customers traffic:fixed - CLAS6-15397 unable to update monthly DID charge:fixed - CLAS6-14961 Teleinx Issue: CDRs are showing incorrect fields in customer portal:fixed - CLAS6-15398 Teleinx ISSUE: Role permission not working:fixed - CLAS6-13922 Routing>Dynamic Routing>Mass Edit - If no "Time Profile" is set, then UI send time_profile_id=0:fixed - CLAS6-15009 Log>Reset Balance Log - Carrier drop-down list is showing both Termination/origination clients and vendors:fixed - CLAS6-15006 did repository>list>active >end date = Null:fixed - CLAS6-15028 Routing>Dashboard >>Report:fixed - CLAS6-15251 26/08/2021 - Version 7.2.1 API- POST ​/switch​/code​/create- accepting country name in numeric value:fixed - CLAS6-15392 TerminationDynamic Routing>Override:fixed - CLAS6-15049 Routing>Dynamic Routing- Adding Trunk Priority with similar Prefix:fixed - CLAS6-15045 Configuration>Time Profile>Data is not modifying:fixed - CLAS6-14978 Teleinx Issue: CDRs are showing incorrect fields in customer portal:fixed - CLAS6-15398 Teleinx Issue: Statistics >>Dashboard >>Report:fixed - CLAS6-15251 25/08/2021 - Version 7.2.0 Termination>Client>Reset the Balance - UI sending wrong value for "start_time":fixed - CLAS6-14995 Log>Reset Balance Log - Need parameters "create_time_lt" and "create_time_gt":fixed - CLAS6-14993 Rate TablePayment>Received - Invoice payments are not being shown on the table:fixed - CLAS6-14979 teleinx -api-> rate import log>unable to export error file:fixed - CLAS6-15255 DID>DID Repository - "Inactive" filter is showing active DID and "Active" filter is showing inactive DID:fixed - CLAS6-14976 Client Portal>> Billing>Account - If no "Products" are assigned to the client then "Null" value is shown on UI page:fixed - CLAS6-14681 monitoring>faulty route alert>remove dummy data:fixed - CLAS6-15080 Teleinx Issue: Statistics >>Dashboard >>Report:fixed - CLAS6-15251 teleinx - block list>create new>egress carrier list>carriers are missing:fixed - CLAS6-15403 24/08/2021 - Version 7.1.9 CDR Search -- Release Cause 503 shows ANI Blocked instead of Service Unavailable :fixed - CLAS6-15408 did client>create/edit>using duplicate name should show error popup :fixed - CLAS6-15083 Log>Reset Balance Log - Carrier drop-down list is incomplete, only 10 DID Clients are shown :fixed - CLAS6-14948 term>client>company info>tax ID > not mandatory :fixed - CLAS6-14902 Remove company name dropdown from report :fixed - CLAS6-15238 List of Egress trunk in Rate Generation :fixed - CLAS6-15380 api required parameters :fixed - CLAS6-15366 showing table fields :fixed - CLAS6-15251 api integration :fixed - CLAS6-15370 In client portal they can see all of their customers traffic :fixed - CLAS6-15397 Configuration-> Invoice Setting issue :fixed - CLAS6-15404 23/08/2021 - Version 7.1.8 UI Issue :- Routing>Trunk>Ingress>Switch timing issue :fixed - CLAS6-15275 UI Issue :- Agent>Agent Management>Client Assignment>Create new :fixed - CLAS6-15312 Routing>Routing plan>Create new >select route type:- Dynamic routing-static routing>Static - +create new > loading. :fixed - CLAS6-15331 UI Issue:- configuration>Users :fixed - CLAS6-15360 dashboard>report>term filter is not working :fixed - CLAS6-15390 statics>Dashboard>Report>country-dropdown showing no result found :fixed - CLAS6-15376 api->Reports>charts>showing error when using search by CPS and Port :fixed - CLAS6-15111 UI integration to Strip is wrong :fixed - CLAS6-13812 block list >>import>>delete function >>ani-dnis file :fixed - CLAS6-12338 in archive setting submit and reset button not working :fixed - CLAS6-11698 Call Simulation -> ANI & DNIS field should allow + :fixed - CLAS6-15270 18/08/2021 - Version 7.1.7 In dev tool api using wrong field for Final Call :fixed - CLAS6-15341 Teleinx ISSUE: Egress not responding :fixed - CLAS6-15336 Teleinx Issue: ANI Blocked field is missing :fixed - CLAS6-15335 Termination>Product>Edit- cannot create new rate table :fixed - CLAS6-15113 Statistic>Termination>Profitability Analysis>Origination/Termination - Total NPR% is calculated wrong :fixed - CLAS6-15214 Profitability report should be by DID Client :fixed - CLAS6-15287 DID client report should be by client. :fixed - CLAS6-15288 UI Issue : - Routing>Trunk >Ingress>Create New>SIP user>User and Password Validation :fixed - CLAS6-15274 Routing>Trunks>Ingress>Edit Ingress>Host capacity limit :fixed - CLAS6-15268 UI Issue :- Routing>Trunk>Egress>Create New>Pdd Timeout :fixed - CLAS6-15272 inactive trunks can be modified too :fixed - CLAS6-15266 12/08/2021 - Version 7.1.6 api required parameters :fixed - CLAS6-15256 "action" column we don't clickable :fixed - CLAS6-15258 remove this from the dashboard :fixed - CLAS6-15260 teleinx - dashboard>total calls/connected calls/total minutes/total profit and profitability count issue :fixed - CLAS6-15262 error in case of "overlap invoice protection" :fixed - CLAS6-15236 api integartion :fixed - CLAS6-15176 agent portal->Statistics ->Call Records->web->email when done :fixed - CLAS6-15227 Finance>Payment>Received - "Received On" time is always 00:00:00 for all payments :fixed - CLAS6-15196 DID>Client>Create New/Edit>Billing info - Validation required :fixed - CLAS6-15183 DID>Actual Transaction - Wrong parameter usage for start time and end time (UI issue) :fixed - CLAS6-15167 Teleinx Issue: Statistics >>Dashboard >>Report :fixed - CLAS6-15251 origination>did_product>Search bar>we need to add new filter>Billing Rule :fixed - CLAS6-15210 11/08/2021 - Version 7.1.5 finance>actual transaction- current balance is showing for everyday in balance section :fixed - CLAS6-15231 DIDexport>IP is missing :fixed - CLAS6-14880 ytel-dashboard>data vanished after sometime :fixed - CLAS6-15246 Routing DID Repository->page numbering issue :fixed - CLAS6-15242 Tickets -> Client Portal -- Client should have ability to add ISSUE TYPE :fixed - CLAS6-13600 CDR List -> Add 200 (OK) in Release Cause :fixed - CLAS6-15233 10/08/2021 - Version 7.1.4 latest report time is wrong:fixed - CLAS6-15177 need to support this email format in all email fields:fixed - CLAS6-14639 Statistics>Origination>Profitability Report - Every page's 9/10 listings are same as the previous page:fixed - CLAS6-15194 Statistics>Origination>CDRs List - No Pagination available on the UI page:fixed - CLAS6-14604 origination>did_product>Search bar>we need to add new filter>Billing Rule:fixed - CLAS6-15210 Termination>Product>Search bar> we need to add two filter:fixed - CLAS6-15211 Master> ​GET/rt​/cdr_request​/list - "job_start_time_gt and job_start_time_lt" parameters are not working:fixed - CLAS6-15130 DIDClient>Create New/Edit>Billing info - Validation required:fixed - CLAS6-15183 Configuration>>Users>>online users>>edit------>Reset button is not working:fixed - CLAS6-15182 Agent>Agent Management>Client Assignment>Create new - Selecting Carrier from drop-down list is freezing UI page:fixed - CLAS6-15174 09/08/2021 - Version 7.1.3 agent>commission report>export-minute column data should be in minute:fixed - CLAS6-15171 DID>Actual Transaction - Wrong parameter usage for start time and end time (UI issue):fixed - CLAS6-15167 Termination>Wizard- cannot create new trunk for given vendor carrier:fixed - CLAS6-15166 statistics>DID usage report>need to add Web and Excel CSV section:fixed - CLAS6-15201 Origination-> DID Repository->create ->vendor drop-down issue:fixed - CLAS6-15202 Origination ->Regenerate Origination Client Balance:fixed - CLAS6-15204 Add "Latest Report Timestamp" in inbound/outbound QoS:fixed - CLAS6-13919 tech prefix should be 3 not 4:fixed - CLAS6-15161 US Jurisdiction -> Download button does not works:fixed - CLAS6-14870 inbound/outbound report issue:fixed - CLAS6-15180 Statistics>Dashboard - Both Termination and Origination Dashboards have same results:fixed - CLAS6-14336 07/08/2021 - Version 7.1.2 Vendor Portal>> Termination>Product - Vendor shouldn't have "Product" page:fixed - CLAS6-14686 teleinx-cdr>search with release cause where ingress = 200 and egress = 404 -page keeps loading:fixed - CLAS6-14829 Routing>Routing Plan>Routing Plan Details>Create new - Move Create new and Edit pages from pop-up window to table itself:fixed - CLAS6-15128 Configuration>Roles>Create New- next button is not working:fixed - CLAS6-15124 Statistics>Origination>CDRs List >CDRs Search:fixed - CLAS6-15131 agent portal>dashboard>last hour and last 24 hour button not working:fixed - CLAS6-15156 dashboard>inbound QOS showing same data for all clients:fixed - CLAS6-15178 dashboard>outbound qos>showing similar reports for all vendors:fixed - CLAS6-15179 Agent Portal: DNIS And ANI filter not working:fixed - CLAS6-15088 05/08/2021 - Version 7.1.1 RoutingOrigination>CDRs List >CDRs list:fixed - CLAS6-15149 Agent Portal: DNIS And ANI filter not working:fixed - CLAS6-15088 Summary Report -> Need option to delete the Saved Report:fixed - CLAS6-15075 ANI Group View -> Upload entries should be shown in Import Log:fixed - CLAS6-15062 Add Auto Test Call option on Tools section:fixed - CLAS6-15074 UI ISSUE: Tools >>CDR Archival >>Job Queue:fixed - CLAS6-14952 Teleinx -> Digit Manipulation allow only either ANI or DNIS to save:fixed - CLAS6-14763 POST/cloud/search/cdr - Additional fields required in API:fixed - CLAS6-14699 03/08/2021 - Version 7.1.0 we can't get switch Logo:fixed - CLAS6-15087 added Terms select option in Termination>Credit Management - CLAS6-15119 added Decimal Places select option in configuration>invoice_setting>addt - CLAS6-15069 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14891 UI integration to Strip is wrong:fixed - CLAS6-13812 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-14599 did>billing rule>create new-rate table list in rate table drop down is not visible:fixed - CLAS6-15071 termination>product>alowed clients-all clients should be shown in the table:fixed - CLAS6-15047 agent portal>dashboard>Balance-after clicking refresh button available balance of clients got changed:fixed - CLAS6-14977 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-15098 "Stir Shaken" submenu position:fixed - CLAS6-15079 Termination>clients>edit-self service portal- User name and Password both should be mandatory:fixed - CLAS6-15072 02/08/2021 - Version 7.0.9 configuration>invoice_setting>add/new:fixed - CLAS6-15069 We can't get switch Logo :fixed - CLAS6-15087 did-client>show hide fields>all un selected>submit and reset button should be hidden:fixed - CLAS6-14920 After inputting similar Code and click on Save button , no Error pop up message is showing.:fixed - CLAS6-14913 Termination Vendor Portal>Dashboard - Dashboard is not showing any values. No API:fixed - CLAS6-14685 No Vendor name is needed for assigning DID to a client:fixed - CLAS6-14969 Ytel - inbound / outbound qos is empty:fixed - CLAS6-15105 Client Portal>> Termination>CDR - Issues on UI page:fixed - CLAS6-14755 Agent Referral Link Sharing Email:fixed - CLAS6-12642 29/07/2021 - Version 7.0.8 Monitoring >>Fraud Detection-->Edit any Rule Name ...Reset button is not working properly:fixed - CLAS6-14968 Delete icon is added but confirm popup is still missing in master portal:fixed - CLAS6-15039 Finance>>Invoice>>Manual Invoice>>Create New..Reset button is not working properly:fixed - CLAS6-14964 api-pcap archival>pcap queue>ANI and DNIS is missing:fixed - CLAS6-14958 Log>Reset Balance Log - Carrier drop-down list is incomplete, only 10 DID Clients are shown:fixed - CLAS6-14948 Routing>Trunks {Egress}>Create New>Create By Template- Carriers option drop down is empty:fixed - CLAS6-15029 Configuration>>Archieve setting-->Reset button is not working properly:fixed - CLAS6-15016 DID>Clients>Create New>Add Pricing:fixed - CLAS6-14944 Client Portal>> Billing>Account - If no "Products" are assigned to the client then "Null" value is shown on UI page:fixed - CLAS6-14681 summary report>need to make Ingress and Egress trunk as independent search:fixed - CLAS6-14647 Template>Ingress Trunk Template- Created in API but cannot edit in UI:fixed - CLAS6-15031 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-13513 28/07/2021 - Version 7.0.7 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-15027 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14601 Statistics>Termination>Summary Report>Save Report - Save Report not working:fixed - CLAS6-14518 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-14530 did repository>search by client and vendor and export>wrong file:fixed - CLAS6-14845 Template>Egress Trunk Template tab look:fixed - CLAS6-15033 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-10992 ANI Group View -> Create New -- It should allow only numeric values:fixed - CLAS6-15042 ANI Pool View -> Add Delete icon on Action column:fixed - CLAS6-15039 Template>Egress Trunk Template>Create New- Random ANI Group drop down is showing few data:fixed - CLAS6-15032 Teleinx -> Digit Manipulation allow only either ANI or DNIS to save:fixed - CLAS6-14763 27/07/2021 - Version 7.0.6 template>carrier template>edit>auto invoice- invoice options are not getting saved as checked/unchecked:fixed - CLAS6-14319 rate import page is wrong:fixed - CLAS6-14611 Configuration>Carrier Portal CDR Fields - Changes made to the page is not getting saved (UI Issue):fixed - CLAS6-14630 Finance>Invoice>Auto/Manual Invoice>Credit Note - Unable to click Edit/Delete button when there's only one Credit Note on the table:fixed - CLAS6-14626 Finance>Invoice>Auto Invoice - "Export" is downloading ALL invoices from the selected period (UI Issue):fixed - CLAS6-14625 Finance>Invoice>Auto Invoice - Unable to change "Status" (UI Issue):fixed - CLAS6-14624 Vendor Portal>Termination>Trunks - Tech Prefix and Host column are blank (UI Issue):fixed - CLAS6-14621 Configuration>Carrier Portal CDR Fields:fixed - CLAS6-14617 DID Client Portal>Origination>Trunks>Create new - Unable to create Trunk (UI issue):fixed - CLAS6-14601 Verification option is emtpy:fixed - CLAS6-14655 26/07/2021 - Version 7.0.5 fixed api integration and page look - CLAS6-14952 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14641 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14669 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14671 rate upload template>create new>need to add Default Interval and Min. Time:fixed - CLAS6-14678 log>rate import log>unable to get the error file:fixed - CLAS6-14677 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14684 Statistics>Active Call Report is not showing the routing name:fixed - CLAS6-14059 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14462 Client Portal>Termination>Trunks - Not showing any result:fixed - CLAS6-14660 Client Portal>> Billing>Account - If no "Products" are assigned to the client then "Null" value is shown on UI page:fixed - CLAS6-14681 22/07/2021 - Version 7.0.4 UI ISSUE-> Cosmetic Issue: Create and Back button:fixed - CLAS6-14936 UI ISSUE: Alignment Issue:fixed - CLAS6-14950 GET/log/auth - "ascending" and "descending" results are opposite for "failed_reason":fixed - CLAS6-14761 did>did repository-page navigation is not working properly:fixed - CLAS6-14759 Teleinx -> Low Bal Icon -- Template -- Not getting submitted:fixed - CLAS6-14938 Monitoring>Loop Detection>Loop Found - "Fields" is not working:fixed - CLAS6-14758 Client Portal>> Termination>CDR - Issues on UI page:fixed - CLAS6-14755 Log>Reset Balance Log - UI is showing results from wrong page after changing dates (UI Issue):fixed - CLAS6-14783 Log>Reset Balance Log - Need some changes to the page:fixed - CLAS6-14782 Termination Vendor Portal>Dashboard - Dashboard is not showing any values:fixed - CLAS6-14685 UI ISSUE: Configuration >>Stir Shaken >>ANI Pool View >>Edit:fixed - CLAS6-14836 20/07/2021 - Version 7.0.3 fixed dropdown option - CLAS6-14887 country and number type can't be empty:fixed - CLAS6-14878 Cherry Voice -> Allow Negative balance in Regenerate Balance section:fixed - CLAS6-14895 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14865 Monitoring>Loop Detection>Loop found - Showing "3" pages when there's only 3 results:fixed - CLAS6-14835 Monitoring>Fraud Detection>Edit - UI is not sending API request when clicking "Submit" button and stuck in loading loop:fixed - CLAS6-14834 Routing > Dynamic Routing > Create Dynamic Routing: Error Message Issue:fixed - CLAS6-14867 DID Client Portal>Dashboard - Dashboard is not showing any values:fixed - CLAS6-14606 The Carriers drop down automatically selected one vendor carrier:fixed - CLAS6-14831 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14842 monitoring>fraud detection>edit-changes are not getting saved:fixed - CLAS6-14830 Improvement in Registration approval page:fixed - CLAS6-14882 Registration page - wrong IP is entered:fixed - CLAS6-14883 19/07/2021 - Version 7.0.2 in progress / failure pcap request:fixed - CLAS6-14599 DID repo - show active only:fixed - CLAS6-14854 need to back login page after registration:fixed - CLAS6-14889 fixed creating agent - CLAS6-14860 fixed table showing data - CLAS6-14857 agent >>new-add logo:fixed - CLAS6-14859 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14726 Fraud Detection -> Different options missing while creating new & editing it:fixed - CLAS6-14868 Fraud Detection -> Activate & Deactivate Block ANI keeps endless loading:fixed - CLAS6-14729 UI ISSUE: Configuration >>Stir Shaken >>ANI Pool View >>Edit:fixed - CLAS6-14836 14/07/2021 - Version 7.0.1 DID Client -> Select All button does not works on 2,3 Page:fixed - CLAS6-14706 Teleinx -> Digit Manipulation allow only either ANI or DNIS to save:fixed - CLAS6-14763 Fraud Detection -> Add tags below the content box:fixed - CLAS6-14725 Fraud Detection -> Activate & Deactivate Block ANI keeps endless loading:fixed - CLAS6-14729 Fraud Detection Execution Log need Date & Time column:fixed - CLAS6-14724 Fraud Detection -> New Rule -- Block ANI gets deactivated after creation:fixed - CLAS6-14728 Need Translation ANI & DNIS Fields on CDR Search:fixed - CLAS6-14723 registration- remove validation from registration page IP field (UI issue):fixed - CLAS6-14301 Statistics>Termination>CDR List - Query fields positioning issue:fixed - CLAS6-14339 active call report>IP filter>need to add cross(x) to remove the selection:fixed - CLAS6-14370 The From Email Drop Down List should not automatically select the option:fixed - CLAS6-14379 13/07/2021 - Version 7.0.0 Configuration>Trunk Group>New Trunk Group: Optional Selection checkbox for Egress type doesn't get Reset:fixed - CLAS6-14143 fixed table showing values - CLAS6-12990 rate table>list>action>copy>error popup should be human readable:fixed - CLAS6-14404 fixed table showing values - CLAS6-14742 fixed select box options - CLAS6-14475 active call report>IP field should show without port:fixed - CLAS6-14430 Termination>Client>Edit - Some fields have autofill active:fixed - CLAS6-14415 Termination>Client/Vendor>Create new - Button alignment issue:fixed - CLAS6-14414 UI ISSUE: use switch_name instead of switch_id:fixed - CLAS6-14785 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14784 Cosmetic Issue: Statistics >> Report:fixed - CLAS6-14780 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14778 09/07/2021 - Version 6.9.9 fixed select box options - CLAS6-14714 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14627 fixed date time when calling api - CLAS6-14688 did-wizard>step 2-after vendor creation it should go to next step:fixed - CLAS6-14746 agent portal-need to change the Icon for some texts:fixed - CLAS6-14747 agent portal>setting>not working:fixed - CLAS6-14748 change interval position - CLAS6-14749 removed time stamp and added Icon for Analytics and accounts - CLAS6-14750 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14713 fixed select box options - CLAS6-14753 Finance >> Actual Transaction.Exported file data and UI data should be of same decimal places value:fixed - CLAS6-14465 UI ISSUE: Ui not showing data:fixed - CLAS6-14740 agent portal-cdr export not working:fixed - CLAS6-14752 08/07/2021 - Version 6.9.8 Statistics>Origination>DID Cost Report - Wrong parameter names used by UI for DID Client ID and DID Vendor ID:fixed - CLAS6-14605 Routing>Static Routing>Static Routing Detail>Create New: The Trunk field doesn't fetch the Trunk names in the drop down list:fixed - CLAS6-14700 did client portal>account>transaction-transactions pop up is not completely visible:fixed - CLAS6-14698 Allow @diamondservices.expert in Email Fields:fixed - CLAS6-14739 did>Regenerate Origination Client Balance-only history data should be shown:fixed - CLAS6-14695 Configuration>Payment Term - Days limit should be 1-31:fixed - CLAS6-14680 client portal - remove Get Support section from UI:fixed - CLAS6-14712 Termination>CDR - No result from API:fixed - CLAS6-14665 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14713 Agent>Agent Management>Manage Clients - Changes required to UI page:fixed - CLAS6-14411 Routing >>Egress [alert_usjd_vedor] >>Trunk Info:fixed - CLAS6-14657 Statistics >>Origination >>Profitability Report:fixed - CLAS6-14727 Routing>Trunks>Egress/Ingress - "Carrier" drop-down list is creating duplicate listing each time when clicking Egress/Ingress tab:fixed - CLAS6-14714 Configuration >>Stir Shaken >> ANI Group >>upload:fixed - CLAS6-14707 07/07/2021 - Version 6.9.7 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14687 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14697 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-14683 api integration and page look:fixed - CLAS6-14690 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-14416 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-14413 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14661 modal look:fixed - CLAS6-14701 If there is at least one ANI group, then there is + to add new row:fixed - CLAS6-14657 Api sending wrong start_time and end_time value:fixed - CLAS6-14688 Search by name and per row count option:fixed - CLAS6-14691 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14679 New Client -> Low Bal Email Template Warning:fixed - CLAS6-14705 06/07/2021 - Version 6.9.6 Termination>Product>Assign Product - Pop-up page not completely visible:fixed - CLAS6-14064 fixed page title - CLAS6-14203 Tools>PCAP Archival>PCAP Queue>Download - Download file is in wrong format:fixed - CLAS6-13954 Statistics>Active report - API not giving value for "dynamic_route":fixed - CLAS6-14533 setup page needs to change:changed - CLAS6-14650 button position is wrong:fixed - CLAS6-14654 DID>Wizard>step 1-create vendor billing rule>must be auto filled after success:fixed - CLAS6-14304 DID>Wizard>step 2-create new vendor>without DID>not working:fixed - CLAS6-14305 did vendor>step 2-If existing vendor is selected>create new section should auto collapse:fixed - CLAS6-14306 DID>Wizard - Requires changes to UI design product>if no product is assigned>action part should be hidden:fixed - CLAS6-14554 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14605 Agent>Commission Report - "Margin %" is calculated wrong, "Minutes" column is showing values in seconds:fixed - CLAS6-14645 05/07/2021 - Version 6.9.5 voip gateway>create new>without self defined CPS and CAP limit:fixed - CLAS6-14649 fixed api required parameterd - CLAS6-14661 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14660 fixed showing fields in table - CLAS6-14399 Summary Report -- SDR-30 - Percentage is not correct:fixed - CLAS6-14423 Statistics>Origination>Profitability Report - "Profit" and "Profitability" is calculated wrong in UI (showing negative values):fixed - CLAS6-14609 Attestation Level dropdown is missing:fixed - CLAS6-14653 api integration and showing select box options: fixed - CLAS6-14657 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14662 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14663 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14664 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14666 03/07/2021 - Version 6.9.4 The Rate Table must be the same inputted by the provider:fixed - CLAS6-14555 [UI]Termination>Wizard>Add Product>Product Options>New Product: There are two fields with the same name in the same section:fixed - CLAS6-14560 Agent Portal>Menu>Statistics>CDR - "Query" button doesn't work when using "Client" filter:fixed - CLAS6-14633 fixed showing data - CLAS6-13513 api integration and select box option:fixed - CLAS6-14462 summary report>need to make Ingress and Egress trunk as independent search:fixed - CLAS6-14647 Routing>>Routing Plan>>add new route pop up:fixed - CLAS6-14640 need to support this email format in all email fields:fixed - CLAS6-14639 Statistics>Summary Report - Total ASR(%) is calculated wrong:fixed - CLAS6-14356 Agent>Agent Management>Manage Clients - Changes required to UI page:fixed - CLAS6-14411 [Cosmetic Issue]Termination>Wizard >Add Route: QoS Cycle Drop Down list issue:fixed - CLAS6-14410 [Cosmetic Issue]Termination>Wizard >Add Route: Carriers Drop Down list issue:fixed - CLAS6-14409 email formation validation is not working:fixed - CLAS6-14251 summary report>group by>need to change the order:fixed - CLAS6-14442 registration- please remove validation from registration page (UI issue):fixed - CLAS6-14300 Mobile View-->Finance>>finance/auto_invoice_management-->Action-->view history:fixed - CLAS6-14382 Mobile View-->Finance>>Regenerate Balance.Show/hide column should be little small:fixed - CLAS6-14393 Mobile View--->Termination>>Wizard.-->Step 6.Add Routing and Tech-prefix should be little small:fixed - CLAS6-14392 01/07/2021 - Version 6.9.3 fixed downloaded file - CLAS6-14075 carrier listing - Do not show "Name" by default:fixed - CLAS6-14461 change select option name - CLAS6-14462 fixed reset action - CLAS6-14455 statistics>Inbound/Outbound report-sort button is not working for any column:fixed - CLAS6-14591 Termination>Wizard>Ingress Trunk(Step 6) - "Carrier Ingress" field is showing both Clients and Vendors in drop-down list:fixed - CLAS6-14589 Tools>Registration - While approving Carrier, the "Carrier Name" field is autofilled with "Company Name":fixed - CLAS6-14588 Creating a New Ingress Trunk using Ingress Template but some sections are not working:fixed - CLAS6-11057 Finance>Payment>New Payment Received - "Unpaid Amount" shows value initially then turns "0" (UI Issue):fixed - CLAS6-14559 agent>comission report-by default start time and end time should be todays starting time and ending time:fixed - CLAS6-14495 routing>trunks>ingress trunk list>create new>create new by template>add routing and tech prefix>add new rate table-rate type drop down is not completely visible:fixed - CLAS6-14422 30/06/2021 - Version 6.9.2 fixed api required value format - CLAS6-14592 routing>trunks>ingress trunk list>create new>create new by template>add routing and tech prefix>add new rate table-submit and cancel button sizes are not same:fixed - CLAS6-14419 template>ingress trunk template>create new>Fail over rule-reset button is not working:fixed - CLAS6-14417 template>rate upload template>create new-add time box in 'end date/time' dropdown:fixed - CLAS6-14412 template>rate upload template>create new-remove 'GMT' box:fixed - CLAS6-14408 routing>rate table>assign rate deck-'select one' text should be there in client and ingress trunk dropdown:fixed - CLAS6-14407 routing>rate table-billing method is not showing for rate type=A-Z:fixed - CLAS6-14405 termination>clients>create new>create new by template-reset button is not working:fixed - CLAS6-14367 routing>trunks>ingress client list>edit>add new rate table-rate type drop down is not completely visible:fixed - CLAS6-14345 rate import page is wrong:fixed - CLAS6-14611 client>edit>showing error for company name field:fixed - CLAS6-14612 routing>rate table>send rates-there should be a option 'do not use template' in rate email template drop down:fixed - CLAS6-14548 29/06/2021 - Version 6.9.1 Termination> Wizard> Vendor Carrier> Vendor Trunk>Add Route: The Egress Trunk Name and Carriers Drop down list issue:fixed - CLAS6-14552 [UI]Tools>Rate generation> Create New Rate Generation: The Code Deck field needs a cross button to cancel the selection:fixed - CLAS6-14549 routing>rate table>send rates-there should be a option 'do not use template' in rate email template drop down:fixed - CLAS6-14548 added close button in select option - CLAS6-14546 fixed input type - CLAS6-14531 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14556 Vendor Portal>Termination>Trunks - All trunks on the table are showing same Name:fixed - CLAS6-14535 edit voip gateway and got error:fixed - CLAS6-14571 Template>rate email template>create new-content box should be blank when download method is 'send as attachment':fixed - CLAS6-14545 termination>vendor>create new>create new by template-carrier template drop down should not auto select the option:fixed - CLAS6-14372 termination>vendor>create new>create new by template-reset button is not working:fixed - CLAS6-14368 added tag {login_url} to all template list - CLAS6-13400 did portal>share product>submit button is not working:fixed - CLAS6-14593 routing>static routing>create new routing>page keeps loading:fixed - CLAS6-14597 in progress / failure pcap request:fixed - CLAS6-14599 28/06/2021 - Version 6.9.0 [Cosmetic Issue]Routing>Rate Table>Send Rate: Default text issue:fixed - CLAS6-14562 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-14319 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-14580 DID>Client>Create new - Selected "Product" doesn't get saved:fixed - CLAS6-14579 Termination>Wizard>Ingress Trunk(Step 6) - "Trunk Name" drop-down list has no result (UI Issue):fixed - CLAS6-14574 fixed tabs look and buttons functionality - CLAS6-14573 Termination>Wizard>Add Route(Step 3) - "Carrier" drop-down list has no result (UI Issue):fixed - CLAS6-14572 Finance>Payment>New Payment Received - "Unpaid Amount" shows value initially then turns "0" (UI Issue):fixed - CLAS6-14559 Teleinx -> Summary Report not showing ACD & Ingress Trunk:fixed - CLAS6-14399 Teleinx ISSUE: Digit Manipulation function not working:fixed - CLAS6-14550 UI ISSUE: Statistics >>Summary Report >>Outbound:fixed - CLAS6-14568 24/06/2021 - Version 6.8.9 fixed button size - CLAS6-14513 [UI]Routing > Rate Table >Send Rate: Select All checkbox issue:fixed - CLAS6-14508 The alignment is a little off. Make it in the same line as Page Row:fixed - CLAS6-14433 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-12404 When creating Payout record for agent, we don't need billing period:fixed - CLAS6-14536 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-11057 routing>rate table>view rates>import-a pop should come after clicking 'save as new template button' for template name:fixed - CLAS6-14517 fixed popup showing data - CLAS6-14520 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14524 fixed table showing headers - CLAS6-14399 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14271 removed tag = {amount} from template - CLAS6-14523 23/06/2021 - Version 6.8.8 added tooltip in failed fields - CLAS6-14481 fixed reset functionality - CLAS6-14506 Finance>Regenerate Balance - Submit button can be clicked multiple time causing multiple submissions:fixed - CLAS6-14503 DID>Client>Create new/Edit>Self Service Portal - Need option to enable/disable client portal:fixed - CLAS6-14502 the DNIS should be auto selected in route type:fixed - CLAS6-14522 routing>routing plan-routing plan list should be shown after deleting queried routing plan:fixed - CLAS6-14516 fixed modal size - CLAS6-14515 routing>trunks>egress trunk list>create new-not showing validation message:fixed - CLAS6-14519 Origination CDR Export Log -> Scrolling to next page does not works:fixed - CLAS6-14505 DID Client Portal -> Text Errors on Reports:fixed - CLAS6-14521 Registration -> Origination Client -- It is pointed to Termination -- Approve fails:fixed - CLAS6-14425 removed validation from api field - CLAS6-14464 22/06/2021 - Version 6.8.7 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-14479 Statistics>Active Call Report - "Auto Refresh" is positioned wrong:fixed - CLAS6-14433 Termination>Wizard>Add Product>Rate Type>New: A Rate Table name input field is needed:fixed - CLAS6-14432 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-14504 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-14431 routing>trunks>egress list>edit>ingress capacity-ingress trunk drop down should not auto select the ingress trunk:fixed - CLAS6-14390 routing>trunks>ingress list>create new>create new by template>add new route plan-submit and cancel button sizes are not same:fixed - CLAS6-14478 pagination part:fixed - CLAS6-14476 added {payment term} field in mail template:fixed - CLAS6-14020 change default fields:fixed - CLAS6-14510 showing field value:fixed - CLAS6-14511 Date and Time is assized order. changed into descending order:fixed - CLAS6-14323 Date and Time is assized order. changed into descending order:fixed - CLAS6-14322 added options in select:fixed - CLAS6-14475 21/06/2021 - Version 6.8.6 change DID --> Wizard page look - CLAS6-14316 routing>routing plan>create route under routing plan>create new-'select one' text should be there on the dynamic routing drop down:fixed - CLAS6-14389 termination>vendor>create new>create new by template-' ** ' mark should be there on mandatory fields:fixed - CLAS6-14388 fixed api required parameters in some pages - CLAS6-14457 [Cosmetic issue]Termination > Vendor > Create New by Template: The Carrier name should be marked important with a **:fixed - CLAS6-14384 template>carrier template>create new>auto invoice-add 'show daily usage' checkbox option:fixed - CLAS6-14378 routing>trunk>egress list>create new>create new by template- add validation to carriers drop down:fixed - CLAS6-14453 Add "No Refresh" option in this drop down:fixed - CLAS6-9858 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14494 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14491 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14381 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14480 Date and Time is assized order. changed into descending order:fixed - CLAS6-14323 Date and Time is assized order. changed into descending order:fixed - CLAS6-14322 19/06/2021 - Version 6.8.5 Statistics>Traffic Analytics - 'Show/Hide columns' issue:fixed - CLAS6-14452 DID>DID Repository>Create new - Default Billing rules assigned to DID Vendor is not being auto selected:fixed - CLAS6-14446 routing>trunk>ingress list>create new>create new by template-ingress trunk should create successfully without giving rate table and route plan - CLAS6-14450 rule>alert rule log>dropdown is not showing the names:fixed - CLAS6-14466 fraud detection>send email and block is showing false even it was marked checked during creation:fixed - CLAS6-14467 v6dev->Statistics ->QoS Summary Report-> Time sorting:fixed - CLAS6-14321 Termination>Wizard: The egress trunk name and Carrier name are not visible in the Dynamic route section even after they have been created:fixed - CLAS6-14338 Template>Carrier Template> Carrier Template New(Create New)>Template Name: The validation message should contain a proper error statement stating why the error message is being shown:fixed - CLAS6-14359 Registration -> Name of Business Contact -- Format Invalid:fixed - CLAS6-14426 v6dev->Termination->Wizard-> Add Route->Create:fixed - CLAS6-14400 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14365 added tooltip in Partial Token field - CLAS6-14364 17/06/2021 - Version 6.8.4 Registration -> Origination Client -- It is pointed to Termination -- Approve fails:fixed - CLAS6-14425 termination>client>create new>create new by template-fields value and options are not same as choosen carrier template:fixed - CLAS6-14375 Summary Report --> Count should not have .00:fixed - CLAS6-14421 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-14402 fixed reset button - CLAS6-14374 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14285 Statistics>Summary Report - Total ASR(%) is calculated wrong:fixed - CLAS6-14356 Routing > Rate Table>Editing rates: All the other unsaved rates get cancelled if a single rate is cancelled without saving:fixed - CLAS6-14333 routing>routing plan>open route plan >create new-cross button is not showing:fixed - CLAS6-14348 removed validation - CLAS6-14300 added Back button - CLAS6-14261 vendor portal does not need "product" menu:fixed - CLAS6-14252 fixed showing data - CLAS6-14398 16/06/2021 - Version 6.8.3 email formation validation is not working:fixed - CLAS6-14251 Finance>Invoice>Auto Invoice/Manual Invoice - Fields missing in both TestUI and MasterUI:fixed - CLAS6-14197 rate import>showing rate file error when using auto end date function:fixed - CLAS6-14147 Routing>>Trunk>>Egress Export->check box must be auto checked:fixed - CLAS6-14168 Mobile View>>Routing Trunks>>Egress list --->Edit.Buttons should be in the middle:fixed - CLAS6-14303 Mobile View---> Routing>>Block List.Show and Hide dropdown box should be proper:fixed - CLAS6-14313 Mobile View--->Routing Dynamic Routing.Button size issue:fixed - CLAS6-14317 Mobile View>>Agent>>Agent Management.Hide/show box should be little small:fixed - CLAS6-14318 Mobile View--->Routing>>Static Routing.show/hide dropdown box should be little small:fixed - CLAS6-14353 Mobile View-->Carrier_template.Usasge details field are not visible:fixed - CLAS6-14354 Mobile View-->Template>>Egress Trunk Template.Button issue:fixed - CLAS6-14357 fixed modal size - CLAS6-14347 routing>trunks>ingress list>edit>create new rate table-submit and cancel button sizes are not same:fixed - CLAS6-14344 need Group by Client & Vendor on Summary Report:fixed - CLAS6-14398 15/06/2021 - Version 6.8.2 routing>trunks>ingress list>edit>create new route plan-submit and cancel button sizes are not same:fixed - CLAS6-14346 Need Group by Client & Vendor on Summary Report:fixed - CLAS6-14398 termination>wizard>ingress trunk-delete button is not working(ui):fixed - CLAS6-14315 termination>wizard>vendor trunk>add host-delete button is not working(ui issue):fixed - CLAS6-14314 Client portal->reset button is not working properly:fixed - CLAS6-14175 Tool>Call Simulation>DID - Remove API Request that is not needed:fixed - CLAS6-14199 DID>Billing Rule>Edit - "Rate Table" column value is refreshing during edit:fixed - CLAS6-14200 Mobile View-Statistics>>CDRs Search:fixed - CLAS6-13099 fixed api integration and fixed table look - CLAS6-13880 when we download that time for some time it jumps to a new page then download:fixed - CLAS6-13738 If "Enable Billing By Port" is selected, then all these files should show:fixed - CLAS6-14074 Termination>Product>Assign Product - Pop-up page not completely visible:fixed - CLAS6-14064 Agent>Agent Management>Agent List>Assign Product - Pop-up page not completely visible:fixed - CLAS6-14065 Agent>Agent Management>Client Assignment>Create new - Pop-up page not completely visible:fixed - CLAS6-14066 Stagging->Statistics >CDRs> CDR Export Log downloads not working on Stagging:fixed - CLAS6-14067 14/06/2021 - Version 6.8.1 unnecessary API being called in CDR export listing:fixed - CLAS6-14073 Termination>>client >>Ingress trunk.In the status dropdown there should be select one instead of All:fixed - CLAS6-14062 added sort action in 'time' colimn - CLAS6-14321 fixed reset action - CLAS6-14361 fixed modal size - CLAS6-14380 added new page and fixed api integration - CLAS6-13485 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14355 Termination>Wizard: The Add route section automatically redirects to the Add Product section:fixed - CLAS6-14341 Termination>Wizard: The egress trunk name and Carrier name are not visible in the Dynamic route section even after they have been created:fixed - CLAS6-14338 change submit button into send button - CLAS6-14362 Profitability Analysis -> Add sorting:fixed - CLAS6-14328 Profitability Analysis -> Add sorting:fixed - CLAS6-14327 Disconnect Causes -> Add Sorting on Headers:fixed - CLAS6-14325 Usage Report -> Add Sorting:fixed - CLAS6-14330 QoS Summary -> Add Sorting:fixed - CLAS6-14329 log>auto payment log>paypal-data should be prefilter with success status:fixed - CLAS6-14247 12/06/2021 - Version 6.8.0 In the Rate Export page, added "x" next to the dropdown - CLAS6-14256 Error page should show when requested file is not available - CLAS6-14257 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14294 DID>Wizard>step 3-create Client billing rule>need Create and Cancel button:fixed - CLAS6-14307 rate table>Send>rate send page>add tag -> {rate_table_name}:fixed - CLAS6-14337 fixed showing data - CLAS6-14279 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-14319 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14335 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-14320 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-13830 after export same api called multiple times:fixed - CLAS6-13945 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-13967 'all' checkbox must be uncheck in config>>roles>>create new:fixed - CLAS6-13888 api integration and admin image:fixed - CLAS6-13637 10/06/2021 - Version 6.7.9 DID>wizard>step 4 - create new client not working:fixed - CLAS6-14309 DID>wizard>step 4 -close button is not working as required:fixed - CLAS6-14310 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14279 fixed pagination look - CLAS6-14269 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-14268 removed scrollbar - CLAS6-14267 Monitoring>>Loop Detection.Reset button is not working properly:fixed - CLAS6-14265 UI ISSUE: DID repository not export perfectly:fixed - CLAS6-14243 Mobile view---> Termination>>clients>>Edit.Buttons and UI Issue:fixed - CLAS6-14308 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14312 Routing>Rate Table>View Rates>Import - 'Back' button is not working:fixed - CLAS6-14286 fixed showing data in table - CLAS6-14233 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-14295 by default My DID is enabled, it should also be disabled:fixed - CLAS6-14208 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14258 09/06/2021 - Version 6.7.8 when we open the page the default rate type is A-Z ,so according to it the default billing rule should be DNIS:fixed - CLAS6-14239 DID->DID Client Portal->Trunks ->Save Button Issues:fixed - CLAS6-14295 it is showing default billing method =DNIS for type=US JD and for type= NON US JD it is showing LRN:fixed - CLAS6-14226 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14288 changes OK button into SEND button:fixed - CLAS6-14296 Report Time is show assized order. Please change descend order:fixed - CLAS6-14275 fixed modal size - CLAS6-14287 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14216 Initial should be replaced with Pending:fixed - CLAS6-14272 Rate Table Mass Edit -> Add Increase, Decrease & Multiple By option on Inter & Intra Rates:fixed - CLAS6-14298 it should copy the referral link but it does not copy anything:fixed - CLAS6-14278 Summary Report -> Add sorting here:fixed - CLAS6-14274 in time period add 2 options - CLAS6-14217 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-14208 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14233 fixed downloaded file - CLAS6-14258 when created payment it should work for Negative values too:fixed - CLAS6-14293 fixed showing data in table - CLAS6-14285 08/06/2021 - Version 6.7.7 MobileUI>Statistics>Origination>DID Cost Report - Spacing between fields are not even:fixed - CLAS6-14241 MobileUI>Statistics>Termination>Usage Report - 'Query' and 'More Options' buttons are positioned wrong:fixed - CLAS6-14240 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14243 MobileUI>Statistics>Termination>QoS Summary - Spacing between fields are not even:fixed - CLAS6-14238 Client Portal>Termination>Trunks - Table alignment issue:fixed - CLAS6-14236 termination>product>create new>add rate table- drop down name 'type' should be change to 'billing method':fixed - CLAS6-14234 termination>product>create new>add new rate table-'type' drop down should work according 'rate type' drop down:fixed - CLAS6-14237 finance >actual transaction-exported file is not showing same data as showing in ui:fixed - CLAS6-14242 routing>trunks>egress list>edit-reset button is not working for any template:fixed - CLAS6-14223 routing>rate table>create new-'billing method' dropdown should work according to 'rate type' selection:fixed - CLAS6-14239 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14258 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14285 finance>actual transaction-begining balance is showing blank for first balance =0:fixed - CLAS6-14244 Routing>Rate Table: The Name list shows the names of the deleted records too if the page is not refreshed manually:fixed - CLAS6-14246 request on should show a human readable date not timestamp:fixed - CLAS6-14207 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14192 07/06/2021 - Version 6.7.6 DID repository not export perfectly:fixed - CLAS6-14243 Ingress trunk-'+' sign of rate table and route plan should be on the right side of drop down:fixed - CLAS6-14229 termination>wizard>Ingress Trunk-rate table drop down should not auto select the rate table:fixed - CLAS6-14228 termination>wizard>add product- 'billing method' drop down should work according to rate type selection:fixed - CLAS6-14226 statistics>usage report-adding of all data in 'percentage of calls' column must be 100:fixed - CLAS6-14206 routing>trunks>ingress list>create new-rate table should not be auto select:fixed - CLAS6-14204 Log->Auto Payment Log->Export Button Issues:fixed - CLAS6-14183 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14254 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-14170 Routing>Rate Table: The Name list shows the names of the deleted records too if the page is not refreshed manually:fixed - CLAS6-14246 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14126 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13959 fixed showing page when user type is agent - CLAS6-14219 DID Client Portal -> Reports -- Change Egress Trunk to DID Number:fixed - CLAS6-14216 In Period Option -> Current Year & Previous Year option missing:fixed - CLAS6-14213 Origination CDR Search -- Need a button to remove DID:fixed - CLAS6-14210 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14192 routing>trunks>egress list>edit>ingress capacity-'select one' should be there instead of 'All':fixed - CLAS6-14201 06/06/2021 - Version 6.7.5 routing>trunks>egress list>export host-with headers row check box should be by default checked:fixed - CLAS6-14178 did>clients>create new>add pricing-reset button is not working:fixed - CLAS6-14177 pls make the text line up:fixed - CLAS6-14215 fixed showing data - CLAS6-14089 template - daily CDR >instead of begin_time please use start_time:fixed - CLAS6-14220 v6dev->Log->Auto Payment Log->Export Button Issues:fixed - CLAS6-14183 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14225 DID>Clients>Add Client>Create Pricing: Only MONTHLY should be allowed as value for Billing field:fixed - CLAS6-14179 DID>DID Product: The Query button should show output for the selected record only when clicked:fixed - CLAS6-14176 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14075 MasterUI>Finance>Regenerate Balance - 'Carrier' drop-down list is empty and tab disappeared after refreshing page:fixed - CLAS6-14202 Finance>Invoice>Auto Invoice/Manual Invoice - Fields missing in both TestUI and MasterUI:fixed - CLAS6-14197 MasterUI>Finance>Payment - Fields missing in UI page:fixed - CLAS6-14205 03/06/2021 - Version 6.7.4 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14089 changed api required parameters - CLAS6-13749 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14192 fixed reset button action - CLAS6-14092 routing>trunks>egress list>egress export-'with headers row' checkbox is not working:fixed - CLAS6-14198 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14082 change 'end date all rates' field look - CLAS6-14195 DID>Billing Rule>Create new - "Rate Table" is getting selected automatically:fixed - CLAS6-14078 DID portal>account>remove validation of Phone number field:fixed - CLAS6-14105 rate table>select and delete>should show delete popup once only:fixed - CLAS6-14108 It auto set the code's local_rate to 0. It must be null by default:fixed - CLAS6-14083 teleinx-ingress -> create and Edit ->need to add Re invite interval:fixed - CLAS6-14110 routing>trunks>egress list-with header row check box is not working:fixed - CLAS6-14156 02/06/2021 - Version 6.7.3 Cosmetic Issue: Configuration >>Trunk Group:fixed - CLAS6-13720 Create New Button not working on DID Repo:fixed - CLAS6-14187 download action not working:fixed - CLAS6-13631 Finance->Payment->Send E-mail to Carrier:fixed - CLAS6-14049 template-payment received -add new tag {pay_amount}:fixed - CLAS6-14131 Mobile View-statistics>>Host Based Report:fixed - CLAS6-13084 Same API called twice:fixed - CLAS6-13861 Configuration>Roles: All and All read check boxes remain selected even after the reset Button is clicked:fixed - CLAS6-14113 Teleinx ISSUE: Statistics >>Summary Report >> Outbound:fixed - CLAS6-14159 Finance>>Regenerate Balance.There should be little space between submit and reset button:fixed - CLAS6-14169 Termination>>Trunk>>Egress Export->check box must be auto checked:fixed - CLAS6-14168 Routing>Trunk - In both "Egress" and "Ingress", 'Trunk' drop-down list is showing duplicate listings:fixed - CLAS6-14167 Agent> Agent Management>New Agent> Basic Info: The Reset button should refresh the Email ID input field too when clicked:fixed - CLAS6-14166 user portal-read/write opertions in user portal should work according to role defined(API):fixed - CLAS6-14142 rate import page>Enable Auto End Date for Previous Rates>need more options:fixed - CLAS6-14161 routing>trunks>egress list-with header row check box is not working:fixed - CLAS6-14156 routing>dynamic routing>usage count-delete pop up should show routing plan name:fixed - CLAS6-14155 Finance>>Invoice->Action field>>Payment List.Missing back button:fixed - CLAS6-14174 Finance->Actual Transaction->Date Order Issues:fixed - CLAS6-14170 routing>>trunks>>ingress list>>ingess export-exporting gives null value in rate table:fixed - CLAS6-14045 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13860 01/06/2021 - Version 6.7.2 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13782 fixed showing data in table - CLAS6-13631 template-3 hour suspension notice>multiple tag issue:fixed - CLAS6-14150 template-1 hour suspension warning>{download_url} tag has issue in email:fixed - CLAS6-14149 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13962 change modal look - CLAS6-14095 statistics>host based report>ingress trunk is not showing names:fixed - CLAS6-14164 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13425 term>client>after clicking submit button it should go to client list page:fixed - CLAS6-13882 term>vendor>after clicking submit button it should lead to client list page:fixed - CLAS6-13881 fixed showing data in table - CLAS6-13294 fixed showing data in downloaded file - CLAS6-14045 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14165 Agent>>Commision Report.gap between export and query button should be less and button size should be equal:fixed - CLAS6-14117 Configuration>User Management(Users)>Add New User: Fields need to be marked as important - CLAS6-14119 31/05/2021 - Version 6.7.1 DID>>clients>>create new clients>>add pricing>>create pricing-rate table should not be selected by deafault:fixed - CLAS6-14120 DID>clients>create new>add pricing>create pricing- "Rate Table" is getting selected automatically:fixed - CLAS6-14121 Configuration>Invoice Settings: There should be a scroll bar or any other similar section as the Preview pop up is not visible fully:fixed - CLAS6-14122 Configuration>Login page content: "Change Background" button does not have proper validation. Shows uploading popup when it is clicked even if no image has been selected too:fixed - CLAS6-14123 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14126 template>rate email template>add tag {rate_table_name}:fixed - CLAS6-14052 Mail Template UI change - Trunk Change Notice:fixed - CLAS6-14135 Configuration>Payment term: The Search Bar and Query button disappears if data is deleted after selection:fixed - CLAS6-14116 did>>wizard>>step4(client)>>add new client-field name is missing:fixed - CLAS6-14115 did>>wizard>>step5(did)-uploading did is not working:fixed - CLAS6-14114 make the buttons of same size:fixed - CLAS6-14096 make it according to other pop ups so that it would be visible completely:fixed - CLAS6-14097 We don't want a pop up, the fields should be right on the page:fixed - CLAS6-14137 the height of the pop up should be responseive:fixed - CLAS6-14111 Client portal.In the DID dropdown box there should be select one instead of ALL:fixed - CLAS6-14106 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14099 change modal look - CLAS6-14100 fixed the filter alignment - CLAS6-14145 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14147 change showing data - CLAS6-14087 added new conlums in the table - CLAS6-14102 29/05/2021 - Version 6.7.0 dashboard>outbound client QoS > refresh every dropdown >should be 10/20/30:fixed - CLAS6-13977 UI page is lacking pagination to access rest of the table:fixed - CLAS6-13828 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13387 change tab look - CLAS6-13782 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13589 MOBILE VIEW>Agent>Commission History> query button issues:fixed - CLAS6-13976 MOBILE VIEW>Agent>Commission History>Add Payout Record> UI page issues:fixed - CLAS6-13974 MOBILE VIEW>>routing/dynamic_routing/trunk_priority:fixed - CLAS6-12251 MOBILE VIEW>>DID/actual_transaction:fixed - CLAS6-12242 MOBILE VIEW>>monitoring/Rules/Action/Edit:fixed - CLAS6-12203 MOBILE VIEW>>termination/wizard:fixed - CLAS6-12198 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14101 MOBILE VIEW>statistics/dashboard:fixed - CLAS6-12177 Mobile View-statistics>>Host Based Report:fixed - CLAS6-13084 added Re-invite Timeout field - CLAS6-14103 27/05/2021 - Version 6.6.9 fixed modal size in 'add pricing' tab - CLAS6-14056 for Egress, the Carriers drop-down list should only show Vendors:fixed - CLAS6-14051 fixed modal size in Finance->Payment page - CLAS6-14049 removed first name and last name requirements - CLAS6-14048 fixed modal size in 'manage client' page - CLAS6-14047 the default text in name field should be 'select one':fixed - CLAS6-14046 removed the unnecessary menu bar - CLAS6-14042 Allow .us in Email Fields:fixed - CLAS6-14079 fixed modal size in Termination>>Client page - CLAS6-14041 fixed modal size in termination>>products>>create new - CLAS6-14026 fixed modal size in termiantion>>products>>create new - CLAS6-14025 it should open the egress list page showing all the egress trunks name:fixed - CLAS6-14024 getting all data when deleting someone element - CLAS6-13997 some of the fields are marked after submit which were not selected during create process:fixed - CLAS6-14091 fixed button size in modal - CLAS6-13991 fixed showing data - CLAS6-14094 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14070 fixed api integration and fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-14083 26/05/2021 - Version 6.6.8 Termination>>Wizard.Button size issue:fixed - CLAS6-14040 fixed image part - CLAS6-13637 fixed paypal api parameters - CLAS6-13812 added validation in Rate Table - CLAS6-14037 removed the "view log" button - CLAS6-14036 fixed modal parameters and Title "Progress Info CDR" changed to "Export Progress" - CLAS6-14033 When there is no data, "Action" dropdown should not be shown:fixed - CLAS6-14076 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14070 in teleinx getting error in UI for DID Client:fixed - CLAS6-14071 it should show '0' but not clickable:fixed - CLAS6-14017 fixed error popup data - CLAS6-14058 The DID is already end-dated so no need to release:fixed - CLAS6-14068 25/05/2021 - Version 6.6.7 fixed api integration, add sorting for columns and added action for 'Usage Count' column - CLAS6-13829 'create new' button is not showing after refreshing manual invoice page-finance>>invoice>>manual invoice:fixed - CLAS6-13995 Configuration>>Invoice Setting.There should be back button so that one can come on previous page if needed:fixed - CLAS6-13994 DID>>Vendor.In dropdown box there should be select one instead of All:fixed - CLAS6-13992 Finance>>Invoice.button size issue:fixed - CLAS6-13991 number of digit after decimal must be 2 in balance column -configuration>>invoice setting>>carriers:fixed - CLAS6-13990 Configuration>Mail Template>Trouble Ticket - Tags are missing on UI page:fixed - CLAS6-13979 unable to see whole list in routing>>dynamic routing>>mass edit:fixed - CLAS6-13862 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14008 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14010 it show in single line - CLAS6-13919 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13688 removed "Enable Sandbox Testing" checkbox - CLAS6-13749 None of the email template is showing:fixed - CLAS6-14023 checkbox issue in configuration>>Carrier Portal CDR Fields:fixed - CLAS6-13932 ui issue Termination ->Product->action->allow client:fixed - CLAS6-14054 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14058 fixed ignore null checkbox action - CLAS6-12556 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-14017 24/05/2021 - Version 6.6.6 Template>>Igress Trunk Template.There should be back button so that we can come to previous page if needed:fixed - CLAS6-14016 If "Used by"=0, it shouldn't be clickable:fixed - CLAS6-14012 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13963 modal width and height parameters:fixed - CLAS6-13981 first letter of ingress and egress should be capital in column name in configuration>>invoice setting>>carriers:fixed - CLAS6-13987 fixed reset button action - CLAS6-13947 checkbox issue in configuration>>Carrier Portal CDR Fields:fixed - CLAS6-13932 Template>>Egress Trunk Template.Missing back button:fixed - CLAS6-14015 Template>>Rate Upload Template.In the Template name box there should be select one instead of select all:fixed - CLAS6-14014 Template>>Rate Email Template.In the dropdown box of the Template Name there should be select One:fixed - CLAS6-14013 Origination>DID Repository>create new> did vendor and vendor billing should be select one:fixed - CLAS6-14007 MOBILE VIEW Agent>commissionreport> Query button and export button are should be in centre of page:fixed - CLAS6-14005 Configuration>>Invoice Setting.Egress and ingress column should start with capital letter:fixed - CLAS6-13999 Finance>>Auto Invoice Management.There should be a back button to come on previous page:fixed - CLAS6-14000 IJ rate deck should use "IJ Rate" not "Rate":fixed - CLAS6-13842 change 'server IP' name to 'Server Name' - CLAS6-14032 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-14035 added Auto refreshing option - CLAS6-9891 payment received template-amount tag is missing:fixed - CLAS6-13985 22/05/2021 - Version 6.6.5 system admin>history>server IP is missing:fixed - CLAS6-13588 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-12372 when i use .com it is ok, when i use .ru, it is not working:fixed - CLAS6-13835 changed popup look - CLAS6-13983 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13919 fixed tab look - CLAS6-13482 added condition in paypal and stripe tabs - CLAS6-13836 Billing and Termination modules drop-down list not visible in UI page:fixed - CLAS6-13755 All portals>Tickets - Unable to click buttons under 'Action' column:fixed - CLAS6-13776 it should display the Rate field as "IJ Rate" instead of "Rate":fixed - CLAS6-13842 all Egress prefix should show same:fixed - CLAS6-13880 20/05/2021 - Version 6.6.4 removed sort option and added did filter - CLAS6-13757 api integration: fixed - CLAS6-13585 fixed showing data - CLAS6-13858 api integration: fixed - CLAS6-13688 api integration: fixed - CLAS6-13454 did invoice>manual>create>success>must stay on manual invoice page list:fixed - CLAS6-13944 block/list api called twice remove one:fixed - CLAS6-13903 route/plan/list api called twice remove:fixed - CLAS6-11906 switch/rate_table/list called twice. remove one:fixed - CLAS6-13904 the arrow sign in 'carrier' drop down should be same as 'egress trunk name' drop down arrow:fixed - CLAS6-13901 End Date is showing wrong value in both dev and master env because UI is sending wrong value in request as shown above:fixed - CLAS6-13830 remove same api which is being called in termination>>product>>create new:fixed - CLAS6-11956 Tools>PCAP Archival>PCAP Queue>Download - Download file is in wrong format:fixed - CLAS6-13954 in termination>>credit management same api is called twice:fixed - CLAS6-13953 added Submit button here - CLAS6-13969 19/05/2021 - Version 6.6.3 it should not blink with data:fixed - CLAS6-13949 remove 'back' button from configuration>>invoice setting:fixed - CLAS6-13948 reset button is not working in configuration>>archive setting:fixed - CLAS6-13947 correct popup -> File format should be only .csv:fixed - CLAS6-13775 cilent>Billings>invoice> data was not showing:fixed - CLAS6-13946 change the duration to 10/20/30 minutes:fixed - CLAS6-13921 egress>edit>change authorize by from Host only to SIP registration:fixed - CLAS6-13763 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-11939 Routing>routing plan> pop up size is changed. submit button not found:fixed - CLAS6-13952 api integration and added new page - CLAS6-12642 Registration -> Approve window issue:fixed - CLAS6-13961 18/05/2021 - Version 6.6.2 MOBILE VIEW>Template>carrier template>create new> some column are missing:fixed - CLAS6-13877 The report is updated once every 5 minutes, so the auto refresh on 3 / 5 is not useful:fixed - CLAS6-13921 change the postion of delete button according to image provided and make the 'enter rates' pop up wide:fixed - CLAS6-13911 same API called multiple times:fixed - CLAS6-13910 when i was creating too many rates in 'enter rates' pop up.a white space is automatically creating:fixed - CLAS6-13909 It should not have double scrolling bar:fixed - CLAS6-13923 MOBILE VIEW>LOG> Reset balance log> UI issues:fixed - CLAS6-13908 same API called multiple times:fixed - CLAS6-13907 MOBILE VIEW> Finance> invoice> manual invoice>query and export button issues:fixed - CLAS6-13893 added auto update every 1min - CLAS6-13938 17/05/2021 - Version 6.6.1 same API called multiple times:fixed - CLAS6-13906 same API called multiple times:fixed - CLAS6-13904 same API called multiple times:fixed - CLAS6-13903 same API called multiple times:fixed - CLAS6-13902 only active carrier should be shown:fixed - CLAS6-13901 code field should accept only numeric values in rate table in termination:fixed - CLAS6-13899 only numeric values are allowed in code in rate table:fixed - CLAS6-13898 MOBILE VIEW> Finance> invoice> manual invoice>query and export button issues:fixed - CLAS6-13893 In uI , it should shown "No Data Found" instead of a misleading one row:fixed - CLAS6-13837 server admin>action>buttons vanished once i stopped dnl_softswitch:fixed - CLAS6-13937 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13831 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-12967 removed query fields from paypal and stripe - CLAS6-13885 16/05/2021 - Version 6.6.0 same API called multiple times:fixed - CLAS6-13896 fixed api integration and change table headers - CLAS6-13829 If there is no data, then it should shows "No data exist" instead of an empty table:fixed - CLAS6-13887 change table headers - CLAS6-13886 removed 'rate table name' field - CLAS6-13900 if someone click on Get Support, it should open the "Create Ticket " page:fixed - CLAS6-13924 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13891 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13786 Same API called twice:fixed - CLAS6-13861 added back button - CLAS6-13928 fixed default headers - CLAS6-13917 changed header name and added date in api url - CLAS6-13780 make a default 'less' and fixed position when we try refresh - CLAS6-13813 "Registered" or "Unregistered" value should be in middle:fixed - CLAS6-13789 same api calling multiple times:fixed - CLAS6-13854 14/05/2021 - Version 6.5.9 put the code deck option back:fixed - CLAS6-13501 In both CDR and PCAP tabs-> Under Frequency, if a selection has been selected then the user can enter value to the corresponding "Days" field:fixed - CLAS6-13831 remove the 'call limit' as mandatory field in template:fixed - CLAS6-13826 '*' mark is required in sign up page for mandatory fields:fixed - CLAS6-13825 show the 'Allowed IP' field - CLAS6-13778 buttons are not clickable when there is 1 row only:fixed - CLAS6-13857 adde popup and fixed api integration - CLAS6-13786 the default should be NOT "0":fixed - CLAS6-13876 added popup and tooltip - CLAS6-13868 removed searching fields and page row field - CLAS6-13884 Prefix section is not accepting + on Digit Manipulation:fixed - CLAS6-13913 13/05/2021 - Version 6.5.8 client and delete it,after that no data is visible.it should show whole list :fixed - CLAS6-13866 action column must be hide in qos parameter when it is uncheck:fixed - CLAS6-13865 fixed modal heigth - CLAS6-13862 adde new mail templates - CLAS6-13526 added '+' in Prefix field - CLAS6-13913 api integration : fixed - CLAS6-12967 fixed downloaded file headers - CLAS6-13905 changed page look - CLAS6-13789 required api parameters:fixed - CLAS6-13889 removed unnecessary api url - CLAS6-13861 10/05/2021 - Version 6.5.7 api integration :fixed - CLAS6-13847 remove the invoice start and invoice end column - CLAS6-13848 when the mouse pointer shift to the edit button then it should show the button name "Edit":fixed - CLAS6-13849 Unable to click buttons under 'Action' column when there is only 1 entry on the table:fixed - CLAS6-13802 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-13786 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-13754 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-13843 Mobile View- Client Portal>>Menu>>Accounts.Buttons overlapped:fixed - CLAS6-13126 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13851 added new button and fixed api integration - CLAS6-13441 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-13819 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13688 09/05/2021 - Version 6.5.6 Changing status is not working:fixed - CLAS6-13786 Unable to click buttons under 'Action' column when there is only 1 entry on the table:fixed - CLAS6-13802 added pagination,query by date option and page directory - CLAS6-13780 change page design - CLAS6-13782 rate import file uploader should enforce only .csv file:fixed - CLAS6-13775 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13754 Client Portal - Billing and Termination modules drop-down list not visible:fixed - CLAS6-13755 unable to click buttons under 'Action' column when there is only 1 entry on the table:fixed - CLAS6-13602 added new page and fixed that page look - CLAS6-13700 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13785 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13732 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13809 when request is bad showing error popup - CLAS6-13425 06/05/2021 - Version 6.5.5 fixed modal heigth issueand fixed select field in Product page and after saving remove filling fields values - CLAS6-13697 unable to delete IP in user:fixed - CLAS6-13783 delete pop up comes when try cancel creating new rate:fixed - CLAS6-13777 "Add Routing and Tech Prefix" button disappearing when 'Product=Auto':fixed - CLAS6-13497 '*' mark is required for default rate in tools>>rate genneration>>create new rate generation:fixed - CLAS6-13784 Unable to click buttons under 'Action' column:fixed - CLAS6-13776 Route Name' search field should refresh whenever any changes has been made in the table:fixed - CLAS6-13370 fixed api required parameters - CLAS6-13631 change button name - CLAS6-13482 fixed showing value - CLAS6-13791 this page is non editable so please remove-> 1-add host button 2-action section :fixed - CLAS6-13793 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-12401 added pagination and fixed api parameters - CLAS6-13798 05/05/2021 - Version 6.5.4 IJ rate should change to " indet_rate": fixed - CLAS6-13413 added {login_url} in template - CLAS6-13400 added new button and created new page - CLAS6-13780 Beginning Balance and Ending Balance are missing:fixed - CLAS6-13672 adde validation in name field - CLAS6-13675 make error value in clickable:fixed - CLAS6-12967 04/05/2021 - Version 6.5.3 added 'mrc','nrc', 'port fee' columns - CLAS6-13756 In mobile view, there should be gap between query button and select one:fixed - CLAS6-13758 MOBILE VIEW>Configuration>payment term> Query button should be on centre on page:fixed - CLAS6-13765 rate generation>rate apply history>show hide columns>deactivated:fixed - CLAS6-13772 fixed table look and fixed api parameters - CLAS6-13713 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13485 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-13722 04/05/2021 - Version 6.5.2 vendor creating issue when creating new rule fixed - CLAS6-13546 03/05/2021 - Version 6.5.1 It should show the MRC, NRC, and inbound rates for each country and rate_type:fixed - CLAS6-13509 Allowed IP field is missing:fixed - CLAS6-13778 Need a button to Create New DID Product:fixed - CLAS6-13697 page is still in loading loop:fixed - CLAS6-13688 export action:fixed - CLAS6-13672 Mobile View-Client Portal>>Menu>>Transaction .Whole column of table is not visible:fixed - CLAS6-13128 when delete did from any client or any vendor then after import it should redirect not DID Import Log->delete:fixed - CLAS6-13424 add sip user should work like same as it work for Add Host section:fixed - CLAS6-13761 Configuration ->Roles->action button issue:fixed - CLAS6-13770 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13768 I don't add any failover rule when I click on add button it automatically comes values:fixed - CLAS6-13744 28/04/2021 - Version 6.5.0 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-12948 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13528 change page look and fixed api integration - CLAS6-13424 in popup fields give default values - CLAS6-13722 remove this action column:fixed - CLAS6-13535 change showing values - CLAS6-13631 fixed api integration and add condition - CLAS6-13585 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13736 change api required values - CLAS6-13713 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13616 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13744 instead of Open use text View:fixed - CLAS6-13743 28/04/2021 - Version 6.4.9 MOBILE VIEW>>finance/actual_transaction:fixed - CLAS6-12191 MOBILE VIEW>>finance/payment/received/new:fixed - CLAS6-12194 MOBILE VIEW>>routing//trunks/Egress List/create new:fixed - CLAS6-12262 added IP Address field and fixed api integration - CLAS6-13611 Code Name make to dropdown and add "X" close button - CLAS6-13692 MOBILE VIEW>>routing//trunks/Ingress List:fixed - CLAS6-12263 added MRC, NRC, columns in table - CLAS6-13509 fixed showing columns - CLAS6-13535 uncheck Ignore Early Media not working:fixed - CLAS6-13733 pass LRN header was not selected after submit it is showing as selected under edit egress page:fixed - CLAS6-13740 fixed Effective Date format - CLAS6-13713 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13612 fixed showing fields values - CLAS6-13576 27/04/2021 - Version 6.4.8 MOBILE VIEW>>routing/trunks/ingress/new_template:fixed - CLAS6-12265 MOBILE VIEW>>template/carrier_template/new/Auto Invoice:fixed - CLAS6-12267 issue in sub menu on header section:fixed - CLAS6-13246 When US jd is selected, the code deck is not needed:fixed - CLAS6-13277 using default Min Time and Interval>must be uploaded and not shown on change header page:fixed - CLAS6-13712 when status is waiting that time "resolved" button should not show:fixed - CLAS6-13001 Change the option name from "Delete" to "Overwrite".>>If Overwrite is chosen by the user as the Duplicate Handling method then the UI should delete duplicate DID from the table and replace them with new import details. - CLAS6-13655 rate import>change header page>effective date checkbox:fixed - CLAS6-13713 fixed api parameters and fixed loading - CLAS6-13721 fixed showing data in table - CLAS6-13576 Cursor pop up does not match:fixed - CLAS6-13726 26/04/2021 - Version 6.4.7 Graph stuck in loading loop:fixed - CLAS6-13688 Need a button to Create New DID Product:added - CLAS6-13697 Table missing from UI page:fixed - CLAS6-13699 {rate_download_url} is added on UI template - CLAS6-12650 fixed table look in client portal - CLAS6-13613 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13668 added 'send' button and fixed api integration - CLAS6-12753 fixed api url parameters - CLAS6-13636 fixed table showing fields - CLAS6-12450 Method column is remove and table showing fields is fix - CLAS6-13655 fixed date parameters on api - CLAS6-13488 26/04/2021 - Version 6.4.6 Tools->Live Call page. sngrep integrated Fixed sentry issues on pages 23/04/2021 - Version 6.4.5 pop up size:fixed - CLAS6-13615 total ACD= total billing time /total non_zero calls:fixed - CLAS6-13621 "Total Balance" is showing wrong value and it should be showing "Ending Balance" in its field:fixed - CLAS6-13579 console.log errors:fixed - CLAS6-13537 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13636 MOBILE VIEW>>configuration/system_setting:fixed - CLAS6-12182 MOBILE VIEW>>configuration/login_content:fixed - CLAS6-12181 MOBILE VIEW>>configuration/Global Route Error:fixed - CLAS6-12180 downloaded file name should be rate table name:fixed - CLAS6-13490 removed password validation and change Paypl and Strip popups - CLAS6-13529 fixed api integration and add candition - CLAS6-13509 22/04/2021 - Version 6.4.4 added filter if DID Product is selected - CLAS6-13510 Mobile View- Client Portal>>Menu :fixed - CLAS6-13126 After submit. it should redirect to DID import Log page:fixed - CLAS6-13680 All button should be in one row:fixed - CLAS6-13681 checkbox action in role page:fixed - CLAS6-13521 if any of select then it should be create:fixed - CLAS6-13505 ending balance value:fixed - CLAS6-13575 User should be redirected to Vendor Portal page of the selected vendor:fixed - CLAS6-13665 add a "x" button next to the file name to remove:fixed - CLAS6-13666 "My DID" to be auto selcted by default:fixed - CLAS6-13534 removed "Company Name:" field validation and fixed api integration - CLAS6-13662 modification on Reset Password Page:fixed - CLAS6-13664 timezone and api integration:fixed - CLAS6-12856 21/04/2021 - Version 6.4.3 MOBILE VIEW>>did_repository:fixed - CLAS6-13647 DID Repository export file:fixed - CLAS6-13423 unable to select dashboard and cdr menu for DID from statistic tab:fixed - CLAS6-13521 added condition in termination client menu - CLAS6-13532 fixed table look in Orig Client > Trunk - CLAS6-13535 Added a Number Range option for upload - CLAS6-13549 Log>>Auto Payment Log.Same api calling multiple times:fixed - CLAS6-13481 Finance>>Invoice.same api is calling multiple times:fixed - CLAS6-13480 Orig Client.> IP is not put there:fixed - CLAS6-13538 showing right values from api - CLAS6-12415 removed validation in code deck list - CLAS6-13566 api integration: fixed - CLAS6-13567 table_name can't be editable on UI:fixed - CLAS6-13570 20/04/2021 - Version 6.4.2 termination>should not consist of DID and BUY DID:fixed - CLAS6-13604 Account button is not working-broken page:fixed - CLAS6-13605 popup should be "Comment Added":fixed - CLAS6-13608 ticket list>sort option not working:fixed - CLAS6-13607 need to add Sort button:fixed - CLAS6-13609 switch IP-missing IP in list:fixed - CLAS6-13615 sentry version error:fixed - CLAS6-13537 failover rule part totally show wrong:fixed - CLAS6-11057 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13650 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13636 select placeholder:fixed - CLAS6-13628 modal height and scrollbar:fixed - CLAS6-13644 added new column 'type' - CLAS6-13613 Ending Balance value:fixed - CLAS6-13579 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-11097 change Product section in registration page - CLAS6-13653 after DID is released fetching the data:fixed - CLAS6-10887 04/19/2021 - Version 6.4.1 fixed timezone in cdr report page 04/13/2021 - Version 6.4.0 Fixed login page according to api changes CLAS6-13516 04/08/2021 - Version 6.3.9 Fixed sentry issues in pages CLAS6-13267 04/04/2021 - Version 6.3.8 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-12906 Termination-> Vendor -> Edit issue:fixed - CLAS6-13371 'Name' search field drop-down list doesn't auto refresh after assigning new 'Client':fixed - CLAS6-13358 Redirects to creating new 'Client' by template:fixed - CLAS6-13356 'Used by' with value=0 shouldn't be clickable:fixed - CLAS6-13355 when user point thier mouse pointer over disconnect, then it will show cause of error "Incorrect authentication data":fixed - CLAS6-13351 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13353 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13198 Cannot click "Change The Password Of The Client" when there's only one vendor on the page:fixed - CLAS6-13342 inbound cascase / outbound cascade report:fixed - CLAS6-13375 The columns and the names in 'show/hide column' do not match:fixed - CLAS6-13343 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13294 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13144 Clients that are already assigned to any agents on the table shouldn't be shown on the drop-down list:fixed - CLAS6-13338 time period date:fixed - CLAS6-13376 api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13337 30/03/2021 - Version 6.3.7 vendor name should be auto-selected:fixed - CLAS6-13208 Billing Method should not be shown for A-Z:fixed - CLAS6-13300 remove validation:fixed - CLAS6-13322 decrease the gap between submit and export buttons:fixed - CLAS6-13323 "Payment Term" drop-down list still says 'No result found":fixed - CLAS6-13301 New Rate Table should not have the Rate Field:fixed - CLAS6-13318 When clicking Edit, 'Auto Block' field is shown as blank:fixed - CLAS6-13144 Invoice settings doesn't get saved if set to "New Invoice Settings":fixed - CLAS6-13194 added validation in Name input - CLAS6-13328 added validation in Name input - CLAS6-13329 Period date:fixed - CLAS6-13317 Period date and api parameters:fixed - CLAS6-13280 added default value - CLAS6-13335 change page link name - CLAS6-13325 Period date and api integration:fixed - CLAS6-13274 when we select the template then rate table should auto-select what we set for that template:fixed - CLAS6-11057 added payment balance and fixed api integration - CLAS6-13270 29/03/2021 - Version 6.3.6 api integration: fixed - CLAS6-12491 remove Surcharge column:fixed - CLAS6-13171 no success popup after final submit:fixed - CLAS6-13105 change api parameters:fixed - CLAS6-13266 api integration: fixed - CLAS6-13296 rate should not save if it not selected:fixed - CLAS6-13318 showing condition:fixed - CLAS6-13330 api integration: fixed - CLAS6-13327 Will redirect to 'Edit' page of the selected Carrier if 'Usage count' is equal 0 :fixed - CLAS6-13325 console error:fixed - CLAS6-13334 api integration: fixed - CLAS6-13270 api integration and correct dropdown option: fixed - CLAS6-12948 remove "traffic cost":fixed - CLAS6-13274 api integration and added action from new vendor or client: fixed - CLAS6-13319 api integration : fixed - CLAS6-13311 change api parameters:fixed - CLAS6-13280 response data and api integration : fixed - CLAS6-11057 api integration : fixed - CLAS6-13216 date format validation:fixed - CLAS6-12552 Number of Rows to Skip not working correctly:fixed - CLAS6-13321 26/03/2021 - Version 6.3.5 this message should show when user click on Delete icon:fixed - CLAS6-12305 Remove 'None' option from drop-down list and Make 'Never' as default value:fixed - CLAS6-13268 Added validation regarding and special characters:fixed - CLAS6-13133 api integration: fixed - CLAS6-13214 change api parameters:fixed - CLAS6-13266 added condition in 4 fields:fixed - CLAS6-12927 sorted by sequence as mentioned:fixed - CLAS6-13168 api integration: fixed - CLAS6-13194 change api parameters:fixed - CLAS6-13105 Reset' button should only revert any changes made to the existing file:fixed - CLAS6-13119 Added validation regarding special characters:fixed - CLAS6-13143 Under 'Action' column, added 'Edit' button:fixed - CLAS6-13144 when IP address is duplicated before api call the UI showing error popup:fixed - CLAS6-13146 23/03/2021 - Version 6.3.4 fixed timezone issue in Orig CDR search issue 23/03/2021 - Version 6.3.3 Client Name drop-down list should only show Clients that are not assigned to any Agents:fixed - CLAS6-13223 If "Unlimited" checkbox is selected, then textbox will disappear and under "Credit" column it'll be listed as "Unlimited" on the table:fixed - CLAS6-13221 If 'Block by Trunk Group' is selected only Trunk Groups fields should be available and make Trunk field inaccessible:fixed - CLAS6-13212 If we searching for deleted name instead of searching should be show blank space:fixed - CLAS6-12961 remove the all option from the dropdown:fixed - CLAS6-13309 fixed time and timezone - CLAS6-13286 Add indication on which field under "Response" column is 'Return Code' and 'Return Clause':fixed - CLAS6-13271 If set 'Effective Date Format' matches the format in the uploaded file, then the file should be successfully imported:fixed - CLAS6-13253 fixed api request required params - CLAS6-13302 fixed 'Profitability' and 'Profit' values as mentioned - CLAS6-12326 23/03/2021 - Version 6.3.2 remove code and code name in the drop down:fixed - CLAS6-11901 in Fail-over Rule did get saved:fixed - CLAS6-13271 downloading selected fields:fixed - CLAS6-13259 added validation if selected 'Enable Auto End Date for Previous Rates:' field:fixed - CLAS6-13253 added condition in pagination - CLAS6-13298 remove big space: fixed - CLAS6-13299 make duration =non zero in default:fixed - CLAS6-12993 remove 'All' and add 'Select one' in Finance>regenerate balance:fixed- CLAS6-13282 changed douplicate 'Email Template' with 'Email Sender':fixed - CLAS6-13261 actual balance doesn't show the value:fixed - CLAS6-13149 fixed time period timezone - CLAS6-13286 integrate this api for the "Release Selected" button:fixed - CLAS6-10887 try to edit it give me this error every time:fixed - CLAS6-13302 fixed 'Profitability' value as mentioned - CLAS6-12326 22/03/2021 - Version 6.3.1 fixed 'profitabiility' value in 'Profitability Report' page - CLAS6-12513 remove ALL option in dropdown - CLAS6-13282 removed value is showing dropdown: fixed - CLAS6-12961 api required parameters:fixed - CLAS6-12406 value size reduction - CLAS6-13292 changed ui as mentioned in docs - CLAS6-13295 changed the word "Scope" with "Action Type" - CLAS6-12906 fixed actual balance date value - CLAS6-13149 fixed api parameters - CLAS6-13276 removed autocomplete from 'Username' and 'Password' inputs - CLAS6-13286 time period dateTime and timezone:fixed - CLAS6-12993 added new field 'duration' dropdown - CLAS6-13287 box should display the rule name:fixed - CLAS6-12957 the mentioned fields were added - CLAS6-13233 UI just need to display and match the header correctly:fixed - CLAS6-12326 11/23/2020 Import log -> fixed time issue - CLAS6-11810 block list import section - CLAS6-11857 cdr page fixed page data, filters and columns to show - CLAS6-11802 wizard-> add route, fixed create option, name and trunk positions changed CLAS6-11824 Create Client button added - CLAS6-11671 11/20/2020 fixed issue on fetching previous CDrs record - CLAS6-11803 removed duplicated lines in voip_gateway page - CLAS6-11859 page extra space issue fixed - CLAS6-11847 CLAS6-11824 did>wizard>not showing successful notification - CLAS6-11912 did>wizard>wizard shows successful but did are not available on UI -CLAS6-11913 added Sign On Notification email template - CLAS6-11489 11/11/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Fixed showing data using group by fields during search - CLAS6-11831 - Fixed API parameters when creating new report and that created data assigned to select - CLAS6-11792 - Fixed Api parameters - CLAS6-11838 - Removed 'Save Template' button - CLAS6-10079 - Added sign on notification api when created new origination client - CLAS6-11490 - Fixed mail template regarding reset password link - CLAS6-11665 11/10/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Removed role name validation - CLAS6-11044 - Fixed ingress trunk select options - CLAS6-11632 - Fixed table elements values arrangement - LNA-225 - Added loading when uploading files with big size - CLAS6-11720 - Fixed API endpoint and added parameters - CLAS6-10976 - Fixed 'Update' action when selected 'Show All' radio button - CLAS6-11827 11/09/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Fixed API parameters during search - CLAS6-11813 - Fixed the time that needs to refresh list - CLAS6-11777 - Removed default selected option - CLAS6-11781 - Fixed API parameters - CLAS6-11765 - Added validation in the prefix fields - CLAS6-11754 - Fixed sending API parameters - CLAS6-11789 - Checked user type,if is did client colled "Sign on notification" api - CLAS6-11490 - Added API for checking LRN Settings and added showing condition - CLAS6-11812 11/06/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - cdrs search page filters fixed - CLAS6-11802 - loop detection -> create new: fixed buttons size - CLAS6-11776 - fix email validation - CLAS6-11786 - changed display gateway, fixed checkbox bugs - CLAS6-11769 - client portal refresh button CLAS6-11794 - did client mai error CLAS6-11804 - did repository export fixed CLAS6-11767 - did repository enable for clients checkbox CLAS6-11782 11/06/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Added "Release All" and "Release Selected" buttons and added API in this buttons on the DID Repository page- CLAS6-10887 - Fixed API getting data in the table elements- CLAS6-11208 - Added server location in th input field- CLAS6-10189 - Added missing field - CLAS6-11532 - Changed 'Rate' to 'IJ Rate' if rate type is "US JD" - CLAS6-11638 - Added conditional showing for 'Switch Info' button and added popup notification- CLAS6-9770 - Fixed API parameters regarding all options - CLAS6-11612 11/05/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed codecs getting and sending data- CLAS6-11256 - Fixed Date now and setTimeOut time after which changed data- CLAS6-11548 - Changed validation before API colling- CLAS6-11579 - Removed assigned options in the file headers options - CLAS6-11589 - Added checkbox and added conditional showing for 'Effective Date' field - CLAS6-11590 - Fixed API coming data regarding Ingress Trunk select options - CLAS6-11612 - Added API in the 'Switch Info' button- CLAS6-9770 - Fixed filter action and pagination API - CLAS6-11802 - Changed 'Intra Rate', 'Inter Rate' and 'IJ Rate' value Fixed new page- CLAS6-11657 11/05/2020 - Version 6.0.1 V6 - fixed reset button in fail Over rule page - CLAS6-11694 - added 'waiting' status - CLASS6-11791 - fixed styles for buttons in loop detection edit page - CLAS6-11776 - rate import>default min time and interval style fixed - CLAS6-11783 - hiding "FTP Configuration" button from menu - CLAS6-11668 11/04/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed pagination width in the US Jurisdiction page- CLAS6-11546 - Fixed API parameters and added additional API- CLAS6-11559 - Changed route parameter 'management' to 'termination'- CLAS6-11625 - Change "Rate" column position and removed "Local Rate" column - CLAS6-11638 - Added disabled to the button depending on the condition,removed effective date validation,default added empty list, removed 'Add' button, changed header of "End Date" to "End Date Existing Codes",added option in select options - CLAS6-11639 - Removed "Multi-Host Routing Strategy" field in ingress page - CLAS6-11644 - Changed text 'All Items' to 'Select All' into the multi-select- CLAS6-11645 - Hide "Enforce CID Block" tab :fixed - CLAS6-11646 - Changed 'Intra Rate', 'Inter Rate' and 'IJ Rate' value and added placeholder in that fields- CLAS6-11657 - Hide 'Some Days of Month' option :fixed- CLAS6-11661 - Hide "multiple invoice setting" tab :fixed - CLAS6-11663 11/03/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Added validation depending on the condition - CLAS6-11672 - Added 'Allowed IP' fields - CLAS6-11074 - Fixed Submit button position- CLAS6-11705 - Change input field to ckeditor - CLAS6-11647 - in the select assigned 'Select One' option - CLAS6-11700 - Added API for each list and added status button - CLAS6-11791 - Fixed validation issue- CLAS6-11702 - Added * in required fields in carrier page - CLAS6-11697 11/02/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Added validation in Email fields - CLAS6-11702 - Changed 'Round Up' input field to select - CLAS6-11704 - Added * in required fields- CLAS6-11697 - Hide CID Blocking - CLAS6-11267 - when create static route that value assigned select field:fixed - CLAS6-11725 - Added field IP and integrated with API- CLAS6-11074 - Added create,edit,save and delete api in the DID Product page and fixed client page api regarding products - CLAS6-11371 - Fixed API endpoint and parameters in DID Repository page - CLAS6-11766 10/31/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed fields validations in configuration user page - CLAS6-11709 - Fixed buttons position in payment setting page - CLAS6-11746 - Fixed field validation- CLAS6-11745 - Fixed vendor select options in 'DID Repository' page - CLAS6-11766 - Fixed API endpoint and parameters in sdr list page - CLAS6-11785 10/30/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Changed action title and icon - CLAS6-11764 - Fixed API parameters - CLAS6-11784 - Changed UI in routing trunk page- CLAS6-11601 - Changed table view in 'Billing Rule' page and added action in "Rate Table" select - CLAS6-11747 - Removed edit IP box - CLAS6-11758 - Changed field validation, type and added options - CLAS6-11742 10/28/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Removed 'Rate Per SMS received' and 'Rate Per SMS sent' fields - CLAS6-11770 - Fixed API parameters - CLAS6-11623 - When there was no 'min_time' and 'interval' in the header I added those parts and set to data default values.- CLAS6-11749 - Fixed "Release number" text position - CLAS6-11690 - Fixed table values - CLAS6-10265 - Fixed (+) button color and created value assigned for select option - CLAS6-11732 10/27/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Added 'Reset Balance Log' page and in this page added table and integrated API in this - CLAS6-10265 - Added (+)button and action new template page- CLAS6-11735 - Fixed API parameters - CLAS6-11732 - Added loading in that page - CLAS6-11751 10/26/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - When try to download file using token :Fixed - CLAS6-10907 - Fixed editing rate page back action - CLAS6-11737 - Added 'plus' button in 'rate table' and 'route plan' and added popup in this and added API in this popup - CLAS6-11732 - Removed 'Rate Email Template' field validation in submit button - CLAS6-11576 - Changed 'Hide Unauthorized IP' checkbox position - CLAS6-11655 - Removed empty fields in table - CLAS6-11727 - Added validation in input field - CLAS6-11741 - Added validation in IP field - CLAS6-11757 - Removed assigned values in 'Template Name' and 'Carriers'- CLAS6-11744 - Fixed new amount and old amount values - CLAS6-11287 10/23/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Removed 'Rate File Name' tag in Send Rate page - CLAS6-11743 - Fixed activation is other page list - CLAS6-11706 - Fixed validation in Step 4 and Step 3 and Step 3 added API - CLAS6-11716 - Added required field validation in submit button - CLAS6-11576 - Removed IP value in select when auth_type is ""Authorized by SIP Registration"" - CLAS6-11507 - Added popup in login page for 'version' - CLAS6-11690 - Removed excess select when import file - CLAS6-11727 - Change input type in number - CLAS6-11741 - Which type is create that type list is redirect: Fixed - CLAS6-11740 - Removed 'All' option and add 'Select One' option - CLAS6-11744 10/22/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Changed select title and add default value and added placeholder - CLAS6-11719 - Changed Api endpoint and parameters - CLAS6-11138 - Add checkbox and change API endpoint and parameters - CLAS6-11655 - Fixed added file header when import file - CLAS6-11727 - Removed 'tech Prefix' field validation - CLAS6-11726 - Fixed Host select when host not found - CLAS6-11627 - Changed popup design and add API when click 'Send Ticket' - CLAS6-1686 10/20/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Changed select title and add default value - CLAS6-11719 - Removed 'Tech Prefix' field validation - CLAS6-11726 - Hide "Host" part from table when type is "Authorized by SIP Registration" - CLAS6-11713 - Change API parameters during modifications - CLAS6-11734 - Added color to the button during validation - CLAS6-11735 - When in the import file there are much elements but missing the headers for them I added default header - CLAS6-11721 - Removed validation after import rate file - CLAS6-11727 10/19/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Remove rate header validation - CLAS6-11720 - Changed position of inter and intra table headers - CLAS6-11723 - Hide "Invoice List" button - CLAS6-11729 - Added 'Copy Switch UUID' title in button - CLAS6-11728 - Changed API endpoint and fixed route parameters - CLAS6-11648 - Changed API in sort action - CLAS6-11474 - Added actions 'edit,delete,save,cancel' in table and integrated API from this actions - CLAS6-11497 - Change tab title and change API - CLAS6-11626 10/15/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Added default value in 'Orig Filter' and 'Term Filter' selects - CLAS6-11564 - Changed table title - CLAS6-11640 - Hide "Payment Term" select - CLAS6-11563 - Changed position Limit inputs - CLAS6-11683 - Changed conditional showing for STEP tabs in 'Termination Wizard' page - CLAS6-11161 - Added 4 columns instead 'Process' column - CLAS6-11648 10/14/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed logo and container position in 'Reset Password' page - CLAS6-11664 - Added conditional showing for 'Submit' and 'Back to Login' buttons and added title when clicked submit inside 'Reset Password' page - CLAS6-11665 - Fixed 'Route Type' select style in 'Fail-over Rule' page - CLAS6-11692 - Changed text some radio buttons title in 'Code Deck List' page - CLAS6-11695 - Added 4 columns instead 'Process' column - CLAS6-11648 10/13/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Added default values in "Carriers" and "Trunk" select - CLAS6-11678 - Fixed error popup on correct response - CLAS6-11539 - Added sort action to some fields - CLAS6-11653 - Fixed API data after default fields selected - CLAS6-11656 - Show empty line when there is no rule:Fixed - CLAS6-11679 - Added default descending order in 'Rate Generation' page - CLAS6-11681 - Changed UI in 'Digit Manipulation' page and added empty line- CLAS6-11682 - Change UI in 'Enforce CID Block' page - CLAS6-11684 - Fixed changing text regarding API response data in table inside termination vendor page- CLAS6-11685 10/12/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed changing text regarding API response data in table - CLAS6-11685 - Added default value to select - CLAS6-11621 - Hide 'SMS Log' page - CLAS6-11667 - Fixed changing file data when clicked "Show Example" - CLAS6-11669 - Fixed changing text table title and hide 'Group' select - CLAS6-11670 - In last submit page redirect in "configuration/invoice_setting":Fixed - CLAS6-11629 - Fixed 'Prefix' value In the "trunks" list when clicked `view`- CLAS6-11633 - Fixed Time Picker inside rate Import for previous days - CLAS6-11591 - Fix API requests in last submit inside "STEP 6" - CLAS6-11161 10/08/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Added action when moved in 'Import' tab - CLAS6-11594 - Fixed 'Rate Value' select style - CLAS6-11611 - Add default value in "Data Format" select - CLAS6-11613 - Added validation when moved from 1 step to 2 step and added popup in last submit and added action whose redirected to 'tools/call_simulation' - CLAS6-11161 - Removed 'FTP Configuration' page and API - CLAS6-10963 10/07/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed button position in different pages - CLAS6-11600 - Removed 'Enforce CID Block' section - CLAS6-11463 - Fixed API request data and response data - CLAS6-11599 - Fixed Select options look - CLAS6-11541 - Fixed API url for download button - CLAS6-11551 - Fixed API endpoint, request data and response data - CLAS6-10812 - Added 2 more option in field options - CLAS6-11198 - Added default value to select - CLAS6-11614 10/06/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed button position- CLAS6-11600 - Added conditional showing for 'Routing Methods' select when 'Product Name' is selected 'Auto' - CLAS6-11601 - Fixed routing params.instead of 'management' now using 'termination' - CLAS6-11602 - Removed 'Rate Per Sms' section - CLAS6-11606 - Removed validation in 'Template Name' input - CLAS6-11607 - Added conditional showing for 'Assigned to Client' select when 'DID Client Came' is already assigned - CLAS6-11609 - Added conditional showing for 'Enforce Download Deadline' checkbox - CLAS6-11610 10/05/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed API request from where I got the "carrier list" right data- CLAS6-11581 - Added "None" value in "Product Name" when it is not selected - CLAS6-11582 - Fixed API request that depends from 'prefixes'. It's work correctly and sending proper data - CLAS6-11565 - Added "Waiting" value in "ticket Status" select options and added 2 more functionality to 'Action section' and fixed actions API request - CLAS6-11574 - Added validation when trunk is "Deactivated" and we click 'Edit' opens the popup which should be activated and does nothing else - CLAS6-11584 - Fixed select validation in 'Client Billing Rule Name' - CLAS6-11605 - I removed the validation of 'Rate Email Template' - CLAS6-11596 09/25/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed API request data - CLAS6-11301 - Added functionality in this button - CLAS6-11207 - Fixed API request data and add functionality - CLAS6-11499 - captcha had wrong event. Fixed it - CLAS6-11518 - there was issue in API request data.Fixed it - CLAS6-11523 - when allowed credit field is visible test credit field isn't visible. Fixed it - 11515 - Add dropdown items for 'Page row' - 11433 09/15/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed, add modal for send email, add client fillter box, Change table items order, change column and title - CLAS6-10907 - Fixed, hide block after create new routing, add route plan and routing box, after next button integrate 2 api for saving route plan and assign routing to route plan - CLAS6-11161 - Add dropdown items - CLAS6-11472 09/14/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Add "test credit" input - CLAS6-11467 - If "fixed" set color black - CLAS6-11457 - Hide all filters only show client filter - CLAS6-10907 - Add 'client name' column on table - CLAS6-11269 - Disbale input  of table - CLAS6-11468 - fixed graph time priod - CLAS6-10564 - Add button ,if port 4320 is connected we can click on button - CLAS6-9770 09/11/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Add 'state = normal' filter - CLAS6-11453 - Remove selectbox validation - CLAS6-11456 - Show port after ip in "IP" dropdown - CLAS6-11460 - Change title text. Correct text spelling - CLAS6-11299 - When we click on rate type, and if rate type != 'fixed' it will open rate view page - CLAS6-11457 - That routing commented so it couldn`t open page,fixed it is working now  - CLAS6-10907 - So if not ip we set and save it, if already exist so we only update it - CLAS6-11461 - Fixed api and send data for update - CLAS6-11459 - Fix showing "pdd" value - CLAS6-11458 - Fixed upload - CLAS6-11330 - Fixed graph by time - CLAS6-10737 - Fixed save data correct, and showing correct too - CLAS6-11465 09/10/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Change menu, breadcrumb and title text. Remove not useable tabs. Add storage part to pcap archival - CLAS6-11299 - Add egress trunk name - CLAS6-11455 - Changed fileds names like in last comments - CLAS6-11295 - Fixed showing error message, in code there is reverse condition - CLAS6-11450 - Correct api for unpaid invoices - CLAS6-11453 - remove table column - CLAS6-11454 - Fixed ,and upload did and also billing rule select part already will show - CLAS6-11382 - Change text - CLAS6-11452 - Fix button show on tab change and page load - CLAS6-10907 - Fixed - CLAS6-11334 - Add validation for min_time and interval - CLAS6-11397 09/09/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed showing item value on all tabs - CLAS6-11423 - Fixed - CLAS6-11382 - Add "Carrier Portal CDR Fields" under the configuration tab - CLAS6-11412 - Fixed redirect back correct url by clicking "Back button"- CLAS6-11289 - Add "Submit" & "Reset" buttons - CLAS6-11449 - Add routing and ingress carrier - CLAS6-11161 - Fixed by backend - CLAS6-11330 09/08/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Remove 'address' word, resize modal - CLAS6-11444 - Remove 'Actual' text - CLAS6-11429 - Fix redirect url for each page - CLAS6-11289 - Add Routing and TechPrefix part and all functionality - CLAS6-11161 - Hide breadcrumb part if  client is DID client - CLAS6-11431 - Add textboxs, send data integrate api - CLAS6-11382 - When checkbox checked and select Teli Api open billingRules selectbox, then we select and save it - CLAS6-11370 09/07/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Change dropdown text from "All" to "Select One" - CLAS6-11440 - Add validation, if we set data it will show warning message(popup) - CLAS6-11439 - Fixed validation, if have same code it will show warning message - CLAS6-11428 - Remove tech prefix from ingress for create and edit pages - CLAS6-11427 - Set 0 if no value of that field - CLAS6-11441 - Change column name, add value toi link, when we click it open new page - CLAS6-11438 - Set 0 if no value of that field - CLAS6-11442 - Remove not correct validation - CLAS6-11437 - Remove 'actual balance' little right - CLAS6-11429 - Remove "Unpaid" column - CLAS6-11435 - Fixed now we getting only opened tickets - CLAS6-11434 - Add pagination - CLAS6-11433 - Fix grouping by ingress_id - CLAS6-11432 09/04/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Add validation for code field, if exists already show warning message - CLAS6-11428 - Filters part will not hide even if not data - CLAS6-11426 - Add in egress(new and edit) page in table tech_prefix, please check video - CLAS6-11427 - Add actual balnce value in client page - CLAS6-11429 09/03/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Change text "Select One" - CLAS6-11418 - Fix redirect page url - CLAS6-11289 - Close dropdown when hover on menu items - CLAS6-11395 - Change "Show/Hide" dropdown item name - CLAS6-11425 - Hide column - CLAS6-11421 - Add missed checkboxes for egress trunks - CLAS6-11424 - Add missed checkboxes for ingress trunks - CLAS6-11423 - Add carrier dropdown, set name on that dropdown new carrier name - CLAS6-11331 - Add vendor dropdown , fix create button - CLAS6-11333 - Add origination permission part - CLAS6-11312 09/02/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed dropdown default values - CLAS6-11389 - Fixed - CLAS6-11409 - Fixed button - CLAS6-11355 - Showing client name - CLAS6-11289 - Change text to "Select One" - CLAS6-11418 - If not data, hide table headers, and show "No Data" text - CLAS6-11417 - Add time period filter , add page row filter - CLAS6-11421 - Change modal size - CLAS6-11420 - Fixed loading error - CLAS6-11396 - Add validation for table columns - CLAS6-11405 - Working - CLAS6-11395 8/29/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Change 'All' to 'Select One' - CLAS6-11389 - Fixed show balance - CLAS6-11289 8/28/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed image upload - CLAS6-11357 - Fixed - CLAS6-11372 - Reverse balance in ui and export file - CLAS6-11289 - Add new value "Spam" in dropdown - CLAS6-11388 - Change "All" to "Select One" in current pages - CLAS6-11389 - Change "All" to "Select One" - CLAS6-11390 - Remove "country" dropdown, Change "All" to "Select One" - CLAS6-11392 - Change "All" to "Select One" - CLAS6-11393 - Fix - CLAS6-11394 - Fix save new agent with email template - CLAS6-11314 - Change text - CLAS6-11375 - Fix update "Media Type" value for ingress - CLAS6-11380 - Fix update "Media Type" value for egress- CLAS6-11381 - Add "delete" "edit" "update" success popup, add modal for delete confirmation - CLAS6-11385 8/27/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix after success adding change redirect page - CLAS6-11288 - Fix invoice amount correct value showing - CLAS6-11359 - Fixed image showing - CLAS6-11357 - Fixed agent edit - CLAS6-11319 - Fix css issue, add per_page=9999 in api - CLAS6-11358 - Fixed - CLAS6-11362 - Hide add and upload DID option if  API option is true - CLAS6-11369 - Correct texts - CLAS6-11384 - Remove  SMS part - CLAS6-11373 - In table show ip with port - CLAS6-11383 - Fixed showing billing rule name - CLAS6-11376 8/21/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Add "SRN" in Termination-Route table - CLAS6-11276 - Set 0 if old_amount = null - CLAS6-11337 - Reverse dates, change time period for 'current month' - CLAS6-11289 - Filter box showing correct and filtering function working correct too - CLAS6-11338 - Change name, with current api get "tech_prefix" and show - CLAS6-11274 - Change name, with current api get "tech_prefix" and show - CLAS6-11273 - Add permission checkboxes - CLAS6-11312 - Add email template in agent management page - CLAS6-11314 8/20/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix to taking '.in' format - CLAS6-10804 - Set value 0 , old amount = null - CLAS6-11270 - Change headers - CLAS6-11329 - Fix api - CLAS6-11327 - In missing part add time period section, list ordering by date asc, and show client name on the top - CLAS6-11289 - Add "company name" column - CLAS6-11303 - First time it will search by ticket_status =open and waiting - CLAS6-11301 - Change modal height - CLAS6-11306 - Add "rule name" search filter - CLAS6-11280 - Near import icon add imports count, and when we click on it went /log/import_log page - CLAS6-11279 - Fix "Route Prefix" value - CLAS6-11273 - Change "Route Prefix" to "Dnis Prefix" - CLAS6-11274 - Fix egress_host value - CLAS6-11277 8/19/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix api and showing result - CLAS6-11269 - Remove "404" checkbox - CLAS6-11227 - Add "Origination_Trunk_Rate" value in modal - CLAS6-11275 - When open page first time it show today date and and show today date data in table; but if we change time period it will show data by that time period - CLAS6-11286 - Add "Send Trunk Update" checkbox - CLAS6-11271 - Set modal size bigger - CLAS6-11306 - Fix table width - CLAS6-11309 - Remove duplicated ip, add icon which can copy ip when click on ico - CLAS6-11310 - Fix running api, if Invoice Settings= existing invoice setting that time api not working - CLAS6-11313 - Hide client filter - CLAS6-11323 - Change "Auto Rotation" to "DB Cleansing" title, and menu item too - CLAS6-11300 - Fix in popup deleted item name correct and after delete will show success message - CLAS6-11297 - After creating, the table refresh his data and show new created items too - CLAS6-11173 - Fix error message - CLAS6-11319 - It is not showing NaN when adding fields - CLAS6-11263 - Add show/hide box  with functional - CLAS6-11294 8/18/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Remove checkbox - CLAS6-11227 - Add send_cdr mail template - CLAS6-11258 - Delete at once working - CLAS6-11259 - Remove that part from create and edit pages - CLAS6-11271 - Change position for "billing email - CLAS6-11304 - By default set order_by = registered time by desc  - CLAS6-11305 - Change modal size - CLAS6-11306 - Remove "all" from dropdown - CLAS6-11318 - Set buttons size little bigger, in carrier name box show company name - CLAS6-11307 - Fix - CLAS6-11311 - Add detail button, when click on it show opened_ticket details - CLAS6-11302 - Set date order by asc, and now showing time period dropdowns - CLAS6-11286 8/17/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix data updating by api - CLAS6-11255 - Add client name, fix time period filter showing - CLAS6-11261 - Add same tab to routing/trunks - CLAS6-11218 - Fix decimal for value - CLAS6-11263 - Set period "Custom" - CLAS6-10845 - Remove input box - CLAS6-11253 - Update live website - CLAS6-11262 - Change getting vendors only by name and client_id fields - CLAS6-11087 - Get credit by new api, and set in table - CLAS6-11265 8/14/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Hide  "Global 404 Blocking" checkbox - CLAS6-11227 - Add "Failover Rule" section for ingress and for egress - CLAS6-11218 - Add "Create" button for system users, add creating page - CLAS6-11234 - When select postpay it show opened extra field "allowed credit" - CLAS6-11253 - Fix permission part, he can enter that url if no permission url blocking - CLAS6-11242 8/13/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Get data by parent component start and end time - CLAS6-10845 - If in file no effective date, it will save from step 2  - CLAS6-11246 - Set ip and port required in registration form - CLAS6-11244 - Add  low balance template - CLAS6-11235 - From api get download_link, and send that link email by another api - CLAS6-9814 - Fox export file header - CLAS6-11247 - Fix showing data by time period and status - CLAS6-11241 - Fix dropdown , merge 2 data items - CLAS6-10377 8/12/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Showing data only by time preiod - CLAS6-10845 - Integrate api, so when we ipload file set "Remove DIDs from a specific client" select client we delete did numbers by file  - CLAS6-10899 - Add default value in dropdown for some condition, Resize drop-down - CLAS6-11216 - Remove tabs on create and edit - CLAS6-11226 - Remove tabs on create and edit - CLAS6-11225 - Add validation to billing address and contact address - CLAS6-11230 8/11/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Calculate acd value - CLAS6-10845 - Hide "LRN Server" tab - CLAS6-11212 - Fix modal popup text, Add space between dids and ip and did number have bold weight - CLAS6-10669 - Change logo - CLAS6-11221 - Fix headers sort, fix select columns - CLAS6-11217 - Hide menu item - CLAS6-11214 - I add that buttons with name and condition of showing, Integrate api for saving template - CLAS6-10116 8/10/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix page showing - CLAS6-11192 - Fix showing trunk name, correct api - CLAS6-10845 - Fix delete modal show selected ip - CLAS6-11211 - Fixed dropdown items - CLAS6-11177 - Fix page flashing - CLAS6-11209 - Fix rejection api - CLAS6-11193 - Remove tab and add on another page - CLAS6-11212 - Set condition for showing checkbox - CLAS6-10116 8/7/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix email validation - CLAS6-11196 - Change attachment option position - CLAS6-11187 - Change icon - CLAS6-11195 8/6/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Correct dropdown data - CLAS6-11190 - Add blank if did not exist - CLAS6-10669 - Remove Origination traffic & Ingress parts - CLAS6-11133 - Fix remove dropdown item - CLAS6-11189 - Change subject box position - CLAS6-11187 - Button move right side - CLAS6-11062 - Set page row = default 10 - CLAS6-11125 8/5/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Show componets by portal type - CLAS6-11133 - Show componets by portal type - CLAS6-11132 - Excell file headers show like table header - CLAS6-11182 - If amout = 0 return 0 in table amount column - CLAS6-11184 - Add page row option - CLAS6-11183 - Remove the mark sign - CLAS6-11186 - Fix page loading - CLAS6-11188 - Set Trunk name column width bigger - CLAS6-11176 - Fix dropdown items - CLAS6-11178 - Fix showing only trunk name - CLAS6-11175 - Change example file, after download modal closed that created vendor name show on dropdown - CLAS6-11162 - Add data click submit and worked - CLAS6-11171 - Add did numbers in modal - CLAS6-10669 - Add time period - CLAS6-10845 8/4/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - So if client portal we show did traffic part - CLAS6-11133 - So if client portal we show both part - CLAS6-11132 - Fix condition for showing buttons - CLAS6-11170 - Set condition for not showing filter part - CLAS6-11062 - Remove delete icon - CLAS6-11167 - Fix query search - CLAS6-11165 - Remove dropdown "All", set "Select One" - CLAS6-11163 - Fix download file by xls format - CLAS6-11168 - Fix checkbox working - CLAS6-11171 - Fix showing old values - CLAS6-11172 - Set buttons middle of modal - CLAS6-11148 - Add dropdown for duration, api with that fields working too - CLAS6-11149 - Fix showing data by setting some fields - CLAS6-11144 8/3/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix search bar - CLAS6-11152 - Fix show only items which have carrier name - CLAS6-11114 - Set buttons middle of page - CLAS6-11160 - Add time period - CLAS6-10845 - Replace text, change api and show data in table - CLAS6-11132 - Replace text, set default tab - CLAS6-11146 - Fix search field name - CLAS6-11155 - Remove rate_email field in query object - CLAS6-11153 - Hide "DID Traffic" - CLAS6-11133 - Download all data in excel file - CLAS6-11156 - Fix automatically updating - CLAS6-11143 - Fix button posirion, auto fill up functional, remove field validation, change buttons size - CLAS6-11158 - Integrate api when selecting carrier and egress trunk name - CLAS6-11159 7/31/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix modal text - CLAS6-10669 - Fixed time period convert and getting data by time - CLAS6-10860 - Upload items count show correct - CLAS6-11124 - Fixed time period convert and getting data by time - CLAS6-10861 - Fixed time period convert and getting data by time - CLAS6-10862 - Remove space - CLAS6-11141 - Add tickets page on tab with all functional - CLAS6-11125 - After query go new tab and refresh data automatically - CLAS6-11143 - Fixed time period convert and getting data by time - CLAS6-10863 7/30/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed decimals for values - CLAS6-11118 - Fix Mass edit feature - CLAS6-11139 - Add error message if headers not same - CLAS6-11135 - Change document url - CLAS6-11137 - Fix column value - CLAS6-11123 - Data save and show in correct field - CLAS6-11126 - Add client part - CLAS6-11125 - Fix delete and edit functional, add modal texts - CLAS6-10669 - Fix delete functional, add client ip - CLAS6-11122 7/29/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Remove "Egress id" & "Ingress id" fields from dropdown - CLAS6-11131 - Donwload working - CLAS6-11084 - Fix showing name instead of id - CLAS6-11130 - Fix dropdown showing in each page - CLAS6-11052 - Add "Remove" button for file - CLAS6-11113 - Fix Sorting by "Response From Egress" - CLAS6-11120 - Removed SMS menu tab - CLAS6-11127 - Correct single "ACD" value, set decimal 4 - CLAS6-11118 - Fix Button names, add api - CLAS6-10669 - Change modal, remove delete icon - CLAS6-11122 7/28/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix edit page data - CLAS6-11112 - Fix createing new client - CLAS6-11111 - Fix edit page data - CLAS6-11116 - Change dropdown data apis - CLAS6-11085 - Set new names if company_type = vendor - CLAS6-11086 - Set new names, remove blocks if company_type = vendor - CLAS6-11110 - Remove "micro second" from date - CLAS6-10913 - Remove "micro second" from date - CLAS6-10922 - Remove scrolls - CLAS6-11106 - Fix time to "Now" button - CLAS6-11109 - If no user_name not show breadcrumb item - CLAS6-11117 - Change api getting data limmit - CLAS6-11115 - Fixed - CLAS6-10848 - Fix not showing blank - CLAS6-11105 - Billing rule dropdown showing correct items - CLAS6-10585 - Add some fields in table - CLAS6-10845 7/27/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix - CLAS6-11103 - Time period working - CLAS6-11101 - Fix time period convert - CLAS6-11100 - Condition for input - CLAS6-11105 - Set dropdown full width - CLAS6-11094 - Page workng - CLAS6-11095 - Fix api searching by name - CLAS6-11092 - Some of them no name so it automaticaly set id, I filter all data and show only items which has name - CLAS6-11093 - Fix order by login_time - CLAS6-11096 - Change menu items name - CLAS6-11099 - Fix showing correct time by click "Now" button  - CLAS6-11102 - Create tab part - CLAS6-11098 - Change text for menu and title - CLAS6-11086 7/25/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix page routing - CLAS6-11075 - Add email modal create send email functional - CLAS6-11067 - Change dropdown options  - CLAS6-10585 - Change api items count adn now it showing all clients like in /management/client  - CLAS6-11090 - Add modals - CLAS6-10669 7/24/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Remove "Export from Storage" - CLAS6-11068 - Get saved id set in data and post with api - CLAS6-11064 - Remove  "Redo" & "Delete" buttons - CLAS6-11071 - Fix file donwload - CLAS6-11073 - Fix - CLAS6-11077 - Fix get item list - CLAS6-11076 - Fix validation for egress and ingress - CLAS6-11037 - Change dropdown name- CLAS6-11075 - Fix time period timezone - CLAS6-10859 - Replace "All" to "Select One" - CLAS6-11082 - Crud - CLAS6-10585 - Edit menu show correct values - CLAS6-11056 7/23/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix autoselect functionality - CLAS6-11061 - Hide Re-apply icon - CLAS6-11054 - Create new page, change some functionality, add new features, add styles or page - CLAS6-10585 - Add new api fro dropdown client and vendor pages - CLAS6-11008 - Change data for sending api request - CLAS6-11053 - Correct time period, showing right data items - CLAS6-10858 - Fix dropdown options - CLAS6-11059 - Fix Show/Hide column "Time" field showing - CLAS6-10875 - Remove dropdown, ip & port showing correct - CLAS6-11056 7/22/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Change text from "All" to "Select One", Add remove icon - CLAS6-11051 - Add space between text - CLAS6-11031 - Add tooltip for save and cancel icons - CLAS6-11050 - Fix api patch from UI - CLAS6-11048 - Fix that field api patch - CLAS6-11049 - "All" function fixed - CLAS6-11047 - Fix routing and api - CLAS6-11021 - Fix time period - CLAS6-10965 - Fix - CLAS6-10892 7/21/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Set id value under id header - CLAS6-11034 - Fix automatically adding - CLAS6-11040 - Fix aligment - CLAS6-11036 - Change text name - CLAS6-11030 - Change some css for modal - CLAS6-11031 - Remove scrollbar - CLAS6-11033 - Fix download working - CLAS6-11018 - Correct api - CLAS6-11025 - Change api for each page - CLAS6-11005 - Add dropdown default values - CLAS6-11027 - Set field links, add "Back" button - CLAS6-11021 - Show "Submit" button when editing for vendor and client - CLAS6-11019 - Option "Route by lcr" showing - CLAS6-11015 - Fix editing button - CLAS6-11045 7/20/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Round up 2 decimal in all report page  - CLAS6-11042 - Change text - CLAS6-11035 - Add enable/disable checkbox set "Sec" - CLAS6-11028 - Correct export file request url - CLAS6-11029 7/17/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Replace from left side - CLAS6-11013 - Remove multiple blocks - CLAS6-11014 - Fix order in file , total duration column show - CLAS6-10998 - Set modal small size, after success redirect - CLAS6-10982 - Correct dropdown size - CLAS6-11015 - Add "x" remove icon - CLAS6-11009 - Integrate new api - CLAS6-11011 - Integrate new api - CLAS6-11012 - Remove option from dropdown - CLAS6-10981 - Fix round up, and setting default value 0 - CLAS6-10994 - Fix showing trunk name by carrier name - CLAS6-11006 - Change order and set like in file - CLAS6-10839 7/16/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Remove blank in dropdown and add "x" to dropdown items - CLAS6-11000 - Add validate for input - CLAS6-11003 - Enlarge select box - CLAS6-11004 - Add tooltip for delete button - CLAS6-10980 - Fix message show under ani and dnis, and 'here' redirect did/repository/list - CLAS6-10764 - Redirect back correct page tab - CLAS6-10991 - Correct api getting limit data - CLAS6-10956 - Fix sorting name - CLAS6-10966 - Add tooltip fro delete button - CLAS6-10978 - Remove text - CLAS6-10879 - Show input selecting each action type - CLAS6-10979 - Add header_text adn footer_text in download export file - CLAS6-10977 - Remove "All" - CLAS6-11007 - Create new button, redirect new page and show new data - CLAS6-10888 - Round up the values up to 2 decimal points - CLAS6-10994 - Change names - CLAS6-11010 - If import rate value not a number it will show error message - CLAS6-10768 7/15/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Integarte apis to dropdown - CLAS6-10923 - Fix donwload file - CLAS6-10998 - Remove filter from api - CLAS6-10999 - Remove filter from api - CLAS6-10995 - I integrate api for each page dropdown - CLAS6-10956 - Fix date time to showing data - CLAS6-10970 - Disable button if fields not selected - CLAS6-10879 - Change text - CLAS6-10997 - Change font size - CLAS6-10770 7/14/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Set demical by "default_billing_decimal" - CLAS6-10972 - Set box larger - CLAS6-10973 - Set for "Save" & "Cancel" icons title - CLAS6-10987 - Fix header and dropzone of page middle - CLAS6-10974 - Remove field from dropdown  - CLAS6-10954 - Add client data - CLAS6-10710 - Fix  getting data from api - CLAS6-10983 - Fix table counts - CLAS6-10917 - Fixed now in dropdown no white spaces - CLAS6-10951 - Change small table value position - CLAS6-10989 - Remove "all" option - CLAS6-10988 - Add scroll for that part - CLAS6-10975 - Change 2 pages apis, integrate new - CLAS6-10986 - Fix default table columns show - CLAS6-10895 7/13/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix sorting - CLAS6-10963 - Api integrated - CLAS6-10962 - Api integrated - CLAS6-10961 - Remove not useable symbol - CLAS6-10971 - Correct  allignment - CLAS6-10968 - Get data from new api - CLAS6-10983 - Correct table data showing - CLAS6-10984 - Fix allignment - CLAS6-10960 - Check sign up - CLAS6-10955 - Change calcualtion values - CLAS6-10917 7/10/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix deleted dropdown items - CLAS6-10934 - Round up value to 2 digits - CLAS6-10939 - Column order and header is same - CLAS6-10940 - Successfully message after submit - CLAS6-10928 - Enlarge the dropdown box - CLAS6-10942 - Fix deleteing - CLAS6-10926 - Add validation for  carrier user - CLAS6-10937 - Set dropdown correct values - CLAS6-10923 - Add "None" to dropdowns, disable button - CLAS6-10879 - Fix dropdown search - CLAS6-10710 - Fix text size - CLAS6-10770 7/09/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix modal size - CLAS6-10930 - Add field for export file - CLAS6-10918 - Fix column value - CLAS6-10927 - Fix checkboxe working - CLAS6-10929 - Send mail id - CLAS6-10928 - Reshresh data after save, show top bar - CLAS6-10926 - Filter refresh after delete for client and vendor - CLAS6-10932 - Fix modal size - CLAS6-10925 - Fix api`s for each tab - CLAS6-10906 - Add 'back ' button - CLAS6-10936 - Change select default name - CLAS6-10933 - Set value up to 3 decimal - CLAS6-10938 7/08/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Remove symbols - CLAS6-10873 - Round numbers - CLAS6-10919 - Remove dropdown white space - CLAS6-10911 - Fix same username bug - CLAS6-10872 - Fix count of ACD - CLAS6-10920 - Fix dropdown data - CLAS6-10906 - Check letters count - CLAS6-10921 - Fix redirecting - CLAS6-10854 - Fix modal size - CLAS6-10925 - Fix table data, change column values - CLAS6-10927 - Fix show/hide column name - CLAS6-10848 7/07/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix sorting - CLAS6-10902 - Removed select box white space - CLAS6-10877 - Correct show/hide - CLAS6-10855 - Refresh tabler after adding new data - CLAS6-10910 - Round up numbers, remove fields - CLAS6-10901 - Remove symbols - CLAS6-10874 - Remove symbols - CLAS6-10873 - Correct routing - CLAS6-10914 - Table field set middle - CLAS6-10915 - Change show/hide column name - CLAS6-10912 - Remove sent part from export file - CLAS6-10900 7/06/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fixed set correct values - CLAS6-10895 - Remove showing client billing rule - CLAS6-10894 - Fix showing name - CLAS6-10891 - Fix all issues - CLAS6-10890 - Dropdown showing when ckeckbox checked - CLAS6-10884 - Hide page - CLAS6-10889 - Fix - CLAS6-10871 - Remove button active/deactive for admin - CLAS6-10866 - Fix showing table tr - CLAS6-10905 - Fix table columns size - CLAS6-10808 7/03/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix button color after activate/deactivate - CLAS6-10864 - Api working- CLAS6-10784 - Change tags name and set in some tabs - CLAS6-10849 - Change tags name and set in some tabs - CLAS6-10850 - Show all details after entering edit page - CLAS6-10869 - Set 'Select' option name - CLAS6-10870 - Can deleteb ip - CLAS6-10802 - Can add new ip - CLAS6-10801 - Corect table each column value - CLAS6-10871 7/02/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Change api search attribute - CLAS6-10853 - Fix draging - CLAS6-10846 - Fix table header position - CLAS6-10765 - Correct dropdown showing - CLAS6-10827 - Add deactive functional - CLAS6-10715 - Remove active/deactivate button - CLAS6-10866 - Remove "export" - CLAS6-10847 7/01/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Checked page and api - CLAS6-10784 - Change field - CLAS6-10807 - Fix Show/Hide Columns - CLAS6-10844 - Correct dropdown items - CLAS6-10843 - Fix- CLAS6-10829 - Correct default value - CLAS6-9730 - Add tags for templates - CLAS6-10830 - Remove validation - CLAS6-10837 - Fix - CLAS6-10693 - Fix showing value on same row - CLAS6-10562 - Fix Showing "Previous Amount" - CLAS6-10807 6/30/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Refresh data after status change - CLAS6-10827 - Correct dropdown options - CLAS6-10831 - Remove 'default' option - CLAS6-10826 - Fix - CLAS6-10832 - Fix row place - CLAS6-10746 - Hide empty row when showing - CLAS6-9846 - Set field and api status same - CLAS6-10833 - Fix - CLAS6-10823 - Fix code desk - CLAS6-10818 6/29/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - I change regexp for that email - CLAS6-10804 - Add action field in "Show/Hide" dropdown - CLAS6-10817 - Change field names - CLAS6-10815 - Correct filtering - CLAS6-10789 - Delete functionality from modal - CLAS6-10799 - Add date time, add space between filters - CLAS6-10813 - Add new field for export csv file - CLAS6-10796 - Redirect correct page after submit - CLAS6-10814 - Remove "CPS limit" - CLAS6-10800 - Check if data empty show "Not found" - CLAS6-10819 - Remove disable attribute - CLAS6-10797 - I change regexp for that email - CLAS6-10822 6/26/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Change list data, fix search - CLAS6-10791 - Correct showing carrier list - CLAS6-10710 - Fix export file columns - CLAS6-10790 - Fix top actions showing - CLAS6-10795 - Fix export file columns - CLAS6-10796 - Fix creating functional - CLAS6-10794 - Fix rate table export by rate_type - CLAS6-10702 6/25/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix api data - CLAS6-10781 - Correct api url getting data - CLAS6-10780 - Remove button, correct functionality - CLAS6-10778 - Type first letter uppercase - CLAS6-10779 - Add Validation - CLAS6-10783 - Correct api paramps - CLAS6-10774 - Fix - CLAS6-10777 - Fix deactive & active functionality - CLAS6-10746 - Fix deactive & active functionality - CLAS6-10715 6/24/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Add "%" for progres-bar - CLAS6-9755 - Correct Tech prefix - CLAS6-10660 - Add functionality - CLAS6-10715 - Fix count responsive issue - CLAS6-10770 6/23/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix for client - CLAS6-10747 - Fix for vendor - CLAS6-10746 - Fix for rate_table - CLAS6-10754 - Fix checkbox place - CLAS6-10745 - Commented - CLAS6-10757 - Commented - CLAS6-10742 6/22/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix - CLAS6-10746 - Fix - CLAS6-10745 - Fix - CLAS6-10755 - Fix - CLAS6-10724 - Fix - CLAS6-10701 - Fix - CLAS6-10705 - Fix - CLAS6-10747 6/19/2020 - Version 6.0.0 V6 - Fix - CLAS6-10562 - Fix - CLAS6-10721 - Fix - CLAS6-10713 - Fix - CLAS6-10731 - Fix - CLAS6-10730 - Fix - CLAS6-10726 - Fix - CLAS6-10710 - Fix - CLAS6-10725 - Fix - CLAS6-10711 - Fix - CLAS6-9846 6/18/2020 v6 - Fix - CLAS6-10718 - Fix - CLAS6-10717 - Fix - CLAS6-10716 - Fix - CLAS6-10710 - Fix - CLAS6-10690 - Fix - CLAS6-10721 6/17/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Correct modal buttons size - CLAS6-10714 - Add tech prefix - CLAS6-10660 - Fix modal size - CLAS6-10713 - Fix modal buttons size - CLAS6-10712 - Add client name - CLAS6-10710 - Change buttons order - CLAS6-10711 - Add validate - CLAS6-10704 6/16/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Fix api - CLAS6-10111 - Submit button work - CLAS6-10649 - Fix send mail - CLAS6-9755 - Remove delete invoice icon - CLAS6-10695 - Fix table size - CLAS6-10689 - Fix creating rate table - CLAS6-10698 - Fix table border - CLAS6-10699 - Fix - CLAS6-10697 - Correct add rate - CLAS6-10693 - Change api - CLAS6-10696 - Change redirect after success - CLAS6-10692 - Add routing panel - CLAS6-10659 - Correct modal button place - CLAS6-10703 - Remove "Did Charges" part - CLAS6-10691 6/12/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Add new columns - CLAS6-10675 - Fix writeable - CLAS6-10616 - Change size - CLAS6-10683 - Fix - CLAS6-10642 - Add new request - CLAS6-10649 - Correct showing - CLAS6-10658 - Correct routing - CLAS6-10659 - Add number field - CLAS6-10620 - Add number field - CLAS6-10619 - Fix - CLAS6-10562 6/11/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Fix filtering - CLAS6-10630 - Fix modals - CLAS6-10661 - Fix automatically adding - CLAS6-10616 - Fix - CLAS6-10634 - Fix - CLAS6-10652 - Not show credit for prepay client - CLAS6-10654 - Create number dropdown - CLAS6-10619 6/10/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Fix title - CLAS6-10643 - Fix first request - CLAS6-10634 - Create page - CLAS6-10619 - Create page - CLAS6-10620 - Removed area - CLAS6-10650 - Change option name - CLAS6-10657 - Correct Asd - CLAS6-10656 - Fix - CLAS6-10655 - Fix name - CLAS6-10653 6/09/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Correct automatically adding - CLAS6-10616 - Set big size for modal - CLAS6-10639 - Show filter part - CLAS6-10634 - Remove dummy data - CLAS6-10643 - Fix - CLAS6-9755 - Show total values - CLAS6-10574 - Fix bug for filtering - CLAS6-10287 - Check - CLAS6-10604 - Change modal - CLAS6-10644 6/08/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Add some margin - CLAS6-10617 - Add some css for modal - CLAS6-10631 - Add Sms menu with 3 sumbmenu - CLAS6-10618 - Add call_num & call_id - CLAS6-10168 - Add server drop-down - CLAS6-10614 - Fix routing - CLAS6-10628 - Fix filtering when null - CLAS6-10630 - Fix balance set new value - CLAS6-10632 - Fix paginate - CLAS6-10575 6/05/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Change paginate - CLAS6-10287 - Change title order, set paginate - CLAS6-10575 - Add data from api - CLAS6-10574 - Correct loading - CLAS6-10562 - Fix - CLAS6-10111 - Correct condition if - CLAS6-10287 - Add columns and set default value - CLAS6-10187 - Remove "T", add call id - CLAS6-10168 - Set modal big - CLAS6-10615 04/06/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Changed header names - CLAS6-10575 - After submit that modal desapear - CLAS6-10609 - Fix - CLAS6-10604 - Fix - CLAS6-10547 - Add date range - CLAS6-10168 - Remove table if no data - CLAS6-10611 - if type==fixed view rates not editable, if type==variable we can edit view rates - CLAS6-10584 - Change request body params - CLAS6-10111 - Fix - CLAS6-10562 - UI changes - CLAS6-10423, CLAS6-9777, CLAS6-10451, CLAS6-10490, CLAS6-10218, CLAS6-10553,CLAS6-10219, CLAS6-10574, CLAS6-10115, CLAS6-10602 - New feature - CLAS6-9819, CLAS6-10314, CLAS6-10313, CLAS6-10323, CLAS6-10280,CLAS6-10582 03/06/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Change redirect url - CLAS6-10601 - Set correct fields db_name, show correct display_name - CLAS6-10575 - Change table field key - CLAS6-10608 - Check if no values set credit 0 - CLAS6-10255 - After submit redirect to /cdrExportLog - CLAS6-10609 - Change redirect url - CLAS6-10607 02/06/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Add cdr fields - CLAS6-10575 - Fix ip address - CLAS6-10590 - Hide order button - CLAS6-10591 - Cdr fields - CLAS6-10338 - Default billing rule - CLAS6-10543 - Change client id to client name - CLAS6-10265 - Change width - CLAS6-10431 - Download condition - CLAS6-10592 - Change design - CLAS6-10593 - Add new field - CLAS6-10255 - Revert changes - CLAS6-10287 - Tested - CLAS6-10583 - New table - CLAS6-9964 - Add clear to select - CLAS6-10598 05/29/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Fix ingress name - CLAS6-10482 - Tested - CLAS6-10287 - Change autopayment page - CLAS6-10267 - Tested - CLAS6-10562 - UI fix - CLAS6-10577 - API change - CLAS6-10578 - API change - CLAS6-10579 - Change start time to release_tod - CLAS6-10066 - Change select position - CLAS6-10339 05/28/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Add download - CLAS6-10390 - Input fixes - CLAS6-10562 - Save fields - CLAS6-9290 - Remove route - CLAS6-10287 - Fix email - CLAS6-9755 05/26/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Add fields - CLAS6-10339 - Fix agent page - CLAS6-10478 - Add tabs - CLAS6-10560 - Fix numbers - CLAS6-10261 - Add download button - CLAS6-10390 - Change API - 10564 - Fix default select - CLAS6-10569 05/25/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Tested - CLAS6-10246 - Search fix, text fix - CLAS6-10562 - Tested - CLAS6-10563 - Fix calculation - CLAS6-10528 - Fix amount - CLAS6-10261 - Tested - CLAS6-9833 - Change redirect - CLAS6-10546 - Restore validations - CLAS6-10478 - Add fields - CLAS6-10220 - Tested - CLAS6-10287 - Tested - CLAS6-10532 - Text change - CLAS6-10556 - Fix copy - CLAS6-10555 - Add scroll - CLAS6-10154 - UI fix - CLAS6-10558 05/22/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Remove select - CLAS6-10546 - Fix mass assign - CLAS6-10111 - Hide gray bar - CLAS6-10201 - Save LRN - CLAS6-10220 - Add copy - CLAS6-10555 05/21/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Tested - 9795 - Fix select change - CLAS6-10261 Big task - Tested - 10386 - Tested - 10439 - Change API - CLAS6-10064 - Add select - CLAS6-10546 - Fix - CLAS6-10226 - Fix agent saving - CLAS6-10478 05/20/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Add disabled selects - CLAS6-10546 - Tested - CLAS6-9700 - Added is_effective to API - CLAS6-10491 - Select fix - CLAS6-10537 - Tested CLAS6-10210 - Tested - 10528 - Fix cehck all checkbox - CLAS6-10542 - Define specific end date - CLAS6-10526 - Fix radio - CLAS6-10547 - Tested - CLAS6-9833 - Change margin calculations - CLAS6-10527 - On refresh keep data - CLAS6-10504 - Do not save assigned client - CLAS6-10384 05/19/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Text change - CLAS6-10276 - Changes - CLAS6-10523 - Revert changes - CLAS6-10526 - Revert changes - CLAS6-10521 - Add field - CLAS6-10066 - Fix API - CLAS6-10541 - Change values - CLAS6-10529 - Edit rates inputs - CLAS6-10530 - Add validation - CLAS6-10210 - Change format ip - CLAS6-10520 - Text change - CLAS6-10536 - Fix null text - CLAS6-10535 - Fix table - CLAS6-10532 - Change input positions - CLAS6-10531 - Change ACD value - CLAS6-10528 - Remove select fields - CLAS6-9139 05/18/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - UI fix - CLAS6-10509 - Add sub table - CLAS6-10511 - Add filter - CLAS6-10287 - UI changes - CLAS6-9139 - UI fixes - CLAS6-10210 - Date PEriod fix - CLAS6-10526 - UI fix - CLAS6-10525 - API fix - CLAS6-10523 - Append submit button - CLAS6-10522 - Append submit button - CLAS6-10521 - Fix total row - CLAS6-10528 - Add new filter - CLAS6-10276 - Change input type - CLAS6-10520 - Text changes - CLAS6-10519 - Fix select searching - CLAS6-10518 - Validate only on edit - CLAS6-10478 - Hide mutual transaction - CLAS6-10283 05/15/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Fix upload - CLAS6-10505 - Upload did - CLAS6-10442 - Fix table columns - CLAS6-10265 - Text change - CLAS6-10508 - Change select to multiselect - CLAS6-10475 - Fixes - CLAS6-10259 - Upload fix - CLAS6-10444 - Hide column - CLAS6-9713 05/14/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Pattern param fix - CLAS6-10502 - Change upload format to csv - CLAS6-10444 - Fix float number - CLAS6-10259 - Fix multiselect - CLAS6-10475 - Change select to input - CLAS6-10497 - Mail template remove tab - CLAS6-10488 - UI fix - CLAS6-10504 - Add delete/igonre to payload - CLAS6-10505 - Add UI - CLAS6-10499 - Add IP address - CLAS6-10297 05/13/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Assigne client select - CLAS6-10385 - UI changes CLAS6-9986 - Add buttons - CLAS6-10497 - Required select - CLAS6-10259 - Add cursor pointer - CLAS6-10475 - Tested - CLAS6-10496 - Tested - CLAS6-10462 - UI fix - CLAS6-10495 - Add invoice - CLAS6-10493 - Add email template - CLAS6-10494 - UI fix - CLAS6-10492 - Fix back button link - CLAS6-10483 - Text changes - CLAS6-10459 - Fix fields - CLAS6-10482 05/12/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Change selects - CLAS6-10385 - Change API, add fields - CLAS6-10462 - Update UI fields - CLAS6-10320 - Change tickets - CLAS6-10486 - Change total row - CLAS6-10259 - Fix trunk ids - CLAS6-10460 - UI fix - CLAS6-10477 - On select change, change text - CLAS6-10476 - UI changes - CLAS6-10475 - Print data - CLAS6-10482 - Bug fix - CLAS6-10226 - Fix column value - CLAS6-10459 - Fix agent create - CLAS6-10478 05/11/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Bug Fix - CLAS6-9860 - Bug fix - CLAS6-10226 - Bug fix - CLAS6-10113 - UI fix, Bug fix - CLAS6-10259 - Add popup - CLAS6-10461 - Fix success message - CLAS6-10465 - Change API url - CLAS6-10466 - Change API, fix select on change - CLAS6-10467 - UI fix - CLAS6-10468 - API fix - CLAS6-10469 - Text change - CLAS6-10470 - Tested - CLAS6-10205 - Text changes - CLAS6-10463 - Change API - 10480 - Fix cdr fields - CLAS6-10479 - UI changes - CLAS6-10485 - Add dropdown and save - CLAS6-10486 - Fix API - CLAS6-10437 - UI changes - CLAS6-10382, CLAS6-10340, CLAS6-10423, CLAS6-10349, CLAS6-10096, CLAS6-10451 - New Feature - CLAS6-10330, CLAS6-9819, CLAS6-10050, CLAS6-10450 05/08/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - UI fix - CLAS6-10455 - Fixes - CLAS6-10380 - Fixes - CLAS6-10402 - Fixes - CLAS6-10226 - Tested - CLAS6-10205 - Fixed - CLAS6-10254 - End date Bug Fix - CLAS6-10447 - Fix vendor saving - CLAS6-10438 - Fix validation - CLAS6-10458 - Tested - CLAS6-10444 - Add dates, dnltable changes - CLAS6-10266 05/07/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Change dropdown options - CLAS6-10380 - Bug fixes - CLAS6-10386 - Fix - CLAS6-10452 - Text changes - CLAS6-10402 - Bug fix - CLAS6-10254 - UI changes - CLAS6-10455 - UI changes - CLAS6-10456 - Add dropdown - CLAS6-10261 - Add new page - CLAS6-10256 05/06/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Fixes - CLAS6-9290 - Add date format select - CLAS6-10406 - Fixes - CLAS6-10430 - Fix upload error - CLAS6-10442 - Add validation - CLAS6-10298 - UI changes - CLAS6-10259 - Bug fix - CLAS6-10434 - UI changes - CLAS6-10263 - UI changes - CLAS6-10264 - Text changes - CLAS6-10266 - UI fixes - CLAS6-10254 - UI changes - CLAS6-10386 - Change inputs - CLAS6-10402 - UI changes - CLAS6-10401 - API change - CLAS6-10066 05/05/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Add timeout - CLAS6-9833 - Add timeout - CLAS6-9860 - Add timeout - CLAS6-10232 - Fixes - CLAS6-9996 - Add validation - CLAS6-10424 - Fix - CLAS6-10436 - UI fixes - CLAS6-10417 - Save report - CLAS6-9290 - UI fixes - CLAS6-10439 - API bug fix - CLAS6-10184 - Bug fixes - CLAS6-10207 - UI changes - CLAS6-10440 - Remove fields - CLAS6-10429 - Add validation - CLAS6-10254 - Tested - CLAS6-10257 - Remove link - CLAS6-10258 05/04/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - UI changes - CLAS6-10385 - UI fix - CLAS6-10422 - Fetch Select values - CLAS6-10419 - Remove validation - CLAS6-10425 - UI fix - CLAS6-10392 - UI fix - CLAS6-10418 - UI fix - CLAS6-10427 - UI fix - CLAS6-10417 - Text changes, UI fixes - CLAS6-10412 - UI fix - CLAS6-10410 - UI fix - CLAS6-10409 - Export example file - CLAS6-10411 - Fix Fetching - CLAS6-10408 - Text changes - CLAS6-10163 - Change API - CLAS6-10387 - Fix - CLAS6-9845 - Add request timeout - CLAS6-10145 - Fix bugs client page - CLAS6-10207 05/01/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Bug fix - CLAS6-10226 - Change table structure - CLAS6-9996 - Add rates on fly - CLAS6-10157 - Checked - CLAS6-9795 - Add next button to client page - CLAS6-10207 04/30/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Update default value - CLAS6-10230 - UI changes - CLAS6-10163 - Tested - CLAS6-9845 - Little fix - CLAS6-10352 - Change order by - CLAS6-10389 - Tested - CLAS6-10067 - Fix - CLAS6-10385 - API fix - CLAS6-10386 - UI fixes - CLAS6-10392 - API change - CLAS6-9995 - Text change - CLAS6-10388 04/29/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Fix data from api - CLAS6-10352 - Fix data from api - CLAS6-10373 - Checked - CLAS6-10230 - Checked - CLAS6-10232 - Statistics fix - CLAS6-9845 - Remove assigned client - CLAS6-10384 - Change selec options - CLAS6-10377 - Fix order by - CLAS6-10389 - Change default datepicker time - CLAS6-10332 - UI fixes - CLAS6-10163 - Delete client did - CLAS6-10364 04/28/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Save empty client - CLAS6-10369 - Remove mandatory fields - CLAS6-10370 - Save empty client - CLAS-10375 - Data from API - CLAS6-10372 - Tested - CLAS6-10373 - Fix order - CLAS6-10335 - Add filter ip address - CLAS6-10208 - Tested - CLAS6-10232 - ASR statistics fix - CLAS6-9845 - Save empty vendor - CLAS6-10100 - Validate special chars - CLAS6-9994 - Delete did fix - CLAS6-10364 - Text change - CLAS6-10322 - Default value - CLAS6-10324 - Tested - CLAS6-10326 - UI changes - CLAS6-10235 - Option change - CLAS6-10234 - UI fix - CLAS6-10332 - Tested - CLAS6-10230 - UI changes - CLAS6-10368 - Tested - CLAS6-10249 - Add space on export - CLAS6-10360 04/27/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Change error message - CLAS6-10354 - Change select options - CLAS6-10249 - Add new filter - CLAS6-10208 - Share multiple email - CLAS-10317 - Remove empty rows CLAS6-10232 - Change details popup - CLAS6-10363 - Fix export - CLAS6-10360 - Disable input - CLAS6-10359 - Fix order - CLAS6-10335 - UI fixes - CLAS6-10348 - UI fixes - CLAS6-10351 - Change API - CLAS6-10352 - Change link - CLAS6-10353 - Chnage select box text - CLAS6-10355 - Change delete text - CLAS6-10362 - UI changes - CLAS6-10365 - Fix redirect - CLAS6-10367 - Change content -CLAS6-10180 - UI changes - CLAS6-10295, CLAS6-10286, CLAS6-9988, CLAS6-10312, CLAS6-10183, CLAS6-10151, CLAS6-10342 - New feature - CLAS6-9805, CLAS6-10185 04/24/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - UI fix - CLAS6-10239 - API check, UI fixes - CLAS6-10345 - Skip empty lines - CLAS6-10232 - Add loading - CLAS6-10236 - Fix add rates - CLAS6-10231 - Change default values - CLAS6-10230 - UI changes - CLAS6-10338 - UI changes - CLAS6-10113 - Change default value - CLAS6-10328 04/23/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Bug fix - CLAS6-10284 - Per page change update list - CLAS6-10319 - Add field - CLAS6-10239 - Fix - CLAS6-10113 - Change headers - CLAS6-10163 - UI changes - CLAS6-10332 - Fix - CLAS6-10161 - Fix - CLAS6-10234 - UI changes - CLAS6-10235 - Show buttons on page load - CLAS6-10329 - Hide Qos Cycle - CLAS6-10327 04/22/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Little fix - CLAS6-10224 - Redirect link change - CLAS6-10308 - Little fix - CLAS6-10282 - Text change - CLAS6-10292 - Change default fields - CLAS6-10161 - Invoice status - CLAS6-10249 - Add export table - CLAS6-10245 - Text change - CLAS6-10316 - Remove button - CLAS6-10315 - Remove column - CLAS6-10310 - Fix add button - CLAS6-10213 - Tested - CLAS6-10211 - Empty fields ignored - CLAS6-10236 - UI changes - CLAS6-10235 - UI changes - CLAS6-10212 - Word changes - CLAS6-10234 - Graphs - CLAS6-10098 - Little fix - CLAS6-10251 - UI changes CLAS6-10172, CLAS6-10266, CLAS6-10279, CLAS6-10278, CLAS6-10301, CLAS6-10272, CLAS6-10270,CLAS6-10268 04/21/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Fix export - CLAS6-10224 - Make requests by query click - CLAS6-10296 - Changed API - CLAS6-10282 - UI changes - CLAS6-10292 - API changes - CLAS6-10120 04/20/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - API fix - CLAS6-10120 - Added "Assigned to client" - CLAS6-10113 - Add success message - CLAS6-10288 - Add param to API - CLAS6-10282 - Add success message - CLAS6-10285 - Excel import human readble - CLAS6-10293 - Tested no error - CLAS6-10291 - Text change - CLAS6-10292 - Duplicate task - 10282 - Change statistics data API - CLAS6-9845 - Tested no error found - CLAS6-10284 - Text change - CLAS6-10281 - Tested API - CLAS6-10222 - UI changes - CLAS6-10253 - Chnage order by - CLAS6-10251 - Text change - CLAS6-10250 - Add to in two dayes - CLAS6-10248 - UI changes - CLAS6-10247 - Remove extra header - CLAS6-10242 04/17/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Little fix - CLAS6-10067 - Change API - CLAS6-10222 - Auto copy basic name to company name if company name is empty - CLAS6-10221 - Statistics show time - CLAS6-9835 - Modal fix UI - CLAS6-10200 - Pop up fixes - CLAS6-10213 - Checked, working CLAS6-10217 - Add search box on select2 - CLAS6-10215 - Add error handling - CLAS6-10214 - Fix popup - CLAS6-10211 - After creating rate table add to dropdown - CLAS6-10209 04/16/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Little fix - CLAS6-10067 - Show buttons - CLAS6-10197 - Text change - CLAS6-10193 - Little change - CLAS6-10148 - Remove page - CLAS6-10188 - Add more options - CLAS6-10182 - Text changes - CLAS6-10177 - Change items show conditions, fix download issue - CLAS6-10176 - Fix copy link - CLAS6-10175 - Hide FTP log - CLAS6-10174 - Clean up cdr and archive setting - CLAS6-10171 - UI changes - CLAS6-10169 - Hide from UI - CLAS6-10162 - UI changes - CLAS6-10158 - UI changes - CLAS6-10200 - Fields on click load data,add scroll bar - CLAS6-10153 - Text change - CLAS6-10156 04/15/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Little Improvements - CLAS6-10145 - UI changes - CLAS6-9893 - Fix, add fields - CLAS6-10067 - UI changes - CLAS6-10148 - UI changes - CLAS6-10143 04/14/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - UI changes, add table - CLAS6-10067 - UI changes, wording change - CLAS6-10139 - UI issues fixed - CLAS6-10137 - Change agent add/edit page - CLAS6-9895, CLAS6-9893 - Change API query params - CLAS6-10123 - UI add loader - CLAS6-10121 04/13/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - UI changes - CLAS6-10125 - Change field usage static_route_items to prefixes - CLAS6-9834 - Revert changes - CLAS6-9867 - Change table format, add more options - CLAS6-10067 - Add new table CLAS6-9965 04/10/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - UI fix - CLAS6-10032 - Ui fix, add scroll to modal - CLAS6-9755 - API values change - CLAS6-9893 - Change API url - CLAS6-10076 - Add new page CdrPcapListing - CLAS6-9965 - Change NaN values to 0.00 - CLAS6-10107 - Interval checks after redo is done - CLAS6-9867 04/09/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Fix - CLAS6-10076 - Add interval to check status of pcap process - CLAS6-10066 - Added popups for static routing - CLAS6-10032 04/08/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - adding new API CLAS6-10083 - UI changes - CLAS6-10069, CLAS6-9997, CLAS6-9994, CLAS6-10063,CLAS6-9827, CLAS6-10087, CLAS6-10085 - Fix - CLAS6-9238 - Change invoice received to invoice sent - CLAS6-10076 - Ui changes - CLAS6-10062 - Default selected value fix - CLAS6-10033 - Ui changes - CLAS6-9983 - Remove "Code" from grouping select box - CLAS6-9954 - Wording change, dnl_table - CLAS6-10027 - Change API filter (remove) company_type:client - CLAS6-10083 - Hide/Show select box - CLAS6-10075 - Add two popups, static route, dynamic route - CLAS6-10032 04/07/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Hide "type" select box - CLAS6-10074 - UI changes - CLAS6-9238 - UI changes - CLAS6-10077 - UI changes - CLAS6-10070 - UI changes - CLAS6-10069 - UI changes - CLAS6-10075 - UI changes - CLAS6-10068 - API change - CLAS6-9848 - Add new values to request payload - CLAS6-10064 - Remove required field - CLAS6-9981 - This is default feature of HighCharts - CLAS6-9861 (commented) 04/06/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Change header name - CLAS6-10073 - Changed inputs on charts page - CLAS6-9861 - Changed inputs on charts page - CLAS6-10072 - Share url copy feature - CLAS6-9993 - After invoice create redirect manual invoice page - CLAS6-10053 - Added autorefresh after redo - CLAS6-9867 - Add product,rate table,route plan popup - CLAS6-10030 04/03/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Add checkbox, text changes - CLAS6-9989 - Change API - CLAS6-9967 - UI changes - CLAS6-10031, CLAS6-10035, CLAS6-10047, CLAS6-10059 - Tab changes depending on role_id - CLAS6-10007 - UI changes, Added m-top-10 to all tables - CLAS6-10052 04/02/2020 - Version 6.0.0 - Change Content - CLAS6-9848,CLAS6-10041 - Adding New API - CLAS6-10025 - UI changes - CLAS6-9980,CLAS6-9973,CLAS6-9985, CLAS6-9935 - Style improvements - CLAS6-10056 - Style improvements - CLAS6-10052 - Change API clients list - CLAS6-10026 - Improve API for chart page - CLAS6-9861, CLAS6-9857 - Add back button - CLAS6-10051 - Amout Gross upto 2 decimal places - CLAS6-10018 - Fix create button position - CLAS6-10054 - Add label "Allowed Credit" - CLAS6-10036 - After register redirect success message page - CLAS6-10047 - Style improvements - CLAS6-10035 - Remove dynamic routing input - CLAS6-10031